In the dark room, Evelyn lay under the bed, she was used to touching the floor while sleeping, and because of this habit, she lived longer than the other children.

The woman playing the piano was shivering because her boyfriend had been kidnapped, and the kidnappers had asked her to come to the hotel to play the piano in a red dress.

And it just so happened that the pianist, who was in the hotel before, had an accident.

A smile appeared on the corner of Evelyn's mouth, and her eyes moved from under the bed to the bed, a man was naked, already dead, and in the face of her temptation, he turned his back on the declaration of love, such a man, that stupid woman still had illusions.

Then there are the guests who come in arm-in-arm, gentlemen in suits and leather shoes, ladies dressed beautifully, they behave elegantly, look noble and charming, but they inadvertently reveal their true nature, the man will always unconsciously glance at the woman next to him, and the woman pretends not to see, stroking the diamond ring on her finger.

A young and handsome man walked in, and her handsome face made her can't help but look at it more, and the waiter was talking to him enthusiastically, setting out two sets of cutlery, obviously his female companion had not yet arrived.

After a long wait, the man looked left and right, and seemed very interested in the woman playing the piano, but soon after the food was served, the man answered a phone call and went away in a rage, apparently having been released by the pigeon.

The man is not only handsome, but also wears a famous brand and drives a luxury car, I didn't expect that such a man would also be released into a pigeon, and the woman on the phone was a little bit unsure.

Evelyn continued to retrieve her memories, which was one of the things she had to do every day, as a killer, she had to remember every moment, and this ability allowed her to find dozens of killers in disguise.

And this time, her target is a lewd-looking and somewhat ugly man, but Evelyn doesn't care about looks, she has seen too many good-looking skins, hiding an ugly heart.

In comparison, it doesn't matter if a man is obscene and ugly, the most important thing is to be capable, not to mention that this man named "Pan Zhigang" is still so capable, in less than two months, he has jumped from a little-known delivery man to the most dazzling new star in the killer world, and even the most mysterious killer K has lost to him, this man is terrifying!

However, Evelyn is not afraid at all, she is very excited, the more she fights with the master, the more excited she is, and kills "Pan Zhigang" , one step closer to the championship.

The reason why this game can attract so many killers to participate is because the one who ranks first in the killer ranking is said to be the person from the organizer.


Māori Detective Agency.

Pushing the door in, Su He looked at the environment in the house, frowned unconsciously, and under the smoke, a sloppy man was lying on the sofa watching a TV series, not noticing that someone walked in.

"Your name is Maori Kogoro?" Hearing

the voice, the man sat up in shock, looked at Su He, hurriedly got up and patted his crumpled clothes, put on his slippers in embarrassment, and said: "My name is Maori

Ryuichi, and I am a detective!" Su He looked at the man and asked again: "Do you have a child named Edogawa Conan here?"

"Yes!" Maori Ryuichi rushed into the back room, and it didn't take long for him to come out with a suitcase, and said with a smile: " Dude, where did you know about it, these are all the original comics I treasure, if I hadn't been short of money recently, I wouldn't have sold them!"

"Na, how much can you give

these for?" Looking at Mao Lilong who came out with a box of comics of "Detective Conan", Su He felt a great insult, and said in a deep voice: "I mean the living Conan..."

The man laughed and looked at Su He like a fool.


said that it was too late, that was fast, as fast as the wind, as fast as electricity, uh, in short, it was a big fight that fell on Mori Ryuichi's face, and for a moment, he couldn't laugh.

Su He pointed to the signboard on the wall and said, "Then why are you called Maori Detective Agency

?" Maori Long's eyes widened, and he roared: "My surname is Maori, and I am a detective, is there a problem with this name?"

"Smack!" The

backhand was another big fight, Su He said with a gloomy face: "What are you doing yelling at and shouting, just explain clearly, I'm here to talk to you about business, can your attitude be better!"


brother, are you really here to talk about business?" "You can't even make money for the sake of face!" Mao Li Longyi hurriedly went to the tree at the door to pick two leaves, made a cup of tea for Su He, and said with a smile: "The authentic Longjing in front of the door, and the tea sold in the shop are the same flavor, big brother, you can rest assured, my business ability is very strong, and I am on the same level as Conan."

Glancing at Maori Ryuichi, Su He smiled and said, "Will you be tracking, surveillance,

and role-playing?" "Yes! Speaking of role-playing, I'm so good at role-playing, I've also made movies before, playing patients, fathers, and brothers..."

"Will the killer be?" Su He interrupted Maori Ryuichi.

"Killer? I think you like hardcores! No problem, but you have to pay more... Big brother, don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for your money, but using your money to do your business, after all, to play a killer, you need to add some props..."

Su He always felt that the two didn't seem to be talking about the same thing, but there was nothing wrong with it, he took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket and threw it on the table, saying: "This is a deposit, after the matter is completed, I will give you another 100,000!"

Mao Lilong patted his chest excitedly and said: "Don't worry, even if you die, I..."

Su He finally saw that something was wrong, this guy still wanted to make a movie!

Mao Lilong covered his face, a little aggrieved, but for the sake of money, he stretched out his other face again.

Su He didn't talk nonsense with him, took out a photo taken secretly in the hotel, threw it on the table, and said in a deep voice: "This is your target person, without contacting or disturbing her, investigate her details, give you three days, and send this email address when you have the result." "

Oh!" Ryūichi looked at the woman in the photo, his heart struggled sharply, and he couldn't help but ask, "Do you really need to make contact?"

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