When the SWAT team was organizing the aftermath, Han Li pulled his daughter Han Yingying to find the SWAT captain and said, "Hello, my daughter has an important situation to report. The

SWAT captain nodded, "Please speak."

Han Yingying said: "Uncle SWAT, I think the origin of these bandits is very suspicious. Because just now, when Xinxin and I were passing by, a person suddenly appeared and warned us not to enter Xinghai Square, saying that there was danger inside. The

SWAT captain's eyes narrowed slightly: "Really?" "It's

true! Xinxin heard it just now!"

As she spoke, Han Yingying ran over and pulled Li Xinxin over.

After questioning, the special police quickly confirmed what Han Yingying had just said in Li Xinxin's mouth.

But the question is

, who are they talking about? The SWAT captain was about to take them to do portrait painting, when Qiu Nan came over and said, "I know who they are talking about." "


is Ye Fan, who the bandits just asked to see. ——————————

after receiving the report from the SWAT team leader, Officer Pan's expression couldn't help but become gloomy.

Originally, these terrorists asked to see Ye Fan, and this kind of thing was already full of suspicions. And Ye Fan obviously knew about this matter for a long time, and he didn't plan to report this matter to the relevant departments.

Then there are only two reasons why Ye Fan did not report. Either Ye Fan himself is not clean; or Ye Fan wants to use these terrorists to make trouble here!

Of course, there is a third possibility, that is, there are both of the above reasons.

No matter what kind of reason Ye Fan didn't report, it all showed that there was something wrong with this person!

Thinking of this, Officer Pan picked up his mobile phone and dialed out a call. As soon as the phone was connected, Officer Pan said, "Director Wu, there is an important situation that needs to be reported to you..."

He is now concerned about another problem, that is, how to get rid of this group of damn

special police! In the eyes of our dragon king, they mercenaries are the group that represents freedom and dreams

! Just like the pirates depicted in the movie!

Ye Fan has always looked down on the police, so it is a great shame for him to fall into the hands of the special police. He had now begun to figure out which network to borrow to take revenge on these hateful policemen

! The dragon has reverse scales, and he will die if he touches it!

Speaking of which, Ye Fan is also quite unlucky. He just followed behind Mu Yunke and said a few more words to Mu Yunke, how could he become a suspicious person? Although he really didn't have a good heart, there was no reason for them to find out!

After a while, a middle-aged man in a police uniform walked over. He looked at Ye Fan and asked, "You are

Ye Fan?" Ye Fan nodded with a gloomy face.

Officer Pan has seen many criminals in his life. There are petty thefts, and there are murders that are uncounted. And Ye Fan's eyes made him realize for the first time that this was a vicious criminal with bloody hands!

Because the eyes are the windows of the soul, the more people you kill, the more your soul will gradually become numb, and even gradually like the feeling of manipulating the life and death of others. And Ye Fan's eyes gave him such a feeling.

Insensitive and undisguised in his desires.

So in Officer Pan's heart, Ye Fan has been marked by him.

He said calmly: "Just after investigation, it has been proved that you were just passing by and have nothing to do with the terrorist attack just now, so you can go."

Ye Fan snorted coldly and did not speak.

Through his reaction, Officer Pan has basically confirmed that the terrorist attack just now is indeed related to him.

It seems that someone has to be sent to spy on him.

After letting Ye Fan go, Officer Pan invited Mu Yunke and An Jinyao to the command car.

After An Jinyao's careful massage, the pain on Mu Yunke's back has been basically relieved, but it is estimated that it will take a while to fully recover. After entering the command car, An Jinyao was still gently massaging Mu Yunke's back, and that virtuous appearance made Officer Pan can't help but jump when he sees it.

I've seen a lot of couples and couples in my life, but I've never seen such a loving one.

The quality of this dog food is quite high! One bite is enough!

After Officer Pan coughed lightly, he said to An Jinyao: "Mrs. Mu, just now you told us that Ye Fan is the head of a foreign organization?"

An Jinyao nodded.

"Do you know the purpose of his visit to Huaguo?" Officer Pan continued.

Mu Yunke replied: "The purpose of Ye Fan's coming to China is mainly to establish his power.


pondering for a while, Mu Yunke said, "Let's put it this way, the force he has established must be able to earn him money, and it will be a lot of money, and on the other hand, it will have to do some dirty work for him. What he wants to build is an underground empire where no one can go against his will, and he himself is the emperor who rules everything.

Officer Pan couldn't help frowning: "Mr. Mu, isn't your description a bit exaggerated?"

After all, how could a normal person's brain ponder such a thing? Establish an underground empire in a highly civilized modern society? An eight-year-old child won't have such a dream, okay?

But An Jinyao said: "What my husband said is not an exaggeration at all. In fact, my husband has always been strict in his speech, and the description just now is light.

Officer Pan looked at the two with suspicion, but both of them looked calm. This made Officer Pan have to wonder, could it be that Ye Fan was really such a terrible character?

Thinking of Ye Fan's eyes just now, Officer Pan seemed to be a little convinced.

"Can you tell us about the characteristics of this person?" When

Mu Yunke was pondering what words to use to describe this lifelong enemy, An Jinyao had already thrown out a lot of idioms: "No one in the eyes, arrogant, no king's law, careless of human life, narrow-minded, will be retribution, untrustworthy, inconsistent in appearance, lustful and indiscriminate..."

Officer Pan and Mu Yunke watched An Jinyao say so many idioms in one breath, and they couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths twice.

What Officer Pan was thinking in his heart: Is there really such a bad guy in this world?

What Mu Yunke thought in his heart was: It turns out that Yaoyao likes to use idioms so much!

After An Jinyao finished speaking, Mu Yunke added: "In addition, this person has a simple mind and well-developed limbs, and his luck is unusually good

!" Officer Pan couldn't help but be stunned: "Good luck can also be regarded as a characteristic?"

"Of course forget it!" Mu Yunke said seriously. Think about it, if a person with such a bad character had bad luck, he would have been killed a long time ago?

Officer Pan thought about it, and it was indeed such a reason.

Officer Pan asked again: "Then let's talk about the organization of the Dragon King Palace! How much do you know about this organization?"

An Jinyao smiled and said, "I think the official understanding of the Dragon King Palace should be above me, right?

When Officer Pan heard this, he also said calmly: "The Security Bureau naturally has some information about the Dragon King Palace. However, their main active areas in the past were all abroad, so the Security Bureau did not pay too much attention to them, otherwise they would not have allowed Ye Fan, the leader, to enter the territory of China. "

In fact, if you talk about the understanding of the Dragon King Palace, no one present can compare to An Jinyao. But An Jinyao didn't want to talk to her, because although she could attract official forces to fight against Ye Fan, she would inevitably become suspicious in the eyes of the Security Bureau.

Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, An Jinyao still said: "I'm sorry Officer Pan, we don't know much about the Dragon King Palace. All I can tell you is what I just said.

Officer Pan couldn't help but think.

Through the conversation just now, Officer Pan found that the couple's understanding of the Dragon King Hall was basically limited to Ye Fan's body, and it could not be said that they didn't pay much attention to the organization behind him, but they didn't pay much attention to it. But An Jinyao clearly said just now that Ye Fan was their enemy, so how could they be so lacking in understanding the forces behind this person

? Could it be that the key to the problem is still Ye Fan's body?

It seems that they still have a lot to investigate.

Thinking of this, Officer Pan smiled at the two of them and said, "Thank you for the clues you provided, we will conduct an in-depth investigation of Ye Fan based on the clues you provide."

Mu Yunke suddenly reminded: "Officer Pan, Ye Fan is very vigilant and has a wide range of contacts, so please be careful when investigating." If you alarm the attention of someone who wants to protect him, I'm afraid you will be implicated.

Officer Pan nodded solemnly: "Thank you for the reminder."

After sending the two away, Officer Pan picked up his phone again and dialed out. And the one who answered the phone over there was still Director Wu.

On the phone, Officer Pan reported the clues he had just gotten, and then asked, "Director Wu, what do you think we should do

about Ye Fan?" Director Wu pondered for a moment, and then suddenly asked a question without a head: "Old Pan, have you ever heard of the Ye

family in the imperial capital?" "Are you talking about Ye Shenye's old Ye family?"

"That's right." "

Why did you suddenly mention the Ye family? Could it be that this Ye Fan has something to do with this Ye family?"

"I can't say for sure. It's just that the word 'Ye' makes me think of this Ye family. And I heard that Ye Lao has a grandson who is wandering, and he is about the same age as Ye Fan.

"It should just be a coincidence, right?"

"Old Pan, you have to remember that those who do what we do should never believe in the so-called coincidences.

"Then what do you mean...""

If this matter is really related to the Imperial Capital Ye Family, then we have to think about it a little more. "

Could it be that the Ye family will interfere?"

"It's hard to say, but this possibility can't be ruled out. And Ye Shen, this person... He's old, and he's old and confused, and he's starting to miss old loves. When the head of a large family begins to remember the old love, it is time for the family to have civil strife.

After a moment of silence, Director Wu said: "In this way, you first send someone to secretly investigate Ye Fan's background, but be careful not to be discovered by him." I'll go to the imperial capital of Ye's house to investigate, and maybe I can find some clues.

"Yes, I'll arrange for someone to do it. "

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