"I'm distracted?"

Zhou Bing looked at the gun in his hand suspiciously, looked at Wei Xiang in a pool of blood, and always felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't say it.

From being brought out by Su He, he came at a gallop in a police car, ran desperately up the mountain, entered the cave, found Wei Xiang, and found the bomb of the 'Big Dipper', which was not under his control step by step.

Wei Xiang suddenly pounced, Zhou Bing was ready to shoot, at that moment, he wanted to shoot Wei Xiang in the thigh, but Su He took the gun away.

Su He shot lightly and shot Wei Xiang, and in the next second, the miniature bomb on Wei Xiang's neck exploded.

Zhou Bing sighed and said in a deep voice: "I hesitated, fortunately you shot..."Su

He patted Zhou Bing's shoulder and comforted: "Go back and practice hard... Otherwise, I won't take you out next time!

After finishing speaking, Su He continued to walk towards the cave, because there was a little light there, and when he turned a corner, he saw the entrance of the cave, outside were cliffs, barren mountains and mountains, and there was silence everywhere, and there was no figure.

There was a pile of sand on the ground, with a smiling face drawn, Su He kicked the sand away with his foot, turned around and walked back to the cave, and said to Zhou Bing: "There is no road, there is a cliff outside, and the people of the 'Big Dipper' should have already run away..."

It is someone else's child in the eyes of everyone.

He was admitted to a good university, graduated and found a high-paying job in a technology company, but the road was a little bumpy.

All his efforts became a joke; The woman he likes has become a woman abandoned by others at will, a person who is the most honest and responsible in the eyes of everyone, and one day suddenly becomes a man-eating demon.

Su He came to Deng Juan, but found that Deng Juan was looking at Wei Xiang's corpse with a dull gaze, and muttered to himself in an inaudible voice: "Dead... They're all dead, they're dead..."

"Let's go! Go back! Su He said, turned around and walked out.

Deng Juan slowly stood up, like a walking corpse, and followed Su He.

Walking on the mountain path, Su He looked at Deng Juan's lost soul, and he didn't know how to speak.

Feelings are a confused account, Wei Xiang was moved by his own efforts, Deng Juan didn't understand the hurt of refusal, Geng Hao played with the self-inflicted consequences of feelings, once an honest person was angry, he didn't even have a chance to kneel!

The scumbag was tragically dismembered, licking the dog's head in a different place, Deng Juan, she is the victim? Or is it the murderer who fuels the trouble?


Back in the city, Su He came directly to the hospital and secretly fed the body function recovery pill rewarded by the system to Shen Yue.

The treatment was still ongoing, and there was still half a month left in the countdown of the system, but when the day was approaching, he was terrified.

His hands were already stained with blood, and he could kill Wei Xiang without blinking his eyes, without a trace of guilt.

Su He could feel that the system was guiding him step by step, walking on Li Beidou's path, his hand holding Shen Yue was trembling, if one day, the world would no longer accommodate him, would he also hide in the dark world?

All afternoon, Su He stayed next to Shen Yue, either muttering to himself or looking at Shen Yue's face in a daze, until night fell and Haoyue was in the sky, and Xiang Wanrong couldn't help but persuade him to go back and rest.

Walking out of the hospital, Su He rode back, the cold moonlight fell on his body, and as far as the eye could see, a faint night fog shrouded the distance, like a dark whirlpool, and he plunged into it.


The next day, Su He got up early in the morning, deliberately wore a takeaway suit, and walked into the public security bureau.

"Good morning!"

Su He's smile made people feel like a spring breeze, but no one paid attention to him, looked up at him coming, and pretended to be busy with work.

"What's wrong? Am I that scary? Su He walked to Fang Qingyi's side, sat down, and wondered, "Auntie, what's going on?"

Fang Qingyi said in a low voice: "Two things, one: last night, Deng Juan committed suicide; Second, before Deng Juan committed suicide, she wrote a long suicide note and published it on the Internet, you are famous again!

Su He frowned, Deng Juan committed suicide, he hadn't thought about it at all, as for the suicide note, is there anything special? Besides, it's not the first time he's been famous, what's all the fuss.

Fang Qingyi sighed and said, "Su He, the director said that you are here, go to the office to find him... Well, remember to wear a mask when you go out recently!

Su He got up, glanced around, and pretended to be busy, he walked into the director's office with his hands behind his back and swaggering.

"Ahem... Director, are you looking for me?

The director glanced at Su He, put down the document in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Tell me?" What do you think about this? "

Director, I haven't even had time to see it! I'm here to ask, the 100,000 yuan bounty... You also know that I am a small delivery man, coming in the wind and going in the rain, for the sake of the case, delaying a lot of opportunities to make money, it is not easy..."

The director got up, glared at Su He, and said loudly: "You are here to ask for money?" I wonder if you turned yourself in... Or you should check the Internet so that our conversations are not on the same channel! "

Surrender ... Director, you're just kidding, Team Zhou sat next to me and watched, how complicated the situation was at that time, if I didn't make a move, maybe you wouldn't be able to see me and Team Zhou..."

Su He said as he took out his mobile phone and opened the news to take a look.

The headline of the UC editorial department catches the eye.

High Energy Ahead! The woman left a suicide note, and behind the three lives turned out to be him...""

Scalp numbness! In order to prevent the murderer from being killed, he shot the murderer...""

People and gods are angry! The scumbag will be silent when he sees it, and the licking dog will cry when he sees it, and he is not a Chinese if he does not turn ...

"Shocked! "

it! Su He found Deng Juan's suicide note, and was instantly dumbfounded, will you write a suicide note? What is it called: Wei Xiang had a bomb around his neck, and Officer Su He shot Wei Xiang in order to prevent Wei Xiang from being killed.

"As circulated on the Internet, those so-called rumors and legends are true... Su He is like a god of death, bringing all sins to hell, once he is targeted, no one can escape the sickle of death..."

Geng Hao was chopped and cooked, Wei Xiang was shot in the forehead, and his body and head were separated... How will I die? I decided to walk ahead of the Grim Reaper and die early..."I

, Nima! Neurotic! Su He looked up at the director and said excitedly: "Jieniang is not a good person!" I sued her for slander, she slandered me... I'm a delivery person, and I met them arguing on the way to deliver food, right? I'm still a criminal investigation consultant for the Public Security Bureau, so it's reasonable for me to arrest criminal suspects, right? The suspect rushed over with a bomb and I shot him, right? The

director took out a document from the drawer and put it in front of Su He, sighing, "It's very reasonable... After a meeting in the bureau to decide, in order to eliminate the misunderstanding of the people, your life and solve the case will be broadcast live in the future..."

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