"Where did the suitcase come from?"

Su He and Huzi each had a pack of spicy noodles in their hands, chatting while eating.

Huzi's snot reached his lips, and he sucked it in again, took a sip of soda, and then said, "It fell from the sky... That night, I was sleeping in the bridge hole, and with a "bang", a box fell down, and I thought it was a big fish.

Su He didn't expect that Huzi came to the capital to look for him, and he actually slept in the bridge cave at night, and continued to ask: "Have you opened the box to see?"

Huzi took the tissue handed over by Su He, wiped his mouth, and said, "Su He, can I taste your deliciousness... There are no such spicy strips in Jinnan City that you buy.

Su He really convinced Huzi, and said speechlessly: "You don't call the police when you see it, what are you running all over the street?" "

I lost my mobile phone, I met an uncle on the road, I asked the uncle to lend me my mobile phone to call the police, and the uncle said that I killed the person...

I said that I didn't kill people, he said that you didn't kill people, why do you want to call the police...""I think what the uncle said is right, and I didn't kill people, and if I call the police, it is equivalent to admitting that I killed someone, Su He, do you say I'm smart?" "There's

nothing wrong with it. Su He turned his head to look at Zhou Bing outside the iron railing, and sighed: "It's reasonable for him to explain like this, right

?" Zhou Bing also knew that Huzi was a little unintelligent, and asked, "Then why are you running? When the police came, you attacked the police?" Huzi

glanced at Zhou Bing, lowered his head and didn't speak.

Su He knew Huzi's stubborn temperament, so he said: "Huzi, tell me, why do you want to run? Are you too nervous, afraid that they will frame you for murder?"

"Yes, Su He, or do you understand me!"

Su He glanced at Zhou Bing and continued to ask: "Later, the police arrested you, why did you resist? Do you feel that you were wronged, so you resisted? After all, if you don't resist, you are equivalent to admitting."

"Yes, Su He, that's what I think!" Zhou

Bing was dumbfounded, what's the matter, in front of me, this is taught?

Su He handed all the spicy strips in his hand to Huzi, got up and looked at Zhou Bing, and said in a deep voice: "Team Zhou, all the questions have been asked, he is wronged."


few criminal policemen standing behind him didn't dare to speak, Zhou Bing turned his head to look at them: "Na, this is called professional, let's ask for a long time without opening our mouths, and a pack of spicy strips will be done... Next, everyone will fully cooperate

with Consultant Su to investigate the case...""Consultant Su, you are responsible for this case!" Su

He ignored Zhou Bing, walked out with Huzi, and said in a deep voice: "Hurry up and confirm the identity of the deceased, continue to check and monitor to see if you can find the person who threw the body... Xiao Zhou, give me

the car key!" "Okay!" Zhou Bing handed the car key to Su He.

Su He turned his head to look at Zhou Bing and said with a smile: "Scold me." "

Fuck off!",



Su He drove, Huzi sat in the passenger seat, seriously imitated the action of driving, and finally said confidently: "Su He, you let me drive." "


Su He slapped Huzi on the back of the head and scolded: "What do you want, you can drive a motorcycle in the fish pond, and you can't drive a car to the sky! Sit honestly, I haven't settled accounts with you yet, who asked you to come to the capital to find me..." Huzi

lowered his head and said nothing.

"Speak!, or I'll send you back to Jinnan City and let your dad hang you up for a day and a night!" Huzi

turned his head to look at Su He and smirked: "If you let me stay, I'll tell you."

Su He couldn't cry or laugh a little, who said that Huzi was stupid, he was witty most of the time, and said in a deep voice: "What do you want to stay

in the capital?" Huzi said excitedly: "Uncle Zhang and his son in the next village of our next door delivered food in the capital, made a lot of money, bought a car when he went home, and came back with a beautiful daughter-in-law... The breasts are so big, the buttocks are round

, and the skirt is about to be covered!" Su He looked at Huzi and compared a particularly exaggerated amplitude on his body, and said with a smile: "You just came to the big city to find a beautiful daughter-in-law? Aren't the girls in Jinnan City beautiful enough?" Huzi followed with a smile: "

I want to come out to see the world, and when I go back, others won't say I'm a fool, Su He, when the time comes, let's go back to the village, buy a bus, and two sheep can be tied to it, envy them to death!"

"Okay, what are you going to do in the capital?" Su He knew that if Huzi was really rich, he would pick a big one to buy, of course, he couldn't have money.

"Deliver food to earn money, marry a daughter-in-law and have a baby!"

"And then?"

"When my baby is eighteen years old, let him deliver food... Su He, delivering food is really profitable, I can earn two thousand eight a month in Jinnan City, and every night when I go back to the dormitory, I will buy two packs of spicy strips and a bottle of soda. "

I also bought an urn for my parents, and I pushed it open and there were two compartments in it... The next day my dad agreed to let me come to the capital to make a lot of money.

Su He sighed and said, "Huzi, it is estimated that if you go back next year, you will have a younger brother, or maybe a younger sister..."

The car stopped on the side of the road, Huzi took Su He to visit his residence in the capital, there was a cordon on the side of the bridge, several criminal policemen were salvaging in the river, and the broken corpse in Huzi's suitcase was not enough to piece together a complete corpse.

Under the bridge, there was only a piece of cardboard, pressed with bricks, Su He turned his head to look at Huzi, and asked, "Do you sleep here?" "I only

slept here for three days, and I slept in the park before, but the location was robbed, by the way, there is a restaurant across the bridge, and the owner of that house is a good person, let me wash the dishes and give me food."

Su He didn't need to ask at all, Huzi's money and mobile phone were either stolen or deceived, and he touched Huzi's head and said: "I have three friends who also deliver takeaways, and you will follow them to deliver takeaways in the future, and marry a daughter-in-law when you earn money."

Huzi looked at the criminal policeman in the river and wondered: "Are they fishing for fish? There are no big fish in this river, and the old man who fished by the river before caught only such a long fish." Seeing

Huzi gesturing with his fingers, Su He asked, "That night, how many times did you hear the sound of the river?"


this point of view, the other broken corpses are not here.

In criminal investigation cases, six or seven times out of ten cases of corpse mutilation are committed by acquaintances, in order to make the corpse unrecognizable, so as to achieve the purpose of cutting off the connection.

Crushing the body requires a certain amount of private space, and it can be considered that the perpetrator lived alone or joined forces in the case, and the purpose of throwing the body separately was to create trouble for the police and evade investigation

The size of the victim's body can also explain to a certain extent that the crime scene is far from the scene of the body dumping, that is, the more corpses, the smaller the body, the closer to the scene of the corpse, the psychological motivation is the sense of security brought by the corpse, and the murderer generally believes that the more the corpse is broken, the smaller the chance of the police finding it, and there is no need to throw the corpse over a long distance to increase the risk of transportation on the way.

Of course, there are other examples, such as multi-point corpse throwing, and the center of the circle where the corpse throwing point is connected into a circle is the corpse crushing site, but these points need to be used flexibly to facilitate the future throwing... Uh, solve the case.

These theories were useless to Su He, he looked at the restaurant across the river with a calm face, and said, "Huzi, go, wash the dishes!"

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