[In the battle of Dingxiangbei, Emperor Wudi of Han discovered this genius young general, Huo Qubing. ] 】

[His combat method is very special, unlike Wei Qing, who uses the army to press the realm, fight steadily and steadily, and attack with all his strength. ] 】

[Instead, give full play to the mobility of the cavalry.] 】

[In the vast desert, gallop to your heart’s content, break each one, and fight to support the war!] 】

[This kind of knife tip licking blood and interspersed with fighting methods is not liked by other generals, but it is deeply appreciated by Emperor Wudi of Han. ] 】

[Emperor Wudi of Han met Huo Qubing, such as a long drought in Ganlin, like a fish getting water, like Bole met a thousand horses, like Guan Zhong met Bao Shuya! ] 】

[The two cherished each other and hit it off, and they were about to become a model of a good general. ] 】

[Emperor Wudi of Han began to reuse Huo Qubing and handed over a decisive war to Huo Qubing. 】

[Although the Xiongnu retreated to Mobei, the land of the Hexi Corridor was still in the hands of the Xiongnu. 】

[If the Great Han wants to open the road to the Western Regions, he must take the land of Hexi. 】

[This is destined to be a battle that will affect the future direction of the Great Han. 】

[In the second year of Yuangari, Emperor Wudi of Han made Huo Qubing a hussar general and launched the Battle of Hexi. 】

[Huo Qubing only took 10,000 cavalry and set out from Longxi. 】

[Near the Hexi corridor, there are the five great kings of the Xiongnu, and there are various small tribes around. 】

[Huo Qubing’s goal this time is very clear, to drive out the Xiongnu’s forces and subdue the other tribes. 】

[Therefore, he gave an order that for the other major tribes, as long as they defeat each other, or if the other side admits defeat, they should be spared, and they should not be burned and plundered. 】

[His battle is unimpeded. 】

[Interspersed with Hexi, the Xiongnu tribe is divided and encircled, and it is very easy for them to play between their palms.] 】

[The tribes were overwhelmed and surrendered one after another. 】

[The Han army went into battle lightly and continued westward deep into the border. 】

[Huo Qubing finally met the five Xiongnu kings in the Hexi region of the Xiongnu in Gaolan Mountain, and fought a decisive battle with the Xiongnu. 】

[Although the Han army has traveled thousands of miles, it still maintains sufficient combat capability. 】

[They and the Huns met in short contact and broke each of them.] 】

[Attacking all the way, he successively defeated the Hun Evil King, the Zhelan King, and the Luhou King… 】

[Many Xiongnu princes, nobles, and ministers were captured. 】

[Finally, there is the most powerful King Hutu. 】

[However, in the face of Huo Qubing’s lightning offensive, King Hutu only had to escape. ] 】

[Even King Hutu’s most sacred sacrificial item, the Heavenly Golden Man, was captured by Huo Qubing. 】

[In this battle, in just six days, Huo Qubing turned thousands of miles and defeated five Xiongnu kings, and all the other Xiongnu tribes surrendered. 】

[Nearly 10,000 enemies were annihilated, and countless people from the Xiongnu royal court were killed or captured. 】

[Huo Qubing was once again sealed with 2,200 households!!] 】

[In the autumn of that year, there was civil unrest in various Xiongnu departments, and the Hun Evil King and others did not submit to Shan Yu and came to surrender to the Han Dynasty. 】

[Emperor Wudi of Han was worried that the Hun Evil King would surrender, so he sent Huo Qubing to lead an army to meet them. 】

[Sure enough, when Huo Qubing came to the vicinity of the Hun Evil King’s royal court, the Hun Evil King’s subordinates all repented, were unwilling to surrender, and fled one after another. 】

[Huo Qubing directly led troops in pursuit, beheading more than 8,000 Xiongnu soldiers who fled, and the princes and nobles knelt down and surrendered. 】

[Huo Qubing ordered people to send the Hun Evil King to Chang’an alone to be surrendered. 】

[At the same time, more than 40,000 people under the Hun Evil King were all integrated into the Han army. 】

[After this battle, there are no Xiongnu in the land of Hexi anymore!!] 】


Daqin World.

“Six days into a thousand miles to annihilate five Hun kings?! This speed, this power, is really too fast!! ”

Qin Shi Huang was dazzled, he had never seen such high efficiency!!

Indeed, the Central Plains region does not have as vast grasslands as Hexi and Monan.

Therefore, the Qin army fought siege battles and positional battles the most.

Attack the enemy army or city with a rain of arrows to form the first wave of blows, and at the same time deter the enemy.

At the same time, the army pressed the territory and attacked the city.

Of course, there were times when cavalry was dispatched, but they were all used as troops that had been attacking and were not used as the main force.

In the southern region, it is even more difficult for cavalry to gallop.

There are too many smoky lands and large areas undeveloped.

At the same time, it is mountainous and watery, and it is necessary to specially organize a strong water army.

This is also the focus of the current Qin Empire, the complete conquest of the land of Baiyue and South Vietnam.

Therefore, Qin Shi Huang knew very well the way of fighting in the Central Plains and the south.

But he only understands the fur of the battle in the northern steppe, and the requirements for Meng Tian are only defense.

Now when he saw the grassland above, the rapid and thunderous attack, the dashing galloping turn.

Yingzheng is indeed hooked!!

This is what the army looks like in the end, quick victory, one hit kills.

He looked at the martial generals in the audience, wanting to test them.

“Generals, what have you learned in this battle?”

The generals pondered for a while, and then began to speak one after another.

“To fight a war, you must capture the thief first and capture the king first, and win the hearts of the people, Huo Qubing focused on defeating the Xiongnu King Wu.”

“He didn’t burn and loot those small tribes, divide and conquer, so he didn’t turn into thousands of miles, and the momentum was like a broken bamboo!”

Li Xin analyzed.

“The monarch and the military general should be united, only if His Majesty believes in the general, and the general fights outside, can he be undistracted!!”


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