Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 94: The Accumulation Of Time Is More Charming! Phoenix Senior, You Don't Want To... (Pl

"What, what!?"

Feng Yuwan was stunned for a moment.

The red lips are slightly parted, and the dignified and beautiful face is full of surprise.

Let her marry!?

Did she hear correctly!

She is the head of the Feng Family, Qian Ning's mother!

After the surprise.

A look of displeasure flashed across Feng Yuwan's beautiful eyes.

If someone else dared to say that, she would definitely~ slap her right away.

However, these words came from the mouth of Yang Chen, the Xuantian seat.

She can only bear it.

After all, she urgently needs Xuantian Sect's support now.

"Holy Son, stop joking!"

"I have lived for a thousand years, so I am an old woman!"

Although Feng Yuwan still had a beautiful smile in her eyes, her voice was a little more serious, and she also called herself the seat.

I hope Yang Chen can get serious.

However, Yang Chen shook his head and said:

"Feng senior was joking, you are not old at all!"

"Although I have practiced for more than a thousand years, but after experiencing the precipitation of the years, it will only become more charming!"

"This point is far beyond Miss Qian Ning's!"

"In Junior's mind, Feng senior is more attractive than Miss Qian Ning!"

Feng Yuwan was stunned by Yang Chen's bold words.

If this kind of words were said to a girl like Qian Ning, it might be a compliment.

However, speaking to her was blatantly frivolous.

She is his master's friend, an elder!

Feng Yuwan originally thought that when Yang Chen asked her to get married just now, it was a joke.

But now these explicit words are by no means a joke.

This is teasing him lightly.

Feng Yuwan's feelings towards Yang Chen changed drastically.

I didn't expect that behind his modest gentleman, it turned out to be like this.

The voice couldn't help being much colder.

"Holy Son, please respect yourself!"

"After all, this seat is the head of the Feng family, and also a friend of your master!"

"According to seniority, you should call me Aunt Feng!"

"It's too inappropriate to talk like this!"

"Aunt Feng?"

Yang Chen laughed immediately.

This woman is very good at assisting!

The sound of "Aunt Feng" actually made him inexplicably excited!

"Son, Qian Ning is still a virgin, even in the ancient ice and snow city, there are not a few young Tianjiao who want to marry her!"

"Long Tianyu's so-called husband-in-law is only in name!"

"This seat can dissolve their husband-wife relationship tonight!"

"Besides, I can see that the girl Qian Ning has a good impression of the Son, and this move is not too difficult for someone to force her!"

Feng Yuwan suppressed the dissatisfaction in her heart, and continued to speak softly.

I hope Yang Chen can marry Qian Ning as planned.

However, Yang Chen shook his head.

"Feng senior, let me tell you, there is no need to separate Miss Qian Ning and Long Tianyu!"

"Besides, although Miss Qian Ning is beautiful, she is too young, I don't like this type!"

Feng Yuwan frowned tightly, and couldn't help asking:

"Then what kind do you like?"

"There are not a few beauties in my Feng family, Xiu, as long as you want, you can go and choose!"

"I can decide to marry him to you!"

"What type does Junior like?"

Yang Chen laughed when he heard this.

"Of course Junior likes Feng senior!"

"Women who have experienced years of precipitation will have more flavor!"

"Besides, Feng senior is practicing alone for Thousand Years, isn't he lonely?"

"You, presumptuous!"

Feng Yuwan couldn't bear it any longer, and just gave a cold drink.

On the dignified jade face, there is a look of anger.

She didn't expect that Yang Chen, the son of Xuantian, who looked like a modest gentleman, turned out to be a shameless womanizer.

He dared to set his mind on her.

She is his master's friend!

Cultivated for more than a thousand years, Divine Transformation cultivator!

How could such blasphemy be tolerated!

What's more, he is such a junior!

"If Feng senior doesn't want to, Junior won't force it either!"

"The matter of marriage, let it go!"

Yang Chen said with regret.

In fact, the reason why he took the opportunity to blackmail Feng Yuwan was not because he really liked her so much.

Fengyun graceful is only one aspect.

More, it is directed at Long Tianyu, the son of destiny.

After all, Feng Yuwan is Long Tianyu's mother-in-law.

This is the only way to call Long Tian Yu a Yu'er.

Moreover, if he can become Long Tianyu's father-in-law, then he will definitely be able to harvest another wave of luck from him.

That kid still has more than 20,000 luck points.

Feng Yuwan frowned at this moment.

If it's normal, just let it go and let it go.

Her majestic Feng Family Patriarch, Divine Transformation cultivator, is also a person with a temper.

But now, the battle for the position of the city lord is imminent, without the support of Xuantian Sect, she hardly has any confidence in competing for the position of the city lord.

After all, the Lan family and the Bai family have been getting married for hundreds of years, and they are close to forming an alliance.

Together, their family has no chance of winning.

Seeing Feng Yuwan's frowning, Yang Chen's mouth was slightly curled up, and he continued:

"Feng senior, as far as Junior knows, the current situation of the Feng family is very bad!"

"The strength of the head of the Lan family, Lan Qingshan, has reached the Divine Transformation Third Stage, and he is the strongest of your three patriarchs!"

...asking for flowers......

"If he gets the city lord position this time, then he can enter the Ice Phoenix secret realm, and then stepping into the Divine Transformation middle stage may not be a problem!"

"Feng senior, the head of the Lan family, seems to have always wanted you to be his first partner!"

"Besides, if Lan Qingshan really becomes the lord of the city, and uses his method to threaten your Feng family, can you still refuse?"

"Tsk tsk, if Junior remembers correctly, Lan Qingshan seems to be more than two thousand years old, and his appearance seems to be extremely ugly. If Feng senior commits himself to him, the scene is really unimaginable!"

Before Yang Chen came, he had already done a detailed investigation of the big family in the Ice and Snow Ancient City.

Xuantian Sect's intelligence ability is also quite outstanding.

In the ice and snow ancient city, even in the three major clans of Lan Baifeng, there are many spies and secret chessmen.


After all, the ancient city of ice and snow, even though it is a city of ice and snow, is extremely cold.

But it is the only top power in Luoxue Mountain Range.

Almost all of the ice-cold Heavenly and Mortal Treasures abundant in the Luoxue Mountains flowed into the Ice and Snow Ancient City King.

Such a sweet pastry, how could Xuantian Sect not intervene.

Hearing Yang Chen's words, Feng Yuwan's delicate body trembled slightly, and her face changed slightly.

Because what Yang Chen said was right, if Lan Qingshan were to become the lord of the Ice and Snow Ancient City, then the situation of their Feng family would indeed be very difficult.

Moreover, that old guy Lan Qingshan has proposed more than once that he wants to form a companion with her.

If that old thing becomes the city lord.

Enter the ice phoenix secret realm.

Once you step into the Divine Transformation middle stage.

Then their Feng family would no longer have the power to resist.

At that time, for the sake of the family, she may only have to make a compromise.

Agree to his conditions and form a dao companion with him.

Thinking of the ugly and withered appearance of the old tree clapper, she felt sick and wanted to vomit.

Every time she sees his luscious smile, she gets goosebumps all over her body.

If the time comes, she is really forced to agree to marry that old thing as a companion.

Then she is not angry, but has the desire to die.

Seeing the changing expression on Feng Yu's graceful face, Yang Chen knew that what he said just now reached the heart of this beautiful woman.

Now, it's time to add fuel to the fire.

So, Yang Chen glanced at Feng Yu's graceful and graceful body, and said seriously:

"So, Feng senior, you don't want to marry Lan Qingshan, or let your family go down!"

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