View The Script Of Life And Plunder The Opportunity Of Thundering Fruit

Chapter 83 The First Person In History To Cultivate The Mingxuan Realm With Both Ice And Thunder? Th

the next day.

The student dormitory area belongs to Xiao Chen's manor.

The practice room on the second floor.

Xiao Chen was soaking in the medicinal pool of the wooden barrel.

But at this moment, the medicine pool is no longer the ice spirit medicine bath.

Due to the rapid improvement of his realm, Chen Qijun changed Xiao Chen's medicinal bath formula.

This bucket alone requires millions of earth coins.

The money that is enough for an ordinary family to live on for ten years will be absorbed by Xiao Chen in just one hour.

But with Xiao Chen's current financial resources, it is enough to support this huge consumption.

This also shows how exaggerated the insurmountable gap between the children of poor families and the heirs of powerful warriors is.

If Xiao Chen had descendants now, he would already be directly ahead of the lesser children in terms of the inclination of various resources.

Even no matter how poor his talent was, Xiao Chen could forcefully smash it at the warrior.

To put it simply, Xiao Chen is no longer a poor family.

Now he himself can become the cornerstone and pillar of a wealthy family.

Regarding this huge amount of magical points, Xiao Chen already had a plan in mind after thinking about it for a day.

That is, he is going to smash most of it into the energy room of heaven and earth.

Now if you spend your energy and financial resources on exercises.

In fact, it was not very cost-effective for Xiao Chen.

After all, his current talent is really too strong, and his advancement speed is like riding a rocket.

And the speed of practicing exercises has a lot to do with the level of the realm.

The higher your realm, the greater your control over the physical body.

And Xiao Chen's goal is to reach the Mingxuan Realm in one go and then find a suitable exercise.

Because once you reach the Mingxuan Realm, it will be another world.

For example, if you want to practice the Dao Xing of the Nine Steps of Thunder Cloud?

Then one must be a strong person in the Mingxuan Realm who understands the way of thunder, or someone who has awakened a powerful lightning attribute ability to practice.

And Xiao Chen still has a doubt.

That is which one of the energies of the heavens and the earth will be the first to be sensed after reaching the Mingxuan Realm.

Logically speaking, for example, Zhao Lin's ability is a watery celestial body.

So naturally, the first energy of heaven and earth he sensed after reaching the Mingxuan Realm would be the energy of water.

But what kind of energy would he be able to comprehend if he possessed dual powers of ice and lightning?

Or go both ways at the same time?

In that case, it would be terrible.

This means that Xiao Chen is able to mobilize two of the eight major energies of the world at the same time, and he is far ahead of other Mingxuan realms on the starting line.

But after all, this is the first time even Chen Qijun has heard of his own situation.

So everything is still unknown.


Xiao Chen breathed a long sigh of relief in the medicine pool.

It's so comfortable......

This time, the medicated bath formula given by Chen Qijun did not feel any strange pain at all.

So let's have a good day of self-cultivation today.

After a month of fighting, I was also a little tired.

Sometimes a proper combination of work and rest, but the effect will be better.

The next day, Xiao Chen came to the colorful pyramid-shaped building again.

After entering, I chose the primary energy room with ease.

The current Xiao Chen also understands the difference between primary and advanced energy chambers.

Why is the advanced energy room basically only used by those who have reached the Ming Xuan Realm.

The reason is that advanced energy chambers are more targeted.

Xiao Chen once stayed in the elementary energy room.

When the formation in the room is activated, the eight kinds of energies from the heaven and the earth will flow out.

For him in the realm of the King of War, the number of energy stars does not matter at all.

Just enough richness is fine.

Because the state of the king of war is essentially only in the state of constantly polishing his physical body.

For him, the eight major energies are nothing more than a polishing tool.

They don't have the ability to directly store this mighty force of heaven and earth in their bodies for their own use.

But it is different for the Ming Xuan Realm who has introduced a kind of energy from heaven and earth into the body.

Their advancement is to incorporate the energy storage between heaven and earth into their own flesh and blood.

Let the flesh and blood gradually fit with the energy of the world.

The more heaven and earth energy the body can hold, the higher the realm will be.

Therefore, except for the energy related to the path that you are walking.

Other energies simply cannot strengthen themselves.

And the high-level energy room is to urge this kind of heaven and earth energy with all its strength in a targeted manner.

In the heaven and earth energy room, the eight major energies have even been fully realized.

The colorful mist completely enveloped Xiao Chen.

Among them, water and thunder energy are the most friendly to Xiao Chen, and the speed of penetration is the fastest.

The second is the dark attribute energy. I don't know if this has anything to do with the fate of the demon hunter.

As for other attributes, they are not as exaggerated as these three.

In this extremely energetic environment, Xiao Chen's realm is also rapidly improving.

Fifteen days later, the practice room of Chen Qijun's residence.

Ye Qingxue was facing a video projection showing her newly realized fire power.


Ye Qingxue raised her right palm against a memory alloy wall.

A ball of scorching flames came out of his hand.

On the surface of the crimson flame sphere, there are several golden flames constantly surrounding it.


The flame ball hit the memory alloy wall and burst open.

Hot air waves stirred in the practice room.


Circles of icy mist immediately filled Xiao Chen who was watching from the sidelines.

Calmed down the scorching breath.

"Well, you have already used the domineering attribute of the flame well."

"Xiao Chen is indeed right, you are a genius of flame."

The person in the video projection suddenly spoke.

It was Lu Yantian.

"That's right, I knew Xiao Chen couldn't lie to his master no matter what."

Chen Qijun also nodded in agreement.

Xiao Chen really wanted to roll his eyes, but you had to be the one who made the aftermath.

Back then, Ye Qingxue hadn't fully awakened the Fire Feather Holy Physique.

What's the matter with your naked retaliatory training? Isn't it determined from the bottom of my heart that I will treat you as a wingman?

Chen Qijun also felt Xiao Chen's speechless aura.

At his level, he is very sensitive to murderous intentions and aura fluctuations in the world.

Chen Qijun touched his nose in embarrassment.

This cannot be blamed on her, the two disciples he recruited this year belong to the extremely rare type that he has never heard of.

There is no need to say more about Xiao Chen, this kid can no longer be described as a genius.

It's simply a monster in human form.

Before entering the Mingxuan Realm, he can violently kill the Mingxuan Realm monster with the body of a battle king.

Even he was looking forward to what kind of transformation Xiao Chen would experience after reaching the Mingxuan Realm.

The same is true for Ye Qingxue.

It's just Schrödinger's ability.

He broke out during the martial arts college entrance examination, so he was recruited into the University of Magic.

Then the preparation period went flat again, and then broke out again during the points match.

Are you sure this is not intentional fishing?

If Xiao Chen hadn't said for sure that Ye Qingxue's abilities had been fully awakened.

He wondered if he would suddenly be beaten back to his original shape one day.

Now he is still convinced of Xiao Chen's detection ability.

Even at this moment, Chen Qijun is considering whether to cooperate with the admissions office of the University of Magic.

Let this kid be a wave of human resources teachers, and make a small contribution to the University of Magic's overwhelming power over the other two high schools.

Xiao Chen suddenly felt a chill.

It's strange, I'm obviously in charge of the blue-striped water body......

When the two came back to their senses, Lu Yantian's explanation had come to an end.

"There are many ways to use fire."

"But the application of Tao is not in many but in essence."

"It's not that you are bad at changing your moves, but I think it's the way to be strong if you make the best use of what you are good at.

"According to my observation, your awakened ability is very suitable for Mie Zhi Fen Mie."

"It's the same direction as the one I walked in."

Lu Yantian in the picture spoke slowly.

Burn one?

Xiao Chen was taken aback for a moment, and asked in doubt.

"Are there many different paths for the same attribute?"

It was the first time he had heard such a statement.


Chen Qijun coughed twice, drawing everyone's attention back to him.

Although he invited Lu Yantian, who was also one of the offenders, in order to better formulate a training plan for Ye Qingxue.

But how to say he is the master of the two.

What's going on if you let this senior brother do everything for you.

"Of course the Tao has many different directions."

"For example, the Mingxuan Realm, which is also one of the paths of light, has different directions such as the recovery of light, the laser beam of light, and so on."

"For example, your ice ability is the freezing of water."

"That Zhao Lin who is in the same class as you is walking along the flow of water."

"However, your abilities are at best a shadow of these Dao aspects."

"You are still far from actually stepping into the branches of these Eight Great Avenues.

"For example, a Dao Xuan Realm expert who has really stepped into the threshold of the flow of water can...

"Forget it, forget it, this issue is not your concern."

While talking, Chen Qijun suddenly waved his hands and stopped talking.

"This is something that only the top experts in the Ming Xuan Realm and even the Dao Profound Realm will come into contact with."

"If one can really touch the threshold of one aspect of Dao, then at least one is not far from the Dao Profound Realm."

"Even I didn't touch the threshold, so you don't have to worry about it."

Xiao Chen nodded, if even Chen Qijun hadn't touched the threshold of these paths.

For him and Ye Qingxue, there is really no need to understand it too early.

But he suddenly thought of Cao Hua's ubiquitous voice.

This miraculous means.

Now it seems that it is very likely to be related to Tao.

"Hey, I just mentioned it casually."

Lu Yantian in the picture touched his head and said in embarrassment.

"Senior Brother, if there is anything I can do to help you, the Demon Slayer, just let me know."

Xiao Chen suddenly thought of his identity.

Lu Yantian in the picture was momentarily at a loss for words.

"You can really speak nice words, kid. You still remember that you are a member of Demon Slayer."

"But it's really not too busy recently."

"I heard from Master Chen that you now have the combat power of the Ming Xuan Realm."

"Don't worry, I'll call you if something happens."

Recently, the thorn in the side of the demon slayer has disappeared because of the demon.

Lu Yantian did have a lot of leisure time, otherwise he wouldn't have the time to give advice to Ye Qingxue.

"Halo, how could I forget that I am a member of the Monster Slayer."

"It's a little too much for you to say that."

Xiao scolded.

When I bought a smart fighter, I immediately remembered such a heavy identity.


It's better not to say this.

"Minister, there is a document........."

A woman's voice came from the other side of the screen.

"Then let's do this first, I still have something to do."


Lu Yantian immediately hung up the call.

"Xiao Chen, I didn't expect you to be in the same department as Brother Lu.

Ye Qingxue said in surprise.

She only knew that Lu Yantian was the boss of a special operations department in Xia Guo.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen also belonged to this department.

Demon Slayer, I wonder if I have a chance to join...

々um. "

Xiao Chen nodded and joked.

"At the beginning, he was abducted by 20 million earth coins, but now that I think about it, Senior Brother Lu really made a lot of money."

"I bought my strong support with 20 million yuan."

Although it was a bit of a joke, Xiao Chen was still very touched by Xia Tian in his heart.

After all, Lu Yantian really had nothing to say to himself.

And in addition to the 20 million earth coins at the beginning.

Medicinal bath formula, thunderbolt knife technique, and directly recommending himself to enter the University of Magic.

They all helped me a lot.

Speaking of which, he is still a member of the five groups.

But now his strength should have far surpassed Gao Yan, the leader of the fifth team.

Xiao Chen then looked at his own life script panel.

【Name】: Xiao Chen

【Realm】: Advanced Battle King

【Number of Fate】: It's a mess, I can't see the direction

[Fate]: Thunderbolt Fruit (Red ★) Blue Ice Body (Gold ★) Sword Genius (Purple) Omen Hunter (Purple - can be upgraded)

[Recent turning point: none]

During the fifteen days of the offseason, Xiao Chen basically spent about ten hours a day in the Tiandi Energy Room.

It cost one hundred and fifty points for magic points alone.

One hundred and fifty magic points doesn't sound like much to Xiao Chen.

But you know, in this points race.

More than half of the students have not obtained one hundred and fifty magic points.

And it was this huge sum of money that Xiao Chen invested into the Heaven and Earth Energy Room within just fifteen days.

If this spreads, I don't know how many people will feel pain.

However, with such a huge investment, the effect is also very significant.

Xiao Chen's realm finally broke through to the advanced battle king yesterday!

In terms of realm alone, he is already on an equal footing with Gao Yan, the leader of the fifth group of Monster Slayer, and his theoretical boss.

You must know when Gao Yan met Xiao Chen for the first time.

He is a high-level battle king, while Xiao Chen is only a mid-level fighter!

In terms of real combat power, Xiao Chen was able to kill the Mingxuan Realm monster without injury when he was an intermediate fighter.

It even made Gao Yan unknowing.

When they first met, their strengths were not at the same level.

But now, (Wang Hao) is also not at the same level.

But the meaning is completely different.

It's just a pity, I heard from Lu Yanwei that the Heavenly Demon has disappeared for some reason recently.

The fate of Omen Hunter is really easy to use.

Xiao Chen originally wanted to find a chance to hunt more demons, at least to raise this fate to gold.

But at present, it is temporarily impossible.

Regardless, the calamity of the demon has existed for so long.

It is impossible to suddenly evaporate from the world, there will always be a chance.

Before that, I should first polish my other abilities to a limit step by step.

In this way, after breaking through to the Ming Xuan Realm, he will be able to accumulate more knowledge.

"Master Chen, I always feel that there is still room for perfection in my move, the Divine Thunder Prison."

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen stopped worrying about the fate of the Omen Hunter.

Instead, he turned to Chen Qijun and asked.

"Don't, don't, don't use it here.

"Let's go to the martial arts hall."

Chen Qijun quickly waved his hand to stop it.

The last time Xiao Chen used a thunder move in his practice room.

It has exceeded the limit that the memory metal in the practice room can bear.

It took 10 million earth coins to reassemble later.

There is a lesson to be learned from the world, I don't know how many students from the University of Magic have been taught in this practice room of mine.

How many great figures who are still fighting on the front line of Xia Kingdom have come out of here.

So it stands to reason that this kind of decoration configuration is enough for men even if the teaching objects are students of the highest martial arts academy.

But Xiao Chen is really too evil.

Even for Lu Yantian, it was only after he broke through to the Mingxuan Realm that his strength changed significantly.

As for Xiao Chen, don't say anything else.

Why do you use a move called Shenming Thunder Prison, and why do you ask others to point it out?

Can't we be a little more low-key?

But there is one thing to say, Chen Qijun really feels more and more that Xiao Chen's understanding of Lei Ting's progress is too fast.

If this continues, I don't know if I can teach until Xiao Chen's junior year.

No, maybe it is still unknown whether I can teach until the end of my freshman year.

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