Looking at the manor not far away, Ye Xinghui narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "Ye Fan, I see how you can escape this time

!" He glanced at the commander of the guard company sitting beside him and said, "Let's do it!" The company commander nodded, took out the walkie-talkie, and said in a deep voice: "Start acting! Remember, catch it alive!"

With the company commander's

order, the soldiers took up their weapons one after another and broke into the manor.

Although this manor is under the name of the Tianlong Dao people, the Tianlong Dao people usually don't live here. So at this time, there was only Ye Fan in the manor.

As for Lian Zhen Chang Yizhi and Pojun Deng Xin, they are working with Chen Huanyi to place those mercenaries of the Dragon King Palace who entered from overseas, so they are not in the manor.

I have to say that Ye Xinghui's luck today is really good, and he happened to seize this good opportunity.

However, in Ye Xinghui's opinion, no matter how many people there are in the manor, it is useless. After all, what he brought this time was a whole company of soldiers who were fully armed! There were more than 160

people! There were so many people, it would be difficult for you Ye Fan to fly even if he had wings!

Under the command of the company commander, the entire guard company had a total of four platoons, and three of the platoons of soldiers were sent to the periphery to surround the manor. A platoon of soldiers broke through the main entrance and the window in three ways.

As guards, they are not very good at this kind of breakthrough operation, but they also have some theoretical basis. What's more, even without investigation, they know that there can't be too many people inside, and it's unlikely that there will be weapons. Dealing with such a person, such a battle is obviously excessive.

Therefore, the whole company, whether officers or ordinary soldiers, did not think that there would be any accidents in this operation tonight.

At this time, Ye Fan in the villa had already sensed that the other party had surrounded the manor and was about to break through. In the face of such a desperate situation, Ye Fan did not have a panicked look on his face, but faintly revealed a sense of excitement. When he was abroad, he didn't know how many times he had experienced such a battle, so it was time to relive it.

The first squad of ten soldiers, consisting of ten people, had blasted the door of the villa open with explosives. Then, they put on night vision devices and rushed in.

They went through the hallway to the living room. However, to their surprise, during their breakthrough, the villa was always quiet and there was no sound.

At this time, the other two breakthrough teams had also broken through the two windows and entered the villa. They forcibly blasted every room in the villa open, and after searching and finding no one, they moved on to the next room to continue looking for someone.

But they didn't notice, in fact, in the first room they rummaged through, there was a person who was hiding directly above the doorway with the support of the door panel.

Everyone has habitual misunderstandings when looking for something. Just like the soldiers who broke through at this time, they didn't look too carefully when they rummaged through the first room, because they always subconsciously thought that it was unlikely that they would find someone as soon as they came up. As a result, Ye Fan easily avoided the first round of searches.

After the searching soldiers walked out of the room, Ye Fan waited for a while before tiptoeing down from the door panel.

At this time, he held a dagger in his left hand and a pistol in his right hand, and the whole person was like a shadow hidden in the darkness, and the outline was almost completely invisible. He silently followed the search procession, then stepped forward and slitted the soldier's throat neatly as he subconsciously struggled.

The soldier's legs kicked the ground twice in vain, and then slowly stopped.

The person in front noticed the movement behind him, and quickly turned his head to check, but saw a figure pick up the submachine gun of the soldier who had just died, and fired wildly at them.

As the gunshots rang out, everyone inside and outside the manor knew that the enemy had appeared, and the battle had officially begun!

After Ye Fan strafed the shots, he didn't look at the results of the battle, so he turned to one side and hid in a room. He unhurriedly replaced the submachine gun with magazines, while secretly calculating in his mind.

There were ten more soldiers in this squad, and there should be at least two more squads in the villa, and at most three squads of soldiers were preparing to kill him. And looking at the weapons in the hands of this soldier, it is obvious that these people are from the regular army, which is far from being comparable to foreign mercenaries.

That's a bit tricky.

Many people think that mercenaries are stronger than regular armies, because mercenaries live a life of licking blood at the tip of a knife all year round. But this is a fallacy. In fact, mercenaries are usually less powerful than the regular army, which has more advanced weapons and a wider variety of weapons. In addition, the regular army is far more trained than the mercenaries.

Most of the regular army may have never been on the battlefield, but that doesn't stop them from knowing how to fight. What's more, they also possess a quality that mercenaries do not have, and that is discipline.

A disciplined army is the most powerful army.

After the small group of soldiers was strafed by Ye Fan, two of them were killed on the spot, and three others were wounded, two of whom were seriously injured. The team leader hurriedly dragged the wounded away, and two others picked up their submachine guns and stood on guard.

One of them took out a grenade, pulled out the pull ring, counted three counts silently, and threw it in the direction of Ye Fan.

Seeing this, Ye Fan hurriedly hid behind the closet. Just listen to the "bang", the grenade exploded, and a surging wave of air blew the entire room into a mess.

After the grenade exploded, the soldiers cautiously walked to the room again.

However, as soon as they took a few steps, they saw the muzzle of the black hole pointed at them.

The soldiers were taken aback and hurriedly took refuge. Immediately after, another burst of gunfire rang out, and most of the soldiers were unscathed, except for one who was shot in the arm.

Ye Fan shot twice, and he had some understanding of the enemy's casualties. But because of this, his brow couldn't help but furrow, and a feeling of uneasiness welled up in his heart.

When he was abroad, he could harvest at least a dozen heads with these two shuttle bullets. But here, except for shooting the two people while he didn't have a spare gun at the beginning, he didn't cause any more damage to the other party, which made him puzzled.

How did he know that the reason why he was able to kill all sides abroad and still be unharmed was mainly because he had luck. The protagonist who has luck in his body may not be injured in the face of a rain of bullets. The bullet was like an eye, and it was designed to avoid him.

At this time, his luck bottomed out, and the previous treatment of bullet strokes was naturally gone. If he didn't care, he was afraid that it was possible to die here.

However, although Ye Fan didn't expect to be lucky, he also became more careful because of his assessment of the enemy's combat power. His original plan was to annihilate all the enemies who rushed in. But now, his first goal is to get out alive.

After repeated setbacks in Huaguo, he finally began to learn not to be arrogant.

A small group of soldiers suffered heavy losses shortly after contacting Ye Fan, and the news quickly reached the company commander. When the company commander heard this, he couldn't help frowning. He looked at Ye Xinghui and said in a deep voice: "Ye Shao, the enemy seems to have a certain military literacy and can skillfully use modern weapons.

Ye Xinghui nodded indifferently and asked, "So what?"

The company commander glanced at Ye Xinghui with some dissatisfaction, and said: "Ye Shao, we have already killed two people, and this is all because of insufficient intelligence preparation! So, Ye Shao, you'd better tell us who we are dealing with!" Ye Xinghui

chuckled lightly and said, "A terrorist from abroad!" Isn't it normal for terrorists to use modern weapons?

What's so strange about you?" the company commander asked suspiciously, "That's all?" "Of course, that's

it." Ye Xinghui said calmly.

Although Ye Fan hid his identity, it was difficult not to attract the attention of others with his swaggering temperament. And his experiences abroad, although it is not easy to investigate, as long as you are willing to work hard, there is always a way to find out.

After all, Ye Xinghui is the eldest and youngest of the Ye family, and his connections are also extraordinary. He didn't borrow other people's channels, but through the Ye family's own means, he knew what Ye Fan had done abroad over the years.

A mere mercenary, in China, that is a terrorist. Maybe Ye Fan is indeed a top mercenary, but a top mercenary also means that he is a vicious terrorist.

So he didn't lie at all, did he?

Seeing Ye Xinghui say this, the company commander was helpless. At this time, the two sides have already exchanged hands, and he is already difficult to ride a tiger. So all they could do was to take down Ye Fan with the fastest speed and the least casualties.

At this time, the company commander suddenly regretted a little in his heart. In fact, in the case of a large number of people, it is far more convenient to attack head-on during the day than to attack at night, and the success rate and casualties will be much reduced. It's a pity that because he learned that there was only one person on the other side, he underestimated the enemy, which caused this situation to be caused today.

It seems that after getting rid of the person in the manor, he will inevitably be held accountable by his superiors.

Just as the company commander was suffering from gains and losses, the gunfight in the villa became more and more intense.

Although Ye Fan is only one person, he is the king of mercenaries after all, and he is very skilled. Under the cover of darkness, he haunts rooms and attacks enemies unguarded. However, the guards and soldiers are also well-trained, although they have never seen Ye Fan's style of play, but with their training on weekdays, they still fight back and forth with Ye Fan.

In the midst of the frequent fighting, many of the soldiers were wounded, but fortunately no one was killed. On the other hand, on Ye Fan's side, on the surface, he seems to have the upper hand, but Ye Fan is actually already anxious.

I haven't killed a single person for so long, and it looks like I'm going to have to run away...

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