Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 91: Are You Shy? Never Be Touched By Others! (Seeking Subscription)

Yang Chen glanced at the Great Hall.

Soon, he noticed a look full of resentment and anger, staring at him.

At the entrance of the Great Hall, stood a young man in black.

The appearance can't be said to be handsome, but the edges and corners are sharp.

This one must be the hero of destiny, Long Tianyu!

Noticing his gaze, Long Tianyu didn't dodge timidly, there was even a hint of warning and killing intent in his eyes.

Yang Chen looked slightly startled.

This guy is indeed the hero of destiny.

He didn't have a trace of Cultivation Base on him, and he was a piece of trash, yet he dared to warn him.



The body of a real dragon!

The Chilong family from the land of Zhongzhou outside the Northern Spirit Territory!

This fits the template of the son-in-law style very well!

Without a Cultivation Base on his body, he looks like a waste that cannot be cultivated!

But in fact, his talent is peerless, and he is not inferior!

Now that he, the villain, is on the stage, Long Tianyu is about to reveal his true identity!

According to the traditional plot, Long Tianyu reveals his true identity, while attacking the villain, he solves the crisis for the heroine and the heroine's family, and then wins the heroine's heart!

But this son-in-law is different from the son-in-law I read before. After all, those son-in-laws in the novel have nothing to do with mother-in-law!

But now, Feng Yuwan is a plump and charming woman!

In terms of beauty alone at 20, it even surpassed her daughter Feng Qianning by a little!

I don't know if it was prepared for him as a big villain!


Yang Chen's eyes were slightly condensed, revealing a playfulness.

It feels so cool to be a villain.

Drink with the hero's wife.

Being courted by the male lead's mother-in-law and wife.

And the male protagonist can only stand aside and sulking.

At this time.

Feng Qianning at the side said:

"His Royal Highness, Qian Ning heard that you won Qinglian Tianyan, who ranked second on the Heavenly Fire Ranking?"

Yang Chen nodded.


"I didn't expect Miss Qian Ning to hear about it!"

"Hehe, it's just a fluke!"

"Miss Qian Ning is also interested in different fires?"

Feng Yuning lightly nodded her head.

"Heavenly fire is a rare treasure in heaven and earth!"

"Although there are 108 kinds of strange fires in the world, in our Northern Spiritual Realm, in the last few thousand years, only Qinglian Tianyan, which was obtained by His Royal Highness the Holy Son, has been born!"

"Since Miss Qian Ning is interested, let's show it off!"

As Yang Chen said, he stretched out his palm and spread his five fingers apart.

A cyan Lotus flower blooms.

A faint cyan light circulates around the green lotus, radiating with brilliance.

With the improvement of Yang Chen Cultivation Base, Qinglian phantom is also deepened.

At this time, the phantom of the green lotus is almost real, like a green lotus carved out of sapphire.

"What a beautiful Lotus flower!"

"Is this Qinglian Tianyan?"

"Why don't I feel much heat?"

Feng Qianning asked doubtfully.

"The different fire is indeed hot, but I covered up the heat!"

"Miss Qian Ning is an ice cultivator after all, the heat of the strange fire may have some bad effects on you!"

"I see!"

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

A smile appeared on Feng Qianning's cheek.

I just feel that His Royal Highness Son, although he has a noble status, is quite kind.

And will take the initiative to consider others.

So, I couldn't help but take a second look at Yang Chen's handsome face.

But it happened to meet Yang Chen's eyes.

Immediately, Feng Qianning glanced aside hastily.

A blush appeared on his fair face.

"Hehe, is this harmful?"

Yang Chen had playful eyes.

It seems that my caring (hypocritical) performance just now was not in vain.

"Miss Qian Ning, you should have awakened Shuifeng Bloodline!"

Yang Chen put Qinglian away and asked.

"um, yes!"

Feng Qianning nodded.

She awakened the matter of Bingfeng Bloodline, although the family has never publicly acknowledged it.

But in fact, many people already know.

In front of His Royal Highness, there is no need to hide.

"Once Bingfeng Bloodline is awakened, it will be sure to step into the God Transformation Realm in the future!"

"Congratulations to Miss Qian Ning in advance!"

Yang Chen laughed.

When Feng Qianning heard Yang Chen's praise, she suddenly felt flustered.

The reason why her mother asked her to come here.

She naturally knew it in her heart.

Now that the old city lord has passed away, the three major families are bound to win the position of the city lord.

Among the three major families, the Bai family and the Lan family have formed several marriages in recent Hundred Years.

There is a tendency for the two to form an alliance.

Moreover, the strength of the Lan family is also the strongest among the three major families.

The previous old city lord was also a member of the Lan family.

It has left a rich heritage for the Lan family.

If their Feng family wants to compete with the Lan family, they can only rely on the support of Xuantian Sect, a behemoth.

Fortunately, my mother has old friends with Master Xuantian Sect.

Xuantian Sect sided with their Feng family this time.

And let Xuantian Shengzi personally lead the team to support their Feng family.


As the mother and the senior elders said, their Feng family must also show corresponding sincerity.

That is marriage.

Although there are many beautiful and beautiful women in Feng's family.

However, among the younger generation, she is the only one who has awakened the Ice Phoenix Bloodline.

Letting her come over this time is naturally a match between her and Xuantian Shengzi.

Originally, there was some conflict in her heart.

Because she is quite disgusted with this kind of marriage.

Moreover, she is now a married woman.

Although Tianyu can't practice.

But they had a wedding after all.

Belongs to the official couple.

but now.

Looking at this humble, polite and extremely handsome Son of Xuantian.

She suddenly found that the resistance in her heart seemed to have faded a lot.

Even, there is not much conflict anymore.

Feng Qianning couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

And at this moment.

Standing at the entrance of the Great Hall, Long Tianyu, who had been scanning Feng Yuwan and Feng Qianning back and forth, his eyes gradually darkened.

Clenching his fists tightly, blue veins appeared faintly on his forehead.

Because he saw that his own wife, Feng Qianning, not only had a good time talking with that shit Xuantian Shengzi.

Moreover, there was even a little more shyness on his face.

As a man, Long Tianyu knows very well what turning means.

A woman, showing a shy expression to a man.

That means that she has a good impression of this man.

"Damn it!"

Long Tianyu gritted his teeth.

After more than ten years of marriage, Qian Ning has never shown such an expression to him.

After spending less than half an hour with that bullshit holy son, he started to feel shy!

Long Tianyu couldn't bear the anger in his heart anymore, and walked directly towards Feng Qianning.

"Qian Ning!"

Feng Qianning, who was chatting with Yang Chen, was suddenly taken aback.

He turned his head and looked behind him.


"You, what's wrong with you?"

A look of panic flashed across Feng Yuning's eyes.

It was this panic that made Long Tianyu even more annoyed.

It just felt like there was a little more greenery on my head.

"Qian Ning, come back with me!"

Long Tianyu said in a deep voice.

And reached out to grab Feng Qianning's jade hand.

877 However, Feng Qianning dodged directly.

It's not that she avoided it intentionally, but an instinct.

Because, although they have been married for more than ten years, she and Long Tianyu have never had any physical contact.

They didn't hold hands either.

"Damn it!"

Long Tianyu secretly hated in his heart.

Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to hold Qian Ning's jade hand to show his sovereignty.

But still failed.

I am your husband, Qian Ning!

Why can't you even hold hands?

"Tianyu, hurry back!"

"I'll explain it to you tomorrow!"

Feng Qianning noticed that the Elder and disciples of the Feng family were looking at this side, so she urged Long Tianyu to leave quickly.

Otherwise, the Elder and disciples of the family will make trouble for him again.

And today is also an important occasion to receive Xuantian Shengzi.

But there must be absolutely no mistake.

If it is because of Tianyu that Xuantian Shengzi is upset.

Then this time, the elders of the family who have always been dissatisfied with Tianyu will definitely not let him go easily.


How could Long Tianyu leave?

He instinctively felt that this shit Xuantian Shengzi was definitely not a good person.

Qian Ning awakened Bingfeng Bloodline.

She is also the first of the three beauties in the ancient city of ice and snow.

This goddamn son of a bitch is always salivating at her.

Although he and Qian Ning are only a formal husband and wife relationship.

But he has long regarded Qian Ning as his own woman in his heart.

Never be touched by others!

This is his ban!

Laugh, just smile at him!

Shy, even more shy to him!

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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