"Uncle, do you live here alone?"

Su He and Uncle sat facing each other, with a dilapidated wooden chess piece in the middle, and many places had cracked.

Interestingly, the chess pieces were placed neatly, none of them moved, and I don't know what the uncle was looking at before.

"Yes!" The uncle looked at Su He curiously and asked, "Do you know how to play chess?"

"Will you play a little..."

Uncle shook his head and said, "It's not okay to know a little, you have to win me, so that I can go out!"

Su He smiled, got up and said, "You just deliberately lose to me, besides, if you want to leave here, I'm afraid the people from this base won't stop you, right?"

"Hahaha... Do you know who I am?" said the uncle excitedly.

"I don't know, okay, you rest, I'll go back!"

Su He turned around and walked towards the elevator.

"Wait, we haven't played chess yet!" The uncle rushed to Su He and said seductively: "If you win me, I will reward you!" "

Oh, what are the rewards?" Su He clasped his hands in front of his chest, not much interested.

"Money, you can't run out of money in your life..."The uncle looked at Su He expectantly.

Su He said lightly: "I'm not interested in money, I was happiest when I earned five or six thousand a month, when I was a delivery boy." "

Woman! I have two granddaughters, beautiful, both are still single, and they are all for you..."

But is Su He that kind of person? He immediately said, "Come on, play chess!"

After speaking, Su He sat down in front of the chessboard and took the lead first.

After a few minutes, the uncle shook his head regretfully: "You better go back!"

"Let's play another game, I was testing just now..."Su He said a little unwillingly: "Do you say that you are stupid, bent on losing, and don't let me, or you just admit defeat!"

On the chessboard, Su He has already been generalized, no matter how he goes, it is a dead end.

The uncle looked at the chess pieces on the chessboard and said with a wry smile: "The abandoned son admits defeat... Broken rules, no.

"That's okay, keep your two granddaughters, I'll go!" Su

He didn't want any woman, the uncle was obviously not an ordinary uncle, he appeared in the star-picking base, and he was so mysterious, at first glance, he was an uncle with a story.

"Will you still come to play chess with me?"

Su He walked to the elevator door, heard the uncle's expectant voice, shook his head and said, "Playing chess is not my specialty, I can't win against you."

The uncle stared at the chessboard in disbelief, and waited until Su He left, then sighed: "You are the only one in this world who can win me... He's a rookie, how can he win me?"

In the dim light, the woman lay on the bed and fell asleep, but in an instant, she opened her eyes, grabbed the dagger by the pillow, and pounced.

"My own people!" Su

He hurriedly shouted, and then hid to the side.

Rong Yue stared at Su He and said coldly, "Why did you appear here?" "

I came here to say goodnight to you... Good night, Makabaka!" Su He said as he walked around Rong Yue and walked out.

Rong Yue watched Su He leave, but did not stop him, got dressed, turned around and walked into the elevator.


Su He appeared in front of everyone wearing a thick leather coat and boots, Zhao Shaomei turned her head to look at Su Jianguo, and said suspiciously: "This thing is our son?" Su

Jianguo shook his head: "It shouldn't be."

Lin Bai's mother whispered to the person next to him: "I have to keep Lin Bai away from Su He, I haven't noticed that he has a bad brain before."

"Maybe he's playing the role of an Antarctic expeditioner, but now young people like to role-play..."

The sun is shining and the breeze is not dry.

Su He sat on the stone bench and ate watermelon, and said while eating: "I have long seen that something is wrong with that Mark, a writer of novels, he dared to go to Renekton to collect materials, but I was so smart that I planned and successfully entered the cave..."

"Mark is Renekton's hound, I killed him with two grenades, and then I found Renekton, he actually ran away, can I get used to him? A few grenades were thrown over, and the task was successfully completed!"

After Su He finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Shaoyang and said with a smile: "Uncle, you have never seen that kind of scene, there are corpses and bones everywhere..."Zhao Shaoyang looked at

Su He suspiciously, and said: "What about Andrew? Did he find his daughter?"

"Hahaha... You found out, and I want to surprise you, the scene of Andrew and his daughter hugging each other is about to move me to tears.

Zhao Shaoyang returned to his dying-alive appearance, and looked farther away in a daze.

"Uncle, do you miss your aunt, I'll arrange it for you?" "You won't still be angry with me, right?" Okay, I'll treat you to hot pot at night

?......" What kind of person are you? You are so good at acting, I can't tell if you are Su He or not!" Su He looked at

Zhao Shaoyang stunned, and then smirked: "Life is like a play, uncle, are you still Zhao Shaoyang now?"

But that day at the wedding, I didn't want to die, you saved me, on the snowy mountain, I thought I was going to die again, that feeling, blood was lost little by little, powerless, but I survived again. "

Since I can't die, 64 Hunter Game, the last round, let me go instead of

you!" Su He didn't expect Zhao Shaoyang to have this kind of thought, and said coldly: "You were almost killed by two bounty hunters, with your skills, do you want to send you to death?" Zhao Shaoyang

sat in a wheelchair and said, "Push

me back!" "I'm not free, my aunt asked me to watch a movie, you can go back by yourself

!" "Su He, you deceive people too much!"

"Anyway, my aunt said that as long as it's a man, it's okay... If you think about it, anyway, the fertilizer and water don't flow into the fields of outsiders, so I can go..."

"I'll go!".

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