Cirque du Soleil.

The fire burns brightly, and the angry populace, who learns that the clown actor Scott Rhodes is the notorious killer K, arrives and begins to smash and burn the contents.

The flames were in the sky, the sky was full of smoke, the once glorious circus was burned, the circus performers were taken to the police car by the police, looking at the expressions on people's faces, one of the animal trainers said in a hoarse voice, "I really hope Rod killed them all!"

The others looked sideways, knowing that the animal trainer and Rhodes were very close, because Rhodes would often bring back some animal entrails to feed the tigers and lions.

Now it seems that those internal organs are not small animals.

"Rhodes caused us all to lose our jobs, Cirque du Soleil is over, and now everyone knows that we are colleagues with him..."

, a woman complained, she was not afraid of Rhodes at all, in the circus, Rhodes was the lowest actor, he could only play the clown to amuse everyone, everyone could bully him, he would never resist.

The audience was tired of Rod's performance, because there were only a few clowns, and if it weren't for Rod's adopted son, the dwarf Spencer Cole's show was very popular, Rhodes would have been kicked out of the circus a long time ago.

"Hmph!" the trainer said disdainfully when he heard the woman say this, "If it weren't for Rhodes, Cirque du Soleil would have been gone a long time ago... Think about it, why do those trouble-seeking guys always disappear inexplicably, it's Rod, he's our patron saint!"

The clown seems to be born to be bullied, Rhodes tries his best to make everyone laugh, no one cares about the pompous makeup, it's a living person.

They always confuse the clown with the puppy, look at Rod's rickety body, laugh and make him perform to learn to crawl, either violent threats, or money rewards, yes, everyone thinks he is a clown.

Rod's weakness is palpable, so everyone will bully him, the boss will deduct his salary, colleagues will give him dirty work, and guests will play with him recklessly, over and over again, until he is exhausted and lies on the ground like a dog drowning ashore.

However, what is surprising is that Rhodes turned out to be the notorious killer K, a devil who brutally killed hundreds of people, and for a while, they couldn't even believe it.

However, they don't know where Rhodes has gone, and Cole has disappeared with him.

Cole is Rod's only relative, although they are not related by blood, they are like a father and son, Cole often said: The height of life should not be measured by height, one day, I will stand on the top of the mountain, taller than any of you.

One of the co-pilot's policemen turned to look at them and said, "Catch Scott Rod, there's a reward of 10 million, you know him best, you can try." "

Ahem!" "Ahem!"

the animal trainer spoke, "No one can really understand a person, and when he leaves the circus, he is no longer Scott Rhodes, his name is K, a terrifying murderer... No one can find K, because K lives in fear of people. "


In a dark, damp, foul-smelling sewer, rats swarmed through the gutter, and suddenly, a dark shadow pounced, and the rats struggled desperately and bit the man's hand.

Cole didn't frown, he crushed the mouse's head with a force, peeled off the skin with a knife, entrailed it in a bag, and looked at the three bloody mice hanging from his waist, he smiled, turned and walked back.

Walking down the sewers, Cole didn't need to bend down, which made him feel very happy, this was his kingdom, and he didn't have to look up at those ugly smiling faces anymore.

Coming to a dry step, a man was lying on the ground with a bandage on his abdomen, but there was already a foul smell coming from inside.

Cole said excitedly, "You're finally awake!"

Rod looked at Cole and said in a weak tone: "I'm dying, it turns out that death is how it feels... They deceived me, and I was not afraid at all.

Cole climbed the steps hard, put the mouse on his waist in front of Rod, and said with a depressed expression: "It's all my fault, he didn't kill that Pan Zhigang, he was too cunning."

Rod stared at the rat in front of him and said, "Do you know why you're so good at catching

mice?" Cole said casually, "Because I'm too short to be spotted by mice!" "

Wrong, because you know the habits of rats, and you know how rats react... But people are different, when you pick up a gun, when you hold a knife, they will be afraid, they will run away, they will resist..."

"It is more effective for people to let their guard down than if you point a gun at him, the more they ignore your existence, belittle you, laugh at you... The easier it is for you to approach them, and then, let them die when they are smiling the brightest, I like to look at their incredible, terrified eyes..."

Rod's voice became smaller and smaller, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, but he still tried to smile, he was a clown, the clown cried on stage, but the audience laughed.


Su He didn't expect that Rhodes seemed to have evaporated from the world, the police couldn't find it, and the angry people couldn't find it, Lin Bai called up the surveillance, but he didn't find any traces, could it be that he would really be invisible?"

"Ding, you have a new takeout order, please deal with it in time." While

delivering takeaways, Su He was still thinking nonsense, you said that if you brought Ma Mingzhe and the three of them, would it be better, after all, their sense of smell is better than that of a police dog.

As for Li Rundong, a hound, it seems that he is of no use, and his only skill is: 100% empty face to fight.

As the game time was about to end, Su He was a little upset and irritable, and he didn't even want to deliver takeout, and this thing didn't work again!

" "Where are you hiding?"

Su He came to the playground, the place belonging to the circus performance was scorched black, the whole house collapsed, and there were shallow puddles on the ground.

Inside several iron cages, there were charred animal carcasses, and Su He looked at the circus theater, from which Rod and Cole disappeared.

At first, Su He thought that they were familiar with the playground and could use the blind spot to leave, but when he saw the black water on the ground slowly flowing into the manhole cover of the sewer, he suddenly realized.

Walked quickly to the manhole cover, and with a slight force, a crack was opened, and then Su He directly took the manhole cover aside.

"Hey, is there

anyone?" "Is there anyone

?" "Is there a person?" "Is


Su He roared, and there was an echo below, he didn't jump down directly, it was too dangerous to do so, and it was easy to fall into the other party's ambush or trap.

"Hey, Li Rundong, come here, we'll fight side by side!".

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