Video Game Empire

Chapter 584: Colleen's new role

"Director Park, you are welcome." Ke Lilun stood at the door of the office and welcomed the guests into the living room. ,

The candidate for the newly established Huaxing Company's president was somewhat unexpected, and was transferred from the former vice president of Oriental Commerce, Ke Lilun. It's not that Ke Lilun is not qualified, just because he is Li Xuan's first secretary, along with Li Xuan's self-made identity, makes him qualified for most of the positions in the Oriental Group.

It's just that the gossip within the Oriental Group has been rumored that he will succeed Bradshaw as the president of the Oriental Commercial Company. Bradshaw was the chairman of the original rca company, and shortly after the rca company was acquired by the Oriental Group, it was revealed that there was a serious environmental pollution incident in the rca factory in Taiwan.

This made Bradshaw under enormous pressure from public opinion in the United States at that time, and Li Xuan could not cross the river and demolish the bridge, kicking him away, the great hero who just persuaded rca shareholders to accept the acquisition of Oriental Group. At that time, Li Xuan was just about to transfer rca's manufacturing capacity to Asia, so Bradshaw simply took the opportunity to leave the whirlpool of public opinion in New York and came to Hong Kong to coordinate the entire rca company as the vice president of Oriental Group and president of Oriental Commercial Company. industrial transfer action.

As the saying goes, where there is power, there must be struggle. As a multinational company with tens of thousands of employees and operations all over the world, Oriental Group is naturally impossible to be harmonious. In particular, although the Oriental Group is an Asian company, its main business is in Europe and the United States. As Li Xuan continues to open new companies and conduct mergers and acquisitions in Europe and the United States, Chinese executives and foreign executives are naturally divided into two distinct factions.

When the Oriental Group annexed the rca company. rca is not much worse than the Eastern Group at that time in terms of reputation and background. So Bradshaw went past people like Ikon's president at the time. Became the leader of senior executives of foreign and domestic origin in the Oriental Group. And Han Peng, as a veteran who started with Li Xuan, has always been the number two person in the Oriental Group. Naturally, he became the leader of the Chinese executives to sing opposite Bradshaw.

Of course, if Bradshaw hadn't come to Hong Kong from the United States to serve in Hong Kong, the competition between the two sides might not have arisen so soon. However, Bradshaw traveled west to Asia and took up the post of president of the extremely important Oriental Commercial Company in the Oriental Group, which made Han Peng feel enormous pressure. Because compared to Bradshaw, Han Peng's biggest shortcoming is the lack of international vision.

As a boss, Li Xuan doesn't mind the rivalry between the management, but this kind of battle must be controlled within an acceptable range. But recently the two sides do not show signs of action. It seems to have started to write out of control, and the cause of the matter is still related to vcd.

Because the VCR video recorder in the United States has become more popular, the VCD does not have much breakthrough in technology compared with the video recorder. Therefore, Li Xuan never thought of competing with Japanese manufacturers for the VCR market from the very beginning. Therefore, in the past period of time, the key areas for vcd promotion are East Asia and Southeast Asia, followed by South America, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and other markets where video recorders have not yet begun to be fully popularized.

In markets such as the United States, Europe, America, and Japan, Li Xuan is going to use the dark and dark way to let vcd take root and sprout through the computer optical drive.

From the very beginning, Li Xuan's vcd plan has been solely in charge of Ke Lilun, the vice president of Oriental Commerce. But for Coolillon, the focus at this stage is naturally to promote vcd video disc players in emerging markets where video recorders are not yet popular. As for the promotion of vcd in Europe, America and Japan through the computer optical drive. He can't take care of that much for the time being.

This allowed Han Peng to see an opportunity. He did not directly request the cooperation of Aikang, a subsidiary of the group. Instead, he started with Acer and other third-party computer manufacturers closely related to the Oriental Group. As the president of the Oriental Group, he hoped that these Computer manufacturers can increase the promotion of CD-ROM drives to increase the distribution channels of vcd in the United States.

Ke Lilun is a former secretary trusted by Li Xuan. If he was in charge of the vcd promotion plan, Bradshaw would naturally not interfere at all. But if Han Peng also wanted to get involved, this would not be tolerated by Bradshaw. Because in his opinion. Han Peng's hands were too deep, which was a kind of provocation to himself, the president of Oriental Commerce.

So Bradshaw soon became the president of Oriental Commerce. Inviting these computer manufacturers who are closely related to the Oriental Group, but released news that is completely opposite to Han Peng. For a time, manufacturers were at a loss. But after everyone slowly recalled it, they immediately understood that this was an infighting of the Eastern Group.

As the saying goes, family shame cannot be made public. The Oriental Group has always been committed to shaping itself into a united and high-spirited emerging company, and the behavior of Han Peng and Bradshaw undoubtedly slapped the Oriental Group in the face. Therefore, Li Xuan felt that it was not suitable for Bradshaw to continue to serve as the president of Oriental Commerce.

But he didn't directly shove Bradshaw out of the house. This Yankee is still very good at least in terms of ability. After his strategizing, rca company has been completely digested by the Oriental Group. In less than five years, most of its product lines have all moved to the mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, which is the Iron Triangle of the Oriental Group built by Li Xuan, and has not yet produced any sequelae in the United States.

Li Xuan knows how difficult the unions in the United States are. For example, IB wanted to learn from Aikang, shut down its own production lines, and outsource all its personal computer manufacturing to Asian foundries, which was strongly hindered by the labor union and the local government of the factory.

Therefore, Li Xuan still wanted to use Bradshaw. Not only did he not beat Bradshaw, but he raised him one more level, from the vice president of the Oriental Group to the president of the Oriental Group. And Han Peng, who was originally in this position, has also been promoted to one level, succeeding Li Xuan as the chairman of the Oriental Group.

With the expansion of the Dongfang Group to the current size, Li Xuan already felt a little powerless. After all, he did not come from a professional management background, and he was not very interested in administration. What's more, his biggest strength is the reborn golden finger, so he simply resigned as chairman and put himself on the position of chief strategic development officer of the group. This is the best job for him. As long as he has a good grasp of the development direction of the Oriental Group, as for the specific operational affairs, he can completely leave it to others.

And Han Peng Rongsheng Group Chairman. Also fully qualified to overwhelm others. As for Bradshaw, it is actually more suitable for him to be the president of the Oriental Group than Han Peng. At least his huge network in the United States can help the Oriental Group to survive better in the American market.

Moreover, because the Oriental Group has always implemented flat management, the rights of subsidiaries are relatively large, and the role of the group headquarters is mainly reflected in internal coordination and cooperation. With Han Peng and Bradshaw as the second-in-command respectively, it is easier to limit the competition between the two to the headquarters, without having an excessive impact on the specific operations of the subsidiaries below. What's more, the two should have already realized Li Xuan's dissatisfaction, and they are bound to restrain themselves in the future, otherwise it will not be sweet dates but butcher knives waiting for them.

After Bradshaw was transferred from the Oriental Commercial Company, most people in the group believed that it must be the vice president of Ke Lilun who was promoted to the president. Collin is the boss's true direct descendant, and the implementation of the vcd plan has been very smooth recently. At least vcd players in the East and Southeast Asian markets. It has completely replaced the VCR as the mainstream home video player.

But what was unexpected was that the person who succeeded Bradshaw as the president of Orient Commercial was He Guoyuan, the former chairman of Orient System Software. In another time and space, He Guoyuan had immigrated to Canada from Hong Kong at this point in time and founded ati, one of the largest graphics card companies in the world.

But because of Li Xuan, He Guoyuan joined the Oriental Group early and served as the vice president in charge of operations from the very beginning, ranking third in the Oriental Group after Li Xuan and Han Peng. It's just that after Li Xuan established Dongfang Software Company, in view of the company's important position in the entire computer industry of Dongfang Group, he was transferred to the United States as the president of Dongfang Software Company.

Later, the Oriental Software Company was divided into two parts. He Guoyuan became the more critical president of the Eastern System Software Company. Although Dongfang System Software Co., Ltd. has successively introduced new shareholders such as ib Texas Instruments, under the strategizing of He Guoyuan, Dongfang Group has always firmly controlled the control of this company.

Now, the management of Eastern System Software Company. They are all direct descendants that He Guoyuan single-handedly raised, and have various ties to the Dongfang Group behind them. Therefore, Li Xuan felt that he could completely retire and take up other more important positions. So He Guoyuan once again returned to Hong Kong from the United States. Served as President of Oriental Commercial and concurrently as Vice President of Oriental Group.

He Guoyuan was originally the third-in-command of the Oriental Group. Although he has left Hong Kong for so many years, he still has a high prestige within the group. And he has been in a key position in the United States all these years. Close ties with senior executives of foreign and domestic origin in the group. So Li Xuan intends to push him out and become the third force that lubricates Han Peng and Bradshaw.

The vcd plan of Dongfang Commercial Co., Ltd. has been successfully launched, and the follow-up work only needs to follow the steps before the replication in other markets. It is of little significance for Ke Lilun to continue to serve as the vice president of Oriental Commerce.

He failed to take down the position of great weight as the president of Oriental Commercial, and instead became the president of Huaxing Mobile Communications, a newly established junior company. Many people in the group felt sorry for him, but Ke Lilun himself was very satisfied. Because as Li Xuan's secretary, he knew the boss's strategic layout better than most people in the company from the beginning.

Even though Dongfang Game Company is still one of the most profitable companies in the entire Dongfang Group, the status and importance of the game business in the entire Dongfang Group are declining. In particular, Dongfang Group has now passed the initial period of thirst for funds, and no longer needs the support of the strong cash flow of the game industry. The future game industry can only be regarded as a profitable supplementary business within the Dongfang Group system at most.

The semiconductor industry has always been the focus of Dongfang Group's investment. A small half of the research institutes in the Dongfang Research Institute are engaged in chip development. In addition, there are also the world's largest semiconductor manufacturer, such as Dongfang Semiconductor, and semiconductor companies such as Fanlin, which pursue leading technology. equipment supplier.

Since the er-architecture has a monopoly in desktop-level processors, the ps-architecture has also performed very well in enterprise-level processors. So much so that Dongfang Group only needs to develop step by step, and his monopoly in the processor field will be difficult to control for a long time to come.

And with the advantages of scale integration and better cost control, Oriental Semiconductor is launching a strong impact on the memory market controlled by Japanese semiconductor companies. Fairchild, a company specializing in analog semiconductors, has been lagging behind in technological research and development by continuously investing a lot of money in Dongfang Group, and there are already signs of a rise again.

Therefore, the semiconductor industry will be one of the pillar industries of Dongfang Group in the future, but it is difficult for the management to have any bright spots. In addition, Li Xuan's other large-scale deployment area is the burgeoning Internet He can proudly say that the development of the Internet in Hong Kong has been at least ahead of the world average under his strong promotion. Level three to five years.

However, the global Internet industry can only be regarded as a small lotus at most, and it needs a strong force at the national level to promote the construction of basic network facilities. There is still a long way to go before large-scale commercialization.

In contrast, in the eyes of ordinary people, Huaxing may only be a junior company that has just been established, but Ke Lilun was very clear a few years ago that his boss had great expectations for the mobile communication industry. Computers, the Internet and mobile phones will constitute twenty information age

With the commercial operation of the CD network in Hong Kong, a new era of mobile communication is slowly opening. Ke Lilun very much hopes that Huaxing Company can become the king of an industry like Aikang Company under his control.

The reason why cd network chose Hong Kong as the first promotion place is not only because it is the base camp of the Oriental Group, and Hong Kong Telecom has such a close relationship with the Oriental Group, but another reason is that Hong Kong is vast and sparsely populated. In such a small place, there have been more than five million people living there for a long time, and the income level is not low.

Dense population can greatly improve the utilization efficiency of mobile communication network, thereby greatly reducing marginal cost. The same is true of South Korea. Although its land area is much larger than that of Hong Kong, only the capital Seoul and the surrounding Incheon City and Gyeonggi Province gather half of the population of South Korea. K company only needs to complete the CD signal coverage in Seoul and the surrounding areas, so that the CD digital mobile network can cover half of South Korea's population.

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