“Is it over!?”

“Alas, in the end, the success is still a failure, and the achievement is lost!”

“It’s too risky, the sword goes sideways, there is no room for error!”

“One wrong step, all disasters will be lost!”

Perhaps the troops should not have been divided in the first place

Or should have joined forces in one place, consolidated the Central Plains of the large base, and then waited for the opportunity to go north!

Or you should first start the southern expedition, wait for the soldiers to be full of food, and then expedition to the Yuan Court in the north!

Perhaps the three-way Northern Expedition should fight together, instead of fighting separately and going thousands of miles alone!

But there is no if, the three main forces of the Han and Song Dynasties traveled thousands of miles, the Western Road Army and the Northern Road Army were all destroyed, and the Eastern Road Army fell into cannibalism!

Everything is in the air!

Cao Cao was very embarrassed and saddened by the great loss of vitality of the northern red scarf:

“If you pass the hurdle all the way, you will inevitably lose all the way.”

“After all, the north is the henchman of the Yuan Court, and it is not so easy to mess up!”

On the side, the sophisticated Jia Xuan replied:

“It’s worth it, Liu Futong is like a wall, blocking the way of the Yuan army to the south.”

“King Wei, don’t look at the north, but also look at this southern land, it’s also stormy!”

Jia Xu pointed with a finger!

Cao Cao wondered, just with the barren land in the south, the Central Plains arrived, what waves could be set off?

“You can’t look at the future now, King Wei!”

Jia Xu sighed meaningfully, and his thoughts flew over!

The vitality of the northern red scarf has been lost, and it is already a dead end, what does this “sun and moon reopen the Great Song Tian” mean?

Isn’t it referring to the established Han and Song dynasties?

Or is it a point?

The same scene reflects the era of farewell, causing huge waves that are not the same!

Just like many emperors and ministers of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, looking at this mountain of red scarf troops, they couldn’t help but be embarrassed and ashamed!

Before there was Liu Song, pacifying civil strife, striking the Northern Expedition, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, destroying countless barbarians, recovering Guanzhong and the vast area of the Central Plains!

Later, there was the Han and Song dynasties, and the tiger stood in the Central Plains, and three Northern Expeditionary armies seriously injured the Yuan court and saved the Chinese people.

There is a Zhao Song in the middle, not a person inside and out, punching hard inside, and only promising outside!

Guard the inside and outside, and be beaten by the surrounding barbarians!

Song Renzong Zhao Zhen was helpless: “I, the Zhao and Song royal family, am ashamed of the Chinese people!” ”

What they can blow out can only be a unified Han regime!

But, is that really unification? You must know how magnificent the former Tang was, all according to the north and south of the desert, the land is connected to thousands of miles, and all countries come to the dynasty!

By the Song Dynasty, the power had shrunk by half. Mobei Mo Nan was lost, Liaodong Yanyun could not be recovered, Annan established itself as a country, northwest Hexi, and Guanzhong were not firmly controlled.

Not to mention the farther Western Regions.

Fan Zhong drowned in tears: “Song Zhi’s weakness is due to Zhao Da Lai’s improper position, emphasizing civility over martial arts!” ”

Wang Anshi: “When the officials summon me back to Beijing, I will reform the military system, and the law of general warfare and armor protection must be implemented, and no one can stop it!” ”

Yue Wumu: “Pound the yellow dragon directly, pound the yellow dragon directly!” Unexpectedly, what my Yue Pengju couldn’t do was actually achieved by future generations! ”

Liu Guangshi, who is also the fourth general of Zhongxing, is complicated: “Liu Futong is known as our eighth grandson, if he is really our grandson, what an honor!” ”

Sui Dynasty, seven years of great causes!

Yang Guang dropped the jade cup in his hand to the ground, and the fine wine was scattered all over the place!

With the attendants fighting in two strands, kowtowing and sparing their lives

Yang Guang’s hair was scattered, his eyes were blood-red, and he waved his arms and angrily rebuked the ministers

“Xiang Shuo, Pan Cheng and the two, tens of thousands of red scarves, how can there be two defeats in the shame of Goryeo!”

“Hurt me!”

His army of millions can’t take down a few Goryeo castles!

On the other hand, the Red Turban Army, with a few generals and tens of thousands of strong brigades, captured Wang Jing, causing Goryeo, which had been established for 700 years, to completely fall into chaos and was on the verge of extinction! It’s a big smile!

Whose fault is it?

And some barbarian leaders, all gasped, their feet were cold!

“This Red Turban Army is too strong, fortunately it is not living in our era!”

“yes, yes!”

It is good that the Yuan army is corrupted, and the red scarf is too strong, but the Northern Expedition of the three-way Red Turban Army caused chaos in the Yuan court, and even set a record against the sky!

How many times is there in history?

Only Huo Huo rode to seal Wolf Juxu, Dou Xianle Shi Yanran, and Li Jingxue attacked Yin Mountain at night can be compared, right?

People of that era were very envious!


[The death of the Red Turban Army and the Yuan Court has lasted for several years, now let’s talk about the southern situation! ]

In the first battle of Gaoyou, the main forces of the central government of the Yuan court were destroyed, and they began to rely on local forces to suppress the rebels, although the results were great, but they only drank to quench their thirst, and demolished the western wall to make up for the western wall!

The southern red scarf, which was originally at a low ebb, is swarming again!

The Tianwan regime represented by Xu Shouhui set off a frenzy, but Xu Shouhui himself was basically erected by Prime Minister Ni Wenjun!

The southern red scarf seized the decline of the Yuan court after the Battle of Gaoyou and swept Jingxiang! Ni Wenjun led Ming Yuzhen into Sichuan with a red scarf and captured the land of Shu!

And other subordinates, such as Chen Youcheng, Zhao Pusheng and others, also rose to prominence, and they were in the limelight for a while!

Fujian Fang Guozhen worshipped Han Lin’er as the emperor, but the snake and mouse at both ends also accepted the canonization of the Yuan court at the same time, sitting in a thousand miles of land!

Lingnan Chen Youding suppressed the uprising, rising step by step, is the hardcore loyal bone of the Yuan Court, worship for the Lingnan Pingzhang political affairs, the Yuan Court’s hardcore force in the south!

Jianghuai Zhu Yuanzhang repeatedly defeated the Yuan army, and at the same time crossed the river, broke the Yuan army, captured Jiqing Road, occupied the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, Jinling, and changed it to Yingtianfu!

At the same time, he raised the banner of the red scarf, serving King Xiaoming, and Han Lin’er was the mainstay! Liu Futong worships the political affairs of Pingzhang in Jiangnan Province!

And in the battle of Gaoyou, the world-shaking Zhang Shicheng also acted, transferred troops south, attacked the Jiangnan Yuan army, and occupied the richest land in eastern Zhejiang and northern Jiangsu!

Rich in the world, no one can compare!

Zhang Shicheng does not belong to the red scarf series, and calls himself Da Zhou!

The southern group of heroes is everywhere, just like the group of heroes chasing the deer, the world fights together! 】

“Rub, how do I think the south is more chaotic than the north, how many major forces are these?”

“Troubled times, troubled times!”

“Fang Guozhen, both ends of the snake and mouse, has been repeatedly recruited by the Yuan Court, is he still a Han?”

“You say, Xu Shouhui and Zhang Shicheng, who will be the final winner?”

Everyone is talking about it!

The north is good to say, in general, Han Song and the Yuan court pinched each other, although they were full of contradictions, but they were divided into two camps!

But the south is chaotic, Xu Shouhui’s red scarf series, Zhang Shicheng’s Zhou, Han Song Dynasty’s Zhu Yuanzhang, Yuan Court’s Chen Youding, and Fang Guozhen who doesn’t know which side!

Blue-eyed Sun Quan: “Ying Tianfu, it should be Jiankang there!?” Good fellow, who is Zhu Yuanzhang, who actually occupied this place? ”

Zhang Zhao returned: “The light curtain said that this person was originally a general of Jianghuai Guo Zixing, and later Guo Zixing died in battle, and Zhu Yuanzhang took over his anti-yuan banner!” ”

“It seems that this person is also very human!”

Lu Su’s eyes froze: “It’s really a dispute in the world, and the group of heroes fighting for hegemony more than ten years ago is not as chaotic as this!” ”

“Who will come out of the chaos?”

After the early big waves of sand, now the only remaining heroes are Cao Cao, Sun Quan, and Liu Bei! Maybe there are Liu Zhang, Ma Teng and others, but those are all dry bones in the grave, and they cannot be compared with the first three!

And the southern heroes in the light curtain, who will stand out?


First of all, the first battle began!

[Zhu Yuanzhang, who occupied Jiqing Road and changed Jiqing to Yingtianfu, and Zhang Shicheng, who occupied the essence of eastern Zhejiang, have become neighbors at this time! ]

Of course, Zhang Shicheng couldn’t look at Zhu Yuanzhang, and when Zhu Yuanzhang took the initiative to show favor, he directly sent troops to take Jiqing Road!

Who is Zhu Yuanzhang? Haven’t heard of it!

Take the lead in provoking, Jiangnan Erxiong is the first to start a war!

However, although Zhang Shicheng had many people, he suffered a miserable defeat and ended up in a chicken feather!

Two generals under Zhu Yuanzhang, Xu Da and Chang Yuchun, bravely championed the army, faced Zhang Shicheng, swept all the way through eastern Zhejiang, captured Zhang Shicheng’s two younger brothers and several generals, and completely beat Zhang Shicheng back to Lin’an City!

Zhang Shicheng cowered in the city, invincible, seek peace!

Zhu Yuanzhang released the captured generals, but the territory was firmly controlled!

The first confrontation has come to an end! 】

“What, Zhang Shicheng, is this brushed!?”

“How is it possible, hasn’t he defeated the million-strong army of escapees before?”

“I rely on, who is this Zhu Yuanzhang, a fierce batch.” If he didn’t get out of the horse, the two generals would hang Zhang Shicheng and fight. ”

“I’ll go, it turns out that there is such a number one person!”

Countless people were stunned and frightened!

They all have a good impression of Zhang Shicheng, after all, the battle of Gaoyou before did not retreat, and finally ushered in the victory, it can be said that he is the hero of the anti-yuan!

The weight of the heroes is big enough!

Originally thought that Zhang Shicheng was in the south, a dragon swimming in the sea, invincible, and only Xu Shouhui could crush one!

Who knows, but it was miserably brushed!

There is also a dragon and tiger entrenched!

Zulong stretched out his fingers, pinched his eyebrows, and said bitterly: “Cough, there are also times when you look away!” ”

He was still satisfied with Zhang Shicheng’s sense of expectation, but he didn’t expect such a start!

His eyes looked at Zhang Shicheng in the light curtain!

“Wang Yi, you are a famous general, tell me your opinion?”

Wang Yi saw Xu Da in the light curtain, and often met the spring and the two were the pioneers and led the charge!

“Your Majesty, there are many differences in later generations. Just like that firearm, the minister does not understand! ”

“The current battle formation may not be suitable for future generations!”

“But Xu and Chang inspire the soldiers, dare to fight and rush, as a general, they are not picky!”

Zulong sighed: “Is this so!?” ”

“Zhu Yuanzhang, who is it!!?

“Suddenly killed, the army sprang up, there are two generals under his command, or Han Song’s red scarf series!”

“Amazing, Liu Futong is now powerless; To revive Han Song, I’m afraid Zhu Yuanzhang has to make a move! ”

“Otherwise, I can’t explain it, and the sun and moon will reopen the Great Song Tian!”

“Zhu Yuanzhang, how big a surprise can you give Xuan?”

In the era of all parties, for the first time, they moved their attention to this budding red scarf marshal, Zhu Yuanzhang!


Can it create miracles!?

Drive out the barbarians and save Huaxia!

Double 11 reading every day, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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