Public Security Bureau.

The grief was contagious to everyone, and everyone was immersed in the grief of losing a colleague, they couldn't believe it, and they didn't want to believe that on such a festive day, Zhao Shaoyang would be killed.

Zhao Shaoyang and Fang Qingyi's love road started from the campus, and it was bumpy all the way, and it took hardships to blossom and bear fruit.

Zhao Shaoyang is an orphan, he has low self-esteem and is strong, he wants to do a big career, and then marry his sweetheart, he works hard, often stays up late, and his positive and optimistic attitude infects everyone.

Fang Qingyi's family conditions are superior, and she doesn't care that Zhao Shaoyang has nothing, so she took the initiative to apply for a transfer here, just to go on with him.

She single-handedly planned the marriage proposal ceremony, and was busy for the wedding, when she waited with antiquity for the most romantic scene to come, but waited for the news that the groom had an accident.

Who the can accept it!

Fang Qingyi walked into Zhou Bing's office and asked, "What about his corpse? I just went to the forensic doctor, and the corpse was not transported back to the bureau at all!"

Zhou Bing shook his head and said with a wry smile: "You have to ask your nephew, his wings are hard now, I can't control him... In this case, our bureau only assists, you go back and rest for a few days! I believe that with

Su He's ability, it will soon come to light..."Fang Qingyi has regained her senses, she knows that Zhao Shaoyang's death is not to blame Su He, the two of them are not only uncles and nephews, but also very tacit partners.

She thought about it all night, but she still didn't want to believe that Zhao Shaoyang was gone like this, why didn't Su He let her get in the car, Su He's girlfriend, the woman named Shen Yue, looked at her with strange eyes.

Fang Qingyi dialed Su He's phone, but the phone was already turned off.


Star-picking base.

Liang Weiyu walked out of the operating room, took off his mask, and sighed: "This is the first time I have operated on a dead person, the operation was successful, the deceased is in good condition, by the way, I helped him cut the appendix by the way..."

Su He held Shen Yue's hand and said with a light smile: "It's okay, I know that sooner or later there will be such a day, there is no need to hide it anymore..."

Give this person a new life

" "Wake up!" Su He's hand slapped Zhao Shaoyang's forehead, and at the same time used the resurrection card, Zhao Shaoyang sat up directly and opened his eyes.


" In the small black room, Lin Bai scolded: "Su He, you are a sixth, give me

my life!" "Fifty years! It's not his life, he will come when he opens his mouth!

Seeing Zhao Shaoyang come back from the dead, Lin Bai couldn't get excited at all, he lay on the bed without love, looked at the ceiling, and muttered: "He is my life!"

Some people are sad, some people are happy, Liang Weiyu rushed into the operating room, pressed Zhao Shaoyang's output, and finally came to the result, the deceased's heartbeat was normal and his breathing was stable... What was the spell just now?

Zhao Shaoyang looked around with a confused expression, he only remembered that before the wedding began, he went to the bathroom to pee, and suddenly his stomach hurt sharply, and then he began to vomit, and in a daze, he saw a middle-aged man, smiled at him, and then turned to leave.

He seemed to have a dream, on a small island, a group of people jumped and carnivaled on the dark reef, everyone was naked, in an instant, countless fireballs fell from the sky, flames were everywhere, people screamed and fled, the fireballs fell on people, they lay on the ground and howled in pain, and finally merged with the black reef, at a glance, the endless reef spread into the distance.

Suddenly, in the scarlet sky, a beam of light shone on his body, and the strong light made him close his eyes, and opened them again, already appearing in this strange place.

A doctor was examining his body, and there was Su He's girlfriend Shen Yue standing outside, and there was another woman, Zhao Shaoyang remembered her, it was Rong Xue's sister, Rong Yue.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Su He, Zhao Shaoyang opened his mouth and asked, "What's the situation?" Am I suffering from any serious illness? What about Qingyi? How is the wedding?" Su He gently pressed Zhao Shaoyang's

arm and said with a smile: "There is no serious illness, you have appendicitis, the doctor has already operated on you, the wedding is postponed, my aunt is at home, wait for the doctor to check you again, there is no problem and you can go back."

At this time, Liang Weiyu came over with more than a dozen blood drawing bags, and said to Zhao Shaoyang with an excited face: "In order to ensure your health, I will draw a little more, don't you mind?"

Zhao Shaoyang turned his head and looked at Su He suspiciously: "Do you still have to draw blood after cutting the appendix?

Su He looked at Liang Weiyu's expression, and knew that Zhao Shaoyang could not escape the fate of the guinea pig, no way, human beings will always try to use scientific means to solve unknown puzzles, which is why people like Su He, Zhang Daxian, and Li Beidou are destined not to be accepted by the world.

Su He smiled bitterly: "Well, it's really fine, just take blood and check it."

Zhao Shaoyang was dumbfounded, watching the doctor carry a long list of blood drawing bags, his eyes closed, and he said, "Pump, drain!"

Liang Weiyu drew blood for Zhao Shaoyang, and Su He walked out of the operating room.

At this time, Lin Bai ran over, pointed at Su He's nose and scolded: "You are amazing, you are high, you take my life

to save people! Fifty years! I have a collapse!" "Smack!"

Su He directly pressed Lin Bai to the ground, looked up at Rong Yue, and sneered: "Look, once it comes to your own interests, the justice in your mouth has become a hypocritical slogan, save people's lives, why bother so much?"

Lin Bai lay on the ground, trying to struggle but couldn't move, he was about to cry: ", he is dead, the dead are resurrected, do you know what the consequences will be if you do this? Besides, you can ask for my opinion, don't come up for fifty years! I can share twenty-five years with Da Xiong alone!" Da Xiong

stood at the end of the corridor, saying that I will not participate in this kind of fantasy plot, don't come to the sidelines.

Rong Yue looked at Su He calmly, turned her head to look at Zhao Shaoyang again, and said lightly: "You have many ways to continue to hide secrets, why do you take the initiative to expose them in front of us?"

Su He shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "I originally planned to get along with you as an ordinary person, but in exchange for estrangement, don't pretend, I am a wizard at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I have a showdown..."

You're a, and if I didn't know what's going on, I'd believe it.

Lin Bai got up from the ground and looked at Su He suspiciously: "Will you fly on a broomstick?"

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