"Zhao Feng, you asked us what we thought about this matter, do you have any ideas?"

One of them asked Zhao Feng.

There are people here who are used to Zhao Feng, and there are also people who are not used to Zhao Feng, and there are even many people like this, in their opinion, even if there is no Zhao Feng, they can defeat the forces of Blue Star together.

Zhao Feng is a person who picks peaches, and there is an extra person who divides the treasures, of course, he is unhappy in his heart.

"I think he wants to deal with the Chu family, let's say it first, if we want to deal with the Chu family, we will quit immediately. "

"That's right, the Chu family can't be an enemy at all, we just want a living environment in peace, and we don't want to be an enemy of the Chu family. "

"My Evil Moon Sect is definitely not an enemy of the Chu family, if you want to be an enemy of the Chu family, it's best not to pull me in. "

The people here are all smart people, Zhao Feng's thoughts, they can guess even if they guess.

Now that you have guessed it, you have to show your attitude, anyway, no matter what, you must not be the enemy of the Chu family.

Chu Mochen had destroyed so many secret realm small worlds before, which had already made their hearts palpitate, and there was only one way to die if they were enemies of Chu Mochen.

They didn't want to be enemies of Chu Mochen, and some people even planned to curry favor with Chu Mochen.

They would never do something to die anyway.

"You don't want to be an enemy of Chu Mochen, I know this, but do you think you still have a choice?"

Zhao Feng said with a sneer.

"Now that the monks of Blue Star have surrendered to Chu Mochen, Chu Mochen's ambitions will become bigger and bigger in the future, and the next target of his annexation is you. "

These words silenced them, in fact, this is also what they are worried about.

Although they are afraid of Chu Mochen and curry favor with Chu Mochen, if they are really asked to surrender to Chu Mochen and become Chu Mochen's dog, they will definitely be unwilling, and they will even try their best to resist.

"Our future life is only against Chu Mochen, unless you are willing to return to your secret realm small world, and you will never be able to stay in it, can you do it?"

The corners of Zhao Feng's mouth curled, as if he had already grasped the weakness of these people.

"You can't do it, and even if you're willing to go back to the secret world, then you'll be safe? "

"At that time, you still need to worry about whether Chu Mochen will find your secret realm small world, and whether he will kill him. "

"Brother Zhao Feng has a point, you really need to think about the future. "

Dink, who had the best relationship with Zhao Feng, spoke.

He is the person who supports Zhao Feng the most, and he is also the person who first established a relationship with Zhao Feng, and he has long been impressed by Zhao Feng's personality charm.

Well, the so-called personality charm is the halo of the protagonist.

"I wonder what your plans are?"

Someone was also moved, and asked Zhao Feng.

"It's very simple, let's join forces and first eliminate those Blue Star forces that will take refuge in Chu Mochen, which is also weakening Chu Mochen's strength. "

Zhao Feng said his plan.

"But if we do this, offend Chu Mochen and cause Chu Mochen to make a move, how can we be opponents?"

Some people began to question it, there was still no way to avoid becoming an enemy with Chu Mochen.

They just don't want to be enemies with Chu Mochen, as long as Chu Mochen doesn't make a move, everything is easy to say.

"If you're afraid of this, if you're worried about that, just kill yourself, so you don't have to worry about anything. "

Zhao Feng sneered, these people are all mud that can't support the wall.

However, Zhao Feng himself didn't expect anything from them, as long as they could bring a little trouble to Chu Mochen, it would mean that they were useful.

"No matter what you choose, I'm firmly against it anyway. "

Xuan Zhenzi jumped out at this time and resolutely opposed Zhao Feng.

That's right, this Xuan Zhenzi is the one who took refuge in Chu Mochen before, and was later arranged by Chu Mochen to be an undercover agent here.

He is a very good undercover agent, after all, no one knows that he has taken refuge in Chu Mochen.

"Xuan Zhenzi, according to my understanding, your world has been destroyed by Chu Mochen, don't you have any hatred for Chu Mochen?"

Zhao Feng stared at Xuan Zhenzi.

Although Xuan Zhenzi has no backstage, he has been rewarded by Chu Mochen, and his strength is relatively strong now, so he still has some prestige here and can speak.

"Hatred naturally exists, but I clearly know that hatred is useless, no matter how deep my hatred for Chu Mochen is, I don't have the strength to take revenge. "

Xuan Zhenzi said lightly.

From Xuan Zhenzi's expression, Zhao Feng couldn't see anything at all.

"Don't you want to give it a try, are you really willing?"

Zhao Feng's words made Xuan Zhenzi silent, of course, this is Xuan Zhenzi pretending to be silent.

He is now playing the role of a small world that was destroyed by Chu Mochen, and no one knows that he is Chu Mochen's person.

"Everyone, if you don't want to make a move, I won't force it, anyway, I will definitely stop those people from taking refuge in Chu Mochen. "

Zhao Feng completely stated his attitude, that is, he wanted to fight Chu Mochen to the end.

The others each looked at each other, and probably no one could figure out what they were thinking.

Now they want to make a move, but they're afraid.

If they want to take action to curb the strength of the Chu family, the current Chu family is strong enough, if the Chu family continues to be strong, wouldn't they have no way to survive at all.

But while wanting to target the Chu family, he was afraid that the Chu family would be angry and kill them.

"After you think about it, you can come to me. "

Zhao Feng didn't look like he was forcing it, and let the others think about it.

Others are really thinking about it, but they haven't thought it through.

Zhao Feng was not in a hurry at all, he believed that someone would definitely take the bait, and there would definitely be someone who would agree to deal with those Blue Star Cultivators who wanted to take refuge in Chu Mochen.

After all, this is not to deal with Chu Mochen directly, if he says to deal with Chu Mochen directly, then these people will definitely oppose it, and no one will agree at all.

However, against those Blue Star monks, Chu Mochen should not be investigated to the end, even if they are really investigated, they will be soft when the time comes.

"I promise to go with you against those who have taken refuge in the Blue Star. "

Dink took the lead in stating that he wanted to follow Zhao Feng, they themselves were wearing a pair of pants, and it was normal to agree.

"I said yes. "

Gen Zhenzi's eyes flickered slightly, and then she made a decision.

The task that Chu Mochen gave to Xuan Zhenzi was to get close to Zhao Feng and then establish a good relationship with Zhao Feng, but now it is an opportunity to complete the task assigned to him by Chu Shao.

"Okay, I know that Xuan Zhenzi, you are definitely not a person who bears humiliation. "

Zhao Feng was very happy to see Xuan Zhenzi agree.

Dink's promise to him had been expected for a long time, but in fact, Dink had already followed him, so Gen Mako's promise made him even happier, indicating that there were other people who recognized him.

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