Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 111: Chilong True Soul! Wan'er, It Doesn't Have To Be Like This! (Seeking Subscrip

"Since all Elders agree, then the marriage shall be annulled!"

"My seat announces that starting today, Chasing Long Tianyu will leave the Feng family, and from now on, he will no longer be my husband-in-law of the Feng family!"

Feng Yuwan's cold and indifferent voice resounded through the Great Hall.

Although Long Tianyu thinks very highly of himself, he looks down on going home.

However, it is impossible to agree to dissolve the marriage with Feng Qianning.

After all, Feng Qianning was the woman he had already identified.

Moreover, Feng Yuwan, the mother-in-law, is the obsession and dream in his heart.

If he and Feng Qianning dissolved their marriage.

Then Feng Yuwan is not his mother-in-law.

At that time, the dream in my heart will be shattered.

Even if it is realized in the future, there will be no such feeling.

Long Tianyu hurriedly said:

"Mother-in-law, I have been married to Qian Ning for more than ten years, and it is also the last wish of my grandfather before his death. How can we just cancel it if we say it is cancelled?"

"And this kind of thing needs to be agreed with both Qian Ning and me!"

"Qian Ning, are you willing?"

Feng Yuwan looked at Feng Qianning.

She had long wanted to dissolve her daughter's marriage with Long Tianyu, a good-for-nothing son-in-law.

I had been holding back before, mainly because I was worried that once the relief was lifted, the two old bastards, Lan Qingshan and Bai Zhou, would take the opportunity to let Qian Ning marry someone from their family.

But now, the two old bastards are dead.

She also broke through to Divine Transformation Fourth Stage.

In the ancient ice and snow city, no one can threaten her anymore.

It's also time to get rid of this useless son-in-law in front of him.

Out of sight out of mind.

"Mother, I'm 01!"

Feng Qianning's beautiful cheeks were full of tangles.

Before, she had always felt pity for Long Tianyu.

So I am willing to maintain the relationship between husband and wife.

After all, it is only in name only.

It can also resist the pursuit of many people for her.

but now.

Long Tianyu's performance during this time disappointed her.

Moreover, His Royal Highness Son.

Yang Chen's handsome and graceful figure flashed in his heart, Feng Qianning couldn't help raising his head, and looked at Yang Chen on the high platform.

In the beautiful eyes, there is a little fascination.

If she hadn't married Long Tianyu back then.

Maybe, His Highness the Son of God will choose her.

After all, at the banquet, they also had a good talk.


Now His Royal Highness the Son is married to his mother.


Feng Qianning sighed, and said in a desolate tone:

"Everything is up to the mother!"

"Dry you!"

Hearing Feng Qianning's answer, Long Tianyu panicked.

Because the mother-in-law also mentioned before that they should dissolve their marriage.

But Qian Ning refused.

how is today

"I disagree!"

Long Tianyu said immediately.

Being the son-in-law of Feng's family for more than ten years, he suffered all kinds of humiliation.

The marriage was dissolved without even touching Feng Qianning's hand?

Drive out of Feng's house?



"A mere son-in-law, you deserve to say you disagree?"

With a wave of Fengyu Wanyu's hand, she directly slapped Long Tianyu's face with a True Qi palm print.


This slap did not blow him away.

Instead, he gave a solid slap, and the sound was very crisp.

A mouthful of blood was fanned out from Long Tianyu's mouth.

A few teeth fell out.

"Deserved it!"

"The head of the family has spoken, and a son-in-law dares to refuse!"

"Hmph, if it were me, this slap would kill him directly!"

"The Patriarch is still too merciful!"

The surrounding Elder disciples of the Feng family were full of sneers.


"Feng Yuwan, you bitch, do you know how to hit daddy?"

Long Tianyu was furious in his heart.

"Long Tianyu, I will give you two ways now!"

"Either agree to dissolve the marriage, or die!"

"You choose!"

Feng Yuwan looked at him condescendingly, in her beautiful eyes, holy circles flickered.

She was really moved to kill.

If Long Tianyu doesn't know what's good or bad.

Then shoot him to death today.

"I don't agree!"

Long Tianyu clenched his fists tightly.

Word by word.

Although she could feel the murderous aura emanating from Feng Yuwan's body.

However, it is absolutely impossible for him to agree to dissolve the marriage with Feng Qianning!

"court death!"

Feng Yu Wan Yu looks frosty.

Raise your hand and wave it away.

A blue palm print directly slapped Long Tianyu.

This palm, let alone Long Tianyu's Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator.

Even the Nascent Soul cultivator can't bear it.


When the palm print was about to be slapped on Long Tianyu's body.

A loud dragon chant resounded through the Great Hall.


There is a powerful coercion in the dragon's chant.

A red dragon appeared from Long Tianyu.

This time, it was not Song Long Xuying.

It's an almost real red dragon.

Feng Yuwan's True Qi palm print was also shattered by the sudden appearance of the red dragon.

Dragon and Phoenix figured it out.

The red dragon hovered over the Great Hall, and the tyrannical coercion it exuded made many Feng family cultivators in the Great Hall tremble.

"Almost a real red dragon!"

"Is that a real dragon?"

"Long Tianyu, this good-for-nothing son-in-law, actually has such secret methods!"

"No wonder he is so confident that he dares to refute the Patriarch!"

Although Long Tianyu's face was covered with blood at this time, he looked miserable.

But there was a hint of pride in his eyes.

This is his biggest hole card.

After reaching the Foundation Establishment Realm, he communicated with the Dragon Blood Jade not long ago and awakened the true soul of the red dragon inside.

However, Chilong True Soul is not for his use.

Instead, it will only appear when he encounters a life-and-death crisis to prevent him from being killed.

Feng Yuwan's palm just now was enough to kill him a hundred times.

Therefore, the true soul of the red dragon appeared.

Blocked the fatal blow for him.

As the inheritance treasure of the Chilong family.

Dragon Blood Jade is mysterious and extraordinary.

Feng Yuwan is the Cultivation Base of Divine Transformation Fourth Stage, if I want to kill him today, I'm afraid I can't do it.

"Mother-in-law, if you want to kill me today, I'm afraid you won't be able to!"

"Qian Ning and I have been married for more than ten years, why do we have to dissolve our marriage?"

Long Tianyu straightened his waist again, speaking neither humble nor overbearing.

He looked around the Great Hall.

All looked in shock.

Especially seeing Feng Qianning's surprised expression.

He was even more flustered.

Qian Ning must be shocked by now.

After all, the Divine Transformation Fourth Stage cultivator has already stood on top of the Beiling Domain.

Now, he is blocked by the true soul of the red dragon on his body.


It's just a pity.

The true soul of the red dragon can only protect itself.

Unable to mobilize its power to attack.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to kill people today.

Feng Yunhai must be killed first to vent his anger.

Long Tianyu cast a dark look at Feng Yunhai.

Feng Yunhai couldn't help but take two steps back.

The red dragon in the Great Hall really put him down.


Long Tianyu saw his panic-stricken look, and there was a hint of contempt in his eyes.

This kind of waste, and oneself are destined to be two worlds.

at this time.

Feng Yuwan looked at the red dragon that suddenly appeared in the Great Hall, with an uncertain expression on her face.

She also didn't expect that this trash, Long Tianyu, would have such means.

In that palm just now, although she didn't use all her strength, she still had 50% strength.

Even Half step Divine Transformation can kill with one palm.

But it was blocked.

Although this red giant dragon is not an entity, it seems to be real.

The coercion emanating out made even her feel a little heartbroken.

Feeling this coercion, the Phoenix imprint on the brow is shining with ice blue luster.

"Mother-in-law, although your Feng family has the blood of the ice phoenix, after all, it has been passed down for ten thousand years, and the bloodline of the ice phoenix is ​​already very thin!"

"Put it in Beilingyu, maybe it will still dominate one side evenly!"

"But in the land of Zhongzhou, hehe!"

"Bei Lingyu is small, but Zhongzhou is huge!"

"In Zhongzhou, even cultivators above Divine Transformation Fourth Stage can be found everywhere, and they can't be regarded as the strongest!"

Long Tianyu's tone was a little arrogant.

There are not many opportunities to act aggressively in front of this cold and noble mother-in-law.

However, these words made Fengyu Wanyu brush her fists and her eyes gradually responded.

"Long Tianyu, are you threatening me?"

"Do you really think I can't kill you?"

Feng Yuwan felt that her majesty had been challenged.

Now she has become the lord of the ice and snow ancient city, and her strength has broken through the Divine Transformation Fourth Stage. She is majestic and does not allow anyone to challenge her.

True Qi surged out from Feng Yuwan's body.

The extremely cold air instantly permeated the entire Great Hall.

The ice phoenix Bloodline in her body is fully recovering.

After refining the Xuanbing Sacred Lotus, the Ice Phoenix Bloodline in her body had a qualitative improvement.

Because half of the blood in the body has been transformed into the blood of the ice phoenix.

Once fully actuated, the body can even transform into the real Phoenix.

That's what she does too.

She didn't believe it, the blood of the ice phoenix in her body was not as good as the uncolored dragon in front of her!?

However, just as she was about to transform into Phoenix form, a palm was pressed on her shoulder.

"Wan'er, it doesn't have to be like this!"

Yang Chen whispered in her ear.

The unique voice and address immediately softened Feng Yuwan's incomparably cold and delicate body.

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