"Big brother, don't get excited, people haven't come yet!" The

joys and sorrows of people and dogs are not the same, Fugui likes to be wild in the cemetery, and Su He lies motionless in the grass.

The situation is such a situation, Su He failed to apprentice, and recognized a Erhadang eldest brother, but by virtue of the relationship between wealth and nobility, he and Zhang Daxian can be regarded as half-drawn relatives.

Su He made good wine and food, and the two chatted very harmoniously, during which Zhang Daxian also revealed a little bit of the past.

Zhang Daxian was an orphan, not fatherless and motherless, but an abandoned baby, picked up by the master of the Taoist temple and raised as an adult, and not long after he obtained the system, the master and everyone in the Taoist temple died.

So he began to travel the world, and he also went where he died, and he didn't tell the story that happened during the period, and then he worked as a security guard in the cemetery, not to mention, the business was booming, and even the owner of the cemetery was buried.

As for why he came into contact with Su He, he was entrusted by the deceased, and that person's name was Yuan Ye.

Su He has always felt that it is the person Yuan Ye, who has been dead for more than 20 years, but he seems to be still in the world.

But Zhang Daxian was reluctant to talk to Su He about Yuan Ye.

The easiest way to get rid of the system is that the six relatives are not there, and the relatives and friends are all dead, just like Zhang Daxian, there is nothing in the world that can threaten him, whoever loves dies and who dies, just add a new grave... That's all business.

After Su He said that there was a female killer of country M who was going to kill him, Zhang Daxian pushed the cart and trotted away, and there is no fucking dog to be angry!!

The air at night is cold, it's not that a person is too lonely, it's just that the yin qi in the cemetery is too heavy, and the rich and noble like to put all kinds of bones in front of Su He.

This big brother is not wrong at all.

The female killer arrived in the capital at noon, and soon disappeared into Lin Bai's surveillance, Su He has been lying in the cemetery since the sun set, and it is already late at night, even Fugui is tired of playing, lying on the grave and napping.


At this moment, in a foot massage shop in the capital, a foreign woman stared at the computer screen and repeatedly watched the scene where Su He walked into the foot massage shop.

A lewd man! The foreign woman licked her lips and asked in fluent Mandarin, "What did he say?"

Looking at the thick wad of banknotes on the table, the man replied honestly, "He said he wanted to go through the back door."

As a professional killer, Nancy is proficient in many Chinese, but the Chinese characters are broad and profound, and she wondered: "What does it mean?" "

Eh, literally, it means coming in through the front door and going out through the back door, you don't think too much."

Nancy walked out of the foot massage shop, stood at the door and sneered: "It's just an ordinary person, no matter how hard you struggle, you can't escape from the palm of my hand!"

As a killer, you must have enough patience to investigate the target, whether it is the information displayed on the mobile phone, or what she observed, this delivery man named Pan Zhigang is just a delivery person.

Lewd and cowardly, now hiding in a cemetery on the mountain, it seems that it is convenient to dispose of the corpse.

At this moment, two drunken men passed by, looked up at the signboard, then at Nancy, and muttered: "Forget it, change one, this quality is not good, it's ugly..."

The man next to him laughed.

The man looked at his friend drunkenly, and said with a suffocated mouth: "Brother, do you know what it means to drink beauty

?" "What do you mean?"

"It's a woman who looks ugly, but if you drink too much, she becomes beautiful... But!Look at this stinky old girl, running to our country, how do you feel now?"

"Brother, I look at her face and want to vomit, forget it, then let's change it!"

Nancy's eyes showed a fierce light, the corners of her mouth rose, and she walked straight towards the two of them.

Suddenly, a voice came from her ear: "Nancy, don't be impulsive, except for the prey, you can't touch anyone in this

country, otherwise, you will regret it!" The two drunken men turned around, glared at Nancy, and said with a smile: "What do you see, just like you are still out to be coquettish, go back to your country!"

Nancy clenched her fists, turned around and left, took out her mobile phone, looked at the positioning on it, gritted her teeth and said: " I wanted to play with you, so I'll send you on my way tonight!"


At four o'clock in the morning, there was a clanging sound in the silent cemetery, and Fugui looked up suspiciously and looked not far away, where a dark figure was digging.

This is Nancy's first time participating in the 64 Hunter game, but it is not her first time participating in the game, although before coming, her master had warned her that this is a magical country and she must be careful.

It's just a virtual game, but it feels real.

The real killers rarely kill people across the map, and the unfamiliar environment will take them a lot of time and require a lot of patience.

Nancy didn't pay any attention to it, her prey was nothing more than an obscene-looking delivery man.

When she learned that the other party was so scared that she hid in the cemetery, she didn't prepare too much, so she came directly.

According to the positioning of the mobile phone, she found the grave, which was still new soil, and the mobile phone was buried underneath, but there was no one in sight.

What the hell is Nancy looking at the shovel next to him, the moon is dark and the wind is high, when digging graves, I am a killer!

"Forget it, dig out the phone first..."

Of course, digging a hole and burying people is also a basic skill of a killer, Nancy dug more and more energetically, and it didn't take long for a box to be dug out.

She was just about to open the box, when suddenly! A small voice came from not far away, Nancy held a shovel in one hand, touched the dagger on her leg with the other, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, was she finally willing to show up

? The grass was shaking, and in the blink of an eye, a black shadow pounced, and her deep eyes glowed with yellow-green light, what the is this?

An inch long and an inch strong, Nancy grabbed the shovel tightly and waved it directly.


A long sword came out of his chest, the bloody tip of the sword reflected Nancy's disbelief, not far away, a husky wagged its tail, and its eyes revealed: Hahaha, have you been fooled?

"Are you dead?" A deep voice, Zhang Daxian carried the radio, and walked slowly.

Su He kicked Nancy into the grave she had dug, and said coldly: "My heart is cold, my soul is flying..."

Big brother, I didn't mean that..."Looking up at Fugui's eyes, Su He quickly took out a ham sausage from his pocket and threw it over.

Su He took out the mobile phone in the box, opened the photo function inside, took a picture of Nancy's body, and then searched for her mobile phone from Nancy's body, threw it on the ground, stepped on it, threw it into the pit, and began to fill in the soil.

It's just a virtual game, and when the game is over, the world will be there.

Zhang Daxian and Fugui stood aside, watching Su He bury people skillfully, and played with the radio boringly.

"The sun comes out, babble, hey

, the world is wide, come on, hey

...", "Carrying a big shovel and shovel

, crossing the mound

and digging a Tai, babbling

, I don't know where I came from

, which village, which one dares to come to find us, still break my legs

, poke and poke, stand in the ditch, can black and die

, alas, hammers, never poor mouth


The special BGM for burying people sounded, Su He was full of energy, and it didn't take long to build a small grave bag and use a shovel to shoot the surrounding soil tightly.

"It's done!" Su He patted the dirt on his hands, stretched his arms and legs, and watched a bright light slowly rise from a distance, and the sky was about to dawn.

Zhang Daxian walked to the grave, stretched out his hand and sprinkled a few seeds, Fugui ran over and sprinkled a soak of urine, only to see that the grass on the grave grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and within a few minutes, this tomb was no different from others except that there was no tombstone.

Looking at Zhang Daxian's familiar movements and calm expression, Su He smiled awkwardly: "Uncle, you are still careful and thoughtful."

Zhang Daxian stroked his beard and smiled heartily: "Without him, only your hands are familiar! Your way of burying people is also good..."Su

He also smiled: "Habit, purely due to habit." "

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