At this time, An Jinyao was not in a good mood.

After all, he was having a good time with Brother Yun Ke just now, but he was suddenly interrupted, can this mood be good?

Especially seeing Ye Fan, an unappetizing guy, An Jinyao's mood is even worse.

Her eyes were lowered so that no one could see the disgust in her eyes.

And Ye Fan was on fire at this time.

Just now, he followed behind An Yaozu, preparing to appear in front of An Jinyao with a new attitude, so as to conquer this iceberg beauty in one fell swoop. Unexpectedly, before they could get closer, he saw An Jinyao flirting with Mu Yunke from a distance.

Suddenly, Ye Fan felt that the whole person was not good.

Since seeing An Jinyao for the first time, Ye Fan was deeply attracted by An Jinyao's perfect appearance and elegant temperament. Such a beautiful woman, even with his rich experience, has never been seen. Therefore, at that moment, he secretly swore in his heart that he must win this peerless

beauty! And in his mind, a beauty of this level can only be worthy of a real man like himself!

Therefore, in his heart, An Jinyao has long been regarded as a forbidden woman. If the others want to get involved, they will have to bear the thunderous wrath of his dragon king

! But now, he actually saw An Jinyao flirting with a man! And he was also a gentleman he had always looked down on, Mu Yunke

! How could this be true!

Our dragon lord has never been a person who likes to forbear, and he usually goes out on the spot when he is angry.

So he immediately said in a low tone: "Mr. Mu, is it too much for you to pester President An so much?"

As soon as the words fell, Mu Yunke and An Jinyao invariably looked at Ye Fan with a very strange look, as if they were looking at a fool.

An Yaozu, who was standing beside Ye Fan, couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

To tell the truth, the relationship between people is still an unmarried couple, and no matter how intimate it is, it is not something that others can manage.

But Ye Fan is his noble person after all, and An Yaozu didn't have much to say, so he had to laugh dryly: "This... It seems that Mr. Ye and Mu Shao have a misunderstanding!" "

In An Yaozu's heart, An Jinyao's ability to sit firmly in the position of president does not depend on her own ability, but on the support of the Mu family behind her. Although the Mu family's business does not involve the pharmaceutical field, it has a lot of voice in the business circle, and it has a lot of money, otherwise An's Group would not have been able to obtain large interest-free loans from the Mu Group many times, and it would have been smooth sailing to negotiate cooperation with other enterprises.

It can be said that with such a big tree as the Mu family as a backer, the An's Group can live a very nourishing life even if it lies flat.

So although Mu Yunke is from An Jinyao's side, An Yaozu doesn't want to offend Mu Yunke easily.

When Mu Yunke heard this, he just smiled faintly and said, "I don't know this Mr. Ye very well, let alone have any misunderstandings. The

subtext seemed to say, "Which onion are you?, am I familiar with you?"

which made Ye Fan feel particularly annoyed.

At this time, An Jinyao suddenly spoke: "Mr. Ye, please don't interfere in my family affairs without authorization." Whatever happens between me and my fiancé, I don't have to intervene.

Ye Fan was so angry that his face turned green.

Woman, don't rely on my favor for you to be unscrupulous in front of me!

An Yaozu saw that the situation was not right, and hurriedly came out to play a round: "Mr. Ye, Jinyao, this child is young and ignorant, don't be like her." Then without waiting for others to react, he immediately said to An Jinyao: "Jinyao, this Mr. Ye came with great sincerity to discuss cooperation with our An Group, and you should also be polite to Mr. Ye."

An Jinyao sneered in her heart.

Great sincerity? His sincerity is to occupy the magpie's nest, take down the entire

An's Group, and then use the An's Group as a channel to launder his black money! But in front of so many people, An Jinyao couldn't just shake his face, so he had to say coldly: "Then I don't know how Mr. Ye wants to cooperate?" Ye

Fan snorted coldly and said: "I have a few ancient recipes in my hand, which can be handed over to the An's Group for production." The profits obtained are divided into three or seven. "

Ancient recipes, I also have ancient recipes here, and I got them all from you!

An Jinyao just wanted to send Ye Fan away quickly. This guy is so annoying, he bothers himself and Brother Yun Ke to make out. She asked perfunctorily: "Mr. Ye wants 30% of the profit, is it too much?"

This kind of technical cooperation has been done by An's Group before, and the general profit share of the technical party is only one to two percent. This guy asked for thirty percent as soon as he came up, and he thought it was too beautiful, right?

Who knew that Ye Fan showed a strange look and said, "I think Miss An, you misunderstood what I meant." When I say three or seven, I mean seven for me and three for you. "Silence


After a long time, An Jinyao hooked the corners of her mouth and said with a slight mockery: "Mr. Ye is very humorous!" "

I'm not joking. Ye Fan pretended to be serious and said.

In his previous life, Ye Fan had already regarded An's Group as his own industry, so he didn't talk about sharing it at all after taking out the ancient recipe. It was afterwards that An Jinyao gave him some shares of An's Group in order to thank him for his efforts. But it is precisely because of this that Ye Fan later had the opportunity to be anti-guest-oriented.

But this time, An Jinyao didn't want to make the mistakes of her previous life.

At that moment, An Jinyao said coldly: "Mr. Ye, if you really want to talk about cooperation, please come with sincerity, instead of making such a strange joke."

After speaking, he ignored Ye Fan, turned his head to Mu

Yunke and said, "Brother Yunke, let's go home!" Mu Yunke rubbed An Jinyao's little brain dotingly, and said, "Okay."

Mu Yunke's action almost directly shattered the only remaining reason in Ye Fan's mind. His eyes were red, and he stared at Mu Yunke's hand, eager to chop it off.

Damn! Damn! Dare to touch my woman

! Mu Yunke, I want you to die! Mu Yunke

and An Jinyao didn't look at Ye Fan again, and walked out of the venue hand in hand. And Ye Fan looked at the backs of the two, and was already thinking about how to torture Mu Yunke to death.

After the figures of the two disappeared from view, An Yaozu said cautiously: "Mr

. Ye?" Ye Fan's bloodshot eyes looked over, and the thick murderous aura contained scared An Yaozu almost incontinent on the spot.

Ye Fan probably also found that his emotions were wrong, took a few deep breaths, and suppressed the resentment in his heart before saying in as calm a tone as possible: "An Dong, this is what you said, help me take down An Jinyao?"

An Yaozu secretly complained in his heart. The reason why he made this promise before was because in the past, An Jinyao's attitude towards Mu Yunke was really not good, and An Jinyao also expressed her intention to withdraw from the marriage at the meetings of the An family many times.

If it weren't for the rest of the An family, considering that losing the Mu family's backer would make the An family suffer huge losses, and trying their best to stop An Jinyao, I was afraid that An Jinyao would have run to the Mu family to withdraw from the marriage.

But now, what is the relationship between these two people? Could it be true, as rumored that good things are about to happen for the two?

If this is the case, it will definitely be good news for the Ann Group. But for An Yaozu, that may not be. Because if An Jinyao marries Mu Yunke, then her position as president will be as stable as Mount Tai!

How can this be good?

An Yaozu was worried in his heart, and he really didn't know how to answer Ye Fan. Ye Fan glanced at An Yaozu and said coldly: "An Dong, the cooperation between us is still effective. It's just that I have to show you your sincerity first. After

that, without waiting for An Yaozu to reply, he left by himself.

Soon after leaving the venue, Mu Yunke received a call from Lu Jiannian.

As soon as he saw the name "Lu Jianian", Mu Yunke couldn't help but pat his head: It's broken! In the past few days, he has patronized and made love with An Jinyao, and completely forgot about this good brother!

On the phone, Lu Jianian talked to Mu Yunke about pursuing Lu Chan in the past few days, and begged Mu Yunke to teach him how to pursue girls.

For Lu Jianian's request, Mu Yunke was also helpless. He's just a man all the time, he can't talk sweetly, and he can't get the hero to save the beauty (that's the protagonist's patent). In love, he believes in "exchanging sincerity for sincerity", but the ways and methods are nothing new, otherwise he would not have disgusted An Jinyao in his previous life.

And now An Jinyao is dead set on herself, that is in exchange for her life! This method cannot be replicated, unless you can also have a system.

Seeing Mu Yunke's embarrassed face, An Jinyao asked curiously: "Brother Yunke, whose phone is it? What is the matter

with you?" Mu Yunke sighed, told An Jinyao about Lu Jiannian's request for help, and complained: "Don't you say that he is not embarrassing me? I have chased a girl in my last life and this life, where did I share my experience with him?" Hearing Mu Yunke's sentence "I have chased a girl in my previous life and this life

", An Jinyao's heart was sweet.

Seeing that Mu Yunke was so embarrassed, An Jinyao said: "The girl's mind is still better understood by the girl. Why don't you let me help him?"

Mu Yunke's eyes lit up. In this matter, isn't An Jinyao, who is a woman, more advantageous than herself?

Mu Yunke nodded immediately: "Then it's hard for you."

An Jinyao shook her head: "It's not hard." After all, he is a friend of Brother Yun Ke, and that is also my friend. Speaking of which, I haven't seen Lu Jiannian and them for a long time. "

In her previous life, An Jinyao had cooperated with Lu Jiannian and others after breaking with Ye Fan. Originally, Lu Jiannian and the others were extremely dissatisfied with An Jinyao, but because An Jinyao wanted to avenge Mu Yunke, the three of them finally decided to help An Jinyao after discussion. And An Jinyao was in the most difficult time, and it was precisely because of the help of the three of them that she was able to survive the crisis without danger.

In the previous life, they helped themselves a lot, so if there is a chance in this life, you should also help them more.

"Oh, by the way, speaking of the girl that Jia Nian is pursuing, you still know her!" Mu Yunke said suddenly.

"I know?"

"Well, it's the civilian school flower of Hailan University, Lu Chan."

An Jinyao was stunned.

This development is a bit unexpected...

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