When Mu Yunke had just returned to the rooftop, a small figure quickly jumped into his arms and shouted excitedly: "Dad is so amazing! That bad guy was knocked down by Dad with three punches and two kicks! Dad is really Superman!"

"Superman?" Mu Yunke was stunned for a moment, then looked at An Jinyao, but saw An Jinyao smiling at him and nodded.

Mu Yunke smiled helplessly, hugged Mu Luoqi, and said, "Qiqi really thinks Dad is

Superman?" "Yes! Dad must be Superman!" Mu Luoqi nodded vigorously, "I watch Supermen on TV like this!

"Why?" Mu Luoqi couldn't help but feel a little lost when she heard this. She just wanted to show off to her familiar friends, but why didn't her father let her

say it? But she heard Mu Yunke say: "You watch Superman on TV, are you usually hiding your identity?"

Mu Luoqi thought about it and nodded: "It seems to be so." "

Then do you know why they hide their identities?"

"This..."Mu Luoqi pondered for a while, but shook her head helplessly, "I don't know."

"Because the real Superman is not a Superman because they want to be Superman. They don't want to make fighting bad guys a daily routine, but they want a peaceful life. But if others know Superman's true identity, can he still have a peaceful life? So, Superman usually has to hide his identity. Mu Yunke was kind and seductive.

"But..." Mu Luoqi was still a little unconvinced, but Mu Yunke interrupted her.

He told his daughter, "Many people around Superman know who he is, but they never tell anyone else. Because it's their own secret, something that no one else knows is absolutely unknown. Just imagine, isn't it more interesting to have a secret than to make it public? In this world, only you know that your father is a superman, and no one else knows, which means that you are also special!"

She nodded vigorously: "Well, Dad is right! Then this is our unique secret, so we don't let others

know!" Probably remembering that this was not too rigorous, she added: "Only my mother and I know, no one else knows

!" "That's right!" Mu Yunke smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

An Jinyao stepped forward and said with a smile: "You still have a way to deal with children."

Mu Yunke said: "I'm not good at dealing with children, I'm only good at dealing with our family Qiqi!" The

family of three laughed in unison, happy and happy.

"Dad, I'm hungry, I want to

eat fried chicken!" "Okay, then let's go eat fried chicken

!" "Okay yes! Long live Dad

!" "What about

Mom?" "Long live Mom!"

However, in this family atmosphere, Mu Yunke looked up at the already cloudy sky, and a trace of unease swelled in his heart.

When Mu Yunke and An Jinyao returned home with their daughter after eating fried chicken, the sky was completely dark.

It is the time when children are growing up, especially after a full meal, and they are already a little drowsy. On the way back, Mu Luoqi had already fallen asleep in An Jinyao's arms. Mu Yunke, on the other hand, slowed down the speed of his car, trying not to affect his sleeping daughter.

After returning home, An Jinyao hugged Mu Luoqi to her daughter's room. Mu Yunke, on the other hand, did not enter the house directly, but stood at the door of the villa, looking up at the sky.

At this time, An Jinyao walked over from behind. She gently hugged Mu Yunke's waist, leaned her head on Mu Yunke's back, and said softly: "Brother Yunke, I really don't have any regrets.

Mu Yunke's body was shocked, and he turned around and said bitterly: "You also noticed it?"

An Jinyao nodded lightly, but there was no trace of panic and sadness in her expression, but with a faint smile: "In fact, for us, every day of the past seven years has been earned." We've got everything we wanted and really couldn't ask for more.

"But I'm not reconciled. Mu Yunke said in a low voice, "I'm greedy, I want more." I want to watch Kiki grow up, watch her go to school, fall in love, get married, and watch her have children of her own. I still want to walk with you through thousands of mountains and rivers until the end of my life. I want to be able to hold hands and sit in a rocking chair to watch the glorious sunset when we are dying. I have so much I want to accomplish with you, and I don't want it to end like this..."

"This is not necessarily the end, maybe it is another beginning. An Jinyao said, "I can feel that the world is getting better." I believe that when the world is reborn, we will still be together and still be so happy.

An Jinyao said affectionately, but Mu Yunke didn't know how to answer.

Just now, he had already learned from the system that because Mu Yunke had perfectly completed the task assigned to him by the Heavenly Dao, his luck had returned to heaven and earth. Without the influence of the children of luck, the rule system of the whole world gradually tends to be perfected. This small plane, originally born only for fiction, is transforming into a real world.

But after it is broken, it will not stand, and if it is not broken, it will not stand. So the world is about to face a new round of restart.

In the world after the restart, there will still be An Jinyao and Mu Yunke, but that Mu Yunke is no longer the current Mu Yunke. And now Mu Yunke is about to return to the real world.

Even he didn't know if An Jinyao in the new world was still the current An Jinyao.

At this moment, the changes between heaven and earth are also quietly affecting countless ordinary people. They weren't aware of the mutation, but they all had a slight change in behavior due to the inexplicable throbbing in their hearts.

Some migrant workers who had not been home for many days suddenly asked for leave from the company, bought two fragrant roast chickens, and got on the train home.

There are children who have conflicts with their parents, and suddenly let go of the obsession in their hearts and choose to share dinner with their parents.

There are couples who have broken up for a long time but no longer contact each other because of face, and they invariably made the long-dusty phone call to each other to pour out their regrets after separation.

There are also soldiers who defend the frontier to protect their families and defend the country, even if they can't go home to visit their relatives, they quietly take out the family photos they took before leaving, look at the familiar faces of their parents who have not been seen for a long time, and unconsciously smile on their faces.

And many, many more....

And Mu Yunke, who was also holding An Jinyao at this time, sat on a rocking chair in the courtyard, quietly looking at the sky.

At this time, even though neither of them spoke, they already knew what the other party was thinking.

So they just want to enjoy the moment in peace and accept the last moment.

At the same time, directly above Mu Yunke and An Jinyao, a petite girl no more than an inch tall was suspended in the sky. She was in a conversation with some great being in the distance.

"Master, the last moment is coming, is your plan good?"

After a while, the response from the other side came: "You send the coordinates, I'll open the door!"

The girl in green immediately sent the coordinates. Soon, a gate with a silvery-white glimmer appeared out of thin air in the sky. The door opened, and a silver-haired teenager stepped out.

The silver-haired boy first closed his eyes for a moment, then opened his eyes and said with a look of surprise: "I didn't expect this world to gather so much luck! It seems that your host is doing a very good job

!" "Of course!" The girl in green crossed her waist and said with pride.

The silver-haired boy smiled, "Since I have gathered so much luck, it will be easier for my plan to unfold. As he

spoke, the silver-haired boy took out a small bottle. He raised his head and looked at the sky, and after communicating with the supreme will of this world for a while, he said, "It's been negotiated

!" The girl in green suddenly had a light in her eyes: "Then master, let's start quickly!"

At the same time, Mu Yunke seemed to look at the sky consciously. For some reason, he had a strange feeling, but he couldn't tell what it was.

At this time, An Jinyao suddenly said: "Brother Yunke, do you remember what it was like when we first met?"

Mu Yunke heard this, and smiled: "I remember that at that time, you were not as tall as Qiqi now, just a little big, small, soft, and looked very cute."

Mu Yunke said as he gestured with his hand.

An Jinyao patted him lightly and said, "People were only three years old at that time, how old can they be? I was young at that time, and I didn't dare to make up my own mind about many things, so I came to ask you. Not only can you make up my mind, but you always have a way to get things back done.

Mu Yunke smiled and said, "Have I messed up anything? It seems that you messed up, right? I just take the blame for you every time." "

Is that so?" An Jinyao asked with a puzzled expression.

"Yes, that's it. Mu Yunke said seriously.

But An Jinyao already knew Mu Yunke very well, and when she saw his expression, she knew that what he said was half-true. She snorted lightly and said, "It's clear that you are your own fault, but you put the blame on me."

"Conscience of heaven and earth, am I that kind of person?"

"You are!" The

sky is becoming darker and deeper, and the dark clouds have long since completely dispersed at some point, revealing the starlight behind them. As time passed, the starlight went out one by one, until the night sky turned into a black curtain.

But no one in the whole world seems to be aware of this strange change.

The light faded, and the world fell silent. Before all the voices fell silent, An Jinyao said softly to Mu Yunke: "Brother Yunke, if there is an afterlife, I believe that I will definitely be able to recognize you at the first glance of you."

Mu Yunke said softly: "Even if you don't recognize it, it doesn't matter, because we are destined to be heart-to-heart..."

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