The meaning of Tianlong Daoren's words is already obvious, that is, let Ye Shen hand over the Ye family, so that Ye Fan can rely on the power of the Ye family to improve his own power.

In fact, when the Tianlong Dao people had just found Ye Shen, Ye Shen also had this idea. It was only later that due to Ye Fan's series of operations, Ye Shen had great doubts about the ability of this grandson he had never met. Being a man is not afraid of your arrogance, but I am afraid that you are so arrogant that it is meaningless. And Ye Fan is this kind of person.

Not only that, Ye Fan always seems to have a kind of honey confidence, and always feels that he is a child of destiny. At first, Ye Shen wondered where Ye Fan got this strange self-confidence, but after the Tianlong Daoist repeatedly emphasized to him that Ye Fan was the son of destiny, Ye Shen finally understood.

Ye Shen

doesn't know how to tell fortunes, and he doesn't know how to look at qi, but he can still observe people's character. Ye Shen didn't know whether Ye Fan had any luck, but there was no doubt that this was a guy who didn't think it was a big deal.

In order to wipe Ye Fan's buttocks, the Ye family has used the accumulated connections many times, and they have also paid a certain price for this. That's it, there are already many people in the Ye family who are dissatisfied. They believe that the Ye family's connections and power should be used on the blade, even if it can't create benefits for the family, at least it must have a certain positive effect.

But what about Ye Fan? The Ye family has rescued Ye Fan from prison again and again, but what has it got

? Ye Xinghui has already been abolished by Ye Fan, so who will be the next person to be abolished? Is it really necessary for this arrogant guy who doesn't even recognize his own family to invest family resources in him again and again?

So the current situation is that even if Ye Shen wants to support Ye Fan willingly, the Ye family may not support his decision. If it finally caused public anger, Ye Shen didn't think that his fate would be better than Qi Yuanshan's.

Thinking of those pills of the Tianlong Dao people, Ye Shen was really reluctant.

As soon as Ye Shen hesitated, the Tianlong Dao people immediately guessed Ye Shen's thoughts, and immediately said meaningfully: "Ye Lao, there is something I have forgotten to tell you.

Ye Shen was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked, "I don't know if the real person has anything important

to explain?" Tianlong Daoist shook his head: "It's not that there is anything to explain, but I want to tell Ye Lao that I have a few pills with particularly good effects that are about to be refined." The effect of these pills is far better than the pills given to Ye Lao before, I don't know how many times!"

Ye Shen's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

The pill of the Heavenly Dragon Dao people, the effect is really not to be said. After Ye Shen took those few pills, he swept away his usual weakness and weakness in the past few days, and he was able to walk out of a tiger and a tiger as if he had come out of another world. Even in the middle of the night, Ye Shen began to miss women!

If the effect was several times stronger, wouldn't the effect be against the sky? Wouldn't he be able to rejuvenate himself? Thinking of this, Ye Shen's

mood became eager. The opposing voices in the family seem to have become less important.

If there are still people in the family who oppose it, it's a big deal to let the Tianlong Dao people take out more pills! Anyway, it is to support his apprentice to take the position, how can he

, as a master, not make more efforts? Thinking of this, Ye Shen no longer hesitated, and immediately nodded and said: "If a real person can come up with such a good pill, presumably there will not be too many people in the Ye family who oppose Ye Fan's succession as the head of the family!" Hearing this,

the Tianlong Dao people frowned slightly. Ye Shen's words have already been said obviously, if you want Ye Fan to succeed the head of the family, then you have to take out some pills!

Tianlong Dao people secretly cursed "greed" in their hearts, but on the surface, they said happily: "This is very good, hehe!" The

two old men with their own ghosts looked at each other and smiled, everything was silent.


Mu Yunke left with Chu Feiyan after finishing the game.

Because Ye Fan overturned in the process of racing, Chen Lingyun's sports car was also scrapped. Chen Lingyun later found someone to pull the scrapped car away, but there was no trace of Ye Fan, so he hurriedly reminded Mu Yunke.

In Chen Lingyun's mind, Ye Fan's image has basically been ruined, so that Chen Lingyun had already guessed what Ye Fan would do in the future before he discovered Ye Fan, otherwise he would not have reminded Mu Yunke like this.

Mu Yunke had expected this, and when he heard this, he just smiled faintly and said, "It's good that no one died." For

others, Mu Yunke does have such thoughts. As for Ye Fan, the early death of this scourge is the greatest contribution to the world! As for

Mu Yunke's victory, Chen Lingyun said that he would compensate Mu Yunke and Chu Feiyan for one car each. In this regard, Mu Yunke gladly accepted it.

After returning home, Mu Yunke began to think about what to do next.

After Ye Fan this game, even if he doesn't die, he won't be able to come out and make waves in a short time. It's just that this time is not easy to grasp, it may only be six or seven days in the short term, and it may be several months in the long term. Mu Yunke didn't want to give up such a good window period, so he decided to do something.

The first thing is to solve Ye Fan's biggest golden finger first, that is, the Tianlong Dao person.

This guy from Tianlong Dao has his own set of logic in his behavior. It's just that in the eyes of ordinary people, his logic is really distorted. Mu Yunke was not very familiar with this Tianlong Dao person, but An Jinyao knew him very well.

According to An Jinyao's introduction, this Tianlong Daoist not only has no lower limit to doing things, but also can always package his behavior in a great way, as if the truth of the whole world is on his side. If someone disagrees, he will say that the other person is ignorant, or that the other person is confused, or that the other person is evil.

All in all, this is a typical example of "bad guys getting old".

It is useless for you to influence him with justice and morality, and the best solution is to destroy it humanely.

The people of Tianlong Dao have good medical skills and are good at refining various pills. It is with medical skills and pills that the people of Tianlong Dao have gathered a huge network of contacts, and almost all the dignitaries and dignitaries from all over the country owe favors to him.

When talking about this, An Jinyao's tone also had some doubts in it. Because in her opinion, buying pills is actually a commercial act in itself, and after the money and goods are paid, no one owes anyone. But how did you get to the Tianlong Dao people and buy his elixir but still owe him a favor?

The logical relationship in this is very incredible.

An Jinyao didn't know that although this kind of thing was illogical, it was in line with the Shuangwen routine. Medical skills have never been a means for the protagonist and his master to hang the pot to help the world, but a tool for them to win people's hearts and collect money. Although they have medical skills, they have no medical ethics. In addition, Shuangwen has always believed in egoism, which leads to any behavior of the protagonist's camp characters with a strong utilitarian nature.

Driven by utilitarianism, those dignitaries and dignitaries can't do it even if they don't want to owe favors to the people of Tianlong Dao.

When An Jinyao dealt with Ye Fan in her previous life, this Tianlong Daoist once became An Jinyao's mortal enemy. However, because Ye Fan never let go of his coveting of An Jinyao, this gave An Jinyao the opportunity to fight back against the Tianlong Dao people. In other words, the Tianlong Dao people in their previous lives actually died indirectly at the hands of their own apprentices.

I don't know if the Tianlong Dao people regretted their teaching to Ye Fan at the moment of burping, "People don't kill the heavens and the earth for themselves".

However, although this guy of Tianlong Dao is tricky to deal with, he is not without weaknesses. One of his biggest weaknesses is that he is too utilitarian.

Although there are many people who have traded with the Tianlong Dao people, no one wants to owe others a favor because of a fair deal. After losing the influence of the protagonist's aura, a considerable part of the connections of the Tianlong Dao people are actually very disgusted with the behavior of the Tianlong Dao people.

And the overly utilitarian behavior of the Tianlong Daoist led to the rapid decline of the character he established for himself, and he fell directly from the so-called master outside the world to a utilitarian villain.

An Jinyao relied on this in her previous life to fight a public opinion war with the Tianlong Dao people, which eventually led to the rebellion of the Tianlong Dao people and their depression.

After listening to An Jinyao's explanation, Mu Yunke gradually had a plan in his heart to deal with the Tianlong Dao people. Ye Fan couldn't appear in a short period of time, and Mu Yunke could just use this time to attack the Tianlong Dao people.

It didn't take long for Mu Yunke to learn the news of Tianlong Dao's visit to the Ye family's mansion. Immediately afterwards, the Ye family revealed the news that Ye Shen was ready to designate Ye Fan as the heir of the head of the family.

Not surprisingly, Ye Shen's decision aroused strong opposition from the Ye family, among which Ye Fan's eldest uncle Ye Hong and second uncle Ye Qun had the strongest opposition.

Ye Hong was at odds with Ye Fan because his own son was abolished by Ye Fan, and Ye Qun was disgusted with Ye Fan because of conflicts with Ye Fan's father. The fourth uncle Ye Chong and the second aunt Ye Ying also expressed their opposition, but their attitudes were not so strong.

The only one who did not oppose was Ye Fan's aunt Ye Jing, but she did not express her support, at most she was neutral.

In other words, Ye Fan's decision to succeed the head of the family, no one in the Ye family supported it except for Ye Shen himself.

In desperation, Ye Shen had no choice but to tell his children the promise of the Tianlong Dao people. It's just that after hearing about the efficacy of the pill of the Tianlong Dao people, Ye Hong and the others didn't say that they didn't believe it at all, but they obviously didn't take this kind of thing too seriously.

Actually, this is easy to understand. Ye Shen is a person who is about to enter the earth, and all he thinks about all he is how to live a few more days. For him, the pill of the Tianlong Dao people is naturally a charcoal in the snow.

But what about Ye Hong and the others? Although they are no longer young, they obviously have decades to live. How could it be possible to easily compromise with the Tianlong Dao people for the sake of such a long-term matter?

After some arguments, in the end, Ye Shen and his children broke up unhappily. Ye Shen felt that these children didn't know the general situation, and the children also thought that their father was old and confused.

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