When the voice sounded, Mu Yunke couldn't help but glance up.

Then he saw a petite, bouncing, rather eccentric girl walking downstairs.

When Zhong Yongyan heard this, he said with a smile: "Yuanyuan, this Mu Gongzi, but he is quite accomplished at a young age. He's not a few years older than you, so you young people can just talk to each other.

Mu Yunke nodded politely at Zhong Yuanyuan: "Hello Miss Zhong, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Zhong Yuanyuan stared at Mu Yunke with a pair of big eyes and looked at Mu Yunke curiously: "You are the legendary

star entrepreneur, Mu Yunke?" Mu Yunke waved his hand: "It's an entrepreneur, but I don't think I'm a star."

Zhong Yuanyuan covered her mouth and smiled: "You are very famous! Many classmates in our class regard you as their idol! I didn't expect that I would see a real person today."

Mu Yunke casually dealt with Zhong Yuanyuan, but felt a little strange in his heart.

Why is this plot development a little wrong?

At this moment, the system suddenly moved.

[Release task: Get close to Zhong Yuanyuan, one of the heroines, and accompany Zhong Yuanyuan to go shopping and eat

] [Task reward: proficient in antique appreciation, proficient in jade appreciation]

Mu Yunke

: "..."What the hell is

this task? The system replied: "After calculus, this system believes that completing this task can improve the success rate of the strategy."

Mu Yunke: "This can improve the success rate? You didn't lie to me, did you? Why do I always feel that something is wrong?" Tongzi, are you hiding something from me?"

System: "Please don't think nonsense, this system does not hide from the host." Mu

Yunke is now very sure that the system is indeed hiding something from him.

Looking at Zhong Yongyan's kindness and kindness on his face, Mu Yunke suddenly felt that this scene seemed to be a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Zhong Yuanyuan probably saw a successful young entrepreneur like Mu Yunke for the first time, and she was very curious about Mu Yunke, and kept asking Mu Yunke this and that. Mu Yunke replied one by one out of politeness, but he was a little impatient in his heart.

That's right, Zhong Yuanyuan is very beautiful, but he didn't come to flirt with his sister, but to talk to Zhong Yongyan about the incident he reported. But looking at Zhong Yongyan's leisurely appearance, it seems that he has no intention of talking about this matter at all.

Mu Yunke didn't know how long he had been chatting with Zhong Yuanyuan, and Zhong Yongyan suddenly said happily: "Mu Xiaoyou, Yuanyuan is not much different in age from you, you can be closer and closer

!" Zhong Yuanyuan also nodded again and again, and said: "Brother Mu, why don't we go shopping together! I heard that there are a batch of new rough stones in the antique street recently, and there is a great chance that a good jade can be opened! Let's go and gamble

!" Mu Yunke was stunned, and finally knew where this inexplicable familiarity came from.

Isn't this the common "gambling stone" routine in Shuangwen? But shouldn't this

kind of routine usually happen to the protagonist? How can a villain himself have such a plot? But

he also understands why the system suddenly gives those two skills.

Isn't this a common routine of pretending to be forced to slap his face? Mu Yunke didn't have to think much about it, he could guess what would happen next.

But...... I'm sorry, pretending to be forced to do this kind of thing, let's leave it to Ye Fan, a habitual criminal!

So Mu Yunke replied politely: "I'm sorry Miss Zhong, I don't know how to gamble on stones." "

If you don't understand, you don't understand, there's no need to get such a skill in order to pretend to be forced.

Zhong Yuanyuan was not discouraged: "It's okay, let's try our luck and have fun!" Zhong

Yongyan also persuaded with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, no one is born to understand." As long as you play a few more games, you will naturally be able to figure out some tricks.

Mu Yunke smiled bitterly.

You are experts at playing with antiques and jade, and you specialize in dealing with these things every day. But I'm different from you! I'm inexperienced, and I'm really not interested. In that case, why do you have to let me play this with you?

At this moment, a servant of the Zhong family walked in the door and said respectfully to Zhong Yongyan: "Master, there are guests outside the door who ask to see you."

Zhong Yongyan asked, "Guest, do you know what the guest's name is?"

He said his name was Ye Fan.

Mu Yunke rolled his eyes: Sure enough, this plot of pretending to be slapped in the face, it seems that he can't hide it!

After Zhong Yongyan glanced at Mu Yunke deeply, he nodded to the servant and said, "Then let him in!" Mu Yunke

noticed Zhong Yongyan's eyes, and almost understood what the other party meant, and couldn't help but have some thoughts in his heart.

If what he expected was right, maybe Ye Fan's luck would start to play a role again.

After a while, Ye Fan walked into the lobby. Probably thinking that this visit was very important, Ye Fan put on a formal suit after a long absence, and did not have a smile of unknown meaning on his face as usual, but behaved seriously and restrainedly, gave enough courtesy, and said: "Boy Ye Fan, I have seen Zhong Senior!" Zhong

Yongyan was very satisfied, and smiled at Ye Fan: "Ye Xiaoyou, you sit down first!" Ye Fan

smiled and nodded and sat down, but as soon as he sat down, he saw an acquaintance sitting next to him.

Isn't this Mu Yunke? Why did he come here?

I only heard Zhong Yongyan say to Ye Fan: "Ye Xiaoyou, this Mu Xiaoyou is also young and promising, and his age is the same as you, so you

should be close and close!" Ye Fan looked at Mu Yunke with a smile on his face: "Of course, it should indeed be close and close."

Mu Yunke said with a smile: "Two days ago, I heard that Mr. Ye has been very busy recently, and he is so busy that he has no time to take care of the business of Longfan Group, and I didn't expect to see Mr. Ye here today, which is really surprising."

Ye Fan waved his hand and pretended to be helpless: "Alas, I don't want to either!" But after all, I am not like Mr. Mu, even if I don't usually do anything, I have hundreds of millions of family properties to inherit. Every penny of my money can only be earned by myself.

Ye Fan's words are as if Mu Yunke can have today, all thanks to the support of his family. And he, Ye Fan, is the real self-made elite.

Mu Yunke wanted to roll his eyes at him. You've been busy these past two days, busy picking up girls everywhere and flirting with girls! I've been busy arranging company matters these days, but I'm idle.


Zhong Yuanyuan heard this, she couldn't help but widen her eyes, and asked curiously: "It turns out that you two know each other

!" Ye Fan showed a classic "evil smile": "Of course, Mr. Mu and I are 'old friends'!"

Ye Fan's smile became even brighter when he thought that he had already won the blood of Mu Yunke's "wife".

Heh, emotionally, you are my defeated subordinate after all!

Mu Yunke shook his head and smiled faintly: "Mr. Ye is serious, where are you qualified to be your friend?"

Ye Fan heard that there was resentment in Mu Yunke's tone, and his heart became even more proud.

Of course, Mu Yunke's so-called "resentment" is actually pretended. After all, you still have to count on Ye Fan for that piece of land in the East Port!

" Okay, okay, no matter what festivals the two of you have on weekdays, give my old man a face here, and stop making peace for the time being, okay?" Zhong Yongyan said with a smile.

Mu Yunke wanted to give this old man a roll of his eyes. I didn't expect you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to collude with

Ye Fan's kind of goods! Now that Mu Yunke has understood, where did Zhong Yongyan invite him to ask about the reported incident? It was clearly to help Ye Fan fight himself!

It's just that Mu Yunke still can't figure out whether Zhong Yongyan wants to do this himself, or whether he will do it under the influence of luck. On the surface, the two situations seem to be no different, but for Mu Yunke, the difference is very big.

If it is the former, then Zhong Yongyan can basically be included in the category of "enemy". The method of stumbling on Ye Fan by reporting the antique trade will most likely not work.

If it is the latter, then Zhong Yongyan may still be co-opted. However, it depends on which of the two Ye Fan and Mu Yunke has more luck.

Thinking of this, Mu Yunke seemed to have discovered something, and asked the system in his mind: "Tongzi, you gave me two skills to pretend to be forced, do you want me to compete with Ye Fan for luck?"

Zhong Yongyan and Zhong Yuanyuan both have luck, and brushing their sense of presence in front of them is undoubtedly a good way to enhance their luck.

The system replied as expected: "Yes, host, at present, for unknown reasons, Ye Fan's luck has changed a lot. If the host wants to succeed in the attack, he will have to compete with Ye Fan for luck. "

So the way to compete for luck is to pretend to be forced?

It's ridiculous to say, in Shuangwen, as long as the protagonist pretends to be forced in front of the heroine, he can always gain the heroine's heart. It can even be said unceremoniously that pretending to be the protagonist's main skill, and it is also an important means for the protagonist to gain many connections, harems and power.

It's outrageous, isn't it?

But almost all cool texts are this routine! But

Mu Yunke is really not interested in pretending. This behavior is childish and not at all like what an adult should use. So he continued to ask in his mind: "Then I can't pretend to be forced?"

System: "If the host wants to successfully compete for luck, pretending to be forced is the best means." But if the host can compete for luck in other ways, it is not impossible. Hearing

the system say this, Mu Yunke had a bottom in his heart.

Next, Ye Fan used the knowledge of antique appreciation he knew to talk to Zhong Yongyan. Zhong Yongyan didn't expect that this young man would know so much knowledge of antique appreciation, and he couldn't help but be happy, and talked with Ye Fan with relish, and he couldn't wait to bow to Ye Fan on the spot.

Chatting and chatting, the later plot should naturally be launched.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Zhong Yongyan to stand up suddenly and smile at Ye Fan: "Since Ye Xiaoyou has such in-depth research in the field of antiques, it just so happens that I have an object here that I just received, why don't you let Ye Xiaoyou come and help me taste it!" Ye Fan smiled and said: "

Then it's better to be respectful than to obey


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