Chen Huanzhi's small actions naturally did not hide from Mu Yunke.

It's just that when he learned that Chen Huanzhi actually wanted to use the so-called "fire hazard" to stumble on himself, Mu Yunke felt speechless.

But then again, Chen Huanzhi's small methods are indeed quite useful. Due to the "fire hazard", the venue of the exchange meeting was temporarily closed, and the exchange meeting was postponed. When the news came out, Chen Huanzhi immediately became happy.

Let you offend me Brother Ye Fan! Now you know that it is powerful, right?

But it didn't take long for him to stop laughing, because this incident actually attracted the attention of Zhou Yongyan, the number one in the imperial capital.

Since the state vigorously supports high-tech industries, all behaviors that help promote the development of high-tech industries are given a green light. Basically, as long as you don't die, no one will rush to trouble you.

The smart home itself also belongs to the category of high-tech industry, so the imperial capital not only supports this exchange meeting, but also intends to express its support for the exchange meeting and the development of smart home from an official point of view on the day of the meeting.

But now, it was actually stopped?

Zhou Yongyan was a little annoyed. What are the fire hazards? Do you know where this is? This is the Imperial Capital Gymnasium! A place where countless large-scale events, concerts, and exchange meetings have been held! If there are any fire hazards here, how were the previous events held?

Do you choose this time to give me this hand, are you idle and have nothing to do, and give me eye medicine, right?

Zhou Yongyan immediately asked the relevant person in charge about the situation. The relevant person in charge pushed the matter to the fire department, and the fire department directly pushed Li Yuqi out. And Li Yuqi is Wang Xing's uncle.

Li Yuqi thought that this was a very ordinary thing. After all, for him, who is not a check? After the check, he can let the other party give up some benefits, then it is not a vain investigation, right?

But he didn't expect that this matter would actually make the top leaders of the imperial capital pay great attention to it. When he learned the news, Li Yuqi couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and then scolded Wang Xing, the nephew of his uncle.

But at this time, it was too late to say this, and he could only run in front of Zhou Yongyan and bite the Yunyao Group Imperial Capital Branch and the smart home exchange meeting all had fire hazards. Believe it or not, I believe it anyway.

Li Yuqi is also a good person, so naturally he will not say that this incident was instigated by his nephew, but only that he received a report from the masses. Anyway, let's make this matter reasonable and legal from the source first, and we must not let people grab the pigtails.

After Zhou Yongyan heard what Li Yuqi said, he couldn't help but ask: "But the person you said, why didn't he report others, but only reported Yunyao Group?"

Li Yuqi wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Probably... Probably there is some contradiction between this person and the Yun Yao Group!" Zhou

Yongyan glanced at him. Isn't this nonsense? I don't know that there is a contradiction between them? Is this the question I asking?

But Zhou Yongyan didn't bother to talk to Li Yuqi too much, but just told him to hurry up and remove the seal, so as not to delay the convening of the exchange meeting.

After taking Li Yuqi away, Zhou Yongyan couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

It is not surprising that someone wants to target the Yunyao Group. Wherever they are, locals tend to be more or less xenophobic. The imperial capital is more inclusive than other cities, but that doesn't mean there are no exclusions. It's just that this matter involves the Yunyao Group, which makes him think of a person.

Tenryu Dao people.

During this time, in order to build momentum for their apprentices, the Tianlong Dao people constantly wandered among the magnates of the imperial capital, brushing up a lot of presence, and even Zhou Yongyan had seen this old Taoist of the Wind Immortal Dao bones.

As soon as the old Taoist chief met him, he said that there was something wrong with him, and what would happen if he was not treated in time. The level of appalling is about to catch up with the B degree.

But then, Tianlong Daoist used his exquisite acupuncture skills to prick Zhou Yongyan again, and pierced Zhou Yongyan to death.

After completing the treatment, the Tianlong Daoist waved his sleeves away, and when he left, he said that he was not here for fame or profit, but just to make a good fate. Hearing this, Zhou Yongyan was grateful, and he sighed again and again that there are still many good people in this world!

But what he didn't expect was that just after the Tianlong Dao people left, people from the Security Bureau came to the door.

Everyone knows and admires this department of the Security Bureau. But if it were possible, all would want to be free of contact with the people of the Security Service for the rest of their lives.

Zhou Yongyan is naturally among them.

When someone from the Security Bureau came to the door, Zhou Yongyan's first thought was to make any of his own decisions, right? Although it may have been an unintentional mistake, the national law never cares about this. To make a mistake is to make a mistake, and there is never a reason that those who do not know are not guilty. So Zhou Yongyan at that time, the cold sweat came down on the spot, and he trembled a little when he spoke.

But fortunately, after listening to the commissioner of the Security Bureau explain his intentions, Zhou Yongyan knew that they were not here for him, but for the people of Tianlong Dao.

As the focus of the Security Bureau, Ye Fan is naturally within the scope of the Security Bureau's monitoring. In particular, the Tianlong Daoist is still Ye Fan's master, which makes the Security Bureau have to suspect that Ye Fan's anti-social behaviors are all instructed by this master.

So don't look at the fact that the Tianlong Daoist is very active jumping up and down during this time, but his every move is in the sight of the Security Bureau.

It's just that the Tianlong Dao people can contact other people, but when they contact the top leader of the imperial capital, this has to make the security bureau vigilant.

After listening to the commissioner of the Security Bureau talk about the danger of the Tianlong Dao people, Zhou Yongyan asked puzzledly: "He is just a doctor, how can he endanger social order? This is too sensational, right?" The commissioner of the

Security Bureau smiled slightly and asked meaningfully: "Then why doesn't he treat those ordinary people who look down on the disease, but specializes in treating high-ranking officials and powerful people like you?" Zhou Yongyan couldn't

help but be dumbfounded.

It wasn't until this moment that Zhou Yongyan realized that he seemed to have been fooled.

In that position, there were countless people who coveted the power in his hands, and there were never fewer people who begged him to do things. However, when others begged him to do things, all he got was cash, famous wine, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and even beautiful women. And this Tianlong Daoist found another way, starting from medical skills, and the means are not unclever. Because of this, Zhou Yongyan didn't react for a while.

After years of hard work to become the leader of the imperial capital, Zhou Yongyan cherishes his feathers very much. You must know that the number one leader in the imperial capital is different from other leaders. Therefore, Zhou Yongyan will never allow himself to make mistakes and bury his political career.

So after the people from the Security Bureau came, Zhou Yongyan couldn't help but check this Tianlong Dao person. Soon, he found Ye Fan from the Tianlong Dao people, and then found Mu Yunke from Ye Fan. As for Old Man Lin, Chen Huanzhi and others... Not to mention, they are all like marionettes of the Tianlong Dao people, and they are all sending benefits to the Tianlong Dao people.

In the end, Zhou Yongyan was also a little confused about what the number of the Heavenly Dragon Dao people was. Everything he did seemed to be for his good apprentice, but the results of his investigation proved that this Ye Fan was not a fuel-efficient lamp at all. I haven't done anything else in the imperial capital these days, patronizing pickle girls and pretending to be forced.


now, when Zhou Yongyan learned that Yunyao Group was reported to have fire hazards, his first reaction was that this Tianlong Dao person was doing something.

The official relationship between the imperial capital and the Yunyao Group is a cooperative relationship, and the exchange held by the Yunyao Group will only benefit the imperial capital. After thinking about it for a while, Zhou Yongyan personally called Mu Yunke and invited Mu Yunke to his house as a guest.

Mu Yunke didn't feel much surprise when he received the call. Zhou Yongyan can be the number one, which proves that his IQ is absolutely fine. Although it was just a trivial matter, Zhou Yongyan was able to find him, which proved that Zhou Yongyan must have discovered the problem here.

After Mu Yunke thought about it, he proposed to Zhou Yongyan that he should bring one more person over. Zhou Yongyan had nothing to do and readily agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Yunke called Liao Chun and told her Zhou Yongyan's invitation.

Liao Chun smiled on the phone: "It's worthy of being the number one, and I found out the problem so quickly." But what are your plans for inviting me? Do you want to have a showdown with him?"

Mu Yunke said: "As far as I know, Ye Fan's master also once looked for Zhou Yongyan. He seems to want to weave his own network of contacts in the imperial capital through his medical skills. Although the Lin family has reached a reconciliation with me temporarily, their intentions are still unclear, and they may fall to Ye Fan at any time. Chen Yang, the head of the Chen family, is a character, not so easy to be manipulated, but his son is obviously crazy, and it is estimated that he will not be persuaded to come back. The attitude of the Tang family is ambiguous, and the Qin family has not expressed any position... To be honest, in the current situation in the imperial capital, even I feel a little confused.

Liao Chun smiled: "I think chaos is inevitable, after all, there are several families here, and there are both interests and conflicts between each other." Although the Tianlong Dao people couldn't understand the relationship between these families, he grasped people's desire for life. As long as he holds that vein, he can make these families use them for himself.

"Then what is the plan of the Security Bureau? Do you want to knock the mountain and shock the tiger, or do you want to uproot it?" Mu Yunke asked.

Liao Chun said: "After all, the family has made a lot of contributions to this country, and coupled with its huge power, it is neither reasonable nor reasonable to act rashly. But if we just knock on the mountain, we will not achieve the goal we want. So our plan is to let them have a good blood.

Mu Yunke nodded thoughtfully: "In this way, you have to go to his house with me tonight."

"That's true. Liao Chun agreed.

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