Taking stock of the light curtain, the scene changed.

The camera returns to the rabbit quarry.

Although the Yonko Big Mom made a big fuss, he failed to rescue the Straw Hat Kid, but he also created an excellent opportunity for him.

Now that he has acquired the explosive collar for high-level weapons, Straw Hat can escape from prison at any time.

At this moment.

Straw Hat is trying to free Usagi Don. the other side.

The beasts, headed by Warden Babanuki, knew they could not catch the Straw Hat Kid.

Immediately, he pointed his gun at the bully prisoner warrior and fired plague bombs.

Tudon turned into a hell on earth, and the prisoners turned into mummies one after another.

Panic continued to spread. In order to obtain the antidote to the epidemic, the samurai repaid kindness with hatred and targeted the Straw Hat Boy.

He even said that without the Straw Hat Boy, they would still have a stable daily life.

Hearing these words, people from all over the world couldn't help but feel angry and filled with righteous indignation.

"Is this the so-called"607" samurai? It’s just a bunch of excuses!"

"Is there something wrong with these warriors' heads? If you want an antidote, go find the Beast Group!"

"Was it the Beast Pirates who made them become like this, not Straw Hat?"

"It was clear that Luffy and the others were fighting with their lives for this country, so why were they still treated like this?"

"Is it because the Beasts would kill them, but the Straw Hats wouldn't?"

"Do heroes deserve to be pointed at guns? These defense warriors are really irritating!"

"You can’t win anyway! Vote early! Gather your friends and leave! This country is hopeless!"

"There is no need to risk your life for these samurai who are trying to repay kindness with revenge!"

People from all over the world are furious, and they are constantly criticizing and condemning. It's a pity that their voices cannot be conveyed. Even if they can be conveyed, Straw Hat Boy will not give up.

Even if he is criticized or not recognized, it doesn't matter.

Once the target is identified, he will never retreat.

Under the shocked gazes of countless people in the world,

Straw Hat Luffy does not retreat but advances, actively stretching his arms to touch and block the prisoners infected with the disease.

Even if the disease spread to himself, and he did not flinch at all

"What kind of threat is this? What is this desperate power? This kind of thing is completely useless!"

Straw Hat Luffy endured the erosion of the disease and shouted loudly

"The warriors I know are all very powerful, but you have completely surrendered. What do you mean by daily life? You have to work hard all day long to earn a few dumplings to survive. Is this what you call daily life? Wake up, you are just slaves!"

"So what if I come from outside? Can’t outsiders save this country? I made a promise with her to turn this place into a country where everyone can have enough to eat! If this agreement cannot be fulfilled, this place will always be hell!"

"I've heard of Oden, that guy is a very powerful samurai, but、、、The country has been at a standstill since that guy was killed twenty years ago, hasn't it?"

"We are here to win! Come and defeat Kaido! There is no reason to be dragged down by your partner! So decide quickly, stay with us or follow Kaido!"

Straw Hat Boy's impassioned speech awakened the conscience of the samurai who responded.

The sleeping samurai souls were rekindled, the Beast Pirates who stayed behind Rabbit Don were defeated, and Rabbit Don was suppressed.

After that, the spirit of Straw Hat Boy and the samurai The epidemic was also successfully eliminated by the ship's doctor Chopper.

Everything was happy.

This treatment should be cheered and applauded.


Now that they know that the Four Emperors Kaido and the Four Emperors Big Mom have formed a terrifying alliance between the two emperors, people in the world are really not happy.

"You are here to win, how can you win? What you are about to enter is a battlefield leading to hell!"

"Just one Yonko is enough to despair, but what we have to face next are two Yonko!"

"Why did that stupid Straw Hat boy deliver such a passionate speech at this time!"

"If the responding samurai were allowed to continue to go crazy, Straw Hat might have left with his friends!"

People from all over the world are shaking their heads.

"No! Won't leave! Because Luffy promised Xiaoyu that he would make this country a place where he could have enough to eat! A man will never regret what he says!"

In the world of food, Alu said decisively.

"A hero will always go through all kinds of difficulties and sufferings. Even if he suffers injustice, even if he is alone, he will still go on unswervingly. This is a hero!"

The world of magic, Gojo Satoru lamented

"Although the current situation is indeed desperate,、、、As long as Luffy and the others don't give up and keep going, I will always believe in them!"

Naruto, Tanjiro, and Gon all thought firmly.

Time passed slowly.

The scenes continued to transition and change.

The news of the loss of the rabbit bowl was not exposed because of Xiaoyu's ability.

The other members of the Straw Hats also each Performed his duties and made considerable progress.


The day of the final decisive battle, the night of the fire festival, is here!!!

The exposure of undercover Kanjuro made countless people angry

"I'm sorry to the samurai, but、、、Having the ship destroyed is not a bad thing!"

"yes! At least they don't need to face the Two Emperors Alliance of Hell anymore!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"As for the Straw Hats, if the Thousand Sunny is blown up, it won't be a big deal at all!"

"After tonight, the samurai's plan to restore the country is shattered, and the Straw Hats no longer need to follow them to death!"

Just when countless people were thinking and rejoicing like this, unexpected hope and turning point appeared!!!


The fierce bombardment blasted away the beast warships surrounding the Red Scabbard Warriors.

"Oh oh oh oh, I am the strongest after eating well, sleeping well and just waking up!"

Fifth Emperor Luffy stood on the bow of the Lion Ship, full of energy.

"Sorry, Jin, I'm a little late!"

"Lord Luffy!!!"

Everyone in Akashiba headed by Kinemon couldn't help being stunned.

People in all the worlds couldn't help being stunned as well.

"The Straw Hats?"

"The promised ship was blown up?"

"Isn’t this still good?"


The sea water surged.

A khaki submarine surfaced.

It took the samurai's shabby boat to the deck.

"Are you fools for going to sea in a storm like this on a small boat like this? You underestimate the sea, warriors!"

Heart Corps Captain Trafalgarro pushed open the door and scolded him angrily.

"Hey, there are a bunch of ships and warriors gathered at the port opposite. What's going on? They're so in the way that I want to sink them!"

In the other direction, Captain Eustace Kidd led the Kidd Pirates and gave orders.

"Didn’t the result come after all? Thorny man!"

Straw Hat Luffy shouts Kidd 5.0

"Straw Hat Boy, how could I give up Kaido’s head to you?"

Captain Kidd shouted without any sign of weakness.

"Hey hey hey, what the hell is going on!"

"I had never heard of such a situation before!"

"Why do extremely evil generations appear?"

The inner ghost Kanjuro and all the beast pirates all widened their eyes and lost their voices in shock.

"What are you guys doing bullying the samurai's boat?"

Straw Hat Luffy scolded.

"Why are laymen at sea trying to be so powerful! Trafalgarro said calmly.

"It’s not your turn to appear here!"

Captain Kidd said solemnly.

"The sea is the world of pirates!"

Straw Hat Luffy connected his fists and grinned.

At this moment, the three captains joined forces to attack.

It was also at this moment.

The blood of all worlds was rekindled!!!


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