"Auntie, in this way, I have a WeChat group, which is full of delivery people, all of them are strong, I'll ask you when I go back... Rest assured, they won't be unscrupulous.

Su He finally stabilized Chen Xiuhua, and the two stood at the door of the toilet and chatted.

An hour before Xu Jun fell from the building, Chen Xiuhua went to his office to clean up, but was scolded by Xu Jun, who was in an irritable mood, and in the transcript, there was another man in the office, Cheng Bin.

Of course, Chen Xiuhua is a cleaner, she only cares about whether the men's toilet is clean, and she doesn't pay attention to what the two of them are doing at the time.

"Auntie, do you know Cheng Bin?"

"Huh~ He's too small, no wonder his wife wears it for him... I almost missed my mouth, I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything, I went to mop the floor. "

The cleaners of a company are definitely the most powerful intelligence officers, they have a very low sense of existence, wandering around all corners, inquiring and spreading gossip.

"Auntie, did you see Xu Jun and Cheng Bin's wife have a private meeting?" Su He followed behind Chen Xiuhua.

Chen Xiuhua said while mopping the floor: "I said that you are not annoyed, it is not right to say bad things about others behind your back... All I saw was that fox creeping into the office, phew, not ashamed!"

Su He watched his aunt mopping the floor, and always felt that something was wrong, he turned his head to look at it, and found An Ran standing not far away looking at this side.

"Auntie, do you have a good relationship with Ms. An?"

"Ms. An, you said Manager An, she is very good to everyone, and she never looks down on me because I am just a cleaner who has three apartments in the capital... It's all Mr. Xu's too, guarding such a beautiful wife, and hooking up with other women outside.

Su He finally knew that something was wrong, Chen Xiuhua said, she only saw Cheng Bin's wife Hou Mei enter Xu Jun's office, and Xu Jun, as a boss, is normal to receive subordinates.

Of course, this may be because Xu Jun's reputation on weekdays is not good, Chen Xiuhua is very protective of Enron, and scolds Hou Mei for being a fox spirit from Enron's perspective everywhere, it stands to reason that there is no substantive evidence, so it is very strange to say that the two of them behaved inappropriately.

Now the first step is to apply for an autopsy, if

Xu Jun did not commit suicide, then a big person, fell from the window, how did the murderer do it? Since all the evidence at present points to suicide, the autopsy needs the consent of the family, Su He found An Ran, but was rejected by An Ran, the reason is very simple, Xu Jun's parents did not agree.

At present, the other three people involved in the investigation, the shareholder Yuan Jie is not in the company, Cheng Bin resigned, Hou Mei was fired, so Su He left the company.

Walking downstairs, Su He came to the two security guards, they were already acquainted, and said with a smile: "Big brother, ask something, is there some ambiguous relationship between

Cheng Bin of your company, his wife and Boss Xu?" "Hey, what is ambiguous, I heard that they all applauded love, Boss Xu also made his brother cold, how many years has Cheng Bin followed him!"

"I heard that who said it?".

An employee of a company dares to talk about the boss's scandal in private, this kind of behavior is undoubtedly easy to lose his job, and the person who tells the story is either low in emotional intelligence or doesn't care.

It seems to be Chen Xiuhua who is sweeping the floor, she saw Cheng Bin and his wife enter the office with her own eyes, and it is said that she was also bumped into by Manager An... Hehe, rich people really know how to play.

Su He always felt that he had caught some clues, and it was difficult to say, An Ran and Chen Xiuhua's performance was very strange, and they couldn't find clues at the scene, so it seemed that they could only find three other people to try.


"Autopsy?" Zhou

Bing was busy with the case of the female corpse in the river, but Su He said that Xu Jun did not commit suicide and asked for an autopsy, but there was no evidence, saying that it was intuition.

I feel that this thing is not more reliable than big data, can Zhou Bing agree? It was approved on the spot!

It was directly escalated to a criminal case, and this is called experience.

With Zhou Bing's support, Su He also successfully kidnapped a small follower, his uncle Zhao Shaoyang.

"Su He, do you know? In fact, I felt that Xu Jun's death was not simple from the beginning, although there was no evidence, but after all, he died in front of you, I recently summarized a theorem: all the bodies found by Su He will be treated as homicide. Su

He drove the car, and he didn't bother to deal with Zhao Shaoyang, and now they are going to find Cheng Bin's ex-wife, that is, Hou Mei.

Xu Jun is dead, and the scandal circulating in the company can only be confirmed by Hou Mei, which is also the best way to clear Cheng Bin's suspicion.

"Hou Mei has experienced being fired from the company, divorced, her mental state is not good, and she is ready to leave the capital and go back to her hometown.

Before coming, the police also summoned Hou Mei, but she refused on the grounds that she was not feeling well, and Su He and the others came to the hotel where Hou Mei lived.

After knocking on the door, Hou Mei opened the door, glanced at Su He and them, and said in a trance: "Come in! You want to ask about the matter between me and Xu Jun, right?" Su He

walked inside, the house was very messy, all kinds of things were thrown on the ground at will, on the bed, even the water was spilled on the ground, Hou Mei didn't care, she sat on the bed, hugged the pillow, and looked at the phone in a daze.

Su He pondered for a moment and said, "Since we entered the door, you have looked at your mobile phone three times, are you waiting for a call, or a message... Since you have divorced Cheng Bin and there are no children between you, you can only live in a hotel now, why don't you go back to your hometown? Are you waiting for Cheng Bin to get back together with you?"

Hou Mei raised her head and looked at Su He, and said with a smirk: "In his eyes, in the eyes of everyone, I am a slut, just because I and Xu Jun have been in the office... Xu Jun is dead, now it's okay, I can never explain it clearly!

" As she spoke, Hou Mei began to cry, but there was no sound, and her voice choked up: "I want to leave the capital and start life again, but why, what did I do wrong, I left, it is equivalent to admitting..."

"Why did you go to Xu Jun's office?"

Hou Mei swallowed her saliva and said: "I planned a plan before, and the leaders above approved it, and finally I needed Mr. Xu's signature, and I didn't need to go to this kind of thing... At that time, Manager An was not there, and things were in a hurry, so I went.

"How long have you been in the office, and what have you done?Has Xu Jun done anything wrong to you?"

"Cheng Bin and Xu Jun have a very good relationship, although Xu Jun loves to play with women, but in front of me, he has always been very responsible, at that time, I told him the plan of the plan, it took about more than 20 minutes, and then after signing, I was about to leave, Manager An came in, and then I left..."

"Later, I don't know who started to rumor that I had a leg with Xu Jun, and I was fired from the company before I could explain... Then there was Cheng Bin, he didn't listen to my explanation at all, he scolded me with the most vicious and dirty words, he wanted to divorce me, I was very angry at the time, so I left him, and I was kicked out before I finished taking anything..."

Since Hou Mei and Xu Jun have nothing, what is the purpose of the rumor-mongers?


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