"The rules on the phone are clearly written, but you don't understand..."

Li Rundong's voice became smaller and smaller, because he had already seen Su He's body slowly leaning to the left, which was the prelude to the backhand fight.

"What are you doing?" Su He saw Li Rundong close his eyes and stretched out his face.

"Hit me!" Li Rundong said with his eyes closed.

Su He suddenly felt that he was very excessive, and he didn't know when it started, he became irritable, irritable, and wanted to hit people at every turn.

Pressing his right hand, Su He reminded himself to be restrained and learn to deal with problems rationally.

Li Rundong slowly opened his eyes, looked at Su He with some surprise, and wondered: "What made you change your mind? Beat me, are you scared?"

Su He rolled his eyes, and he hadn't met the person who took the initiative to beat him, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, you can deal with the co-pilot's body, I'm sleepy..."

Su He walked back, suddenly stopped, and asked, "What the hell is Evelyn's shadow?"

Li Rundong was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "According to legend, the organization of Shadow Island has cultivated a large group of killers, but among the same group of children, only the best one can perform tasks on behalf of Shadow Island, while other children can only become her shadow, and the shadow is similar to her clone, completing some tasks for her... It is said that these shadows have different personalities, some are bloodthirsty, some are violent, and some are lustful

...""I see..."

When Su He walked into the hotel for the first time, the woman who played the piano played several wrong notes one after another, and later Su He found that she was so nervous that her body trembled slightly.

In terms of performance level, women would not make such low-level mistakes, and Su He didn't think that a killer would act so vividly.

Li Rundong grabbed a ball of masks and said in shock: "This is a real human face!" It

seems that the woman who played the piano has been killed, just because she showed her flaws, so she was replaced by a shadow

? But how did Evelyn know that Su He found out? Su He carefully recalled the situation at the time, his acting skills were already very good, could it be because he was too handsome?

But fortunately, the player in the game is Pan Zhigang, and Su He is at most the younger brother sent by Pan Zhigang to spy on the military, so Evelyn's shadow did not kill him as soon as he came up, but wanted to sleep with him very despicably!

"Hey, you just dig a pit and bury it, why drag it into the house?" Su He looked back and watched Li Rundong drag the woman's body into the house.

Li Rundong said vigorously: "I suspect that there are still unknown secrets on her, I want to check it carefully!"

In a gloomy room, Mori Ryuichi slowly opened his eyes, and was greeted by a terrifying face, to be precise, it was not a face, it was a tragic state after the skin was peeled off.

Stimulated !!

Maori Ryuichi not only did not feel afraid, but there was a kind of happiness that came too suddenly, as a detective, he had imagined such a scene countless times, so he didn't panic at all in his heart, and even started reasoning directly.

First of all, this should be a test for him, that strange man, who took a fancy to his detective talent, so he laid out this game, and maybe there was a TV station behind him that broadcast the whole thing.

Thinking of this, Mao Lilong unconsciously smiled at the corner of his mouth, that's right! There is only one truth, this is a reality TV show! The reason why he was not notified in advance was to see his on-the-spot reaction.

Trying to make a calm expression, Mori Ryuichi observed his surroundings, a closed room, very dark, presumably to hide the camera.

In addition, there is only one woman who is hung in front of him, to be honest, this model is quite realistic, and there is a faint smell of blood in the air, it seems that there are masters in the program group.

His hands and feet were chained and he couldn't move, and Maorilong thought that he must not yell at this time, and as a detective, he must remain calm enough to find a way out.

Half an hour later, as soon as the Maori dragon lay on the ground and did not move, he was chained, and he could not open it at all, so he could only wait patiently.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a woman in a red dress walked in.

Sure enough, Mao Lilong looked at the woman expressionlessly, and said secretly in his heart, I just didn't move, and the program team sent someone in, it seems that the plot is going to be launched next, and I have to deal with it calmly.

The woman walked up to Mao Li Longyi, squatted down, stretched out her hand and stroked his face, and said coldly: "Are you really a killer?"

Do you think you can trap me if you lock my hands and feet? Every famous killer will have his hole cards, I have not only superb killing skills, but also a strong psychological quality, today I will let you see, what is the real killer!"

A large number of lines, played on the spot, Mao Lilong Yi felt that he was not popular, and heaven was intolerable.

The woman followed Maori Longyi's eyes, looked at the corner of the wall, and wondered: "What are you looking at?" Maori Longyi

rolled his eyes, that's not nonsense, you blocked the camera, how can you shoot my face, that line just now is not a waste.

Looking at the woman with great disdain, Mao Lilong pulled away from the topic and said: "When we are kidnapped, when we are locked in chains, there are generally two choices, pick the lock, or twist our wrists... But for an experienced killer, there's a better option, and that's to get caught. "

This is a tactic, a very test of a killer's psychological quality, at this time, we have to pretend to cooperate with the other party, and then kill them by surprise!" The

woman frowned, always feeling weird, and wondered: "Are you talking to me?"

Mao Lilong snorted coldly and said loudly: "Hahaha... You're only now reacting, it's too late, he's already eyeing you!

" The woman waved at her waist, held two pistols, and said in a deep voice, "Where is he?"

"He... In the dark, hahahaha, next, enjoy the fear of death!" As soon as the last sentence was spoken, Mao Lilong held his head high, as if he was ready to be praised.

The woman raised her pistol and aimed it at Ryuichi's forehead.


!" As soon as Mao Lilong felt that he couldn't end it like this, he said, "Under the threat of death, I rebelled, now I can take you out of his clutches, believe me, this is your only chance to win!"

Evelyn looked at the man at her feet, he was full of confidence, not afraid of her at all, which made her curious, and at the same time full of fear of the killer called "Pan Zhigang", yes! She felt like the other person was playing with her, like a cat playing with a mouse.

"Do you think I'll believe you?" Evelyn said in a deep voice.

Mao Liryuichi said confidently: "That's right, I'm not trustworthy, obviously I will take the opportunity to slip away on the way to escape... But in doing so, it will be really exciting!".

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