"You mean, I saw Ye Fan staying at the Jinding Hotel for one night, but I don't know if he opened a room with someone?"

Qi Lan stood in front of the window, holding his mobile phone in his hand, and said lightly.

The answer on the other side of the phone was, "Yes, Miss." You explained earlier that Ye Fan's strength is very strong, and getting too close will cause the other party to be alert, so our people didn't get too close to him. But we know for sure that he did spend the night inside. "

Can you find out who he saw at the

Jinding Hotel last night?" "Miss, I have already found out, Ye Fan went to the Jinding Hotel last night to meet An Yaozu and An Feng, father and son. They spent about half an hour in a box, but it was unclear what they had talked about. According to our investigation, after meeting with An and his son, Ye Fan left the box behind An Feng and stayed overnight at the Golden Dome Hotel.

Qi Lan's brows furrowed slightly.

The behavior of An's father and son made Qi Lan feel very puzzled. Listening to his subordinates, the two sides are a bit like they are negotiating cooperation. But after talking about cooperation, Ye Fan did not go home but stayed overnight in the hotel, which is difficult to understand.

After investigating Ye Fan recently, Qi Lan has also learned that Ye Fan usually goes to the major night clubs to hunt for beauty when he is idle, and these days the women he hooked up with can't be counted on one hand. With Ye Fan's LSP temperament, it seems not impossible for An's father and son to pimp him. Can...... Qi Lan always felt that there was something wrong with this.

So Qi Lan asked again: "What about the An family father and son? In addition to meeting Ye Fan once, who did they meet with during the period from that night to this morning?"

"In this morning, An Yaozu once met with a woman. The meeting between the two was brief, lasting less than three minutes. After that, the woman just left.

After pondering for a moment, Qi Lan asked, "Is there a photo of that woman?" "

I'm sorry, Miss, since the woman was wearing a mask the whole time, we didn't get her facial features. "

Find this woman, I want to get all her details!" "


After hanging up, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the room. Qi Lan put away his mobile phone and said lightly: "Come in!" The

door of the room opened, and it was one of Ye Fan's subordinates who came in, "Lian Zhen" Chang Yizhi.

I saw Chang Yizhi bow to Qi Lan and said, "Miss Qi, we have a few companions who need to enter the country, and we ask Miss Qi to help make it convenient."

Qi Lan asked strangely: "Why do you want me to make it convenient? Is there anything wrong with those companions of yours?"

"This..."Chang Yizhi hesitated for a moment before he said, "Our companions have some contradictions with some oligarchs abroad, so they are wanted by Interpol, and their identities are a little sensitive. But please rest assured, Miss Qi, our companions are all good people, and they will definitely not cause trouble to the Qi family. In

Chang Yizhi's opinion, Qi Lan, the eldest lady, has no city and is innocent, so borrowing the power of the Qi family through her is far more effective than directly asking Qi Yuanshan for help.

But unfortunately, he misread Qi Lan.

Although Qi Lan didn't know what Ye Fan's origin was, he also knew that Chang Yizhi's explanations were not true, but he was most likely wanted by Interpol. Can be wanted by Interpol, is that something that offended a few oligarchs? I'm afraid that they have caused some other troubles abroad, right?

Qi Lan thought so, but said with a smile on his face: "Since Brother Ye Fan needs my help, then I naturally won't refuse." I just don't know what I need to do?"

Chang Yizhi said: "I only need Miss Qi's help to provide a few legitimate identities and passports." As for the rest, we'll figure it out on our own.

Qi Lan smiled and said, "Okay, I'll find someone to do it."

After Chang Yizhi left, Qi Lan's face was also gloomy. She is now more and more suspicious that Ye Fan is abroad, and she may have committed a lot of things. You know, don't look at Interpol, the name is quite big, but it has almost no meaning in China. But in order to enter the country, they need to forge documents, which only proves that their identity is not legal even in China. Thinking

of this, Qi Lan sighed secretly and said in his heart: "Grandpa, grandpa, do you know what Ye Fan has done abroad? If you continue to support Ye Fan in this way, I am afraid that the entire Qi family will be dragged into the abyss!

At this moment, Qi Lan has even decided in his heart that if his grandfather ignores the interests of the Qi family, then the feelings of his ancestors and grandchildren can only be thrown aside!

Just a few days ago, Qi Yuanshan called her again. On the phone, Qi Yuanshan didn't ask her how she was doing recently, but was quite concerned about Ye Fan. He repeatedly warned Qi Lan on the phone that he must enhance his relationship with Ye Fan as soon as possible and win this "pride of the sky" as soon as possible.

Qi Lan said sweetly on his lips, but he didn't think so in his heart. Until now, she didn't see Ye Fan show any special skills, but her ability to flirt with girls was very unusual. Just these days, there are already a stack of photos taken by her subordinates of Ye Fan hooking up with other women. For Ye Fan, I am afraid that no matter how much he enhances his relationship, at most he can fight for a few more opportunities to sleep with him.

The husband is a man who does things with sex, and he loves relaxation when he is weak, and he loves relaxation.

No matter how beautiful your face is, you will grow old one day. Therefore, Ye Fan can't be relied on, and he can't be relied on. Even if you are a woman, you should rely more on yourself than on men.

However, taking the opportunity to make a phone call, Qi Lan also managed to find some of Ye Fan's background from Qi Yuanshan's mouth. And Qi Yuanshan was secretive about this, just saying that Ye Fan would be an important support for the Qi family for a long time.

Qi Lan had to admit that his grandfather was old and confused.

For the Qi family, Qi Yuanshan is the biggest reliance, but the entire Qi family is not unable to live without him. An Jinyao took a fancy to this point and won over Qi Lan. Because Qi Lan is capable and ambitious. She has her own pride, so sooner or later Ye Fan will make her unbearable. As long as she handed Qi Lan a knife at the right time, she herself could poke the knife into Qi Yuanshan's chest.

Because for Qi Lan, the interests of the Qi family are above everything else, even if it is his own grandfather.

It's ridiculous. The reason why Qi Lan has such a principle is because Qi Yuanshan is taught by his face.

In her previous life, the reason why An Jinyao sent Qi Yuanshan to prison was because she took a fancy to Qi Lan's characteristic. It stands to reason that Qi Lan should take revenge on An Jinyao. But she was overly rational, but she understood that revenge was actually meaningless, and it would only drag the entire Qi family into the water. And in the case of being targeted by An Jinyao, the Qi family can only exist by relying on Ye Fan. But Ye Fan is a profitless person who can't afford to be early, and the entire Qi family is useful to him, and only the young and beautiful Qi Lan is left.

So the Qi family at that time was actually forced by An Jinyao to attach themselves to Ye Fan, and they could be abandoned by Ye Fan at any time.

But at the right time, An Jinyao threw an olive branch to Qi Lan and put forward the option of "as long as they don't help Ye Fan, she won't deal with the Qi family". Qi Lan understood that the Qi family at that time could actually no longer help Ye Fan, and Ye Fan did not abandon the Qi family only because it was not the right time yet. Continuing to follow Ye Fan will not let them survive in a desperate situation, but on the contrary, they can have a glimmer of life without Ye Fan.

So Qi Lan agreed to An Jinyao's proposal.

From this point, it can be seen that both women have outstanding political talents. On the other hand, Ye Fan is just a reckless man who can only use force.

After pondering for a long time, Qi Lan called An Jinyao. On the phone, she told An Jinyao about Chang Yizhi's request for her just now. As soon as the reborn An Jinyao heard it, she immediately guessed where Chang Yizhi's so-called "companions" came from.

That was the assassination team under Ye Fan, an out-and-out terrorist.

So An Jinyao said, "Miss Qi, I have a question for you. "

What's the problem?" Qi Lan asked with a frown.

"If there is such a group of terrorists who have entered Huaguo under the arrangement of your Qi family. Later, the situation was revealed, and this group of terrorists confessed to your Qi family, so does your Qi family have the ability to get rid of this group of terrorists?"

Qi Lan's pupils shrank suddenly: "You mean, those people recruited by Chang Yizhi are terrorists?"

"I didn't say that," An Jinyao smiled, "But I can't stop you from thinking like that."

Qi Lan couldn't help but hold his forehead. This An Jinyao, I don't know what's wrong, I don't talk to her well every time, and I always play dumb riddles like this. Qi Lan thinks that she is also extremely smart, but compared with An Jinyao, she always feels that she is being played by An Jinyao.

After thinking about it, Qi Lan suddenly said: "Miss An, why do you know so many secrets behind Ye Fan? I always thought that Ye Fan took the initiative to provoke you, but now it seems that there is another hidden truth behind this."

An Jinyao said indifferently: "I did have a lot of investigations on Ye Fan. As for the reason, it is not convenient to disclose it at this time. Miss Qi, you just need to know that Ye Fan is not as simple as you think. After all, in our cognition, how can a normal man be as arrogant and lustful as him? He can still live until now with such a swagger, how can there be no support behind him

?" "Miss An, we are in a cooperative relationship now, right? Why are you always reluctant to tell me everything?" "Miss

Qi, in fact, you didn't tell me everything you know, did you? For example, you already knew that Ye Fan was actually the blood descendant of the Ye family in the capital.

After a short silence, Qi Lan suddenly smiled: "Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's talk about the ribbon-cutting event two days later!"

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