On that day, as Mu Yunke had predicted, the company worked overtime.

Well, sometimes even the boss can't control overtime or not.

Of course, that's not to say that this is the case for all overtime. Some bosses just want to use one money to let employees do two jobs, and they shout wolf nature all day long, but they don't know that the real wolves never engage in internal competition, but the wolves with higher status need to bear more and more dangerous responsibilities. But it's a pity that the vast majority of "wolf" bosses don't seem to have the consciousness of the wolf king at all.

The topic is far away.

All in all, due to the problem of the company's restructuring, Yunyao Company had to work overtime regardless of the boss, senior executives or ordinary employees. The big and small meetings were one after another, and everyone was tired and had to be strong, including Mu Yunke.

After being busy until seven o'clock, under the reminder of the secretary, Mu Yunke finally remembered that the big guy hadn't eaten dinner yet, so he asked everyone to rest for an hour first, and solved the food problem by the way.

As for Mu Yunke himself, he still needs to continue to look through various documents and make various decisions. These documents and decisions are related to the future development of the company, and they must not be sloppy at all, so although Mu Yunke feels that it is very troublesome, he can only do it himself.

It is for this reason that Mu Yunke has to continue working when other employees have an hour off.

Mu Yunke, who had been busy for a long time, also felt hungry. But now it is estimated that it is too late to order takeout, so he decided to simply eat instant noodles and make do with it.

Sprinkle with the seasoning packet, pour boiling water and let it sit for three minutes. Just when Mu Yunke took a little rest while waiting, the door of the general manager's office was suddenly opened.

Mu Yunke frowned slightly. What kind of person is so ignorant of the rules? This is the general manager's office, not the pantry.

Mu Yunke raised his head and was about to reprimand the person, but after seeing the person's appearance clearly, Mu Yunke hurriedly swallowed back the words that had already come to his mouth.


first heroine, An Jinyao, is an existence that can't afford to offend, otherwise people will unite with the Son of Destiny to destroy themselves in minutes!

So Mu Yunke quickly adjusted his expression, stood up, and showed a flattering smile: "That... Yaoyao, are you here?" I

remembered that anyone who came in this office had to knock on the door, but An Jinyao could enter whenever she wanted. This is the rule made by Mu Yunke in the original plot, but unfortunately it was not until Mu Yunke died in the end that An Jinyao never came here once. Therefore, Mu Yunke almost forgot that he still had this kind of regulation.

And today An Jinyao is actually here, it seems that the plot of this novel is not an ordinary collapse!

Looking at Mu Yunke's tired and slightly haggard face, An Jinyao couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

In his memory, Mu Yunke in his previous life was like this, usually focusing on his work, otherwise it would not have been possible to develop the start-up Yunyao Technology to its current scale in just a few years. As for the time he has to pursue himself, he is desperately squeezing it out. Often Mu Yunke has to work overtime for three days in a row to squeeze out half a day to accompany him. But in his previous life, he didn't know how to cherish it, but felt that Mu Yunke was too unprofessional.

And compared to Ye Fan and Mu Yunke, it can really be regarded as idleness.

No, maybe for Ye Fan, picking up girls is the right thing.

An Jinyao said softly to Mu Yunke: "Brother Yunke, you have been busy all day, haven't you even eaten well?"

"Rice?" Mu Yunke subconsciously glanced at the instant noodles on the table. And An Jinyao followed his gaze and also saw the fast food that was almost useless except for temporarily filling his stomach.

"It seems that I have come to the right place this time!" An Jinyao thought secretly.

So An Jinyao put the paper bag in her hand on the desk, and smiled at Mu Yunke: "Brother Yunke, I knew that you probably didn't have time to eat today, so I made some for you, don't dislike it!"

Mu Yunke hurriedly put on a professional expression of licking the dog: "I am already very content that Yaoyao can cook for me by myself, how can I dislike it?"

Mu Yunke said this kind of thing out of the idea of not offending the first heroine, but when he heard An Jinyao, he had another feeling in his heart.

"It turns out that I only need to do such a little thing, can he be so moved?, then I used to be too indifferent to him?" An Jinyao thought in a daze.

Mu Yunke on the other side was thinking: When did An Jinyao learn

to cook? It's strange to say that the first heroine obviously has no need to cook, but she has good cooking skills. But in the original plot, it seems that only Ye Fan has the honor to taste the food made by the first heroine. As for Mu Yunke, the licking dog...


Mu Yunke was still the licking dog, maybe he would really eat this meal with a pious attitude. But when he thought of Mu Yunke's treatment in the original plot, he was a little bored.

Mu Yunke quietly put the lunch box aside and said to An Jinyao: "Yaoyao, it's really hard for you to bring me food." It's not too early, you better go home first!Pay attention to safety on the road!"

Mu Yunke's words are an obvious eviction order, and it will always seem a little harsh to the ears of ordinary people. But when An Jinyao heard this, her heart was moved.

Sure enough, he cared more about my safety than he did...

So An Jinyao smiled and said, "It's okay, I can wait for you to finish your work and wait for you to go home together."

The corners of Mu Yunke's mouth twitched. Didn't the first heroine hear the meaning of what she just said?

He originally planned to throw out the rice in this lunch box after An Jinyao left. Because when he remembered that Ye Fan had eaten this kind of food, he felt depressed from the bottom of his heart.

As for An Jinyao, sorry, not interested.

But looking at An Jinyao's expectant expression, Mu Yunke swallowed back the next sentence of driving people away. In the end, he was still a little soft-hearted, and he couldn't say anything too hard, but after sighing in his heart, he took the lunch box handed over by An Jinyao.

The meal that An Jinyao cooked for Mu Yunke can be seen to be very attentive. There are vegetables, meat and eggs, all of which are full of color, flavor and flavor, and make people have a great appetite at a glance. There is also a much more rice than normal people, obviously An Jinyao already has a certain understanding of Mu Yunke's meal amount and preferences before cooking for Mu Yunke.

But Mu Yunke had no appetite at all.

He glanced at An Jinyao, immediately thought about it, and said, "Yaoyao, you haven't had dinner yet, have you?"

An Jinyao was about to say that she had eaten, but as soon as her thoughts turned, the words she said changed: "Uh... Yes, I've been cooking for you, but I haven't eaten yet!"

Mu Yunke was overjoyed. Didn't you eat? That's a good idea! Just you can solve this meal by yourself!

So Mu Yunke hurriedly said: "Then why don't you eat first

!" An Jinyao shook her head: "No, let's eat together!"

Mu Yunke subconsciously glanced at the only pair of chopsticks in the lunch box.

How can we eat together?

An Jinyao smiled narrowly: "I want you to feed me!"

"Hey... You?"

Mu Yunke swallowed.

I have to say that An Jinyao's evil smile is so cute! This beauty, who is usually as cold as an iceberg in front of people, didn't expect to show such a different style, which made Mu Yunke a little stunned for a while.

But immediately, Mu Yunke felt a tightness in his chest, and at the same time, a feeling of irritability welled up in his heart, which made him frown slightly.

Seeing Mu Yunke's expression, An Jinyao asked with some uneasiness, "How... What's wrong?"

In An Jinyao's opinion, Mu Yunke's expression was obviously dissatisfied with himself. But...... What was he dissatisfied with? Was he dissatisfied with me being too cold to him before? Or was it because of some other reason?

Mu Yunke shook his head: "It's nothing. He

wanted to refuse, but he couldn't find a suitable reason. Seeing An Jinyao's somewhat uneasy look, he felt a little distressed inexplicably. But what followed was a sense of irritability for no reason, as if the appearance of this emotion had a conflict with some of his own emotions. Because the emotional contrast was too violent, Mu Yunke's mind couldn't help but be a little trance.

"Brother Yun Ke, Brother Yun Ke!"


Yunke suddenly woke up, and only then did he realize what had just happened.


shook his head and decided to deal with the woman in front of him first. So he picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks and sent it to An Jinyao's mouth.

The change in Mu Yunke's expression just now was all in An Jinyao's eyes, which made An Jinyao a little panicked for a while. She didn't understand what was wrong with Mu Yunke's strange expression.

But fortunately, her Yunke brother finally fed her according to her wishes, which made her heart jump.

Maybe Brother Yun Ke has a little problem with my cold attitude before, but it doesn't matter, I know that he still loves me in his heart. As long as he still loves me, I will be able to take him down sooner or later

! No setbacks can stop me!

An Jinyao smiled, opened her mouth, and then, "Ahh

When Mu Yunke withdrew his chopsticks, he looked at the saliva on the chopsticks and was a little stunned.

If he used these chopsticks to eat again, wouldn't it become an indirect kiss?

He glanced at An Jinyao again, but found that An Jinyao had a happy expression on her face, as if she didn't realize that there was anything wrong with what she had just done.

Strange heroine!

Inexplicably, Mu Yunke felt uneasy in his heart, as if he had lost something very important. But this feeling comes and goes quickly. When he raised his head again, Mu Yunke's expression had calmed down a lot.

"Also!" An Jinyao said with a grin.

Mu Yunke smiled bitterly.

It seems that there are still a lot of rivalries between herself and the first heroine.

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