Video Game Empire

Chapter 229: uninvited guest

Li Xuan raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was only 6:00 in the morning, which is 10:00 in the evening, London time. Hawke also worked hard enough, and he didn't get off work at ten o'clock in the evening. Of course, the company did not treat them badly.

According to the equity incentive plan submitted by the management to the board of directors of Aikang at the beginning of the year, he will get at least 82,500 shares of Aikang this year. The shares are worth £1.8 million at the company's current share price.

Among the salaries of executives in European and American companies, long-term equity incentive plans account for more than 50% of their annual income. High risk is linked to high return. If the management can push the company's performance to rise, it can obtain huge stock option returns if certain requirements are met. The company's stock price will also rise as its performance improves. The more it rises, the higher the actual benefits that management can get after cashing out the options.

This is equivalent to tying everyone's income to the company's performance, so they can't help but work hard. The same situation also happens to ordinary employees. High-tech enterprises are one of the few industries in Europe and the United States that implement equity incentives for ordinary employees. Therefore, high-tech enterprises are also rare industries in Europe and the United States where overtime is the most common.

Otherwise, with the powerful trade union forces in the West, there is no way to work an extra minute of overtime. I have heard of the New York subway worker strike and the Hollywood screenwriter strike, but I have never heard of the Silicon Valley IT company employees saying that they will hold a strike to reduce overtime.

"Axuan, ready to go!" Zhong Chuhong approached her boyfriend and stretched out her hand to support the slightly crooked collar of the white shirt.

"Let's go!" Li Xuan looked at his fiancée, with a little pink on his face, wearing a small purple round neck sweater. Her hair was pulled up, revealing a hint of elegance.

Women are always meticulous about their looks. It only took her ten minutes to put on makeup, but in fact, it will be removed by a professional makeup artist soon. The two got up so early today. Just to go to Taiping Peak to take wedding photos.

In fact, as early as last month, Li Xuan flew to Hawaii with his fiancée to take a group of beautiful wedding photos. Some of these photos have been selected for use on wedding invitations. The wedding team invited by Li Xuan designed the invitation card for the two of them to be a beautiful photo album. I chose photos of the two of them growing up since their birth, accidentally meeting each other and harvesting sweet love, and photos of all important nodes in the whole process.

This idea sounds a bit like the idea of ​​the diving queen when she got married. But the little girl is probably not yet one year old, Li Xuan is embarrassed to say to the wedding team, you have stolen the creativity of others after 30 years. Zhong Chuhong liked this invitation very much, so Li Xuan did not object. Books of invitations that are more like photo albums have already been sent out, except for the Chinese version. The team also prepared English invitations for Li Xuan's foreign friends very carefully.

At 6:30, Li Xuan and his girlfriend arrived at the plaza at Mount Taiping. The photographer had already selected the angle and added equipment, waiting for the arrival of the two protagonists. Although the two have left countless beautiful photos in the blue sea and blue sky in Hawaii, they always have to take some Hong Kong things when they get married in Hong Kong.

Taiping Mountain is naturally one of the most famous and representative places in Hong Kong, and it is also the first choice for countless couples to take their wedding photos. Li Xuan specially chose this early morning to record this special moment in his life against the backdrop of the splendid sunrise, with the high-rise buildings in the city below the mountain as the background.

Li Xuan is not as famous in Hong Kong as others. Therefore, he had to finish the wedding photos before the number of tourists in Taiping Mountain increased. Li Xuan changed his clothes quickly, and the stylist chose a lavender suit for him, which added a touch of mystery and nobility to his temperament.

Zhong Chuhong's dressing up is much more troublesome. Li Xuan had already put on her makeup before she got out of the RV, wearing a white wedding dress with a tube top and mopping the floor. Revealing the small fragrant shoulders that are as clean as jade.

Taiping Peak in the early morning, facing the breeze. Makes you feel a little cooler. The makeup artist was still smearing on Zhong Chuhong's face, and Li Xuan walked into the RV. Bring a coat and put it on your fiancée.

"The groom's body is leaned back a little bit, and his left hand is on the bride's waist. Yes, that's it, you can lift it up a little bit! Very good, now the two are staring at each other affectionately!" The photographer kept directing , pressed the shutter again and again at the most beautiful moment, "The bride's smile just now is very & iful! Well, let's change to the next set of actions!"

Zhong Chuhong had filmed commercials at the beginning, and later acted in movies, and the camera sense is very good. In contrast, Li Xuan was stiff and needed constant reminders from photographers and stylists. Of course, Li Xuan's identity made everyone not impatient, and he could only do everything possible to make him feel it as soon as possible.

"I have to do a massage in the afternoon, and now my whole body is sore, more tired than going to work!" After the photographer called out, Li Xuan could finally relax. He returned to the RV and changed back to his previous black suit. After all, the lavender suit on his body was a little too coquettish and not suitable for normal wear.

Zhong Chuhong looked at her boyfriend and stretched his waist deliberately slightly exaggerated, and couldn't help but give him a blank look: "You big boss, when you want to go to work and when you want to go back to work is up to you, it's as easy as being an emperor! Come and help! I'll pull the zipper!"

Zhong Chuhong's wedding dress is not easy to put on, and it is also very troublesome to take off. Just now her assistant saw that Li Xuan was already in the RV, so she didn't follow up. Now she had to ask her boyfriend for help.

"Why are those tailors so unprofessional, the custom made is so small, isn't it uncomfortable to hold it?" Li Xuan found the zipper button on the back of the wedding dress, but the clothes were a little tight and needed to be pulled down a little.

"Wedding dresses are like this!" Zhong Chuhong didn't explain too much.

"Well, it looks like the chest is bigger than before. It seems that the body sculpting effect is very good!" Li Xuan said jokingly, leaning the chin of his head on Zhong Chuhong's fair shoulders.

Zhong Chuhong is a little shy, her **** are not really small, but compared to the two proud lumps of fat on the chest of another fox spirit, it is naturally not as good, which makes her quite depressed.

Like an eggshell, Li Xuan helped his girlfriend take off her wedding dress, revealing her exquisite ketone body. Zhong Chuhong didn't wear a bra, and only covered the tip with two **** patches. Li Xuan was so excited, he stretched out his hand to gently peel off the **** sticker, and pinched it on the two pink grapes.

Zhong Chuhong glared at him sullenly, Li Ke patted off the two troublesome hands, and quickly dressed up. Li Xuan also made a little joke to add a little more interest. Now this is not the time for boudoir pleasures.

In addition to Taiping Peak, the two also went to Victoria Harbour to take a group of wedding photos. Li Xuan's yacht was already waiting at the Central Pier. Today was calm and the waves were very small. Li Xuan was tossed on the yacht for more than two hours, and he finally took a picture that the photographer was satisfied with.

"Don't look listless, as if getting married is just my business!" Zhong Chuhong said angrily, but gently massaged her boyfriend's head with both hands.

Li Xuan leaned halfway, resting the back of his head on the soft thigh of his fiancee. Seeing Zhong Chuhong's expression of anger but not anger, he couldn't help but reach out to hold her head and press down, and quickly sent a wet kiss.

If only according to Li Xuan's own wishes, the wedding could be simpler, and there is no need to make it too complicated or too grand to exhaust him, but obviously everything will not develop according to his wishes. Wedding is the most important moment in a woman's life, and he is naturally willing to let Zhong Chuhong leave an unforgettable memory.

The appearance of some unexpected guests gave Li Xuan a headache. For example, Mr. George Bush, Vice President of the United States, Li Xuan just sent an invitation politely. He didn't expect that the other party would visit China in early May, so he decided to come to Hong Kong to attend Li Xuan's wedding.

With the arrival of Bush Sr., Li Xuan can also understand that the dollars he had sprinkled before were working. The Bush family can be said to be the most brilliant family in the United States in the next 30 years.

In addition, Li Xuan also established a deep personal relationship with the Bush family. Such as Bush's eldest son Walker. Bush, later President George W. Bush, turned to business after failing to run for Congress a few years ago. So Li Xuan simply took out a sum of money and cooperated with him to set up a small venture capital company, mainly investing in new technology companies with potential in the it industry in Silicon Valley.

Bush's fourth son, Marvin. Bush, who was interested in entering the retail industry after graduating from the University of Virginia, was invited by Li Xuan to serve as a director of Computer Park last year.

Under Li Xuan's hard work in the past two, his relationship with the Bush family has risen from the initial exchange of interests to the level of friends. For example, when Bush's twin daughters were full moon last year, Li Xuan was invited to watch the christening ceremony. The full moon christening of a child is a very private event in the West, and only friends and relatives are invited to attend.

Before Li Xuan sent an invitation to the Bush family, Bush Jr. has called back and will bring the whole family to Hong Kong to attend his wedding. So Bush Sr suddenly called and said that he had decided to come to Hong Kong to attend his wedding. Li Xuan was a little surprised.

After all, although the powers and responsibilities of the Vice President of the United States are not heavy, he often needs to attend various activities in place of the President, and the schedule is not easy. Li Xuan originally thought that Bush Jr. would definitely represent the Bush family. After all, it would be inconvenient to attend a private wedding as Bush Sr.

In addition to Bush Sr., other VIPs who surprised him also decided to attend Li Xuan's wedding.

"Second Young Master, President Peng of Xinhua News Agency is here!" Li Xuan had just arrived home when the housekeeper came in and said.

Li Xuan got up and went to the living room. Today, he invited President Peng to his home for the sake of a few uninvited guests who suddenly decided to come to the wedding. He felt that it was very necessary to communicate with them. To be continued.

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