When the company employees arrived at the hotel, they saw ambulances and police cars parked in front of the hotel. Confused, they found out that just a few minutes earlier, a man staying at their hotel had been castrated.

According to the memories of the little girl at the front desk, the man was helping a girl who looked like she was drunk to the third floor. A few minutes later, the girl went downstairs alone, and from the outside, although the girl had the smell of alcohol, her eyes were bright, and she was obviously not drunk.

Shortly after the girl left, ambulances and police cars arrived. It wasn't until this time that the little girl at the front desk didn't know what was going on in that room.


, although there was a reason for the incident, from a legal point of view, the girl was still guilty of intentional wounding. The police then began an investigation to bring him to justice as soon as possible.

But what they didn't know was that Dong Yue at that time was disguised.

As a killer, protecting your personal information is essential, including your name and appearance. And all the information that the police can obtain about Dong Yue comes from that resume. After some investigation, the police were shocked to find that all the information was fake.

Even the photo posted on it is not real!

the only real thing may be the gender and age on it.

As a result, the police investigation stalled.

Just when the police were searching for Dong Yue's whereabouts in the city, Dong Yue had already taken light steps and walked towards the hotel where he was temporarily staying.

Although it was not so long ago that she had just stripped an animal of its male characteristics, she had no wavering in her heart. For her, people like Peng Gao are not even a trouble, and if they are castrated, they will be castrated, and they are not worth caring about at all.

The only thing that made her a little unhappy was that the face didn't work.

It seems that after I go back, I will have to change my face.

When walking into an alley, Dong Yue suddenly stopped and shouted in a low voice: "Come out!"

After a moment of silence, a figure slowly walked out from behind her. Dong Yue turned around, looked at this familiar figure, and said calmly: "Ye Fan asked you to come to me?"

Chang Yizhi looked at the girl in front of him who had been the ace killer of the Dragon King Palace, and didn't know what to say for a while.

In the past, Dong Yue's title to Ye Fan was always the word "king". Although there is only one word, it represents Dong Yue's respect for Ye Fan. Because in Chinese, single-word titles often represent a unique meaning.

And now, Dong Yue calls him by his name. This also means that Ye Fan is no longer as important as before in her heart.

Chang Yizhi was silent for a moment before asking, "Why did you leave the Dragon King Palace?"

Dong Yue said lightly: "Because I want to live my own life and live for myself once." "

Live for yourself once?" Chang Yizhi frowned

, "Dong Yue, have you forgotten the kindness of the Dragon King Palace to you?" Dong Yue said faintly: "Of course I will not forget the kindness of the Dragon King Palace to me, and I will not forget that before entering the Dragon King Palace, I was just a beggar who couldn't even eat." "

Then you..."

Dong Yue interrupted him and said coldly: "But no matter how much I owe the Dragon King Palace, I have already paid it off with interest over the years." So now, I want to live for myself.

Chang Yizhi said in a deep voice: "But you should know the rules of the Dragon King Palace. "

'Once you enter the palace, you won't give up for life'?" Dong Yue chuckled, "But Lian Zhen, I don't remember that I signed a deed of sale."

After getting rid of the influence of Ye Fan's protagonist's aura, Dong Yue's brain was surprisingly sober: "The entire Dragon King Palace is working hard for Ye Fan alone. All the benefits were taken by him, and all the credit belonged to him. For so many years, we people have been like slaves, working for him, and we have to be born and die for him. But all he can give back to us is those small favors.

Chang Yizhi frowned and said, "But adults have always taken care of their brothers!"

"Do you care?" Dong Yue laughed, "Lian Zhen, have you forgotten that two years ago, the girl you saved in that mission ended up in whose hands?"

Chang Yizhi's face suddenly became ugly.

The mission two years ago has always been a pimple in his heart. He rescued a girl during that mission, and in the process of escaping, the two supported each other and gradually developed affection. So after the mission was over, Chang Yizhi took the girl to the Dragon King Palace and begged Ye Fan to marry the girl.

At that time, Ye Fan, with a warm smile on his face, expressed his appreciation for Chang Yizhi's ability. As for Chang Yizhi's plea, he did not respond, but said that he would give Chang Yizhi an answer later.

At that time, Chang Yizhi didn't think much about it in his heart, just because Ye Fan couldn't give a clear answer for the time being because of some concerns.

But a few days later, Chang Yizhi saw Ye Fan holding the girl's hand and introducing everyone that this was his new woman.

Chang Yizhi has forgotten what kind of mood he was in at that time. He just

didn't understand, he didn't understand why their Dragon King already had so many women, but he still wanted to grab this one from him? Chang Yizhi only wanted this one girl!

Afterwards, out of loyalty to the Dragon King Hall and Ye Fan, he didn't mention this matter again. It's just that after that, he stopped discussing anything about women with others.

Moreover, he fell in love with drinking.

For no woman belongs to him, but the wine in his hand belongs to him.

Chang Yizhi thought he had forgotten about it. But when Dong Yue mentioned it, Chang Yizhi clearly felt the pain in his heart.

He still can't forget the pain of that time.

Seeing that Chang Yizhi stopped talking, Dong Yue sighed and said, "Lian Zhen, don't you still understand? Ye Fan said on the surface that he regarded us as relatives, but in fact he only regarded us as slaves that he had taken and taken away. As long as he is willing, he can grab women with his subordinates without any psychological burden. There are many members of the Dragon King Palace, but none of them have a family until now. Only Ye Fan, who has countless women and enjoys the blessings of Qi Tian. Is it necessary to continue to be loyal to this kind of person?"

Dong Yue also had a hard time understanding Ye Fan's behavior. In the past, because of the protagonist's aura, she didn't think there was anything wrong with Ye Fan doing this. But now, when she recalls what Ye Fan has done over the years, she feels a little heart attack.

She didn't know that in Shuangwen, there is an unspoken rule, that is, only the male protagonist can have beautiful women in the whole book, and he can have many women. As for the others, especially those in the protagonist's camp, only the protagonist has the right to choose a mate.

It's really a drought that dies of drought and a waterlogging.

After being silent for a long time, Chang Yizhi said in a difficult tone: "But he is our leader after all..."Dong

Yue shook his head: "But he is not a qualified leader." "

But the old dragon king asked us to assist him..."

Chang Yizhi suddenly raised his head, looked directly into Dong Yue's eyes, and asked, "Are you... I have long wanted to break away from the Dragon King Palace?"

This time, it was Dong Yue's turn to be silent.

After a long time, Dong Yue said lightly: "I just suddenly had a feeling, and I don't want to continue to waste my life like this." I am also a human being, and I also have my own life, so I don't want to waste my life for Ye Fan's life anymore.

"But the consequences of leaving the Dragon King Hall will be very serious. Chang Yizhi reminded.

Dong Yue suddenly laughed: "Maybe! Maybe from tomorrow, there will be a steady stream of Dragon King Hall killers coming to kill me." But so what? I am fighting for myself, and I have no regrets even if I die at their hands.

Speaking of this, Dong Yue suddenly changed the topic and said, "Lian Zhen, you should be sent by Ye Fan

to kill me, right?" Chang Yizhi smiled bitterly: "How can I have the ability to kill you?" It's just that the adults sent me over, and I can only obey orders."

Dong Yue snorted coldly and said, "This is indeed his style of acting." Only ask about the result, not the reason. He would always threaten us with things like 'see you up,' but he never thought about how much we had to put in to get things done. The lives of his brothers and sisters, in his opinion, may just be bank cards that can be discounted.

After some conversations, Chang Yizhi already understood that Dong Yue was determined to leave the Dragon King Palace. The root cause lies in Ye Fan's dissatisfaction and disappointment. To be more precise, it is dissatisfied and disappointed with Ye Fan's selfishness and narrow-mindedness.

To be honest, Chang Yizhi also understands Dong Yue's disappointment. The current Ye Fan is a big bear child, and he only has "those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me die" in his heart. And these subordinates are like parents who coax Ye Fan to be happy, unconditionally meeting all of Ye Fan's needs.

But now, Dong Yue didn't want to serve anymore, so he withdrew.

Looking at Dong Yue's firm eyes, Chang Yizhi said, "I understand." In that case, then I won't stop you.

Dong Yue said: "What about you? If you can't complete the task, Ye Fan won't spare you easily." "

This is the rule of the Dragon King Palace. Merit may not be rewarded, and there will be punishment if there is a mistake.

Chang Yizhi just smiled and said, "Even if it is punished, it won't be very serious." After all, in a short period of time, the people of the Dragon King Hall could not enter Huaguo. So during this time, he won't treat me like that.

"But he's very vindictive.

"I know, but I have my own plans.

Seeing that Chang Yizhi had already decided, Dong Yue had no choice but to say: "Since you have decided, it can only be up to you."

"So don't say goodbye?"

"Say goodbye." The

two turned around at the same time, walking with their backs to each other.

They knew that after today, they probably wouldn't see each other again.

But they all blessed each other in their hearts.

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