Our Dragon King, the first time he sees a beautiful woman, he always sees the beauty clearly first. This time is no exception.

It was precisely because of this that it was not until he got closer that Ye Fan noticed that opposite the girl, there was a young man holding a rose in his hand.

I saw that the young man was wearing a decent suit, and he looked like a bit of a successful person. And behind him, there was also a sports car parked, apparently the young man's car.

The young man held the rose and said to the girl in front of him affectionately: "Xiaochan, when I saw you for the first time, I fell in love with you deeply. I know I don't deserve you, but I don't want to give up so easily. Because for me, you are the indispensable sunshine in my life and the greatest meaning of my life! Without you, I don't know how to live for the rest of my life! So, Xiaochan, please promise me to be my girlfriend! I will use the rest of my life to love you and take care of you with all my might

!" At this time, the college students who were already surrounding shouted: "Promise him! Promise him! Promise him!" Many

girls looked at this scene in front of them, and they were so moved that they were about to cry.

"It's so touching! I really want such a romantic courtship ceremony!" "


In the midst of everyone's shouts, Lu Chan's face turned a little red, and she was a little helpless in the face of the young man in front of her.

Because this scene happened so suddenly!

At this time, the person who courted her was naturally Lu Jiannian and Young Master Lu. Some time ago, in order to protect Lu Chan, Lu Jianian was beaten up by several thugs and was forced to stay in the hospital for several days.

But the beating was not in vain. Because in the past few days in the hospital, Lu Chan would come to visit him every day and brought him hand-cooked meals.

Lu Jianian was moved to tears at that time, and he had secretly decided in his heart that Lu Chan would not marry in this life!

But what Lu Jianian didn't expect was that after being discharged from the hospital, Lu Chan deliberately avoided him. No matter what way Lu Jianian asked her, she politely declined. This made Lu Jianian very distressed, and at the same time he felt very puzzled.

Obviously, when he was hospitalized, the relationship was quite good, but after he was discharged from the hospital, the situation changed?

What is the problem?

For this reason, Lu Jianian went around looking for people to analyze what was going on.

He called Mu Yunke as soon as possible, but Mu Yunke said, I have chased An Jinyao as a girl in my life, and I really can't figure out the psychological activities of other girls, so you should find someone else to consult, I can't help you.

So he called An Jinyao again. After listening to this, An Jinyao said: "Have you forgotten that I told you what kind of character Lu Chan is? In fact, she is too sensitive because of her excessive self-esteem, and she is both vigilant and resistant to the pursuit of rich people, so it is naturally reasonable for her to avoid you."

Lu Jianian hurriedly asked, "Then what should I do?"

An Jinyao thought about it and said, "Actually, after the last incident, Lu Chan has begun to accept you in her heart, but she is a little resistant because of her self-esteem. Some time ago, didn't you take her to my husband's foundation to ask for help? You didn't directly use your own money to help her, and you took full care of her self-esteem. So now, you don't have to go around in circles with her anymore, just go up and confess. I remember that the confession ceremony was solemn.

In An Jinyao's view, Lu Chan's avoidance is nothing more than that she can't pass the level of self-esteem, worrying that she will be pointed at the back and say that she is a sugar daddy. If this factor was excluded, perhaps she would have accepted Lu Jianian a long time ago.

Lu Jianian felt that what his sister-in-law said was very reasonable, so he came over with flowers in his hand, and even brought a couple of rings.

When he arrived downstairs in Lu Chan's dormitory, he called Lu Chan and asked Lu Chan to come down. At the moment when Lu Chan appeared at the door of the dormitory building, Lu Jianian rushed over with a rose without hesitation, and then made a generous statement of love.

And the direct result of Lu Jianian's doing this is that Lu Chan is at a loss.

To be honest, Lu Chan does have a good impression of Lu Jiannian, but she still can't pass her level. In addition to her self-esteem, she also felt that she was not worthy of Lu Jiannian.

Although there was only a few days of contact, Lu Chan already knew that Lu Jianian was the eldest young master of the Lu Group, and in the future, he was destined to inherit the Lu Group with a market value of 10 billion yuan and become a person admired by everyone.

And what about Lu Chan? She's just a poor girl who is in danger. She is busy with her studies and part-time work every day, and she is heartbroken for her family. In her cognition, a girl from a family like her is not worthy of love.

At least he is not worthy of having love with someone as good as Lu Jiannian.

Therefore, Lu Chan deliberately avoided Lu Jianian's contact.

She thought that Lu Jiannian would be like those rich second generations, and she would give up after pursuing a period of fruitless pursuit, but what she never expected was that Lu Jianian would directly hold roses and openly show her love on the college campus! Lu

Chan was very moved, but also a little hesitant. The gap between the two sides is too big, can they really withstand all the pressure and succeed together?

At this time, Ye Fan, who saw this scene from afar, couldn't help frowning, and there was a little more disgust in his expression when he looked at Lu Jianian.


set his eyes on Lu Chan again, with sympathy and confidence in his expression.

It seems that at this time, it is my dragon king who has to come out to help this girl get rid of this entanglement.

So he stepped forward, took Lu Chan in his arms, and said loudly to Lu Jianian: "Where did you come from, you dare to pester my girlfriend?"

After speaking, he turned his head and smiled at Lu Chan evilly, and said, "Don't worry, with me, he can't hurt you."

Everyone couldn't help but open their mouths wide in surprise when they saw this scene.

Where did this guy come from

? But more questions are: When did Lu Chan have a boyfriend? Why have you never heard of it?

Lu Jianian is also dumbfounded. He didn't wonder why Lu Chan suddenly had a boyfriend, he felt that the man in front of him looked a little familiar? Lu Chan

was hesitating whether to agree to Lu Jianian's show of love, and was suddenly intervened by Ye Fan, and he was a little confused for a while. Hearing Ye Fan's words again, Lu Chan suddenly had the illusion of 100,000 divine beasts rushing by.

Which green onion are you? I don't know you at all!

So Lu Chan hurriedly broke away from Ye Fan and asked loudly: "Who are you? Why did you suddenly take advantage of me?"

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and said softly: "I am Ye Fan, your boyfriend." Don't be afraid, that rich second generation can't hurt me.

After speaking, without waiting for Lu Chan to react, she turned her head and said to Lu Jiannian: "Is it that you kid has been pestering my girlfriend? I think you are trying to find death!"

As he spoke, Ye Fan stepped forward and kicked Lu Jianian, who was stunned in place. Lu Jianian was caught off guard, fell to the ground and flipped several times in a row, embarrassed.

So is Ye Fan

Lu Chan's boyfriend? Of course not! He came out of his head just to get rid of Lu Jianian's "entanglement" by pretending to be Lu Chan's boyfriend, so as to gain Lu Chan's favor. If it follows the normal development of the plot, then Lu Chan will inevitably invite Ye Fan to dinner, and then Ye Fan will rely on his three-inch incorruptible tongue to provoke Lu Chan's heart to ripple, and finally find a suitable opportunity to completely take down Lu Chan.

Ye Fan thought very beautifully, and planned it very well, it is this so-called "normal plot", which is only normal when you are lucky. If you don't have luck, the effect will only be the opposite.

Just when Ye Fan was complacent and felt that he could gain Lu Chan's affection, he heard Lu Chan exclaim, and hurriedly ran forward to help Lu Jianian, and shouted in a crying voice: "Brother Jiannian, are you okay?" Ye Fan couldn't

help but be stunned when he saw this.

What does this mean? Why is this plot development different from what I imagined?

Many people around me also recovered from their stunned thoughts at this time. Regarding Ye Fan's domineering behavior, everyone couldn't help but condemn it.

"Where did you come from?Why did you hit someone all of a sudden

?"You claim to be her boyfriend, but why have we never seen

you?"Hurry up and call the security guards!How can anyone enter our school

?""What are you calling the security guards?

?"It's the police!"Yes, call the police!Quickly call the police and arrest him!"

Ye Fan, who was pointed out by Qianfu, suddenly felt very irritated, and couldn't help but roar angrily: "Shut up for me!" I

have to say that Ye Fan's voice is still quite loud, even if it shocks everyone to the point of speechlessness.

But at this time, Lu Chan spoke. Her eyes were red, she pointed at Ye Fan, and said angrily: "Who are you? Why did you suddenly hit Brother Jianian?"

"I..." Ye Fan was speechless, and he was a little angry in his heart.

I kindly helped you get rid of this entanglement, why don't you appreciate it?

Could it be that this woman is blinded by lard?

A girlfriend from Lu Chan's dormitory ran to Lu Chan, squatted down, and asked, "Xiaochan, do you recognize this person?" "I don't

know him at all!" Lu Chan shouted loudly, "This guy suddenly came out and pretended to be my boyfriend, I want to ask him, do you know my name?"

"Yes, yes!" Many people reacted, "Since you said you are her boyfriend, then you should always know her name, right?"

Ye Fan was speechless.

He only knows that the other party is beautiful, how can he know what her name is?

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