Chapter 67: Choose Zhang Changlin from “Dying to Survive”! Invited to join the Film Association!

After looking at the scripts that appeared on the table at the same time,

Lu Chen was a little distracted for a moment.

Seven or eight directors, seven or eight scripts…….

He knew that the scripts he had seen now, except for”Dying to Survive” by Wen Muye, who was not very famous in the Kyushu film and television circles, were all highly popular movies that had been long-awaited by netizens before they were released. The reason was simple. It was because of the directors who filmed them. Every one of them


They are all quality guaranteed!

Word of mouth guaranteed!

And now, they did not hesitate to put these books that are destined to be popular in the future in front of him.

Let him choose……

This olive branch……

It’s too heavy!

“Well, I’ll speak first! Just a few words!”

The first to speak was Zhang Yimou.

“《I originally intended to give the role of Police Chief Gao Bin in”On the Cliff” to Ni Dahong!”

“I’m sorry, friend…..”

Zhang Yimou smiled apologetically at Ni Dahong.

The other party didn’t mind and smiled and waved 16 hands.

“But now, I want to give you this role!”

“The difficulty of character creation is not easy. There are also many scenes!”

“Almost all the contradictions and conflicts revolve around him!”

While Zhang Yimou was explaining, Lu Chen glanced through the book.

Judging from the plots and lines he had seen, it was indeed……It’s a good movie!

“”Thank you, Director Zhang!”

After Zhang Yimou finished speaking, Lu Chen smiled and thanked him.

Then he picked up the notebook with both hands and put it in his bag.

“I will go back and study the book carefully, and then give you an answer!”

“The book is very good, and the characters are also good…….Can’t bear this responsibility!”

Zhang Yimou’s eyes were stunned for a moment, and then he revealed a meaningful look.

“OK! Then go back and take a look, we’ll talk later!”

“Finished, right? Then I’ll do it!”

“《There are two roles for you to choose in”Sentiment”……The first one……”

“《The Great Buddha Plus tells such a story……”

A group of directors began to recommend their own movies to Lu Chen one after another. At a certain moment, they suddenly felt like they had just entered the film and television industry and were looking for investment everywhere…….

This group of people haven’t looked for investment for many years……..

In the nearly 40 minutes, a group of famous directors recommended their scripts to Lu Chen.

During the process, several veteran actors who had read the scripts in advance also gave Lu Chen some pertinent suggestions!

Lu Chen accepted all the suggestions.

The responses to everyone were almost the same.

“The script is good, but the task is heavy. I went home to study hard, fearing that I would fail…….”

Such answers and wording…….

It was somewhat unexpected!

They had known Lu Chen privately.

They knew his background and everything he had experienced in Hengdian.

So, in their eyes,……

People like Lu Chen lack opportunities…….Opportunities are very scarce!

An actor who wants to make a name for himself encounters a great opportunity like this.

What would most people do?

No need to think!

No matter who you are, no matter how many scripts you give me,

I will take them all!

Whether I can eat or not, whether I can shoot or not, these are issues to be considered later……..

But Lu Chen……

But it was not like that.

Those present were all people who had seen great storms. How could they not understand

Lu Chen’s words”I’ll go back and take a closer look and think about it”?……

Although, it is not a rejection. But

, at least it shows a problem.

These books, these characters……..

His charm attracted them at first sight.

For this situation, several directors were not frustrated or puzzled.

Instead, they looked up to Lu Chen. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Principled and thoughtful!

Not greedy or reckless. Not humble or arrogant, and not following the crowd! Such people are indeed among the young people in the current film and television industry…….It’s rare! []

As time passed quickly, the”Director Recommendation” session was coming to an end. The last person to speak was Wen Muye, who had shown great enthusiasm when Lu Chen entered the room. He was the youngest and least experienced among the directors……..

The one who has the least confidence in himself!

“My book……Maybe a bit realistic. Can’t compare with some great directors.”

“Remuneration…….Can’t compare”

“I wanted to ask you to play a role with not a lot of scenes…….I really don’t know you very well.”

“Now, except for Cheng Yong’s role, you can choose any other role.”

“As long as you want to act…….I’ll keep them all for you…….”

Wen Muye’s voice became lower and lower.

Although he wanted to defeat Lu Chen, he also knew that compared with the other people on the scene, his competitiveness was……Really limited

“”Has Zhang Changlin’s candidate been chosen?”

Just as Wen Muye was trying to organize his words and wanted to say more to attract Lu Chen,

Lu Chen, who had been concentrating on the thin script outline in his hand, suddenly looked up and asked


Wen Muye was stunned for a moment, then shook his head vigorously.

“No, no…….”

“When will Director Wen plan to shoot?”

“Forehead……The sooner the better”


Lu Chen gently closed the script outline.

He looked up at Wen Muye who was sitting opposite him.

“Director Wen needs to inform me before the show starts, Zhang Changlin…….I want to give it a try!”

The whole main hall was in a dead silence.

All the directors looked at Lu Chen with some surprise.

After a few seconds of reaction, Lu Chen suddenly realized that he had just…….It seems that there is something wrong.

A few minutes ago, he rejected five or six famous directors one after another.

But just now, in just three minutes, he accepted someone else’s invitation.

This is really……

The contrast was a bit too great.

After a few seconds of silence, Jiang Wen broke the awkward atmosphere.

“Xiaowen, 123 you have to treat me to supper tonight!”

“Your efforts paid off, you finally won Xiao Lu over.”

“oh……Yes, yes, yes, I’ll treat you! I’ll definitely treat you!”

“I have to say that Xiao Lu has a really good eye. We discussed this before we came here. Xiao Wen’s book is a rare good book in recent years!”

“As a result, the person was picked out by Lu Yan!”

“Not bad, not bad……Good actors and good scripts, this movie is probably a good movie, it should be right!”

After a short silence, the atmosphere in the main hall became cheerful again. After everyone chatted for a while, Jiang Wen cast his eyes on a man with elegant temperament sitting on the sofa.

After receiving the other party’s nod, he raised his hand and pressed it in the air.

“Okay, now we have successfully solved the first problem!”

“As for whether Xiao Lu will take over your role in the future, you can try your best to get it!”

“Now that this matter is over, let’s move on.”

Jiang Wen gave a summary of the”person snatching incident” just now.

He looked up at Chen Daoming who was sitting in the middle of the crowd.

“President, now……I’ll leave the stage to you!”

Chen Daoming raised his hand and pushed his glasses. After smiling at Jiang Wen, he slowly stood up from the sofa. He took two steps forward and came to Lu Chen.

After carefully looking at Lu Chen, he raised his hand and patted Lu Chen on the shoulder, who looked a little stunned.

“I watched your performance, it was amazing…….”

“Today, on this unofficial occasion”

“I take the initiative to invite you on behalf of the Film Association…….”

“Join our big family!”


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