Video Game Empire

Chapter 288: Computer Corner begins IPO

There is no airtight wall in the world, and the news that ATV Group is preparing to build a large-scale studio quickly spread throughout the entire film and television industry in Hong Kong. ◎Small, this is not a news that needs to be kept secret. On the contrary, ATV Group just uses this to make a big splash for itself.

So Ms. Zhou Liang Shuyi, the president of the group, quickly accepted an exclusive interview with "Daily Daily". In an interview, she talked freely about the ambitions of ATV Group's future development, and the film and television city is an important part of the whole plan. At the same time, she also revealed to reporters that ATV Group has just held a board meeting and passed the shareholders' capital increase resolution.

Among them, ATV's absolute controlling shareholder, Mr. Li Xuan, will inject 200 million Hong Kong dollars into ATV to support the ATV Group's studio plan. Standard Chartered Bank and Jiahua Bank also issued a statement to the law, willing to provide credit support for ATV's Studio City plan.

Since the Sino-British negotiating team officially launched negotiations on the Hong Kong issue at the end of September last year, although the two sides have held several rounds of consultations, not only has no progress been reached, but the atmosphere has become increasingly tense. This can be seen from the wording used by the heads of the negotiating teams of the two sides in an interview with reporters after each round of talks.

For example, after the first few consultations, the head of the Chinese delegation would use the phrase "this is a friendly and constructive meeting" when interviewed by a Hong Kong ATV reporter. It wasn't long before the "friendly" modifier disappeared. Later, "constructive" was also deleted, which means that the subsequent negotiations were unfriendly and meaningless.

Under such circumstances, Hong Kong, a major stakeholder in the negotiation, inevitably fell into a state of restlessness. At this time, ATV Group suddenly announced in a high-profile manner that it would invest in a large-scale film and television city on a large scale. Behind ATV stands Li Xuan, the richest man in the world. He also decided to increase the capital of ATV by 200 million Hong Kong dollars.

Does this mean that "God of Fortune Lee" continues to be optimistic about the future development of Hong Kong? You must know that such a large-scale fixed asset investment plan for the film and television city will take a long time to gradually recover profits. If Li Xuan is not optimistic about the future, Hong Kong will continue to maintain prosperity and development for a long time. There is simply no need to invest heavily at a time like this.

"Mr. Li, the Chinese Manufacturers' Association has sent an invitation. I invite you and your wife to attend tomorrow's foundation-laying banquet for the Manufacturers' Association Building!" Ke Lilun walked into Li Xuan's office with an invitation.

"I received a call from President Ni yesterday, and it has been rejected. President Han went to attend on my behalf to express congratulations! By the way, I will sign a check for 1 million later, you ask President Han to help me with it. Go! It's said that they haven't raised all the funds for the construction of the Manufacturers' Association Building!" Li Xuan put the invitation aside and said without looking up.

The All-China Manufacturers' Association is organizing a visit to Beijing recently. Li Xuan is not planning to go north at this time, so he simply avoided the invitation of President Ni of the Manufacturers' Association. ATV Group's recently exposed plans to build a film and television city are enough to show his attitude. Li Xuan has contributed to the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. Having contributed their own strength, this kind of visiting group with a strong political atmosphere is not prepared to steal the limelight.

"Mr. Bush from Computer Garden Company, I have an appointment with you for ten minutes!" Ke Lilun continued to report to his boss about the morning's arrangements.

"Ma Wen has come to Hong Kong? You book a restaurant for me, and I'll invite him to lunch later!" Li Xuan said with a smile.

This Bush is naturally not the current US Vice President Bush, nor the future US President George W. Bush, but the youngest son of Bush, Marvin Bush. He had joined the Computer Park Company two years ago.

As the son of the vice president, Marvin Bush naturally does not need to work hard from the bottom like other peers. Although he joined the computer garden company, it was less than two years after graduating from university. Professional qualifications are still very shallow. But Marvin was directly appointed as executive secretary to company president John Martin.

In just two years, Marvin has climbed to a middle-level position in the computer park company, and this speed is almost the same as riding a rocket. You must know that the current computer garden company is not some unknown person.

In the 1982 list of the top 500 companies in the United States just announced by the American "Fortune" magazine, Computer Park Company successfully entered the list with an impressive annual turnover of 1.78 billion. It can even be ranked in the middle of the list.

It is for this reason that Computer Park is unanimously favored by Wall Street capital and is considered to be one of the pre-listed companies with the most investment potential at the beginning of this year. Computer Garden has begun roadshows across the United States. Will be listed on Nasdaq soon.

Now, countless eyes are on the computer garden company. If Marvin Bush's information is dug up and hyped by deliberate media, it is easy to cause some unnecessary controversy. Marvin's father is the Vice President of the United States. His son's rapid promotion at the Computer Corner Company can easily lead to bad associations among the public.

Therefore, the company management decided to simply send Marvin Bush to the overseas department, so that the chances of being exposed will be much less. The global layout of the computer garden company is mainly divided into the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific. And Marvin has just been appointed as the company's vice president of Asia, mainly responsible for the business in the Southeast Asian market.

Computer Garden Corporation's Asia region can be subdivided into three market segments: East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Among them, East Asia mainly includes Japan, South Korea and Taiwan markets, and the Pacific mainly includes Australia and New Zealand markets. Southeast Asia is the region with the smallest business volume, with Computer Park only opening five stores in total in Hong Kong, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Although Li Xuan intends to befriend the Bush family, it is impossible for him to let the inexperienced young man hold too important positions, which is irresponsible for the development of the company. Don't look at Marvin Bush as the vice president of the Asia region of the Computer Park Company. In fact, he only manages five stores, and the power and responsibility are not heavy.

"Marvin, welcome to Asia, this is a very different place from the United States!" Li Xuan said to the high-spirited young man in front of him.

Well, in fact, Ma Wen is five or six years older than Li Xuan, but Li Xuan is a pervert who transcends the age limit. When anyone saw him for the first time, they would involuntarily exclaim that he was so young. But when people actually communicate with him. But they will unconsciously ignore his real age.

"Yes, there is a completely different oriental culture here. There is also a rapidly growing market!, I am going to move my office address from Tokyo to Hong Kong. It is closer to Southeast Asia! There are more than a dozen countries in Southeast Asia, nearly 500 million Population, aside from the two stores in Hong Kong, the company has only opened three stores in such a broad market. I hope to formulate a detailed expansion plan within half a year!" Marvin Bush said with some excitement .

Computerworld's Asian headquarters is in Tokyo, and the company has nearly as many directly-operated stores in Japan as it does in other Asia-Pacific markets combined. Therefore, the focus of computer field operations in Asia will definitely be placed in Japan. And Marvin clearly has some ambitions, and does not want to be a titular vice president in Tokyo.

"Of course, if your market research report is convincing enough. The company will definitely support your plan!"

Li Xuan shook his head, but he didn't directly attack, let him first slowly understand the market. Except for Singapore, most countries in Southeast Asia are still relatively backward. For emerging high-tech products such as personal computers, Li Xuan is deeply skeptical about the demand for those markets.

Li Xuan had lunch with Marvin, the Bush family member who will stay in Asia for the next few years to work, mostly in Hong Kong. This is an excellent opportunity for Li Xuan and the future first family of the United States to further deepen their personal relationship.

Li Xuan just returned to the company. Then I received a transoceanic call from John Martin from the United States.

Time Magazine's first issue in 1983 featured a photo cover of the ab-3 computer. The magazine also announced the arrival of the personal computer era with an ebullient article. The judgment of Time Magazine is not wrong. Computer Garden is the largest computer chain seller in the United States and even in the world. Last year's turnover increased by 450% compared to the previous year.

Although there is a factor in the expansion of the number of stores, it is undeniable that the sales of the entire personal computer market are growing rapidly. 1982 just passed. Computer Corner's total worldwide sales reached $1.78 billion, with a total of 1.52 million computers of all types sold.

Such impressive data. It also made Computer Park's national roadshows warmly sought after by investors from all walks of life. The IPO presentation group led by the company's president, John Martin. The first stop of the itinerary was the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Manhattan, New York. The influx of investors overwhelmed the hotel's large conference hall with a capacity of 1,000 people.

As a result, Computer Garden had to urgently change its plan, increasing the number of investment presentations originally scheduled to be held in New York from two to five, and finally satisfied investors' thirst for knowledge about the company. Seeing that the company's shares were so popular, Li Xuan directly instructed John Martin to put pressure on the three major underwriting brokerages to significantly increase the stock's listing price.

According to the original plan, Computer Park will publicly issue 15 million shares at a price of $24 per share, accounting for 20% of the total share capital, which means that the initial total Wall Street valuation of Computer Park is $1.8 billion. But Li Xuan's ambition is obviously not satisfied with this, and he doesn't mind taking a sum of money back from the capital market.

In the 1960s, the U.S. capital market once set off a "electronics" craze, and any company with electronic () was popular as soon as it went public. For example, Intel Corporation seized this opportunity and made a lot of money in the listing, thus laying the foundation for the glory of the 1970s. And there is a company called s that created it even more, and created the miracle of listing at that time with a price-earnings ratio of 150 times.

The myth of these companies makes people who invest in them insane in the early stage. It is precisely because of the stimulation of this huge "money-making effect" that venture capital began to appear in batches in the United States, which opened the prelude to the development of high-tech in the United States represented by Silicon Valley.

And now, Wall Street's sensitive market promoters have begun to notice that the industrial focus of the entire American society is beginning to shift. Traditional industrial industries represented by chemicals, steel, automobiles, building materials, and electricity are likely to stagnate or even shrink in the future in the face of the government's increasingly tough environmental protection policies.

The expectation of economic growth in the next step needs to be placed on emerging industries, and the personal computer industry, which is rapidly expanding its capacity, is undoubtedly an excellent example. It is precisely because of this macro-level economic trend that, intentionally or unintentionally, it has further boosted the popularity of computer garden companies.

"Boss, won't the price of $30 be too high!" John Martin said cautiously on the phone.

He suddenly received an instruction from Li Xuan from Hong Kong today, asking him to renegotiate with Merrill Lynch Investment Bank, the lead underwriter of the listing, to substantially increase the company's stock issue price and total fundraising, which is bound to be opposed by Merrill Lynch.

"Martin, don't worry, you should be more courageous! Considering the popularity of Computer Garden Corporation, the $30 issue price is not high! Don't listen to those people at Merrill Lynch, let the price-earnings ratio be damned. Go!

I believe that even if we raise the issue price to $35 in time, the stock will not fall into the hands of their brokers and cannot be sold! It's almost zero risk for them, so be tough! "

This morning, he issued instructions to the United States, asking them to raise the issue price of Computer Park's stock to $30 and adjust the public offering to 20 million shares. As a result, Computer Park's actual fundraising amount will rise to $600 million, and the company's total valuation will increase to $2.4 billion.

John Martin, the president of the computer field, was a little unsure about this, but Li Xuan didn't care at all. Data such as price-earnings ratio and profitability may be very important indicators for most prepared companies. But for a company like Computer Park, which is clearly already insanely sought after by the market, it's a piece of shit.

Most companies preparing to go public have to take into account the room for continued growth after the stock goes public when setting the issue price. If the price falls below the issue price as soon as it is listed, it will cause a huge blow to the confidence of shareholders and put the company's management under enormous pressure.

After all, the stock price is related to the vital interests of all investors, and if the management cannot safeguard their interests, they will use the voting rights of the shares they hold to make the management go away. But that is for companies with dispersed ownership, and Computer Park is an exception.

Li Xuan still has absolute control over the listed company, and there is no room for minority shareholders to speak out. As for the shares held by Li Xuan, there will be a long lock-up period according to regulations. The risk of short-term stock price fluctuations that may be brought about by the issue price is too high. UU reading has no effect on him at all.

In the long run, the prosperity of the personal computer industry is bound to give computer garden companies a huge development prospect. This is also the confidence that Li Xuan instructed Martin in the United States to take a tough stance when negotiating with Merrill Lynch, the underwriting brokerage.

Li Xuan did not believe that the stock price of Computer Park would drop after the company went public. On the contrary, the computer field is more likely to usher in a skyrocket on the first day, just like when Aikang went public. However, this part of the interest that the actual share price is higher than the issue price has nothing to do with the listed company. Li Xuan's decision to raise the issue price is bound to reduce the profit margins for investors who subscribe for new shares from brokerage firms. But this can make the listing action of the computer garden company to realize the maximization of interests.

After hanging up the phone, Li Xuan was also a little helpless. John Martin's ability is indeed a little mediocre, at least his ambitions are not big enough, and he is a little timid. Fortunately, Computer Garden is far ahead of any other competitor in the personal computer market.

This is also one of the company's major sales this time. It is a company that occupies the largest share in the industry and has no competitors that can match it. It is enough to give investors unlimited confidence. Let them believe that the stocks of Computer Garden have huge investment value! (To be continued..)

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