Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

405: Phoenix Master’S Request! Karen Ji, Why Are You Making Such A Fuss? (Please Subscribe)

at this time.

Thousands of miles away from Tiandu City, in an unknown mountain range.

Two beautiful women with plump figures stood facing each other.

She is wearing a red dress and has a beautiful and noble temperament. She is none other than the Taoist Master of Aurora.

The other one was wearing a blue palace dress. Although his long ice-blue hair was tied up, he looked a bit cold and aloof.

Between the two beautiful women, the three-color immortal light and the blue Phoenix shadow competed with each other.

Although it is only limited to a few tens of feet of space, it exudes an amazing Dao Rhyme, spreading out like ripples, causing the vegetation in the entire mountain range to be stained with a trace of spirituality, turning into Spiritual Herbs elixir.

Finally, the three-color immortal light was frozen by the blue Phoenix, and the battle ended.

The Aurora Taoist's face looked slightly gloomy.

"I didn't expect that not only would you enter that Realm, but you would also go further than I did!"

"No wonder there were many True Immortals in the Phoenix clan back then, but they made you the Phoenix Lord!"

"It's true that the waves behind the "967" incident in the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. I am afraid that I can no longer keep up with this era!"

"Sister Xi, this is not your speaking style!"

"I think back then, when you had practiced for less than a hundred Ten Thousand Years, you created the Way of Aurora, became the Tao Master, and stepped into the realm of Immortal Venerable!"

"With her peerless beauty, she overwhelms her peers in the Immortal World!"

"My little sister has not dared to slack off in the past hundred Ten Thousand Years, and she has just been able to catch up with you, Sister Xi, in your hundred Ten Thousand Years' footsteps!"

"Now that Sister Xi has revived again, I'm afraid it won't be long before you can return to your peak and once again be awe-inspiring in the world!"

Hearing the compliments from the beautiful blue-haired woman, Master Jiguang laughed at himself and then asked:

"What are you going to do next? Are you going to fight your way back to Immortal World? Or continue to run Kunlun?"

"Let's talk about it first. I owe you a favor from the Kunlun world. I paid it back ten thousand years ago. No matter what you choose, I will not bother to get involved in the future. I will wait for Yang Chen, the little bastard, to transmit to me again. The origin of life, I am about to return to the Immortal World!"

Hearing her words, the beautiful blue-haired woman suddenly smiled and said:

"Sister Xi, what you said is totally out of context!"

"Although you are not a creature born in the Kunlun world, you have come to the Kunlun world to practice since you were a child. Kunlun Sacred Tree, Dragon Ancestor, these people are all your teachers!"

"Kunlun world will always be your home!"

"Oh, this is what Si Lai is doing!"

The Aurora Taoist sneered.

"You Kunlun Realm bullies students and makes me very hurt!"

"Besides, I have repaid the favor. Back then, there were so many people in your Kunlun world who were greedy for life and fearful of death and defected, but I, an outsider, refused to retreat. Isn't this enough?"

Seeing that Jiguang Dao Master's voice became colder and colder, the blue-haired woman said helplessly:

"In that case, please do me one more favor, Sister Xi, and take Yang Chen with you when you leave the Kunlun world!"

"Take Yang Chen with you? Aren't you afraid that I will abduct him and let him become a member of my Three-Eyed Immortal Clan from now on?"

Jiguang Taoist raised his eyebrows and said.

The beautiful blue-haired woman smiled.

"If that's the case, that's the best!"


Jiguang Taoist Master was immediately puzzled.

"Sister Xi, you must have guessed who was behind the battle that year!"

"Yang Chen is extremely beautiful. If he goes to the Immortal World as a creature from the Kunlun world, it is likely that the other party will take action again and erase him to prevent Kunlun from rising again!"

"It's not time for the few of us to show up yet, so it's not convenient for us to protect Yang Chen!"

"So, if Sister Xi is willing to arrange another identity for him and provide him with shelter, that would naturally be the best!"

Listening to the beautiful blue-haired woman's explanation, Aurora Taoist Master frowned slightly, his eyes and hands a little suspicious.

"Why do I always feel that you are trying to drag me onto this broken ship in the Kunlun world through this boy Yang Chen?"

"Sister Xi is joking, Yang Chen, a junior who has not yet entered True Immortal, how can he have such energy!"

The beautiful blue-haired woman said, with a hint of amusement in her eyes.

"Unless, sister, you don't regard Yang Chen as an ordinary junior!"

"Instead, treat him as a man who can provide a hug!"

"If that's the case, Sister Xi, you can do whatever you want. My little sister will never object!"

Hearing this, Jiguang Dao Master looked startled.

Then, a blush appeared on Bai Yurong's face.

The scene when she was held in the arms of that bastard Yang Chen was indeed seen.

Damn it.

Destiny Hall, in a secret room.

Ji Qingyou's phoenix eyes suddenly opened, and two red flames burned fiercely in the pupils, as if they were about to rush out.

Karen Ji quickly activated the Sun-Moon Divine Phoenix Tower and barely suppressed the two red flames.

But his face turned a little paler.

This red flame is not the Phoenix Blood God Yan in her body, but the Red Lotus Mie.

The Red Lotus Karmic Fire is the Transcend Tribulation flame dropped by Heavenly Dao during the Immortal Tribulation. Only by withstanding the burning of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire can one survive the Immortal Tribulation and step into the True Immortal realm.

When she failed to survive the Immortal Tribulation, she was supposed to die under the red lotus karma fire.

However, using the Sun and Moon Divine Phoenix Tower, the Red Lotus Karmic Fire was barely suppressed, and the body and soul were saved.

But this situation is only temporary.

This red lotus fire comes from Heavenly Dao. Every time it is suppressed, the next counterattack will be stronger.

Until she was completely burned into nothingness.

If you want to resolve this red lotus fire, there is only one way, and that is to stabilize your own ruthless Dao heart.

Steady and ruthless Dao heart, or just kill Yang Chen and be done with it.

Or, first fall into sentient beings and then seek relief from them.

If I want to kill Yang Chen now, let alone my current state, even in my prime state, I am no match for this bastard.

This bastard's strength has improved too quickly.

"The ruthless Dao heart will always withstand various tests. If you realize the ruthless Dao heart, the ruthless Dao heart in the future will be more tenacious and will not be shaken by the slightest sound!"

"Besides, Yang Chen is a bastard. I get angry when I see him. Even if we have that kind of relationship with him, it will be easier to cut off the love in the future!"

"Anyway, except for the last step, I've done everything else with that bastard. The worst I can do is treat him like a dog biting him a few more times!"

"While Qinghan is practicing in Closed Door Training, let's resolve this matter as soon as possible!"

Finally convincing herself in her heart, Karen Ji stood up, and by some strange coincidence, she took off her somewhat loose phoenix robe, and a touch of snowy white suddenly illuminated the room.

Then, I put on a fitted phoenix 3.9 robe.

The plump curves are perfectly outlined.

Especially the convex curvature of the chest shows the majestic and graceful appearance.

A mirror appeared, and Karen Ji admired it for a while.

There was a hint of pride in his expression.

A sister is a sister after all. In terms of figure, she is still better than that girl Qinghan.

But suddenly, Karen Ji suddenly broke the mirror.

Then he slapped himself hard on the cheek.

"Karen Ji, Karen Ji, what are you saying?"

"It's just that I use Little Sister's man to help me stabilize my heart, but I even slander my own Little Sister!"

"You are really nothing!"

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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