"For myself... Do you live once?"

Walking on the wide street, Dong Yue's eyes were full of confusion.

She is only twenty-two years old. And for the past seven years, she has lived in the Dragon King Palace.

Train in the Dragon King Palace, study in the Dragon King Palace, and perform tasks in the Dragon King Palace.

And, the man who is loyal to the Dragon King's Palace.

She thought that she would go to great lengths for this man for the rest of her life, because this was her duty as a subordinate. But today, there was a man who told her to live for herself.

However, how can it be regarded as living for oneself once?

Dong Yue had never thought about this question before. And today, when this question first appeared in her mind, it made her speechless.

She remembers that she was just a street child until she was fifteen years old. No home, no loved ones, only a precarious life. Every day she thinks about where to find food today and where to sleep tonight. She has to solve all the troubles she encounters by herself, and deal with all the enemies she encounters. At that time, she lived for herself, and she could only live for herself.

However, at that time, she couldn't feel happy at all.

It wasn't until later that he met the man and was taken into the Dragon King Hall by him.

So from that time on, she began to live for this man.

And live only for this man.

Over the course of seven years, she gradually forgot about herself and became a machine that only knew how to perform tasks. She didn't know what her future would hold, and she never thought about it. Because in her opinion, the only thing she needs to know is how to help this man solve his problems.

It seems... It's not something to discuss. After all, everyone in the entire Dragon King Palace is like this.

Everyone is living for the person on the throne of the Dragon King Palace. They struggled, they fought, they sacrificed, and everything they did was to make the crown on the head of the man on the throne shine even more.

This is true for all, without exception.

Therefore, everyone in the Dragon King Palace has no family of their own, no lover of their own, and no life of their own. Their daily routine is to wait for the dragon king to give orders, and then fight and sacrifice for the dragon king's orders. As for what they can expect from it ... No one thought about it.

Why, then, do they live like this? Why do they work hard for the same person at all costs? Why do all people live for him and not for themselves

? Is it for the spiritual satisfaction of self-indulgence and loyalty?

Even if the man almost every time he gives a task, he has to add the phrase "If you can't finish it, come and see you."

Obviously, every time they do a task, they are "threatened" to do it like this, but why are all of them so happy

? They don't even think about what's wrong with this

? Is the dragon king really that important to them

? It's important enough to abandon their own lives, abandon themselves, and everything they can have?

"Live for yourself once... For

the first time in his life, Dong Yue began to think about what to do to live for himself

? Do I want to kill someone?

No, I don't want to.

But why should I kill?

Because that's the task the king has given me.

Why am I going to do the task that the king has given me?

Why should I be loyal to the king?

. . yes, why?

Why is he my king, why is he my king, and I am going to

live for him? And what about him

? Who is he living for? No, he doesn't live for anyone, he lives only for himself.

I used to want to be like a king.

So, why can't I live for myself too?

No more killing, no more destruction.

There are no more guns and daggers around, and no longer just boring work items.

I also want to have my own loved ones, my own family.

I would also like to have children of my own.

I want to dress myself up as a really pretty girl.

I want to talk about a really sweet love.

I want to walk hand in hand with my true love.

I want to live.

I want to live for myself.

I want to live for my own tomorrow.

I want to live for my life.

I also want to die for my own life.

Also for... Live and die with someone you truly love.

So, where is the person I love

? Is it in the Dragon King's Palace

? Or is it somewhere else

? Is he also waiting for me to appear?

Waiting for someone for whom he also fought and worked hard.

Live for yourself and for your loved ones.

Dong Yue looked up blankly and saw the three-color traffic light. The three colors alternate to represent progress and stop.

And now, too, she is standing at a crossroads.

So in which direction is she going next

? ——————————

how can she live for herself?

In many cases, this is not a problem, at least Mu Yunke thinks so.

But for some, this is not the case.

If someone takes a closer look at Shuangwen, they will find that every character in Shuangwen lives for the protagonist.

And in the King of Soldiers and God of War cool texts, this situation is particularly serious.

And this is also what Mu Yunke dislikes the most.

Just like an organization like the Dragon King Palace, although he didn't fully understand it, with the cool text routines he had seen before, he also knew that this organization was extremely sick.

The entire organization is up and down, and only Ye Fan is really enjoying life. And everyone else, they all live for him alone.

However, everyone is the protagonist of their own life, why let others live for you?

Just like those heroines who are affected by the halo of the protagonist.

They originally had a brilliant life, and there were infinite possibilities in life.

But after encountering the protagonist, they are left with only one goal in life.

Live for the main character.

When a person is accustomed to living for another person, this person loses himself and loses his soul.

Sometimes, you can explain the situation with love.

But why does the protagonist have to occupy the love of so many people? And his own love is so cheap?

Therefore, Mu Yunke said that sentence to Dong Yue in the underground parking lot:

"When are you going to live for yourself?"

If it is in the general cool text routine, Ye Fan, who has the blessing of the protagonist's aura, almost never has to worry about the betrayal of his subordinates.

But now, under the hedging of An Jinyao's luck, how much role can Ye Fan's protagonist aura play?

So he believes that his words are like a depth charge for Dong Yue, which is enough to blow up her true self that she hid in her past in her heart and was suppressed by the protagonist's aura.

And Dong Yue will become a seed.

A seed of rebellion.

This was the first time that Mu Yunke began to try to move towards the source of luck.

Just like revolutions in history, they all erupt because of the birth of new ideas.

What Mu Yunke instilled in Dong Yue is the so-called "new thought".

Of course, for normal people, this is not a new idea at all. But in the Shuangwen world, especially in an organization directly commanded by the protagonist such as the Dragon King Palace, how many normal people can there be?

They are essentially slaves to the Dragon King Palace, and to Ye Fan. Mu Yunke, on the other hand, instilled the concept of "freedom" into Dong Yue.

Therefore, in this way, it will inevitably shake the foundation of luck, and further wear away Ye Fan's protagonist aura.

So, thought, sometimes is a more terrible weapon than force and guns.


after Mu Yunke obtains the system, he sometimes thinks about what the existence of the system means. And today, Mu Yunke had a whim and officially raised this question to the system.

The system's response was, "This system has encountered other systems in other planes as well." The vast majority of systems have only one reason for existence, and that is to draw on the origin of the world in the plane. But for the planes, they are outsiders after all, and they will be naturally rejected by the planes, so they need a spokesperson to help them do this.

"And what about you, what is your purpose?"

"The purpose of this system is also to obtain the world source, but this system will only absorb those world sources that do not have much effect on the plane, just like excess nutrition. Or, to put it more bluntly, it is garbage that is not needed by the plane but can be recycled by the system.

"When you say recyclable garbage, don't you mean

Ye Fan's luck?" "That's right, it's Ye Fan's luck." Its existence was like a mutated cancer cell to the World Origin, so Heavenly Dao no longer needed it, and desperately wanted to eradicate it. But it's useful for the system. "

So your essence is a scavenger!"

"Yes host."

"So, in fact, there is a cooperative relationship between you and Heavenly Dao?"

"Yes. Because it is a partnership, the system cannot help the host unscrupulously. For example, add a few zeros to the host's bank card balance, or directly transfer all the shares of a company to the host's name, or directly give a luxury car to the host. These things can indeed be done by this system, but they will destroy the origin of the world and cause the rejection of the Heavenly Dao. Only intangible assets such as knowledge will not have too much impact on the origin of the world.

"I see. In addition, what is the basis for your system to choose

a host?""When this system selects a host, we must first consider the character of the host, and the distorted views cannot be considered. Secondly, the ability of the host should be considered, and the ability of the host should not be considered. Finally, the will of the host should be considered, and those with too bad will cannot be considered. For other systems, the criteria for selecting a host are the opposite of this one. "

Do you mean that other systems choose hosts, preferring waste with distorted views and no self-control?"

"You can say that, because such hosts are heavily dependent on the convenience given by the system, and can easily be manipulated by the system and become slaves of the system.

"What about me? What will I become in the future as your host?"

"The Master who created me once said that no one who works hard should be let down, and anyone who gives should be rewarded. So, my host, go ahead and do a good job! as long as you get rid of Ye Fan, you'll have unexpected gains.

"Finally, congratulations to the host, you have finally found the best way to shake the protagonist's luck. (

45° looking at the sky for five-star praise!)

(Although I was tired today, I still insisted on updating!).

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