Just like almost all cool texts, this novel plane also has a school flower heroine, and this school flower heroine is Lu Chan.

Lu Chan, female, 20 years old, a sophomore at Hailan University, is a well-known civilian school flower of this university, with countless suitors. And according to Shuangwen's law of "beauty must be the harem of the male protagonist", this Lu Daxiao will sooner or later become one of Ye Fan's many harems, and the most nameless one, like a canary raised by the rich. This kind of woman is very superb from the perspective of the protagonist. But if you look at it from the perspective of a bystander, all she gains is contempt.

Mu Yunke's opinion of Lu Chan is relatively neutral, probably because this civilian school girl has never behaved against the original body from beginning to end in the original plot! He does not approve of Lu Chan's behavior, but he will not despise her. After all, it was her own choice, and no one could make a decision for her. But since you make your own decision, you have to bear all the consequences.

So in Mu Yunke's opinion, this is a very sad character.

But now, Mu Yunke is even more surprised, why did Lu Chan suddenly get involved with

Lu Jianian? Don't look at the fact that these two people are surnamed Lu, there is no blood relationship between them, so Lu Jianian is not unable to pursue Lu Chan. But in the original plot, there was no such plot. Lu Jianian and Lu Chan are like two parallel lines, until Mu Yunke's death, the two did not have any intersection. So the intersection of the fates of these two people is not the

butterfly effect? But this butterfly effect is a bit too obvious. Lu Jianian and Lu Chan are both famous characters in the original plot, but they are not the tricksters that can be seen everywhere on the street. The chain reaction of the butterfly effect is random, and the probability of the intersection of these two characters is undoubtedly extremely low. But such a low probability happened, is it a coincidence?

Mu Yunke used to believe in coincidences. But in the fictional plane, he no longer believes in any coincidences. As the old saying goes: no book can be made without coincidence. The coincidences in the book all have their inevitability. So what is the significance behind the occurrence of this incident

? Could it be a new flashpoint of contradictions?

It is not the characters that drive the development of the plot of the novel, but the events. To be more specific, it is contradictions and conflicts. Whether it is cool or not, contradictions and conflicts are the first driving force for the development of the plot, there is no doubt about it. Mu Yunke, who is familiar with all kinds of novels, already knows about this, so he thought of this point from the beginning. Extending and thinking about it from this line of thought, and then connecting with the two characteristics of the male protagonist Ye Fan, "what you see is mine" and "all beauties can only be mine", the plot that will happen later is almost ready to come out

! He, his brother, is in danger of life!

Thinking of this, Mu Yunke hurriedly said to Lu Jiannian: "That... Carnival, it's not my brother I'm going to hit you, but what do you think of the identity of the two of you... Is it appropriate?"

"No matter how much, let's try to make Lu Jianian dispel his thoughts about Lu Chan first! So as soon as he came up, Mu Yunke threw out the issue of "identity" that could not be ignored. After all, one of them is a rich young master worth tens of billions, and the other is a poor civilian school flower, and the difference in status is really big.

Who knew that Lu Jianian lowered his head in frustration and muttered, "I also know that I am not worthy of her, but I still want to give it a try."

The corners of Mu Yunke's mouth twitched. Pang

Chuan and Huang Weicheng also had strange faces. After the two exchanged glances, Huang Weicheng put his arm on Lu Jianian's shoulder, cheered him up, and said: "What are you afraid of! Our young master Lu is the future leader of Xinghai Entertainment, and the whole Hailan has a head and a face!

Gotcha! This thing seems to be completely trapped.

So Huang Weicheng asked again: "Then will your family be willing to accept her? After all, her family is not a big family."

Lu Jianian looked firm: "I'm not afraid! I'm in charge of my affairs! If my parents don't agree, I'll make trouble with them!" "

What's the trouble? Don't forget that your living expenses are all given by your parents." Pang Chuan poured cold water.

"Then I'm not afraid! Even if they cut off my financial resources, I can still go to work and make money! Besides, it's really not good, don't I still have you? I have no money, I can borrow from you!"

Looking at Lu Jianian's expectant gaze, the three of them had no choice but to nod: "That's right, we are your last reliance."

Pang Chuan whispered to Huang Weicheng and Mu Yunke: "What is the origin of this Lu Chan? How beautiful can she be? I have contacted it once, and I have hooked Lu Dashao's soul away? This girl is no longer

a nine-tailed fox essence, right?" Mu Yunke sneered: "Nonsense! What is the nine-tailed fox becoming a spirit? Why should we talk about Zhai? Let's get down to business first."

Mu Yunke turned his head to Lu Jianian and said, "Jiannian, it's not the brothers who hit you, but have you ever thought about what if that Lu Xiaohua already has

a boyfriend?" Hearing this question, Lu Jianian became energetic: "I asked about this, she doesn't

have a boyfriend!" The corners of Mu Yunke's mouth twitched: "If you don't have a boyfriend, then you may already have someone you like..."

Mu Yunke snorted: "Have you even asked these questions?"

Lu Jianian said embarrassedly: "I didn't think about it, I want to chase others anyway, so I have to find out the situation of other people first

?" "Then what?" Mu Yunke asked again.

"What?" Lu Jianian looked puzzled.

Mu Yunke had an urge to look up to the sky and roar: "I said that after you asked these two questions, you didn't say anything else

?" "Else?" Lu Jianian thought about it and clapped his palms, "I asked her if she was busy with work recently and tired from studying." How is it? I'm all decent about these questions, right?" "

Three people, you look at me, I look at you, and they all have a feeling of being defeated by Lu Jiannian.

The last one to speak was Pang Chuan: "That... Jianian, in fact, after you ask these two questions, the intention of pursuing others is already obvious. As long as people are not stupid, they can basically see it. So at this point, it doesn't matter if your question is decent or not. If I were you, I'd get straight to the point and ask her if she could be my girlfriend. I said that, can you understand?"

Lu Jianian was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he suddenly realized: "Yes, then I'll call her!" As he spoke, Lu Jianian was

busy taking out his mobile phone.

"Wait, wait!" Mu Yunke hurriedly pressed him. Although it is very immoral to ruin people's marriages, after all, small lives matter. If you can, try not to let your good brother go against Ye Fan, the guy who cares about people's lives, so Mu Yunke decided to persuade him.

He pondered the wording and said slowly: "Although she doesn't have a boyfriend, and she doesn't have a favorite of the opposite sex, what if someone else likes her? After all, she is a school girl, and there must be many suitors for her beauty..."

"But what if people don't want to compete fairly with

you?" "What do you mean?" Lu Jianian looked puzzled.

"For example... If it is a man with a strong desire to possess, he has a crush on Lu Chan. Anyone who wants to pursue Lu Chan will suffer strong blows and retaliation from him. What should you do in the face of this kind of person?" Mu Yunke simply threw out Ye Fan's characteristics.

Lu Jianian's eyes widened: "You mean to say... Will there be thugs who take a fancy to her? and then force her to be his girlfriend? Isn't Lu Chan very dangerous?"

Mu Yunke had nothing to say.

The dignified Dragon King, how can you become a gangster in your mouth? But it is also said that Ye Fan's way of pursuing women is no different from a gangster.

No, there is still a difference, the difference is that the woman is disgusted with the gangsters, but not against him. Of course, even if you are disgusted with him, it is useless, and the dragon king always has a way to turn disgust into a good feeling. Don't ask why, ask is the protagonist's aura.

Although Lu Jianian doesn't like to use his brain, it doesn't mean that he has no IQ. was asked by Mu Yunke like this, and he also came back to his senses a little: "Yunke, do you know Lu Chan, do you? And you know that there are gangsters who are pestering her?"

Mu Yunke hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, no, I don't know any Lu Chan, I'm just telling you about this possibility." "

It's really just possible to say that there is a nose and eyes?" Lu Jianian looked skeptical.

"Believe me, how could I lie to you?" Mu Yunke looked sincere.

Mu Yunke's expression was still very confusing, and Lu Jianian believed it on the spot.

But Mu Yunke didn't want Lu Jianian to fall into it like this, and still asked Lu Jianian to answer this question.

Lu Jianian said without hesitation: "If there is really such a person, I will find a way to deal with him, so that he can no longer entangle Lu Chan!"

Mu Yunke's heart suddenly turned cold. Oh no, a new villain is about to be born!

It's right to pursue the opposite sex, but it also depends on what kind of opposite sex you are pursuing. Of course, although Lu Chan is suspected of having a bad brain, she still has a good personality and is a good candidate for a girlfriend. But you have to figure it out, you're robbing a woman with the Dragon King! If you want to grab a woman with the Dragon King, you have to hold on to the consciousness that your whole family will be killed! So that civilian school flower is not a fragrant bait, but a large-yield

bomb! I'm almost bound to a bomb, you can't follow in my footsteps, brother!

But looking at Lu Jiannian's determined gaze, Mu Yunke searched his stomach for a long time, and never found a reasonable reason to persuade Lu Jianian to give up.

So in the end, Mu Yunke reluctantly accepted that he had the reality of being a difficult brother.

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