DC World.


The Dark Monarch Darkseid, flicked his finger and looked at Thanos with interest.

“Tyrants of other worlds?”

“This infinity stone can replace the anti-life equation!”

Darkseid is still looking for the anti-life equation, and if there are Infinity Stones, then there is no need to directly face the powerful ancient gods of the earth.

Until now, his shoulders were faintly painful, which made his already terrifying face look even more hideous!

“Damn God of War Ares!”

Sooner or later, he will get it back!


Marvel Universe.

“Tony, this Thanos looks more fierce and intimidating!”

Team America’s face was extremely solemn, and when he saw Thanos for the first time, he didn’t have such a sense of oppression.

Now the three of them are facing the emperor of the universe!

“Let’s hope we can win…”

Tony bit his palm nervously, this psychological shadow that Thanos gave him was too big!

I really didn’t expect Nebula to be replaced.


Thor also felt a strong sense of oppression, thinking that he had obtained the Storm Tomahawk, and Thanos was no longer worth mentioning in his eyes.

Now it seems, completely thinking too much!

“Thor, you will definitely win!”

The queen of heaven, Friga, held Thor’s hand tightly, and cold sweat broke out in the palm of her hand.

I am afraid that Thor will lose his life in the field war!

Then Asgard will lose the last king!

“Mother, don’t worry, with the hammer and the storm tomahawk, Thanos must not be my opponent!”

Even if you feel oppressed!

He’s Thor!

Son of Odin!

The future Asgardian god-king!

This war doomed them only to victory and not to lose!


【Screen continues】

[Endless thunder wrapped around Thor’s whole body, shattering the void, and the power of destruction was wrapped around the storm battle axe! ] 】

[“Ah!!! “】

[Thor slashed towards Thanos at great speed, and the thunder shuttled through the void, instantly falling on Thanos’s head…]

[“Dang! “】

[Thanos raised the tyrant butcher knife, easily blocked it, kicked in Thor’s abdomen, and Thor instantly flew hundreds of meters backwards! ] 】

[Tony’s hand condensed energy, shot towards Thanos, and the armor formed a light blade and slashed at the face! ] 】

[The American team followed closely behind, constantly harassing each other, and the shield was as smooth as a top! ] 】

[The three formed a wrapped momentum and constantly attacked, not giving Thanos a chance to breathe! ] 】

[However, Thanos’ combat experience is so rich, both offensive and defensive, and the three of them will be scattered in the blink of an eye, even if there are many people coming! ] 】


“Thor’s thunder and lightning body looks really terrifying, if it can be fused with the battle armor, won’t it have endless electricity?”

If you can have Thor’s bloodline, it is equivalent to having endless energy!

Asgardne, Loki watched Thor be the first to be kicked away, raised his eyebrows, and mocked in a low voice: “Brother, where did your mighty go before?” ”

“Is it too fat to play?”

After all, Thor had split the energy from the Infinity Stones with an axe before!

Now this looks a little pulled.

Is it really the reason for being fat!

“Fuck off, brother looks like your skin is itchy!”

Thor hit Loki’s ass with a hammer, and he screamed in pain.

Loki called Thor can’t afford to play, didn’t say much, just moved his hands and feet!

If he hadn’t been able to beat him, Loki would have found the field today!

Let him understand what the First Mage of the Nine Realms is!


【The screen turns】

[In the deep pit, Banner tried his best to resist the ruins overhead, but the water in the pit was accumulating more and more! ] 】

[Rhode, the two panicked heads of the rocket raccoon floated on the water, constantly holding against the ruins, but it was useless! ] 】

[“See you in the next life, buddy…”]

[Rhode has already chosen to give up, this will definitely not be able to escape, and if it goes on like this, they will only be drowned alive! ] 】

[And Scott is desperately rushing, quickly shuttling through the flowing water, regardless of his own safety…]

[“Hold on, I’m coming!”] “】

[On the other hand, Hawkeye Barton is constantly shuttling through the pipe, and the roar of wild monsters is heard from all directions! ] 】

[Hawkeye sticks a blasting arrow into the side of the pipe…]

【Next second…】

【Boom!!! 】

[The violent explosion, the sea of fire instantly covered the monsters, emitting a tragic wail…]

[Bang! 】

[Hawkeye was shocked by the aftermath of the explosion for tens of meters, rolled several times in a row, and smashed heavily on the ground! ] 】

[Even with such a powerful explosion, there is still no way to stop the steps of the monsters, and new monsters rush forward one after another! ] 】

[Hawkeye hurriedly shot an arrow overhead, rose into the air, and successfully escaped…]

[Frightened Hawkeye, constantly wielding a long knife, his eyes full of horror and fear! ] 】


“Barton, this is the first time I’ve seen you so scared!”

Rhode wanted to laugh, but he held back abruptly.

The main thing is to be afraid of being shot with a cold arrow in the future …

“Your name is not bad!”

Barton gave him a blank look, if Rhode didn’t have a battle armor, it might be gone in a second, and it would directly become the plate of those monsters!


[In the picture, Nebula appears in front of Barton, and the defenseless Hawkeye gives her the Infinity Stones…]

[But this nebula is not the nebula he knows, as soon as he got the Infinity Stones, Nebula raised his gun and prepared to kill Barton…]

[Fortunately, Gamora and Future Nebula arrived and successfully saved Barton…]

[They go outside…]


Marvel Universe.

In the dark universe…

Nebula pilots the spaceship long after leaving Thanos, on his way to find Gamora.

“Damn, why should I betray in the future!”

Nebula is so fierce that he will help those Avengers!

Now that she can’t go back to the Thanos Legion, what awaits him will be Thanos’ ruthless killing.

When people in other worlds saw this scene, they called Nebula really cruel.

Kill others and hesitate, kill yourself without hesitation.

Dating Wars World.


Mad San couldn’t help laughing, this Nebula’s style was very similar to her!

Killing yourself is not at all hesitant.


【The screen turns】

[The trio fought Thanos to a white-hot stage, and no one could help anyone for a while…]

[But Thanos’ physical strength is still at its peak, but their physical strength is decreasing…]

[Tony unfolds the armor on his back and puts his hands in front of him…]

[“Thor! Give it to me! “】

[Thunder God looked up at the sky, endless thunder fell from the sky, and merged into Thor’s body…]

[Thor bent down, instilled all the absorbed power of thunder and lightning into the storm tomahawk and hammer, and launched it instantly! ] 】

[Lightning merged into Tony’s armor, instantly turned into extremely pure energy, and the armor instantly shot out several powerful lasers! ] 】

【Boom!!! 】

[Thanos hurriedly raised the Tyrant Butcher Knife, clasped the ring, and continuously rotated the blade to form a barrier! ] 】

[Step by step closer to Tony! ] 】

[Thanos stuck the Tyrant Butcher’s Knife aside, grabbed Tony with both hands, and prepared to tear it to pieces! ] 】

[Thor saw that Tony’s situation was not good, threw Thor’s hammer, and smashed it mercilessly towards Thanos Howe! ] 】

[But the hammer hit Tony and knocked it away, and due to the excessive power of thunder and lightning on his body, Tony fainted for a while! ] 】

【”Boss, wake up! “】

[At this time, the American team was covered in injuries, raised its shield and constantly attacked Thanos…]

[But his strength and size are far less than Thanos, just a few strokes, he is already in a rout, Thanos blasted it away with one punch! ] 】

[Thor jumped to tens of meters, fell at extreme speed, and the storm tomahawk slammed into the tyrant butcher’s knife! ] 】

[Boom! 】

[The powerful force bent Thanos’s legs, and Thor snapped the tyrant butcher’s knife and threw Thanos’ weapon out! ] 】

[But at the same time, Thor’s storm tomahawk also fell to the ground, and Thanos seized the opportunity and punched Thor’s face! ] 】

[Bang! 】

[Thor was stunned by the beating, and hand-to-hand combat is not Thanos’ opponent at all! ] 】

[Thanos lifted Thor and slammed it to the ground, and his fat stomach trembled at this moment! ] 】

[Thanos kicked Thor’s chest, raised his fist to Thor’s face is a hammer! ] 】

[Bang! Bang! Bang! 】

[The beaten thunder god, who was a little trance-like, subconsciously raised his hand to summon the storm tomahawk…]

[But he was backhanded by Thanos and grabbed the storm tomahawk, and the axe blade was against Thor’s chest…]

[Thor’s eyes widened, desperately resisting, but at this time, Thanos’ power was greater, and the axe blade gradually sank into his chest! ] 】

[In the distance, the hammer that fell to the ground slowly took off…]

[And Thor didn’t summon a hammer at all! ] 】

[Bang! 】

[Mjolnir instantly smashed Thanos into the air, floated in the air, quickly retreated, and fell into the hands of Team America! ] 】

[When Thor saw this scene, he smiled excitedly, and kept muttering in his mouth:

“I know! I knew it! “】

[Thanos kicked Thor in the face, as if to say that you know a hammer! ] Get down on your stomach! 】

[Bang! 】

[Team America raised its shield to defend in front of him, picked up Mjolnir and ran towards Thanos…]

[Thanos doesn’t put him in his eyes at all, what about with a hammer! ] 】

[Team America jumped up and smashed the hammer on Thanos’ jaw, knocking it off…]

[Thanos was a little confused by this hammer, and when he got up, the shield instantly flew towards his face…]

[Immediately after, hammer! ] 】

[Shield! 】

[Hammer! 】

[A set of combo skills to fight Thanos is a little dizzy…]

【Boom!!! 】

[The power of thunder merged into the hammer and instantly slashed at Thanos’ body, beating it to the ground! ] 】


Marvel Universe.

Avengers Building.

“Captain, you actually tricked us into not being able to lift it!”

“I thought you couldn’t lift it, but you secretly practiced combo skills?”

“It’s too much! It’s actually hidden so deeply! ”

“And how does that hammer feel?”

The most spoken is still Rhode, twitter non-stop!

Team America covered his face, a little faint, now he has not seen Thor, how does he know that he can lift Mjolnir!


Odin looked at Team America with some strangeness, but he didn’t expect that a mortal could lift Mjolnir.

If you say so, this person deserves Mjolnir!

What a human being with good qualities.

At this time, the most shocked was Thor the god of thunder.


The future self snatched his own hammer in the past, not to mention, and now another one came to grab the hammer!

This not only lifted up, but also practiced a set of combo techniques, which is naked to have an idea of his hammer!

For a time, Thor held the hammer to his chest, and no one could take it away!

However, at this time, a voice came from the main hall outside.

“Your Majesty God King Odin, there are people from Nidawi coming to see you outside!”

As soon as Thor heard that Nidawi was coming, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Isn’t the Storm Tomahawk coming!

He was a little distracted, and he didn’t hold the hammer in his arms all of a sudden, and he fell to the ground…

Mjolnir: “So love will disappear, right?” ”


【In the screen】

[Although the American team’s set of combos was unexpected, it was quickly suppressed by the reacted Thanos…]

[Thanos grabbed Captain America’s neck and smashed it the ground…]

[The American team quickly got up, the rhythm of the attack was interrupted, and began to defend…]

[But the difference in size between the two is relatively large, Thanos inserted a knife into the base of the thigh of the American team, and grabbed the arm hard…]

[Punch the hammer away…]

[Team America rolled a few times on the ground, and Thanos hooked the Tyrant Butcher’s knife with one foot and slashed at Team America! ] 】

[Bang! Bang! Bang! 】

[Even the shield that had never cracked was cut in half by Thanos at this time! ] 】

[Powerful force, directly shook the arm of the American team into a big hole! ] 】

[Team America collapsed to the ground, panting heavily, and covered in scaly wounds, but there was not the slightest fear in those eyes…]

[Thanos looked at the American team who was crawling with difficulty and muttered:

“I’ve conquered for so many years…”



[“Never mixed with personal feelings…”]

[Thanos looked at the ruins around him and began to look up, his eyes were cold…]

“But now I’m telling you…”

“What would I do with you stubborn little planet…”?

【”I will enjoy the process slowly…”】

[This cosmic tyrant is completely furious! ] 】

[As soon as Thanos’ words fell, in the distant sky, pillars of light appeared under the spacecraft…]

[The Thanos Legion descends on Earth! ] 】

[The army of black oppression… Monster… Behemoth… People who watch have a numb scalp! 】

[This is the real war!] A battle of doom! 】

[Thanos intends to slaughter all the creatures on this earth, and there is not a single one left!!! 】

[“Ah!!! “】

[Team America struggled to get up, his bloodstained face, and he clasped the cracked arm hard! ] 】

[The huge pain did not make him cry out a little…]

[War is raging, burning everywhere, black smoke is rising into the sky, covering the sky…]

[Team America walks alone towards the boundless Thanos army…]

[A piece of sunlight fell on him, and at this moment, his figure looked particularly sacred! ] 】

[Even if he is the only one, he will fight to the end! ] 】

[Even if it is death, what is the fear! ] 】

[At least he fought!] 】

[Countless people saw this scene, extremely moved, this fearless spirit, infected many people…]

[At this moment, a familiar voice sounded in the ears of the American team…]

[“Captain, can you hear me? “】

“Captain, I’m Sam, can you hear me?”] “】

[There are some differences in the American team, I don’t know where the sound comes from! ] 】

[“On your left! “】

[Team America looked back, and a huge portal appeared! ] 】

[The three Panthers walked out first, quietly watching the American team…]

[Sam leaps out of the air, like an eagle soaring in the sky, spreading his wings and flying! ] 】

[Immediately after…]

[Countless portals began to appear! ] 】

[Doctor Strange floats down from the portal, Mantis Girl, Drax, Star-Lord and they follow…]

[The little spider stands upside down in front of everyone with spider silk, and the pair of smart eyes are looking ahead…]

[The scarlet witch looked at Thanos with murderous intent! ] 】

[Black Panther’s roar to the sky…]

[“Victory! “】

[“Victory! “】

[The warriors of Wakanda…]

[Mages of the Holy of Holies…]

[Warriors of Asgard…]

[All kinds of space warriors walked out of the portal in waves! ] 】

[Thor and Tony looked at these troops in amazement…]

[Doctor Strange looked at Wang on the side and asked, “Just these people? “】

[“Zhuo, are you still too little? “】

[At this time, the giant Ant-Man broke out from the ground, the Hulk, the rocket raccoon, and Rhode were successfully rescued…]

[The endless army keeps pouring out…]

[At this time, the confidence of the American team skyrocketed, and he roared:

“The Avengers !!!” 】

[Mjolnir’s hammer flew into the hands of the American team, gritted his teeth, and said in a low voice:

“Collection !!!” 】

[The time to fight Thanos has arrived!!! 】

[The war is about to break out! ] 】

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