That evening, An Jinyao received a notice of the shareholders' meeting.

An Jinyao, who inexplicably received the notice of the meeting, frowned slightly, and then showed a meaningful smile.

Most of the people who proposed the shareholders' meeting were her uncle who was unwilling to be lonely. I just don't know where this uncle got foreign aid, which actually gave him the courage to covet the An's Group.

And the timing of this shareholders' meeting is also very intriguing. An Jinyao received the notice at seven o'clock in the evening, and the meeting was held at half past seven in the evening. It was only half an hour, and An Jinyao was not given time to understand the situation behind it. However, An Jinyao didn't take it to heart, after all, she had a lot of secret information in her hands after living a new life.

At half past seven in the evening, the general meeting of shareholders was held in the form of an online conference.

In fact, An Yaozu's original intention was to hold an on-site meeting, and if he couldn't get there, he would just be counted as an abstention. Unfortunately, the vast majority of shareholders are not in the country, and many of them are even enjoying their lives abroad.

If An Yaozu insisted on convening an on-site meeting, then his proposal to hold a meeting would be rejected on the spot and he would be stillborn.

In order to finalize Qilan's financing as soon as possible, An Yaozu can only hold a shareholders' meeting as soon as possible.

After turning on the computer and entering the meeting interface, the computer will display the images of more than a dozen shareholders in the form of a grid. Some of these grids have names but no images, which means that these people simply abstained from the meeting.

An Jinyao glanced at it casually and found that sure enough, those people abstained again. These people never seem to care about the decisions of the Ann Group, the only thing they care about is how much dividends they can get each month. As for the management business, it is better to leave it to the professionals. As long as they can make money, they don't care who the person sitting in the president's seat is.

As the initiator of the meeting, An Yaozu naturally assumed the role of presiding over the meeting. As soon as he came up, he said a lot of nonsense at length, from what modular management, to embracing the current distribution model, to the importance of the supply chain, and by the way, he also contacted the standardization proposal on the marketization of drugs and health care products issued by the official some time ago.

All in all, there are a lot of useful and useless words, and there are many nouns in them, even the business tycoons here are confused when they hear it, and they don't know what An Yaozu wants to say.

Finally, a shareholder couldn't help it, and interjected: "Boss An, is there anything I want you to say directly? As far as what you just said, what is the difference between it and nonsense?"

Many shareholders at the meeting couldn't help laughing, but An Yaozu, who was being teased, had no embarrassment on his face, but said with a smile: " Yang Dong, if we want to go further in the current position, we must keep up with the trend of the times and understand the current market development trends, so that we can keep pace with the times and become the trendsetter of the times..."

What age is this, and even the "tide of the times" has popped up. Anyone who can keep up with the times can't use this kind of antique-like word.

An Jinyao smiled and said: "We have understood the uncle's determination to embrace the times, but we still want to know what the purpose of the uncle is to hold this shareholders' meeting." An

Yaozu replied: "Accept external financing and develop more new products to enhance the group's market competitiveness."

As soon as the words "financing" came out, many people couldn't help frowning.

There are usually two ways to take a stake in a business. One is to acquire shares, and the other is to raise funds.

The acquisition of shares is easy to understand, and in itself it is equivalent to the purchase and sale of products. If you are willing to buy, I am willing to sell, barter or buy with money, then this share acquisition is completed. As for the price you are talking about, that's your own business, and no one else can control it.

As for financing, it's a little more complicated. To put it simply, financing is equivalent to pouring a certain amount of water into a glass of salt water. Salt is equivalent to shares, while water is equivalent to capital. The more money there is, the less shares each person will get. Correspondingly, the voice in the enterprise will also be reduced accordingly. Therefore, in many cases, purely from the perspective of shareholders' personal interests, they are reluctant to accept financing.

However, if the company is in dire need of capital and no shareholders are willing to sell their shares, then financing can be a natural option.

But the question is, does the An's Group really need money at the moment?

Some shareholders raised their objections on the spot: "The group has abundant funds at the moment, and there is no need for financing at all, right?"

An Yaozu shook his head with a smile and said, "Two months ago, the group just launched three new products, and two more new products are in the process of research and development. In the current competitive market environment, our products must always have the strongest competitiveness in order to be invincible. And when the variety of our products increases, the amount of funds required for later product upgrades and replacements will naturally increase. Therefore, although the group is not short of funds at present, it does not mean that there will be no shortage of funds in the future.

After a pause, An Yaozu said: "Here, I would also like to thank our President An Jinyao. If it weren't for President An Jinyao to launch so many new products at one time, it would be impossible for our An Group to maintain such a strong competitiveness.

Hearing this, An Jinyao smiled meaningfully.

An Yaozu is saying thanks, but what he really wants to say is that the current lack of cash flow of An Group is entirely because An Jinyao has taken too big a step and is pulling eggs.

An Jinyao knocked on the table and said, "In that case, then please tell the uncle who wants to invest in our An Group!"

An Yaozu replied: "It's Qi Lan of the Qi family, Miss Qi." "

Is it Qi Lan...

An Jinyao's eyes narrowed slightly, and she had already guessed Qi Lan's intentions in an instant.

Qi Lan is very deep in the city, if she really believes that she shows that there are no injuries to humans and animals on the surface, maybe one day in the future, she will be skinned and eaten clean. So Qi Lan wanted to restrain himself through the An Group, and An Jinyao was not surprised at all.

Therefore, Qi Lan's financing is by no means as simple as she shows. With An Jinyao's IQ, she has basically guessed what Qi Lan's follow-up actions will be.

After thinking about it, An Jinyao said: "Then I don't know how much money Miss Qi is going to raise?"

An Yaozu said: "According to the current market valuation of the group, Miss Qi is ready to inject 50 billion yuan in exchange for 10% of the group's shares.

An Jinyao said with a smile: "Uncle, when is this market valuation? Why don't I know that our group still only has this price?"

At present, many shareholders also expressed disagreement. They believe that the valuation of the group is at least 650 billion, so the 50 billion injected by Qi Lan cannot reach 10% of the shares.

Facing everyone's doubts, An Yaozu said unhurriedly: "Everyone, I know that this price is a little low, but there is no way to do it. According to the budget of the finance department for the next quarter, if we do not get a new source of funding as soon as possible, then we will only need two months at most, and we will fall into the crisis of breaking the capital chain. At that time, 10% of the shares will not even be able to exchange for 40 billion funds. As he

spoke, An Yaozu also showed the so-called "budget table" in his hand to the shareholders.

According to the expenses shown on the budget table, R&D expenses account for the largest proportion. All shareholders have noticed that the amount of this R&D expense has increased several times compared to the previous quarter. You must know that even in the pharmaceutical and health care products industry, marketing expenses are generally more than R&D expenses. But this time, the increase in R&D expenses was beyond their imagination.

Someone couldn't help but ask: "Isn't there anything wrong with this budget table?, why will there be so much R&D budget next quarter?"

An Yaozu pretended to sigh helplessly: "In the past, we only needed to develop a few projects, but recently our R&D projects have increased a lot, and many of them are new projects that have never had R&D experience. Therefore, it is also normal to spend a little more money.

An Yaozu's words quietly put the responsibility on An Jinyao's body.

An Jinyao knocked on the table and began to think.

In fact, if you want to overturn An Yaozu's financing proposal, An Jinyao has a reason.

If it's a big deal, suspend the research and development of a few of these projects and concentrate the funds on the most profitable ones. Or find a bank and pledge the high-quality resources of An's Group, which can also obtain a lot of capital flow.

An Jinyao, who can live a lifetime again, is also more ambitious than in her previous life. She not only wants to build Ann Group into a leading pharmaceutical company, but also wants to make Ann Group a super giant enterprise that can influence everyone in all aspects.

And in order to do this, An Jinyao must take a big step forward, and it is impossible to hold back because of the so-called financial problems.


She looked at An Yaozu's wisdom bead in her hand, and a smile appeared on her face.

It just so happened that she was originally thinking of finding an opportunity to solve some problems within the Ann Group, but recently she was addicted to love and couldn't extricate herself, so she temporarily put the matter aside.

But if Qi Lan enters the game, it will be a great opportunity!

In the discussion of the shareholders, An Jinyao took the lead and said: "I agree with the uncle's proposal and accept Miss Qi Lanqi's capital injection.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. Among them, the most surprising is An Yaozu.

Originally, An Yaozu expected that he could convince the vast majority of shareholders, but An Jinyao was difficult to convince. For this reason, he is even ready to sell those neutral shareholders with profits.

But he didn't expect that An Jinyao would actually agree like this?

Looking at the smile on An Jinyao's face, An Yaozu realized for the first time that he might underestimate this niece.

(Small fist punch chest for five-star praise!)

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