View The Script Of Life And Plunder The Opportunity Of Thundering Fruit

Chapter 5 The Hero Is Buried, The Agreement Is Signed!

Xiao Chen was surprised when he saw Zhao Pan's fate.

This hell, golden!

[Famous Ice Emperor]: Become a famous ice emperor in the human world.

[Narrow-minded]: Small belly, easy to breed extreme resentment and other emotions.

This guy now only has one black quality fate.

It doesn't make sense to become a famous person on the famous side.

Until Xiao Chen saw Zhao Pan's recent turning point.

Follow a classmate to a space crack to get a secret treasure?

Xiao Chen's face was instantly covered with black lines.

The time is also right.

Then this classmate is not me.

Feelings are the days when I won my chance to become a famous and powerful person!

And that secret treasure can also help people awaken abilities.

This is absolutely priceless.

Under the mixture of various mysterious energies seeped from countless space cracks.

Countless birds and beasts have been mutated.

Naturally, among human beings, there are lucky ones who have obtained all kinds of strange abilities.

These special abilities are collectively called powers.

over a period of eighty years.

Almost all the abilities that humans can mutate have been calculated in detail.

From low to high are F, E, D, C, B......

In addition to the special abilities brought by abilities.

Depending on the level of ability, the level is different.

The ability awakener can more or less enhance a person's physical fitness to a certain extent.

So as long as the ability is awakened.

The top martial arts academy can be said to be within easy reach.

But I don't know if it's a fixed number in the dark or a limitation of physical function.

As long as you are over eighteen years old, you will no longer be able to awaken your abilities.

And Xiao Chen is only half a month away from turning eighteen.

So for the awakening ability, Xiao Chen has no hope in his heart.

Now it seems.

Nothing is certain.

However, there is such a great opportunity for that space crack that he has not discovered it yet.

Now that I know the direction of the script of life.

Then, I will definitely reverse all this.

Xiao Chen looked at Zhao Pan with cold eyes suddenly.

Zhao Pan was taken aback by the indifferent eyes.

There was a thump in my heart.

Then he pretended to be calm.

"What's the matter, are you dissatisfied?"

"I tell you Xiao Chen, there is still a long way to go."

"A poor kid like you who has no resources is destined to be left far behind."

After I discover your secret.

You won't be able to turn over any storms.

Zhao Pan thought so.

Xiao Chen didn't say anything, but looked away.

In the past, he only focused on becoming stronger.

It is believed that the only enemies of human beings are monsters and weird monsters that appear in the cracks in space.

But if you have no intention of harming others, no one will know that others have no intention of harming you.

If you have not awakened the life panel.

It would be so unexplainably beaten and disabled by others, taking away the opportunity to spend his life miserable.

Get stronger... get stronger by any means!

Only in this way can we firmly hold our destiny in our own hands!

"Ten minutes."

"Students who have made up their minds, please come up and receive the agreement."

With the sound of Xia Guang.

Many people stood up immediately, including Xiao Chen.

However, more than 70% of the people in the class have no intention of getting up.

This is just the first step in a long journey of martial arts.

Talent and perseverance are indispensable.

Xiao Chen sat back in his seat after getting the agreement.

Slowly unfold this bronzing paper full of toughness.

Start with a line of capital letters.

Looking up at Shenzhou Road in clothes, the bones of the battle are destroyed in the daytime.

The choice of martial arts is extremely cruel, and many people have buried their bones on this road.

Then there are some things such as precautions.

Some common sense explanations about the college entrance examination assessment.

This information is basically already known by oneself.

Xiao Chen took a rough look again.

There is a signature area in the lower right corner.

On the left side of the signature area, there are four words written.

Live and die at your own risk.

Without hesitation.

Xiao Chen signed directly.

Then he got up, walked to the podium and handed the agreement to Xia Guang.

"Work hard Xiao Chen, even if you can't get into a top martial arts school."

"In ordinary martial arts schools, you will come out ahead sooner or later."

When Xiao Chen was about to turn around, Xia Guang suddenly spoke encouragingly.

The basic requirement for the recruitment of top martial arts schools is to reach the martial artist level.

Otherwise, even if you barely have enough points in the martial arts assessment.

It will also not be recruited.

Although Xiao Chen is not far from the threshold of warriors.

But the improvement of physical fitness cannot be achieved overnight.

It is different from others who have the support of family elders.

Xiao Chen didn't have the auxiliary sprint of the potion.

It is still too difficult to reach the threshold of a martial artist and want to enter a top martial arts school.

Xiao Chen showed a hearty smile.

"Don't worry, teacher."

"Top martial arts academy, I've entered!"

A child from a poor family, a cruel life?

I, Xiao Chen, will definitely turn this around!

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I wish the readers a happy Chinese New Year and a prosperous life!

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