Public Security Bureau.

After reading the information, Xue Jiang had a deep disbelief on his face, if it weren't for the long list of seals and signatures on the back, he would never believe such an outrageous thing.

"You already knew?"

raised his head and looked at Fang Qingyi and Zhao Shaoyang, and although they didn't speak, their expressions had already proved it, not to mention that this information was taken out by Fang Qingyi, and her authority was higher than that of a director.

"You quit together?" Next to the information, there are two resignation reports, and Xue Jiang doesn't understand why they took the initiative to resign when they were about to retire.

Zhao Shaoyang and Fang Qingyi glanced at each other, and said lightly: "Director, we know that you are investigating Su Can, the "4675" homicide case, Su Can, this child was raised by us, he is smart and has a sense of justice, but his fate is destined to be a tragedy as soon as he is born, and it is the bad luck brought by his father's wish to the devil..."

In fact, there are traces of that case in many places, as long as it is related to "Su Can", it seems that it can be explained clearly, bad luck will always start from the people around him, if Fang Shiyu is really violated, Su Can's answer to apply for the Criminal Police Academy is not surprising, he stood at the intersection of light and darkness and wandered, looking at the list written and not passed, at that moment, although he was bathed in the sun, he went to the dark... But it's all reasoning, and reasoning without evidence can only be regarded as a story.

Xue Jiang looked at the two of them, picked up the resignation report and signed, and said in a deep voice: "Without a trial by law, depriving others of their lives, there is no reason to forgive, if your story is true, then Su Can could have called the police to assist the police in solving the case, he chose an extreme way, and he is destined to be severely punished by the law... I will continue to investigate, look for evidence, and it is my duty as a police officer to catch the murderer.

Xue Jiang got up and walked in front of the two, shook hands with them one by one, and said his final goodbye: "I can't agree with and won't deny what you did, after all, I haven't experienced what you have experienced... Thank you for your dedication to the police career, and take care!

Fang Qingyi stood at the door of the Public Security Bureau, stunned for a long time, looked up at Zhao Shaoyang, and asked, "You don't have to work overtime in the future, will you not be used to it?"

Zhao Shaoyang shook his head and said stupidly: "I'm going to open a company, use big data analysis, track the "system" on Su He's body, and finally crack it... Wife, what do you think of this idea?

Fang Qingyi frowned and said suspiciously: "Have you saved money for your private house?" "

Uh... Just now I called Su He to mention his resignation, he asked me what my dreams were, and as soon as I said it, he said that he had voted for this project!

Fang Qingyi thought about it, picked up her mobile phone and called Su He: "I have a dream that has been buried for many years..."


Today's weather is very good, many parents take their children out to play, the children run around, a little girl sweating profusely came to the woman's side, and said with a smile: "Mom, I want to drink water."

Fang Shiyu sat on the bench, handed over the kettle, took out the prepared handkerchief, wiped her daughter's sweat, and after her daughter drank the water, she ran to play again.

"Speaking of which, I always thought you were locals, the capital is so good, why do you want to move to a small city?" The middle-aged woman sitting next to her, without waiting for her to answer, took herself as an example and said: "If it were me, I wouldn't have come here, it often rains, the weather is damp, and when the sun comes out, you can see how happy the children are." "

It's good here..."Fang Shiyu didn't want to mention the capital, she had been uneasy since the two policemen left some time ago.

"What's good, now young people who don't want to go to big cities for development, when my daughter graduates, I will let her stay in the capital, find a local boyfriend when the time comes, get married and have children, take me over to take her children, and I will never come back!"

The woman still insists on her own point of view, in her eyes, the big city is the destination, and Fang Shiyu's family is somewhat stupid.

Fang Shiyu smiled and didn't refute her, but pretended to take care of her daughter and walked to the gym equipment.

After a few minutes, a middle-aged woman who had no eyesight came over again and took the initiative to accost: "What kind of women do the local boys in the capital like?" Our lady looks like a Peugeot, but she doesn't know how to dress up... But I've heard that those who are really rich like simple girls.

"I don't know..." Fang Shiyu looked at a young man standing under the big tree not far away, carrying a crossbody bag, and his eyes fell on a group of children.

The middle-aged woman followed her gaze and whispered: "That kid is a thief, you have to keep an eye on the child, I saw on the Internet a few days ago, some traffickers specially let young people attract children, take them to remote places, and just pick them up in the car." The

young man changed the backpack from his left shoulder to the right, took out a small notebook, drew something on it with his pen, and looked up from time to time at the children running around.

"Big brother, what are you doing?"

The young man lowered his head and looked at a beautiful little girl with sweat-soaked hair on her forehead, and handed her a small notebook.

"Wow, it's me here!"

The little girl's eyes lit up, she turned her head to look at her mother, looked up at the young man, and said in a milky voice: "Big brother, can you help me draw a picture of my mother, Xinxin is going to give it to her mother as a birthday gift." The

young man followed the little girl's gaze, but immediately withdrew his gaze, said "yes," and began to draw. But he never looked up again, as if he had already remembered everything in that moment just now.

The little girl got bored and ran back to her mother.

"Xinxin, don't talk to strangers, be careful that the traffickers take you away... You don't have a mother! The

middle-aged woman was talking on the side, her words were always so ugly, but Fang Shiyu didn't say anything, just took out a handkerchief to wipe her daughter's sweat, and asked, "Xinxin, let's go, let's go home." The

little girl was still waiting for the big brother to draw the painting, and immediately said: "No, I still want to play, Dad said to pick me up in the park after work, I want to wait for Dad!"

After saying that, the little girl ran away, went around in a circle, and came to the young man again, urging: "Big brother, have you finished drawing, my father is about to pick me up!" The

young man tore two pieces of paper from his notebook and handed them to the little girl.

"Wow, it's exactly the same as Shin Shin, big brother is amazing!" The little girl looked at the first one, drawing herself, and then looked at the second one, but frowned, and muttered: "Big brother, are you short-sighted, my mother is not like this... Hey, forget it, it's too late, thank you! The

little girl grabbed the two paintings and ran back, when a man appeared behind Fang Shiyu, put his arm around her waist, and asked, "Wife, what are you looking at?"

"That guy is so weird!" Fang Shiyu muttered.

"I saw it too, he seemed to be waiting for someone... Uh, it looks like I guessed wrong. The man didn't expect that before he finished speaking, the young man was already ready to leave, he turned and walked to the other side, it seemed that the backpack on his shoulders was too heavy, and he changed sides.

"Daddy, Mommy, look!"

The little girl held two paintings, one of which she was herself, and handed it to her father, and the other to her mother.

"Xinxin, who painted this, just like you!" The man held the painting and deliberately put it next to his daughter to compare it, it was really too similar, and it can be seen that the person who painted the painting is very powerful.

"Just that big brother, huh? He's gone... But he seems to be short-sighted, and he doesn't look like his mother at all.

Fang Shiyu looked at the portrait in her hand, a girl tilted her head and seemed to look at someone taller than her, the corners of her mouth were raised, as if sunlight was falling on her face.

The man came up and commented: "Wife, it's not like you, but it's still a little charming... Look at this mole in the corner of the eye, Xinxin, that big brother is not short-sighted, it is estimated that he deliberately painted it younger, so it looks a bit like your mother's photo ten years ago..."

Mom, let's go back!" It's your birthday, and you see Daddy bought a cake, oh yes!

Fang Shiyu turned his head to look at the young man's back, he walked with his head down, as if counting in his heart, one step, two steps... In the end, it disappeared....

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