The next day, Mu Yunke and An Jinyao held hands and went shopping again. Only this time, only Rakshasa followed behind them, and Han Li stayed in the car.

And when the two were shopping, a very unremarkably dressed woman followed them from a distance.

This person is naturally Wuqu Dong Yue.

Although she was very confused about Mu Yunke's ability to cause trouble to the Dragon King, as the Dragon King's most loyal subordinate, she didn't want to investigate what Mu Yunke was hindering Ye Fan, she just wanted to solve this enemy for her king.

And today, it's a great opportunity.

But she didn't know that Mu Yunke and An Jinyao had already noticed her existence and guessed the purpose of her trip. And they went out shopping this time to create opportunities for Dong Yue.

The two talked and laughed along the way, if they were unaware, they would inevitably treat them as an ordinary young couple, and they would not have thought that behind them, there was a female killer who was following closely and waiting for an opportunity to ask for their lives.

Oh, and by the way, there's a female killer behind them, but this female killer is in charge of keeping them safe.

Looking at the two people in front of them who were a little "heartless and heartless", Rakshasa really couldn't understand why they could act so casually when they knew that someone was going to assassinate them?

Alas, sister, I, I suddenly want to change jobs!

Just when Rakshasa was a little distracted, he heard Mu Yunke in front of him suddenly say: "Yaoyao, I kind of want to go to the toilet." When

Rakshasa heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

When you go to the toilet at this time, aren't you afraid that you will be left alone and targeted by Wuqu?

An Jinyao also looked at Mu Yunke with puzzled eyes, but saw Mu Yunke wink at her, and smiled: "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

After An Jinyao groaned slightly, she said, "Okay, go early and come back early."

Mu Yunke first turned around and signaled to Rakshasa to protect An Jinyao, and then walked in the direction of the toilet.

And An Jinyao looked at Mu Yunke's back, feeling a little apprehensive.

Should...... There won't be any accidents, right?

After seeing Mu Yunke alone, Wu Qu's eyes couldn't help but light up, and then he followed quietly. In order to avoid being discovered by An Jinyao and Rakshasa, she also deliberately made several disguised actions to ensure that An Jinyao and Rakshasa would not suspect her.

After being convinced that all her movements were normal and not suspicious, she dodged and entered the bathroom.

She cautiously approached the men's restroom, and after making sure there was no one else in the men's room, she stepped inside. However, before she could see it clearly, she heard a joking voice say, "This young lady, did you go to the wrong toilet?"

Dong Yue's pupils shrank slightly, and her body suddenly tensed. Mu Yunke spoke abruptly, which made Dong Yue a little surprised for a while.

Maybe I was too lax just now.

So Dong Yue looked at Mu Yunke and asked pretending to be puzzled, "Isn't this a women's toilet?"

"Of course not." Mu Yunke said solemnly, "There are urinals here. "

Oh, it looks like I'm on the wrong track. Dong Yue smiled apologetically and turned to leave.

However, as soon as she took a step, Dong Yue turned around suddenly, and a cold light flashed in her hand, piercing Mu Yunke's neck! Dong Yue

was twelve points sure that she could easily kill Mu Yunke, a powerless disciple, in the first blow!

However, the next moment, she heard a soft "bang", and the sword light was forced into the air. looked at Mu Yunke again, but saw that his forearm was blocking Dong Yue's right wrist, and

Dong Yue's inevitable blow was blocked by Mu Yunke.

A hint of surprise flashed in Dong Yue's eyes, but after only a moment's hesitation, she sank her wrist and stabbed Mu Yunke's chest. The other hand clenched his fist and slammed into the opponent's shoulder.

In the face of Dong Yue's merciless move, Mu Yunke's reaction was also extremely fast. I saw that his left hand gestured like lightning and grabbed Dong Yue's wrist holding the dagger, and at the same time, his right arm turned out, locking Dong Yue's left arm.

In just a moment's battle, Dong Yue knew that he underestimated this inconspicuous son.

But she still has full confidence in herself, because she is the top killer in the Dragon King Palace!

Dong Yue raised his leg and hit Mu Yunke's lower abdomen with his knee. When Mu Yunke saw the move, he also raised his legs, and then kicked Dong Yue's knee to the side.

Dong Yue's arm holding the dagger suddenly loosened, and the dagger fell. His left arm was like a loach that didn't leave his hand, breaking free from the restraint of Mu Yunke's right arm, and then grabbed the dagger in mid-air. After holding the dagger, she stabbed Mu Yunke's lower abdomen without hesitation.

Because the two were too close to each other, Mu Yunke had no way to avoid it at this time, so he had no choice but to raise his leg and kick Dong Yue's body. Dong Yue took several steps backwards one after another under this kick, and at the same time, there was a pain in his lower abdomen.

After a short fight, Mu Yunke almost knew the difference in strength between himself and Dong Yue.

His fighting skills are better than Dong Yue's, but not much. And the dagger in Dong Yue's hand can completely make up for this gap. So in the face of Dong Yue's killing move, he must not keep his hand, otherwise he is afraid that he will send his life here.

Dong Yue ravaged her body again, and Mu Yunke used her empty-handed kung fu to snatch her dagger. After a few almost hard-to-go exchanges, Mu Yunke finally saw an opportunity and kicked Dong Yue's wrist holding the dagger.

As soon as Dong Yue's right hand was released, the dagger was taken off.

Before Dong Yue snatched the dagger back, Mu Yunke stretched out his hand and strangled Dong Yue's neck. Then he turned around and slammed Dong Yue against the wall.

Bang! The

violent impact made Dong Yue's throat sweet, and a mouthful of blood almost spurted out. looked at Mu Yunke again, but saw that he had already grabbed the fallen dagger and placed it across his neck.

At this moment, Dong Yue knew that he had lost in the hand-to-hand duel.

She didn't speak, but her eyes were closed, and she looked like she was waiting to die.

Looking at Dong Yue's appearance, Mu Yunke just felt funny.

Dong Yue is a killer, and it is reasonable to kill a killer in defense. But even so, Mu Yunke didn't want to kill people easily. In the two lives combined, the only person he wanted to kill was Ye Fan, and he would only kill Ye Fan.

He is not one of those lawless mercenaries, and he is still very resistant to killing. Therefore, although he knew that Dong Yue had a way to die, he was still hesitant to do it.

But just hesitated for such a moment, and let Dong Yue find an opportunity. She slammed the dagger across her neck away, and then slashed at Mu Yunke's neck with a hand-knife. Mu Yunke snorted coldly, raised his left leg, and slammed his knee on Dong Yue's waist.

This time, no matter how Ren Dongyue resisted, he was kicked and almost vomited blood.

Mu Yunke took two steps back, played with the dagger in his hand, and said with a smile: "This young lady, why is it so murderous? I don't remember that I offended you!" Dong

Yue held back the blood that almost spurted out, and stared at Mu Yunke with two eyes.

Hearing Mu Yunke's question, she chuckled lightly and said, "Don't talk nonsense, kill if you want to." "

That's... Before you die, can you tell me who hired you?" asked Mu Yunke knowingly.

"Hmph!" Dong Yue tilted his head, looking like he didn't want to answer.

Of course, Mu Yunke didn't expect Dong Yue to answer his question. If Dong Yue really answers, then she is not a martial artist of the Dragon King Palace.

But Mu Yunke didn't intend to let him go so easily.

With a twist of his wrist, the dagger swirled lightly in his hand, changing from a reverse grip to a front grip. Then he took advantage of Dong Yue's inattention and slashed her chest.

Dong Yue couldn't help but let out an exclamation, but saw that the clothes on his chest and his underwear were cut open by Mu Yunke. She hurriedly covered her chest, her eyes glaring at Mu Yunke viciously, as if she was about to breathe fire.

Mu Yunke pretended to be squinting, and "tsk" exclaimed: "Miss, I didn't expect you to have a good figure." Hey, let's discuss, don't be a killer, come and be my lover! Isn't it safer to be my lover than to be a killer? And you can make a lot of money.

Dong Yue blurted out: "You are dreaming

!" Mu Yunke shook his head and sighed: "I have good intentions, why don't you appreciate it?"

Dong Yue sneered: "Good intentions? I think you are interested in seeing the color! If you want to kill, you don't need to talk nonsense!"

Mu Yunke shrugged his shoulders and said: "How did a very good-looking girl do this business? Isn't it good to live a normal life? Isn't it good to dress up and fall in love like an ordinary girl? With so many professions in the world, why

do you have to be a killer?" Dong Yue said coldly: "What do you know! If there is a choice, who will be the killer?"

Mu Yunke snorted lightly and said, "Why don't you have a choice? Is someone not allowing you to leave this industry? Or do you have any tricks that fall into the hands of others?"

Dong Yue didn't want to say more: "Don't ask more, let's do it! If you're still a man, just be neat, don't talk so much nonsense!"

Mu Yunke didn't want to talk nonsense all the time, his main purpose was to delay time. He looked at his watch, and when he saw that the time was almost up, he withdrew his dagger and said, "Forget it, for the sake of your youth, I won't kill you." There's a lot to keep in mind in life, don't let this bad career shackle your life.

After speaking, Mu Yunke ignored Dong Yue, casually threw the dagger into the trash can next to him, and then walked out with grace.

Looking at Mu Yunke's back, Wu Qu looked incredulous.

Actually...... Just let her go?

Thinking of the inexplicable words Mu Yunke just said, a trace of strangeness flashed in her expression. After being stunned for a long time, she leaned over and picked up the dagger, then covered her chest and walked out of the toilet.

(Bang Bang Bang Wall Ask for Five-Star Reviews!).

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