"Now that Chu Mochen has come to take revenge, what should I do?"

Li Qing asked the eldest Great Elder of the Seven Yao Sect, now the biggest one here is the Great Elder of the Seven Yao Sect, as for the sect master, he has not come to Blue Star for the time being.

Although they have begun to set foot in the Blue Star, the original old territory of the Seven Yao Sect cannot be let go.

The small world they are in is not the monopoly of the Qiyao Sect, if all the power of the Qiyao Sect comes to Blue Star, then the original territory will definitely be occupied by other forces.

"He's the only one, can we still do it? It's easy to join forces to kill him. "

The Great Elder of the Seven Yao Sect said with a disdainful expression.

Looking at the Great Elder's confidence, Li Qing couldn't help but sigh.

"Well, I hope so. "

But the shadow of the famous tree, since Chu Mochen's name is so big, may his strength be weak? I heard that the forces of the Blue Star before united to find Chu Mochen.

"Why are you so unconfident, it's because you don't believe in our strength. "

The Great Elder of the Seven Yao Sect was a little dissatisfied with Li Qing's dejected appearance.

"I naturally believe in strength, but it's better to be careful in everything. "

Of course, it was impossible for Li Qing to say in front of the Great Elder of the Seven Yao Sect that he didn't believe in the strength of their Seven Yao Sect.

"Chu Mochen, you came just in time, kill you, and the entire Blue Star will be occupied by us. "

The Great Elder of the Seven Yao Sect roared directly and flew towards Chu Mochen.


The roar shook the heavens and the earth, and then the blood rain sprinkled down, and the powerful Great Elder of the Qiyao Sect who had just shouted now directly turned into a blood rain.

It's over, it's just the beginning.

"Who was calling just now?"

Chu Mochen asked flatly.

Speechless, no one dared to speak, and looked at Chu Mochen with some frightened eyes, with a look of fear in his eyes.

Originally, they had confidence, but when Chu Mochen slapped them down, they lost all their confidence.

At this time, where is there any confidence, where do you dare to have confidence, this strength is simply not human, their great elder was slapped to death.

I had never imagined before, even if it was their sect master, it would be impossible to slap the Great Elder to death.

"Please forgive you for the offense. "

Li Qing stood up at this time and said stubbornly.

"Anyone who offends me will die. "

Chu Mochen looked at Li Qing indifferently, Li Qing's scalp was numb, and he also understood that Chu Mochen didn't plan to let them go at all.

A hint of bitterness appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then his expression became firm.

"Disciples of the Qiyao Sect, follow me to form a formation. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the palm that covered the sky and the sun fell from the sky, looking at this palm print, everyone looked desperate, and even knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, begging Chu Mochen to let it go.

However, Chu Mochen would not let them go, just like he said, those who offended him would die, they were so domineering.

With this palm, the station of the Qiyao Sect was directly destroyed by Chu Mochen, leaving no living mouth at all.

Although the disciples of the Qiyao Sect are not weak, it also depends on who they are compared to, if they are compared to Chu Mochen, their strength is too weak.

After destroying the entire Qiyao Sect's residence, Chu Mochen's gaze looked towards a covered spatial passage, where Chu Mochen deliberately left his hand undestroyed.

"Through here, you will be able to reach the small secret world where the Seven Yao Sect is located. "

Chu Mochen stepped directly into it, and from here he entered the small secret world where the Qiyao Sect was located.

"Yes, no wonder the strength of the Seven Yao Sect is so strong, it turns out that the aura concentration of this secret realm small world is so high. "

Chu Mochen felt the concentration of the aura of the Qiyao Sect, and nodded with some satisfaction.

"The rest of the world is mine. "

The divine punishment that destroys the world is coming, Chu Mochen is the divine punishment that comes, as long as he is strong at this moment, he can sense the crisis of death.

"Who is it?"

The Sect Master of the Seven Yao Sect opened his eyes and looked at the sky.

There was a figure in the air, but he couldn't see Chu Mochen's face.

"I don't know what he's doing, but I have to stop him. "

The Sect Master of the Seven Yao Sect stepped forward, he knew that if he couldn't stop the other party, he might be destroyed.

However, it was too late for him to stop Chu Mochen, the world-destroying law phase appeared, and then this law phase clenched his fist and punched it down.

The entire secret world was torn apart.

Only the strongest survived, and the rest died.

The sect master of the Qiyao Sect, and an old guy in a robe are still alive, and the two of them are the strongest existences in this world.

"Who the hell are you, and why do you do such a dehumanizing thing?"

The Sect Master of the Seven Yao Sect looked at Chu Mochen angrily.

"Destroying humanity? I don't think it's going too far than what you did at Bluestar. Chu Mochen looked at the Sect Master of the Seven Yao Sect indifferently.

It's embarrassing to accuse him, and their Qiyao Sect itself is not a good thing.

"So you're from Blue Star?"

In an instant, the Sect Master of the Qiyao Sect understood Chu Mochen's identity, "Daoist Wang, kill him with me." "

That's exactly what I mean. "

The old guy who was called the Elder of the Seven Yao Sect also shot at Chu Mochen, and the two sides joined forces, and the power that erupted could not be underestimated even if it was a strong man in the late stage of the Cave Void.

But in Chu Mochen's eyes, they were as fragile as ants, and with a slight finger, they were directly crushed to death.

"It was your luck to survive just now, do you really think you can fight me? "

Chu Mochen said with a sneer.

Then the world that was divided was moved into the Qiankun Realm by Chu Mochen, and the Qiankun Realm completely fused the origin of the entire world and strengthened again.

Then Chu Mochen returned directly to Blue Star.

"This is just the first one. "

Chu Mochen's figure disappeared again, and then Chu Mochen gave a show to these people who came out of the secret world, what is it called destroying ten worlds in one day.

There were ten secret realm small worlds destroyed in Chu Mochen's hands, and the strength of the monks who came out of the secret realm was directly reduced by half.

As for the others, Chu Mochen hadn't found their spatial passage yet.

Moreover, after they knew about Chu Mochen's extremely brutal behavior, they also directly closed the spatial passage, and even sealed the relevant spatial passage memories.

The Secret Realm Monk was also too frightened to make a move against the Blue Star Monk.

They thought that it was their actions that angered Chu Mochen, and then Chu Mochen made a move.

In fact, when they dealt with the monks of Blue Star, they would not anger Chu Mochen at all, Chu Mochen would not be angry for these monks of Blue Star, those people were worthless in Chu Mochen's eyes.

Even if all of them were killed, Chu Mochen wouldn't care, after all, they weren't the ones who took refuge in Chu Mochen.

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