Ye Fan was only released the next day.

Ye Fan, who was holding back the fire in his belly, was furious as soon as he returned to the company. After seeing Ye Fan's skill in smashing ornaments, the silent executives submitted their resignations one after another and slipped away.

This kind of boss is really impossible to serve!

In the past, when he was lucky, no matter what Ye Fan did, there would always be a group of diehards around him who supported him unconditionally. But when luck is no longer as powerful as before, the cruel reality will befall him.

Therefore, when Ye Fan finally calmed down and decided to deal with the current crisis, he was stunned to find that more than half of the executives in the company had left

! Even more than one-third of the company's employees had run!

In fact, the vast majority of the employees and executives who resigned were "naked", that is, they resigned without even finding a good home. For the majority of migrant workers who need to pay various mortgages and car loans, it is simply a dangerous behavior like a single-plank bridge. But even so, they resigned, because they deeply suspected that with the ability of a person like Ye Fan, there was no way to run the company well.

Not only that, but they even suspected that if they continued to do so, their lives might be in danger

! Money is precious, but life is even more valuable!

At this time, there was a dead life everywhere in the Longfan Group. Everyone has no heart to work anymore, and they are all whispering something. Most of their discussions are about finding a job, and the reason why they haven't quit their jobs is simply because they can't afford the pressure of naked resignation. Once they have found their next home, they will not hesitate to pack up their things and leave immediately, without any nostalgia.

And those who are loyal to Longfan Group may only be Jiang Chen and Chang Yizhi. However, Jiang Chen is still being treated in the hospital, and he will not be able to return in a short time. And Chang Yizhi is a martial artist, he is very good at fighting, and running a company is purely difficult for a strong man.

Therefore, after Ye Fan searched around, he was stunned to find that he couldn't even find a person who could use the huge Longfan Group!

At this moment, Ye Fan once again had a feeling of betrayal, which made him so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Forget it, even without you, I can still rise, and I can survive in the same desperate situation! You people who betrayed me will regret it sooner or later

! And the Qi family, one day I will let you see how powerful I am!

After secretly making a ruthless call, Ye Fan sat behind the desk, with a gloomy face, and began to think about countermeasures.

Can...... After thinking about it for a long time, Ye Fan couldn't think of an effective way.

The current predicament faced by Longfan Group comes from public opinion. Originally, hiring a considerable number of trolls could manipulate public opinion. However, because the murder occurred in the process of land acquisition, this immediately angered the public, who were already deeply dissatisfied with the forced demolition. So no matter whether Ye Fan is justified in defense or not, the reputation of Longfan Group is stinky.

What's more, in the official report, the matter is defined as "gathering a crowd to fight", so the nature is naturally even more serious.

You said that you were going to requisition land, so why did you gather a crowd to fight? Which real estate company have you ever seen talk about land requisition compensation with their fists?

After Ye Fan pondered for a long time, he finally had to admit a fact.

Not all problems in this world can be solved by force.

At the moment, Ye Fan has only one way to use, and that is the auction that has been warmed up for a long time.

The auction held by Longfan Investment was nominally a charity auction, but in fact it was his means of collecting money. In order to be able to obtain funds quickly, he took out the cultural relics obtained through various means over the years, including many national treasures of Huaguo that were scattered overseas. Jiang Chen originally considered the value of these national treasures, so he chose to warm up for such a long time.

The purpose of the warm-up, in addition to building momentum for Longfan Group, is also to create Ye Fan's "patriotic" personality.

After all, a person who can bring back a national treasure that has been exiled overseas is a hero no matter how you look at it!

Just as he was pondering, Ye Fan's mobile phone suddenly rang. Ye Fan casually picked up the phone, connected the phone, and asked, "Hey, who?" "

Mr. Ye, you really disappointed me!" A

voice that was obviously disguised came out of the phone. Ye Fan hurriedly looked at the phone screen again, but found that the numbers on the screen were actually a bunch of garbled characters.

He put the earphones next to his ear again, and asked in a deep voice

, "Who are you? Why are you calling me?" The person on the other side of the phone snorted lightly and said, "Mr. Ye, you are really a noble person, how forgetful! Forget that just a few days ago, we just had a friendly and cordial exchange on the dark web?" Yes,

it was Mu Yunke who disguised his identity who called.

In fact, Mu Yunke called him last night. But I don't know why, there was no answer on the other side of the phone, which made Mu Yunke feel very puzzled.

What is this crispy dragon king doing when he doesn't sleep at home at night?

Mu Yunke, who was in doubt, only learned what happened through An Jinyao's intelligence network.

Lord Dragon King entered the police station again!

At that moment, Mu Yunke wanted to hit the wall.

You're an adult, don't you know that living in modern society is to obey the law? What's the matter? Do you think that the state has a lot of grain reserves, and you are ready to go in and help the country consume a little?

Moreover, you were arrested because you were arrogant in front of the criminal police

! I have lived three lifetimes, and I have never seen such a slippery person as

you! If it weren't for luck, you would have been caught in prison and playing fencing a long time ago due to social instability!

But no matter how you complained, there was no way to call Ye Fan at that time anyway. Mu Yunke, who was depressed, poured all his anger on An Jinyao, and the consequence was that An Jinyao finally lay on the bed like soft mud and couldn't move, and Mu Yunke himself almost couldn't straighten up the next day.

As for why Sheng Ye Fan's anger was sprinkled on An Jinyao, don't ask, asking is Mu Yunke's willingness.

The next day, after learning that Ye Fan was released by the police station, Mu Yunke called over. He didn't want to be in such a hurry, but who knows if Ye Fan will miss the food at the police station again after a while?

So don't bother, let's call quickly!

And Ye Fan, under Mu Yunke's reminder, finally remembered who the other party was.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Why did you call me suddenly?" Is there something wrong?"

Mu Yunke said: "Mr. Ye, I have been paying attention to you, waiting for you to take over the Ye family, so as to help me complete that matter." But I didn't expect that so soon, your industry in Hailan City was about to collapse. Are you trying to tell me that I'm just looking at the wrong person?"

Ye Fan said coldly: "I just ran into a little trouble. It's a little thing, and it can't beat me.

Mu Yunke "tsk" and said, "I hope." I don't want my expectations of you to come up empty.

Ye Fan said: "If you call for such a trivial matter, then you can hang up."

After speaking, Ye Fan was about to hang up the phone.

But suddenly I heard a chuckle on the other side of the phone: "Mr. Ye, I have a piece of information here that is very important to you, don't you want to listen to it first and then hang up the phone

?" Ye Fan frowned: "It's important to me?" "It's

related to your subordinate Wuqu."

Ye Fan was stunned: "Wuqu? The important information you said is related to Wuqu?"

Mu Yunke did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically

: "Mr. Ye, how much do you know about this subordinate of yours?" Ye Fan couldn't help but ask: "What do you mean by this?" "

I have to remind you, Mr. Ye." Some things may not be what you see. "

What the hell do you mean, make it clear!" Ye Fan asked.

"Mr. Ye, go back and turn on your computer and look at what I sent you. As for whether it is true or not, it is up to you to judge.

After speaking, Mu Yunke hung up the phone and didn't give Ye Fan a chance to speak at all.

Ye Fan looked at his phone, stunned.

What did he mean by that? Wu Qu wants to betray

me, right? But how is this possible? No one in the Dragon King Hall can betray me!

However, although he warned himself like this, there was still a voice faintly sounding in his heart:

"What if that person is telling the truth?"

Originally, Ye Fan had absolute trust in every subordinate. But after experiencing the abandonment of the Qi family yesterday and the departure of a large number of company employees today, he no longer dares to trust anyone easily. And a person who has always been gullible suddenly begins to doubt others one day, then his suspicion will become very serious, so heavy that it is almost unreasonable.

So what Ye Fan was thinking at the moment was, Wu Qu shouldn't really betray me, right?

The seeds of doubt were planted in this way.

If Mu Yunke learned about this situation, he was afraid that he would be surprised. In order to convince Ye Fan that Wuqu had betrayed him, Mu Yunke made a lot of preliminary preparations, and planned to use words to repeatedly give Ye Fan psychological hints in the future.

But he would never have imagined that the current Ye Fan was gradually becoming suspicious. So a lot of his preliminary preparations turned out to be a bit redundant.

After Ye Fan learned that Wuqu might betray, he couldn't stay in the company anymore, so he stood up and hurried out.

When the employees saw Ye Fan, they hurriedly lowered their heads so as not to be targeted by this bad-tempered boss. After Ye Fan left, they continued to whisper again. This time, though, they were talking a lot louder.

After Ye Fan went downstairs, he drove home. As soon as he got home, he ran to his study and took out his laptop. After just a few seconds, the computer boots up and a prompt pops up in the center of the screen.

"You have a new email, please check it.

Ye Fan knew that this email was sent to him by the mysterious person.

Ye Fan took a deep breath before opening the email. Immediately, an unexpected image appeared on the screen.

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