At night, Mu Yunke still sat at the table, facing the computer with his fingers flying.

At this moment, a prompt tone suddenly sounded. Mu Yunke glanced at it and found that it was an email. When he saw the sender's name clearly, Mu Yunke's face couldn't help but show a smile.


person who sent the email was his lifelong enemy, Ye Fan.

Mu Yunke left an email address for Ye Fan through the dark web, telling Ye Fan that he could be contacted through this email address if needed.

Of course, Mu Yunke encrypted this email address to prevent Ye Fan from finding him. Later, Mu Yunke did find out that Ye Fan had tried to find this mysterious hacker through this email address many times, but each time he was pointed to another place by Mu Yunke's layers of encryption and misdirection.

After trying a few times, Ye Fan seems to have finally discovered the gap between the two sides in terms of hacker level, and finally stopped being obsessed with finding this mysterious hacker.

At this time, when Ye Fan encountered a problem that could not be solved, his first thought was to find a mysterious hacker to solve the problem.

After Mu Yunke saw Ye Fan's request for help, he took the initiative to contact Ye Fan. As soon as he came up, he asked straight to the point, "Is there anything you need help with, Mr. Dragon King?"

Ye Fan said: "I need to find the whereabouts of a traitor, and you are the only one in the world who can do this."

Seeing this, Mu Yunke couldn't help but sneer.

Ye Fan really doesn't talk about business, how can he leave the bottom as soon as he comes up

? Isn't the meaning of this sentence equivalent to saying, "No one can help me except you"?

But it's also thanks to Ye Fan's ability to talk about business, otherwise he wouldn't be able to ask for a price.

Mu Yunke: "Mr. Dragon King, do you want to find the whereabouts

of Wuqu?" Ye Fan: "She is no longer the Wuqu of the Dragon King Palace, she is just a shameful traitor now."

Mu Yunke: "Okay, Mr. Dragon King, I'll find out who you're looking for." But you know, I'm not doing things for free.

Ye Fan on the other side of the computer couldn't help frowning.

This guy is really greedy, but he just asked him to help find someone, and he actually has to charge a fee

? Have you forgotten, do you still need me to help you after taking control

of the Ye family? But Ye Fan did not express his dissatisfaction, but asked: "How much does it cost?"

Mu Yunke: "Three million dollars."

Ye Fan couldn't help but be shocked: "Thirty million? Pay back the dollar? You are simply blackmailing!"

Mu Yunke: "Mr. Dragon King, my price is already a preferential price, and this is the price that will only be given to you for the sake of our cooperative relationship." If someone else wants to find someone, you have to pay 50 million from me.

Ye Fan gritted his teeth: "Can it be cheaper?"

Mu Yunke: "I'm sorry, I can't." I also have to support my family, and this amount of money is only enough for my daughter's milk powder. "

Mu Yunke really plans to make some milk powder money. An Jinyao should have a reaction in a while, so if you calculate it, their child will be born in about eight and a half months.

As a qualified father, he has to prepare in advance! As

for why he said it was a daughter, because Mu Yunke had a hunch that he would definitely have a daughter! If this child is not, then the next child will also be!

Ye Fan: "What

kind of breed is your daughter? It costs 30 million US dollars to drink milk powder? Don't you know that breastfeeding is the healthiest?

But Ye Fan was powerless to refute it. Because he realized that he was being manipulated.

Ye Fan was secretly annoyed in his heart. This cost of finding someone is too expensive, even if his family is rich, it will hurt to take out 30 million US dollars at once.

Not to mention 30 million, he is not happy to take out 3,000 dollars! His original intention was actually to prostitute for nothing. After all, there is still a cooperative relationship between the two sides

, but the other party also clearly told him that it is impossible to prostitute for nothing, and it is impossible to be cheaper.

Ye Fan hesitated for a long time before gritting his teeth and saying, "Okay, 30 million is 30 million! I need you to find Dong Yue for me within one day!"

Mu Yunke: "Yes." Then Mr. Dragon King, please pay!"

Then, Mu Yunke sent a bank account number.

Ye Fan had to open the online bank and operate it with his chest covered.

Why are you holding your chest? It's not because you're distressed!

The moment he remitted 30 million, Ye Fan felt like his heart was about to break.

Lao Tzu is reluctant to even wear brand-name clothes, and the money saved will let you go away like this!

But he didn't dare to blame the other party, so he could only count the account on Dong Yue's head.

Ye Fan: "The money has been remitted, please tell me Dong Yue's location as soon as possible."

Mu Yunke: "Don't be so anxious, Mr. Dragon King, I have to wait until the money is in place before I can work."

Mu Yunke, on the other side of the network cable, brewed coffee leisurely. As soon as I took a sip, I heard an exclamation from outside the door.

After a while, the door was opened, An Jinyao ran to Mu Yunke with her mobile phone, and said with a surprised face: "Brother Yunke, look! I suddenly have more than 30 million dollars in my bank account! What do you say is going on

?" Mu Yunke smiled: "Maybe it's the milk powder money that a well-wisher sent to our children

?" "Kind-hearted person?" An Jinyao was stunned, "Is there such a kind person in this world?" And what kind of child needs 30 million yuan for milk powder? It's enough to buy a few thousand cows, right?"

"Okay, just keep the money!

Mu Yunke's words made An Jinyao react: "You got this money? From whom?"

Mu Yunke and An Jinyao are both masters of money, and their usual expenses are not so fine. Although Mu Yunke never gave An Jinyao money, An Jinyao didn't need it either. At this time, she learned that her husband suddenly got such a large amount of money from nowhere, and it was directly remitted to her account, which made An Jinyao unable to turn a blind eye directly.

Seeing An Jinyao's insistence on asking, Mu Yunke had no choice but to explain the matter in detail. After hearing that the money came from Ye Fan, An Jinyao couldn't help but show a worried look: "There will be nothing wrong with this money, right? Ye Fan, this guy regards money as his life, you cheated him for so much money, will he give up?"

Mu Yunke said: "How can this money be said to be a pit? It is obviously a fair deal! And the traces of his transfer have been cleared by me, no matter how he checks, he can't find you here, so you can use it with confidence!"

Although Mu Yunke only gave Ye Fan an account, the money was just a trip to that account. Before he could stay on that account for two seconds, he was transferred to another account by Mu Yunke. After a few more consecutive turns, he finally came to An Jinyao's account.

Every transfer record was cleaned up by Mu Yunke, if Ye Fan could still find out where the money went, then Mu Yunke would directly admit defeat!

Hearing Mu Yunke's ticket, An Jinyao was relieved. She asked again: "Then what are you going to do next? Are you really going to find out Dong Yue's whereabouts and tell Ye Fan?"

"Of course! I am very professional. If you receive the money, you can't help but do things.

"Then aren't you afraid that Dong Yue will be killed by

Ye Fan?" "Ye Fan is now entangled in a lot of things, and he definitely can't do it himself. And the only subordinate he can use now is Chang Yizhi. With Chang Yizhi's ability, he will definitely not be able to deal with Dong Yue. Not only that, Dong Yue may be able to pull Chang Yizhi off the horse. Mu Yunke explained.

After thinking about it, An Jinyao also nodded approvingly: "Dong Yue is very skilled, Chang Yizhi can't deal with her." But you said that she could pull Chang Yizhi off the horse, what is going on?"

"Is this..."Mu Yunke showed a mysterious smile, "It depends on how deeply Dong Yue interprets what I said last time."

After a while, Ye Fan finally received a message from Mu Yunke. The message is a few videos with locations on them. Ye Fan first opened a video labeled "Southwest Airport" and found that it was a surveillance video. And in the surveillance video, a familiar figure made him squint his eyes slightly.

Sure enough, it was Dong Yue!

Ye Fan opened several other videos and found that they were all surveillance videos. The time is marked in these surveillance videos, and the places Dong Yue has been to during this time and the roadmap of his actions are clearly marked. Follow the above route, you can easily find Dong Yue.

However, the information is time-sensitive, in order to avoid losing Dong Yue's trace again, Ye Fan immediately called Chang Yizhi to the room and said to Chang Yizhi: "I have found Dong Yue's location, she is now in a hotel in the capital of Southwest Province." You go over right now and find a way to get rid of her!" Chang

Yizhi couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this: "But my lord, I'm not Dong Yue's opponent at all!"

Ye Fan waved his hand and said, "Lian Zhen, you have to use your brains more to do things." If you want to kill someone, you don't have to do it face-to-face.

Chang Yizhi said bitterly: "Even if I calculate secretly, I am not Dong Yue's opponent!"

Whether it was a head-on duel or a secret shot, he was not sure that he would be able to deal with Dong Yue.

But Ye Fan was already a little impatient: "Lian Zhen, you have to make it clear, I am assigning you a task now, and what you have to do is not to complain and shirk, but to complete the task I gave you, do you hear clearly

?" "But I think..."

"I don't want you to think I want me to feel!" Ye Fan said viciously, "The only person I can use now is you, do you want to tell me that you can't do anything?"

Facing Ye Fan, who was already a little stunned, Chang Yizhi had to swallow the bitterness in his heart, and said helplessly: "Okay lord, I will complete the task

!" "That's right!" Ye Fan leaned back in his chair, "Lian Zhen, you have to remember that I am the decision-maker, but you are just the executor." As

he spoke, he closed his eyes and said lightly: "Go, go early and come back early." "

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