Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 172 Level 6 Royal City

"It's really a hero who sees the same thing, that guy actually built the king's city."

Zhang Yang sighed, and admired him very much, because if his appearance hadn't killed the demon cultivator at the Jindan stage, then the final winner of this time's Qianlong hegemony might really become a demon clan.

With that terrifying material support, a mere level 6 royal city is no problem at all.

And from this point of view, Zhang Yang has really seen the behavior style of the Tianqiong Monster Clan, which is eclectic, unconstrained, and clever moves everywhere, which is difficult to guard against.

The abyssal demons seem to be strong, but the result is really not as good, at least in this confrontation.

For example, the mirage demons cultivated by the demons did not destroy the Great Wei Dynasty after hundreds of years. As a result, the demons only sent a demon girl to end the Great Wei neatly.

And in fact, Yaozu was about to succeed once. If Qin Ge hadn't made the move, Zhang Yang would have been obliterated because of the failure of the mission.

So speaking of it, Zhang Yang really hates the Yaozu deeply, and kills it all.

Yaozu is definitely a serious problem!

"From this point of view, it was the most correct decision for me to grit my teeth and build a level 6 royal city. Otherwise, I would have to be careful of the infiltration of the monster race and witches at all times. The level 6 royal city is the best way to deal with the monster race."

Zhang Yang was very emotional, and then continued to patrol the city. Now he began to happily look forward to the moment when his royal city was approved by the village building order.

Fifteen days later, with the completion of the last basic building in the royal city, Zhang Yang heard a dragon chant in his mind, or it wasn't a dragon chant, but a strange aura resonance, because the 10 natal auras in his body unexpectedly also At the same time, it vibrates and turns around on its own, which is indescribably wonderful, as if it has obtained some kind of mystery of heaven and earth.

This state lasted only twelve breaths, and then Zhang Yang's body released three breaths of natal aura out of thin air.

This is the result of the initial formation of the level 6 royal city's aura, which resonates with the mountains, rivers and earth energy here. As the master of the royal city, Zhang Yang is also a cultivator, so he became the first beneficiary.

But he was very conscious, and then quit that strange state, because he was worried that if it continued, the level 6 king city would become a level 5 king city, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

It's just that Zhang Yang didn't know that the three more natal auras he had absorbed were originally formed at the beginning of the 6th-level royal city, and they were born spontaneously.

For example, half a month ago, when the red-skinned monster's level 4 royal city was first completed, dragon energy (spiritual energy) shot up into the sky. As a result, with his actions like this, the level 6 royal city was built on tiptoe.

Zhao Zhou was so bluffed that he almost grabbed his beard off, thinking that there was a fatal mistake somewhere, he ran to find Zhang Yang in a panic, and only then did the truth come to light.

Then under the threat of the old man's remonstrance, Zhang Yang had no choice but to swear not to absorb the spiritual energy in the royal city, so he comforted the old man away, but how could he do such a stupid thing again, if possible, he would rather the spiritual energy in the royal city The more the better, the more aura, the more will be fed back to the residents, the more talents will be born, and the quality will be better.

Only then did he have time to view the large amount of information mapped by the village building order.

"You have successfully built a level 6 royal city (the overall progress is 82%, which meets the conditions approved by the village construction order, and the follow-up progress can be slowly built)."

"Because you own a level 6 royal city, the progress bar of your Return of the King mission has changed to 100/1000."

"Because you have a legendary master craftsman, the progress bar of your Return of the King mission has changed to 101/1000."

"Because you have two historical legends, the progress bar of your Return of the King mission has changed to 105/1000."

"You get Wang Qi +10."

"Check the specific information of the 6th level royal city."

"Level: 6 (highest)"

"Characteristics of the king's city: dragon veins to protect the city, explained, personally arranged by the legendary master craftsman, using the aura of heaven and earth as virtual dragon veins, using mountains and rivers and city pools as real dragon veins, intersecting virtual and real, and combining aura, benefiting the lives of thousands of miles around, durable, 1000/10000, It can continue to be infused with aura until it is fully built."

"Characteristics of the Royal City: outstanding people, out of every hundred newborn babies, there will be one king-level population, five noble-level populations, fifty elite-level populations, and the rest are outstanding-level populations. The maximum limit of this characteristic is ten generations of population , or the upper limit of the total birth population of 200,000, which can be chosen by oneself.”

"Characteristics of the royal city: super evil spirits, within a thousand miles around the royal city, no evil monsters can get close."

"Characteristics of Wangcheng: Life is endless, the mortality rate of newborns is reduced to 1/1000, and three children are born."

"Characteristics of the Royal City: Up and down, when an enemy attacks, the attributes of the city defense soldiers are temporarily increased by 10%."

"Characteristics of the Royal City: Mighty, a talent that the direct descendants of the royal family must obtain, and the chances of obtaining it by the collateral descendants decrease."

"Royal city characteristic: Linghui, the talent that the direct descendants of the royal family must obtain, and the chances of obtaining it by the collateral descendants decrease."

"Characteristics of the Royal City: Robustness, a talent that the direct descendants of the royal family must obtain, and the chances of obtaining it by the collateral descendants decrease."

"Characteristics of the Royal City: Hegemony, not cursed, the talent that the male descendants of the royal family must obtain, and there is no collateral."

"The basic building information currently owned by Wangcheng."

"The Temple of Heaven and Earth, level 1 (upgraded from the Town God's Temple at level 15), used for offering sacrifices to heaven and earth and ancestors."

"Imperial Palace, (unbuilt)."

"Royal Gardens, (unfinished)."

"Imperial City, (unfinished)."

"The functional institutions of the various ministries of the dynasty, (not yet completed)."

"Barracks × 12, the highest level is 25, and special units can be stationed."

"The training ground, the highest level is 25, can train special arms, and can train two special arms at the same time."

"Military academy grounds, the highest level is 25, where you can review assembled troops."

"The grain depot is the highest at level 25 and can accommodate 3 million tons of grain."

"The Armor Depot is the highest at level 25, and can hold equipment for 100,000 troops."

"Prison, level 25 is the highest."

"Public security anti-theft patrol department, the highest level is 25."

"East City, a gathering place for businesses, level 25 is the highest."

"West Market, a gathering place for businesses, level 25 is the highest."

"Beifang, the residence of officials and generals, the highest level is 25."

"Nanfang, where the brothels and restaurants are located in the common people's business and traveler's store, ranging from level 10 to level 25."

"Scenery, there are eight scenic spots in the imperial city, sixteen scenic spots in the inner city, thirty-two scenic spots in the outer city, and seventy-two scenic spots within a thousand miles. The four seasons change, and the scenery is different, ranging from 15 to 25 levels."

"Farm x 15, 150,000 mu, level 25 is the highest."

"City wall, level 25 is the highest."

"City gate, level 25 is the highest."

"Outer city, not yet built."

"It is expected to accommodate a maximum of 500,000 people, including the outer city, which currently has a population of 17,000."

"It is estimated that up to 100,000 troops can be stationed."

"The guard pass around the king's city, the acropolis, nothing."

"County towns, state towns, county towns, villages and towns around Wangcheng, none."

"Can you build a capital, no."

"Can you establish a dynasty and proclaim yourself emperor, no."

"Can you establish a kingdom and become king, no."

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