The person who was eager to meet Li Xuan was the chairman of the Swire Group and the current head of the Shi Huai Ya family - Adrian Shi Huai Ya. The English name of Swire Group is called "Sire", and if the word is transliterated into Chinese, it becomes Shi Huai Ya.

Westerners like to use family surnames directly as company names, and the Shi Huai Ya family is no exception. This is similar to our ancient Zhangji Rice Shop and Wangji Restaurant.

Therefore, when Sire Group is translated into Chinese, it should be Shi Huai Ya Group, but why has it become Swire Group in the Chinese population?

This story also begins with the founder of the Swire Group, John Shihuai. He came to the East from Liverpool, England in 1861, and founded a trading company in the Shanghai-Shanghai Concession.

In order to make it easier for Chinese businessmen to remember the name of his company, he deliberately asked the then British consul in Shanghai to give his company a Chinese name.

The reason why Mr. Consul chose the word "Swire" is to hope that this company will develop into a large-scale and long-standing large enterprise in the future!

No one would have thought that after more than a hundred years, Taikoo has become a huge century-old store just as its name implies.

Compared with British-owned foreign firms such as Wheelock, Hutchison Whampoa, and Jardine, which were either acquired by Chinese investors or gradually faded out of Hong Kong due to mistakes of one kind or another, only Swire Pacific not only did not weaken, but in the past ten years or so. More and more prosperous!

Moreover, in the group's 100-year-old entrepreneurial history, the Shi Huai Ya family has never lost control of the company, which shows how powerful this family is.

But there are also hidden worries behind the prosperity. The United Kingdom is about to lose control of Hong Kong, which makes British capital such as the Swire Group lose the most reliable umbrella in Hong Kong.

Swire's core business, whether it is aviation or real estate, depends on Hong Kong, so the Swire family can't just walk away.

In order to cope with the uncertain challenges in the future, the Shi Huai Ya family actually began to prepare measures to deal with it early. Introducing CITIC Futai into Cathay Pacific as a shareholder is Adrian Shihuai's proud stroke.

If it is just to deal with Dragonair, Swire Group does not need to give up such a big benefit at all. You must know that Zhongxin Futai only spent 2.3 billion Hong Kong dollars to acquire a 12.5% ​​stake in Cathay Pacific.

This price can be said to be a bargain, otherwise, with Cathay Pacific's excellent performance over the years, even if the asking price is 3 billion, some people are willing to take over.

However, the Shi Huai Ya family and the Swire Group are interested in the special background of CITIC Futai. You must know that of the 2.3 billion Hong Kong dollars they raised for the investment in Cathay Pacific, 800 million were directly and specially approved by the State Council.

The implication behind this made the Shi Huaiya family, who were originally full of fears about the future after 1997, instantly put down more than half of their hearts.

What the Shi Huai Ya family did not expect was that Zhongxin Futai actually returned the favor and was willing to act on its behalf to handle the acquisition of Dragonair. It's a good thing that such a sleepy encounter with a pillow almost didn't make Adrian wake up in the middle of the night laughing!

However, just when the entire Cathay Pacific executives thought that the incorporation of Hong Kong Dragon was a sure thing, they did not expect that things would suddenly turn around, and Huamin Airlines was killed halfway.

When Huamin Airlines officially issued an announcement announcing that it had completed its absolute control of Dragonair, Adrian's first reaction was not to believe it.

However, Dragonair also issued an announcement later that the company's original first and second largest shareholders formally withdrew from Dragonair by way of equity transfer. In order to cooperate with Huamin Company's strategic reorganization of Ganglong, all the original board of directors will resign from now on!

The first and second shareholders who were about to negotiate with CITIC Futai suddenly turned against the water without any prior communication. Even Cao Guangbiao, the most popular person on the Dragon's board of directors, chose to resign from Dragon's in order to cooperate with Huamin Company!

Why does Huamin have such a big face and such a big courage to cut the beard from Zhongxin Futai?

Adrian quickly found the reason - the famous God of Wealth, Li, shot! His two unknown investment funds turned out to be important shareholders of Huamin Airlines.

This news is even more difficult for Cathay Pacific's management to accept than the acquisition of Dragonair. The aviation industry is a highly capital-intensive industry. The original total share capital of Dragonair was only 600 million Hong Kong dollars. Even if Cathay Pacific does not take action on it, it will take a long time to develop to the point where it can shake Cathay Pacific.

After all, it takes hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars to sell a Boeing aircraft, and if you choose to lease, the operating cost will be much higher.

However, Huamin Airlines, which was established with the front and rear of Hong Kong Dragon, has never encountered financial troubles. Before, everyone thought that the COO of their company from Wall Street was very powerful, and could continuously find a large amount of venture capital from overseas.

Looking back on it now, in addition to having a huge Dongfang Group, God of Fortune Li is a big player in the venture capital world. How could such a potential company appear in Hong Kong to escape his scrutiny?

It's just that the LH investment fund of Li Xuan, the God of Fortune, is so famous that when it comes to Li Xuan's other investments, everyone will naturally think of the LH fund. But who stipulated that God of Fortune Li could not set up the second and third investment funds?

Now Huamin has suddenly merged with Dragonair. The new company's business includes business aviation, passenger aviation, and cargo aviation. The business area is more complete than that of Cathay Pacific. Coupled with the strong financial support of Li, the God of Fortune, it is really possible to overtake Cathay Pacific in a short time. .

To know that Dragonair is in the hands of Cao Guangbiao, and it is in the hands of Li, the God of Wealth, is not the same concept at all!

In the past, Cathay Pacific was able to play Hong Kong Dragon to but now it is very likely that Li Xuan, in turn, will take the initiative to find trouble for Cathay Pacific and even the entire Swire Group.

The reason why Li Ka-shing suddenly attacked the Kadoorie family has been rumored in the capital circle of Hong Kong.

But now Li Xuan was in a calm state, and suddenly inserted his hand into the aviation industry. He couldn't help but let the Shi Huaiya family suspect that Li, the God of Wealth, had been eyeing him for a long time.

Compared with the Kadoorie family, which has just been hit hard, the Shi Huai Ya family does not have the problem of holding hands. Among the three most important subsidiaries of Swire Group - Swire Properties, Swire Cola and Cathay Pacific Airways, the first two are not listed, and the last Cathay Pacific Airways is listed on the Hong Kong stock market, but the Swire family's shareholding ratio has never been less than 50%. %.

But as the so-called shadow of a person's famous tree, Li Xuan's past sturdy achievements and the size of the Dongfang Group are there, and the Shi Huaiya family can't help but ignore it!

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