Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

412: I Want To Help Master Conceive An Heir! A Heart-To-Heart Connection? (Please Subscribe)

"Little bastard, what other nonsense are you thinking about?"

Seeing the playful and weird smile on Yang Chen's face, the Aurora Taoist Master immediately shouted softly.

Yang Chen came back to his senses.

"What can I think, disciple? Isn't this because I have learned from a famous teacher? I feel excited for a moment!

"Moreover, Master calls me Chen'er, which makes the disciples feel more cordial and deeply moved!"


Aurora Taoist raised his eyebrows and sneered, obviously not believing Yang Chen's explanation at all.

This bastard, who looked reluctant to accept her as his teacher just now, is now deeply moved, and he must not be holding it back.

But it doesn’t matter.

Now the master-disciple status has been determined.

Her purpose had been achieved.

It's not good for me to be too strict on my first day as this bastard's master.

There will be plenty of time to train him in the future.


The Aurora Taoist shouted softly.

There is also a slight blush on the cheeks.

She had never called a man so affectionately.

But who made this little bastard become his own disciple?

You can't continue to call him Yang Chen.

That would be too unfamiliar to say, and it would not highlight her identity as a master.

With a slight cough, Jiguang Taoist Master said seriously:

"Chen'er, I accept you as my disciple. Firstly, I want you to inherit the Aurora Way as my master. Secondly, I want you to go to the Immortal World in the future. I think that appearing as a master and disciple will be a kind of protection for you. !”

"After all, the relationship between your Kunlun world and the Immortal World is quite complicated. There are many forces who don't want to see the Kunlun world rise again!"

"If your talent is mediocre, that's it. The key is your Talent. You are Immortal Venerable at first glance. Some old monsters may want to strangle you in the cradle!"

"With your status as a disciple, I won't say that 100% no one will dare to attack you, but at least you can intimidate most people!"

"That's it!"

Yang Chen nodded.

"So, the more your master's Cultivation Base is restored, the greater the benefit will be to you!"

"You should understand!"

The Aurora Taoist Master said, looking at Yang Chen's right chest.

Yang Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

"Master, you accept me as your disciple, isn't it just to absorb the source of life from me more easily?"

"What are you talking about?"

Aurora Taoist Master immediately glared at Yang Chen.

"I have been practicing for my master for a hundred Ten Thousand Years. I have no companion, no heirs, and only a few direct disciples. Each of them is equivalent to my master's child, my dearest relative, how can I accept disciples at will?"

“If it weren’t for your kid’s predestined relationship with my master, who first awakened his master and then practiced the Way of Light and Time at the same time, do you think my master would accept you, a little bastard with bad ideas, as his disciple?

"Master, how many disciples do you have?"

Yang Chen grasped the key points in the words of Master Aurora.

"That's right, you also have three senior sisters, all of whom were disciples accepted by Master Ten Thousand Years ago!"

"But now that Ten Thousand Years have passed, I don't know what is going on with them. Maybe they have died!"

The voice of Aurora Taoist Master became much melancholy.

Ten Thousand Years, the world has changed, things have changed and people have changed.

Although her three disciples were all extremely beautiful people back then, the span of millions of years was too long.

Time is like a knife. If you cannot enter the Immortal King realm, you will perish in the long river of time.

Fortunately, he has now accepted another disciple.

Although he is a bit insignificant, he is still his disciple.

In the future, when I go to the Immortal World, I won’t be alone.

"Chen'er, I may only have you as my disciple now. After all, you, a bastard, are already the person closest to me!"

The tone of Aurora Taoist Master's words was a bit sad and a bit loving.

Yang Chen couldn't help but be touched in his heart.

Master has been cultivating for a hundred Ten Thousand Years, and has no companion and no heirs.

Now, he is the only disciple left.

It's so pathetic.

I must respect my master well from now on.

At the very least, I want to help my master and not become his heir.

After all, this is his strength.


"Okay, let's not talk nonsense. I have refined ten dragon fruits, and my soul power has been restored a lot, but I still need a lot of life source to restore my body!"

Aurora Taoist Master walked up to Yang Chen, his tall figure set off by the red skirt, showing his beauty.

"Should we start?"

"Since it is Master's need, disciples will give it to me no matter what. Come on, Master!"

Yang Chen opened his arms.

Waiting to feel the fullness of the beautiful master's delicate body again.

However, the Aurora Taoist reached out and tapped him hard on the head.

".||You little bastard, you are just trying to take advantage of Master, aren't you?"

"This method of transmission is too inefficient. To be a master, Immortal Venerable, requires a huge amount of life source. When will we take pictures with you?"

As he said that, the Aurora Taoist Master plunged his jade hand directly into his chest under Yang Chen's dumbfounded gaze.

Then, a red heart was taken out by her.




The sound of the beating heart is extremely powerful, like a bell and thunder.

"Master, what are you doing?"

Yang Chen was a little at a loss.

This beautiful woman's master took out her own heart directly. This cruel action was really inconsistent with her noble and beautiful posture.

"Chen'er, my master is a three-eyed fairy. The source of power lies in the heart. You can take out the heart separately and place it in the heart of the sacred tree to absorb the source of life!"

"You calm down (Zhao De's) mind later, shield your own heart, and never let your heart come into contact with my master's heart. This must be remembered!"

The voice of Aurora Taoist Master was solemn.

Yang Chen couldn't help but curiously said:

"What would happen if two hearts touched each other?"

Hearing this, Jiguang Dao Master's face flashed unnaturally, and seemed to be a little red.

"It's a piece of cake to have a heart-to-heart relationship. Even intimacy between two companions is impossible."

As he said that, the Aurora Taoist glanced at Yang Chen, and then warned in his voice:

"It will kill people!"

"Remember, never let them touch each other!"

"My master's Cultivation Base is an Immortal Venerable realm. A breath of breath can break your little heart!"

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

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