Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 98: Phoenix Senior Doesn't Want To Fall Short, Does He? Ice Phoenix Seal! (Seeking Subs

In Fengjia Great Hall.

Yang Chen stepped into it.

Feng Yuwan was wearing a long dress in a palace dress, her hair was tied into a bun, and her fair cheeks were painted with delicate makeup, showing the breath of a beautiful woman.

Although the figure is plump, a Ribbon is wrapped around the waist, making the waist extremely slender and unbearable to hold.

Noticing Yang Chen's eyes flickering over her body, Feng Yuwan's cheeks burned slightly.

He couldn't help but think of the last time he was forcibly held in his arms by this guy.

Can't help but glared at him, snorted coldly:

"Yang Chen, watch your eyes!"


Yang Chen chuckled, not angry, and walked to her side.

A delicate fragrance entered the nose.

Can't help but take a deep breath.

"Feng senior, you smell so good!"

"You, presumptuous!"

Feng Yuwan's cheeks suddenly flushed with blush.

He gave him a hard look.

This little bastard is really shameless.

I can say anything.

"Yang Chen, as you said before, you can help my Feng family disciples awaken the water phoenix Bloodline in their bodies!

"You'd better be able to do it, or don't blame me for breaking the contract!"

Feng Yuwan said with a frown, and then told the maid outside the palace:

"Go and call Yunhai Young Master!"

After a while, Feng Yunhai hurried over.


Feng Yunhai shouted, and then saw Yang Chen standing beside Feng Yuwan.


The word "Holy Son" almost blurted out.

But he thought about it again, His Royal Highness is going to marry Aunt Own and become a Taoist singer.

So he rolled his eyes and hastily flattered him:

"My nephew has met my uncle!"

"Uncle and aunt stand together, it's a match made in heaven, like a couple of gods!"

"Well, good, good!"

"Yunhai is very good at talking!

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth hooked slightly, and he gave a compliment.

This guy really deserves to be a competent dog leg.

This flattery comes up and shoots.

Feng Yuwan, who was on the side, couldn't help but glared at Yunhai.


"What uncle, don't yell if you have nothing to do!"

There was a deep sense of helplessness in my heart.

Ever since she told the family that she wanted to use the marriage between herself and Xuantian Shengzi.

I originally thought that the Elders of the family would strongly oppose it.

After all, she is the Divine Transformation cultivator and the head of the clan.

It represents the face of the Feng family and the dignity of 103.

But unexpectedly, those old guys strongly agreed.

In just one month, the entire Ice and Snow Ancient City was known to the propaganda.

Not only did I not feel humiliated, but I also felt quite honored.

Now even Yun Hai is calling him uncle directly.

"Yunhai, sit down in Lotus Position!"

"Uncle gave you a chance!"

Yang Chen said at this time.

Hearing this, Feng Yunhai's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly sat down in the Lotus Position, his face full of anticipation.

Sure enough, as long as you hug His Royal Highness's thigh tightly, flying to the top is not a dream.

Now he has become his own uncle again.

The relationship is one step closer.

As long as Auntie takes good care of His Highness Shengzi in the future, won't he walk sideways in Beilingyu?

A drop of Gold's blood gushed out from Yang Chen's fingertips.

Fresh blood oozes out, and golden glows fill the air.

Render the Great Hall directly into Gold.

A vast dragon's power swept over and enveloped, and the shadow of the golden dragon hovered in the Great Hall.

Looking at this shocking scene, Feng Yuwan's eyes were heavy.

It is indeed the body of a real dragon.

A drop of blood has such power.

Feng Yunhai trembled all over.

Uncle, he is too powerful.

Just a drop of blood actually made him have the urge to kneel down on the ground.

No wonder he was able to conquer the beautiful and proud aunt.

After this month of cultivation, Yang Chen's physical body Cultivation Base has reached the Nascent Soul Ninth Stage.

The power contained in the blood of the body alone is more than the True Qi in the body of many Nascent Soul Tenth Stage cultivators!

And this drop of blood is not common blood.

It's a drop of Blood Essence.

Although the common blood is enough to awaken the ice phoenix bloodline in the children of the phoenix family.

However, Yang Chen wanted to focus on cultivating Feng Yunhai.

After all, this is his dog leg.

In the future, let him trample on Yuer's son of destiny.

Yang Chen dripped blood on Feng Yunhai's forehead.

Immediately, a rich golden light enveloped him.

It directly turned into a golden silkworm.

On the side, Feng Yuwan was a little worried and said:

"Yang Chen, what's going on here?"

"Yunhai him?"

"rest assured!"

"This is a drop of my Blood Essence, which contains a huge amount of Power!"

"The sea of ​​clouds can't absorb all of it for a while, and the energy turns into a golden silkworm that wraps around the whole body!"

"When Yunhai refines this drop of Blood Essence, the golden silkworm will disappear, and he will undergo earth-shaking changes!"

Yang Chen said slowly.

"I see!"

Feng Yuwan immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

She practiced Thousand Year alone.

Among the juniors of the Feng family, apart from Qian Ning, the adoptive daughter, Yun Hai is the closest to her.

After all, this is her own nephew.

Feng Yuwan was concentrating on observing the changes in Feng Yunhai.

Suddenly, a pair of thieves appeared on the slender waist.


"Yang Chen, you, what are you doing?"

"Let go of this seat!"

Feng Yuwan let out a soft cry.

A blush instantly appeared on her fair cheeks.

Wanting to break free from Yang Chen's arms.

However, Yang Chen's arms were like iron clamps, and he couldn't break free at all.


"Yang Chen, don't be too presumptuous!"

Feng Yuwan shouted angrily.

The corners of Yang Chen's mouth hooked slightly.

This woman, Feng Yuwan, may be used to being domineering, and she also looks superior to him.


Today I have to teach her to be a good person.

Arriving in Feng Yuwan's ear, Yang Chen played with the taste:

"Feng senior, we are all ready to get married!"

"It's not good for you!"

"If you just use me, then I will be sad!"

"Whenever I'm sad, I like to walk around. If I leave the ancient ice and snow city, what about your Feng family?"

"Hehe, I think Feng senior has paid such a high price, and he doesn't want to fall short right now!?"

"Yang Chen, you bastard!"

Feng Yuwan immediately clenched her silver teeth, her beautiful eyes were Yang Chen.

This bastard is really a despicable villain through and through.

Damn it.

Feng Yuwan gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly.

But in my heart, there was another burst of deep helplessness.

Thinking of being hugged by this bastard for so long last time.

Finally, he gave up struggling and hugged Qu Yangkang in his arms.

Seeing her nephew right in front of her eyes, her aunt was hugged by Yang Chen.

Feng Yuwan was ashamed in her heart.

During this period of time, after Qian Ning knew that she was going to marry Yang Chen, she hadn't spoken to her mother for a month.

I don't know, I thought it was the man who robbed her daughter.

In fact, she was also forced to be helpless.

This bastard looks handsome and gentle on the outside, but he is a despicable villain in his bones, and he will take advantage of others' dangers.

"Yang Chen, your dog paws better be honest!"

Feng Yuwan felt numb all over, and couldn't help but let out a soft drink.

The blush on the cheeks seemed to be dripping blood.

This bastard, unexpectedly.

Damn it!

After a while.

A blue light shot straight into the sky.

Then, a loud and clear phoenix cry resounded throughout the ancient ice and snow city.

A huge phantom of ice and phoenix appeared in the entire sky.

"The Ice Phoenix Seal is born!"

Feng Yuwan, who was held in Yang Chen's arms, was full of dignity on her jade face.

"Ice Phoenix Seal?"

Yang Chen looked at the vision in the sky, his eyes narrowed slightly.

For the position of the city lord of the ancient ice and snow city, the alternate token is the seal of the ice phoenix.

Among the patriarchs of the three major families, whoever can win the seal of the ice phoenix will be the new city king.

It is rumored that in this ice phoenix seal, there are countless remnants of the ice phoenix from before Ten Thousand Years ago.

Have a certain degree of self-awareness (cgde).

Sometimes, even automatic master.

The City Lord's Mansion of the Ice and Snow Ancient City.

The previous city lord was from the Lan family.

Although the city lord is dead, the current city lord's mansion is still occupied by the Lan family.

In the sky above the City Lord's Mansion, the phantom of the ice phoenix became more and more solid.

This phantom of the ice phoenix is ​​transformed by the seal of the ice phoenix.

Only when the patriarchs of the three major families hold the seals of their respective patriarchs, can Bingfeng turn into a seal state.

But at that time, it was also the time to take action to snatch the seal.

In the original Ice and Snow Ancient City, the position of the city lord alternated among the three families.

But in the last few Thousand Years, the competition has become more and more fierce, and it has reached the point where whoever is the strongest will become the city lord.

A group of members of the Feng family entered the city lord's mansion in a mighty manner.

At this time, the Lan and Bai families had already arrived at the Martial Arts Field of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Feng Yuwan!"

"It looks like your Feng family is really failing, and you actually need Xuantian Sect to support you!"

"Hmph, my Ice and Snow Ancient City is also the top power in the Northern Spiritual Domain, and it is called the Luoxue Mountain Range!"

"Your Feng family's move really ruined the face of my ice and snow ancient city, and it is despised by others!"

An old man with gray hair spoke coldly.

The sound is like a bell, containing the power of Divine Transformation.

It is Bai Zhou, the head of the Bai family.

"Bai Zhou, the position of the city lord of the ancient ice and snow city, according to the rules of succession, should have been in charge of my Feng family long ago!"

"You two secretly form an alliance and want to monopolize the position of city lord. Do you think my family is blind?"

Feng Yuwan's momentum was not weak at all, she spoke coldly.

Two divine transformation powers collided in the air.

Forced a group of Nascent Soul cultivators back again and again.

At this moment, Bai Zhou noticed Yang Chen beside Feng Yuwan.

Can't help but play with taste:

"Presumably this is Xuantian Shengzi!"

"I heard that His Royal Highness Shengzi and Feng Yuwan, an old woman, are planning to marry, I was really surprised!"

"It's better for the Holy Son to come to my Bai family. My Bai family is willing to send out ten young and beautiful female cultivators. The combined age is not as good as Feng Yuwan alone, haha!"

Bai Zhou laughed wildly.

Feng Yuwan's willow eyebrows immediately turned upside down in anger.

"Bai Zhou, you are courting death!"

He slapped it directly.


Bai Zhou is also a Divine Transformation cultivator, and has been in the God Transformation Realm for more than eight hundred years.

The accumulation of background is stronger than that of Feng Yuwan.


True Qi collided, and the turbulence filled the air.

There will be a burst of flying sand and stones blown on the martial arts arena.

Bai Zhou remained motionless.

But Feng Yuwan took three steps back.

"Ha ha!"

"Feng Yuwan, you are no match for this seat, and you still want to challenge Brother Lan and compete for the position of city lord!"

"It's really wishful thinking, beyond one's ability!"

Bai Zhou's old face was full of disdain.

Their blue and white families have already made a plan to annex the Feng family.

As for the foreign aid Xuantian Sect recruited by the Feng family, it is actually not


After all, the Feng family is not a fool.


Even if Xuantian Sect makes a move, it can't change the situation.

Bai Zhou's eyes were full of confidence.

Because that old guy, Lan Qingshan, has reached a brand new Realm.

Even Xuantian Sect can't help him.

"Damn it!"

"The Bai family is deceiving people too much!"

"If the Lan family is in charge of the city lord this time, there may really be no place for my Feng family to gain a foothold in the ice and snow ancient city!"

The many elders of the Feng family were filled with righteous indignation when they saw the head of the family being deflated.

But there is nothing to do.

Among the three major families, their Feng family is the weakest.

Now even the Patriarch is at a disadvantage.

"Mom, are you all right?"

Feng Qianning walked to Feng Yuwan's side and said with concern.


Feng Yuwan frowned tightly.

But in my heart I was shocked.

Because Bai Zhou's strength has always been on par with her.

Otherwise, she wouldn't make a sudden move.

But now, there are so many of her out of the blue.


Bai Zhou's old eyes swept across Feng Yuwan and Feng Qianning, and a hint of obscenity flashed across them.

He is very greedy for the mother and daughter of the Feng family.


Feng Yuwan, the old woman, Lan Qingshan, has already made an appointment, and he can't move.

Then the only way to take down this little girl is Feng Qianning.

After all, this little girl has also awakened Bingfeng Bloodline.

If you give birth to a son for yourself, the chances of awakening Ice Phoenix Bloodline are quite high.

Jie Jie.

Bai Zhou's eyes shifted from Feng Qianning to Yang Chen, and a bold idea rose in his heart.

If this son of Xuantian is caught in his hand in advance, he can control it.

Then the people of Xuantian Sect can only give up helping the Feng family.

At that time, the Feng family will have no power to resist.

Thinking of this, Bai Zhou turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Feng Qianning.

"Qian Ning be careful!"

Feng Yuwan hurriedly stood in front of Feng Qianning.

"Ha ha!"

Bai Zhou laughed triumphantly.

His target is not Feng Qianning, but Xuantian Shengzi.

"His Royal Highness, come to my Bai family as a guest!"

"Let this old man treat you well!"

Bai Zhou grabbed Yang Chen's neck like an old hand with chicken claws.

Yang Chen didn't dodge, but just stood there quietly, with a curved mouth.

Wait until Bai Zhou strangles him by the neck.

Yang Chen's palm was also on Bai Zhou's arm.

Push hard.


Immediately, a shrill voice sounded in the martial arts arena.


Blood spattered.

Two arms were thrown into the air.


Yang Chen punched Bai Zhou's chest firmly.

He vomited blood and flew out directly.

The body covered in blood flew into the air, and immediately exploded, turning into a rain of blood.

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