For Academician Tu Fang, the technical information brought by Mu Yunke is very useful and can help her overcome many technical difficulties. It can be said that this information will reduce the research work of her and her team by at least three years.

This shows how important this technical information is.

But what Academician Tu Fang didn't expect was that in the end, Mu Yunke asked to keep his name secret and not to mention his contribution to quantum computer research to anyone.

Academician Tu Fang was very confused by Mu Yunke's request, and Mu Yunke used the word "low-key" as an explanation.

He didn't provide this document for the sake of being famous, and if he was famous because of this document, it would easily cause him some trouble. So it's more in his interest to keep a low profile.

But when these words heard in the ears of Academician Tu Fang, she couldn't help but praise Mu Yunke for "treating fame and fortune like dung", and she had a better impression of Mu Yunke.

Later, in order to thank Mu Yunke for the research materials he brought, Academician Tu Fang specially cooked a meal for the two. This meal is just an ordinary home-cooked meal, and it is very inconspicuous for Mu Yunke and his wife, who have eaten all kinds of delicacies. But what an honor it is to be able to let the country's leading scientific research leaders cook a meal for themselves?

At the dinner table, Mu Yunke talked with Academician Tu Fang about the current situation of scientific and technological development and expounded his own views. Mu Yunke believes that the focus of future scientific and technological development should be in the fields of energy, artificial intelligence, and quantum computers, and the development of these fields will determine China's status in the international arena in the future.

Regarding Mu Yunke's views, Academician Tu Fang also put forward his own views. She believes that under the current international situation, although China is gradually occupying more of the right to speak under the watchful eye of foreign powers, it is still controlled by others in many fields. How to lift this state of being controlled by others is the most important issue that Huaguo should consider at present.

The two of them talked about the development of science and technology, and the more they talked, the more they invested. If it weren't for An Jinyao frequently reminding the two, I'm afraid they would even forget to eat.

After eating, Mu Yunke and his wife said goodbye and left. Academician Tu Fang kept sending the two downstairs, and repeatedly emphasized that if the two came to the imperial capital again in the future, they must come to her home as guests. Under the graciousness, the two had no choice but to agree.

Walking on the road, Mu Yunke saw that An Jinyao had been very calm, and couldn't help asking: "Yaoyao, aren't you curious about where I got the quantum computer technology from?"

An Jinyao smiled faintly and said: "If Brother Yunke can tell me, he will naturally tell me;

Faced with An Jinyao's understanding, Mu Yunke felt a little guilty. He has a lot of secrets, many of which he can't tell An Jinyao. Many women can't accept that their other half hides it from them, but An Jinyao shows great understanding. In comparison, his concealment is very disgraceful.

Seeing Mu Yunke's face, An Jinyao knew what he was thinking. She tugged on Mu Yunke's arm and comforted: "Actually, there are some secrets, and you don't need to tell me them all." After all, no matter how close people are, there are some things that are difficult to say about each other. I don't care about those secrets that are hard to say, I just need to know that I am the only one you love, and that's enough.

Mu Yunke said movingly: "I am really lucky to be able to marry a good wife like you."

An Jinyao suddenly changed the topic and said, "Since Brother Yun Ke has finished visiting the person you want to visit, can you accompany me to do what I

want to do?" "What do you want to do?"

An Jinyao slapped his waist with her elbow and said angrily: "Of course it's a wedding photo!"

As early as a month ago, An Jinyao began to prepare her and Mu Yunke's wedding photos. After careful screening, An Jinyao chose a national chain of wedding photography companies. Although this wedding photography company is expensive, it has a good reputation, and the photography technology and scene layout are excellent. The only pity is that their best photographers are not in Hailan City, but in the imperial capital.

It's also easy to understand. The people of the imperial capital have a higher level of consumption, and they will naturally be able to make more money by tilting better resources here.

An Jinyao originally planned to ask them to send the photographer to Hailan City, but the photographer's appointment schedule was almost full, and if she wanted to find time to come to Hailan City, she was afraid that she would have to wait at least two months. An Jinyao thought that she might only have to wait until that time, but she didn't expect that now she came to the imperial capital with Mu Yunke.

Since it is here, the wedding photos will naturally be taken together.

After a while, Han Li arrived in the car, and Mu Yunke and An Jinyao got into the car. Through navigation, Han Li drove the car towards the city center. About an hour later, the car pulled up in front of a wedding photography shop.

After Han Li parked the car, he got out of the car and prepared to follow. Rakshasa who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat said lazily at this time: "Brother Han, you come and follow the two bosses, I won't go."

Han Li asked strangely, "Why?"

Rakshasa sighed, looked at the clear blue sky, and said faintly: "What about me, sometimes I want to fall in love..."

Of course, it is unlikely that something will happen, but they have to take into account various circumstances when they become bodyguards.

So after Han Li explained a few words to Rakshasa, he followed Mu Yunke and the others. Rakshasa sits alone in the car and enjoys a carnival that belongs to one person.

It's actually good to be single, as long as no one spills dog food in front of you.

After entering the store, An Jinyao informed her reservation code. Not long after, a young man with a ponytail and a look of his thirties walked over and asked An Jinyao politely, "May I ask if you are Ms. An?"

An Jinyao smiled and nodded, pointed at Mu Yunke again, and said, "This is my husband, his surname is Mu."

The young man hurriedly stretched out his hand and said, "Hello Mr. Mu!" Mu

Yunke shook hands with the other party and said, "Hello." I

have to say that An Jinyao's appearance is beyond his imagination. When he saw it for the first time just now, he felt dizzy, and felt that An Jinyao's beauty was like a visual black hole, which could attract people's eyes to her.

However, the young man who had served many dignitaries and dignitaries quickly noticed the unusual aura on An Jinyao's body, which made him realize that An Jinyao's identity was not simple. It's not an executive of a big company, it's the daughter of a big family.

For a woman with this status, he didn't even dare to touch it, because no one knew if he would trigger any bad consequences if he touched the other party, so he didn't have the idea of shaking hands with An Jinyao just now.

Fortunately, wedding photos are always taken with one man and one woman (of course, occasionally two women or two men, or in rare cases, two men and a woman or two women and a man). Therefore, after shaking hands with Mu Yunke, it was not rude.

The young man took out a brochure and handed it to the two of them, saying, "These are the main wedding themes of our store, you two can take a look." We have a wide range of wedding dresses, including Western-style long tails and puffy skirts, as well as Chinese-style phoenix crowns and cheongsam. The two of you can choose according to your preferences, and you can take the clothes in our store at will, but be careful not to damage them..."

When the young man introduced, Mu Yunke and An Jinyao opened the brochure and seriously discussed the style of the wedding photo.

"Brother Yun Ke, I think this wedding dress suits me quite well, what do you think?"

"Hmm... It's good, but I'm more optimistic about this one. "

I like this one too, I'll wear this one to take a group later!"

"And Chinese, I've always thought that your figure should look good in a cheongsam." There is also this Republic of China style, do you want to try it too?"

"But I feel that the Republic of China style is too elegant... Hey, there's actually a campus-style wedding dress, and it's really a talent to think of this theme

!" "Why don't you try this too?" "

Okay, okay!"

While the two were discussing, Han Li stood calmly aside, constantly observing the surroundings, his expression was as serious as a sculpture. The position where the young man was sitting was facing Han Li, and Han Li's serious appearance made him feel cold sweat all over his body, like sitting on pins and needles.

Damn! This big brother can't be a bodyguard from the king of soldiers, right? It looks like he's not easy to mess with!

In order to avoid being targeted by Han Li, the young man lowered his head as much as possible, and carefully asked himself not to look at Han Li.

Mu Yunke and An Jinyao are getting more and more excited about the discussion, and they have a big plan to try on all the wedding dresses. Of course, the bridal shop will not object, after all, this is a big customer! The more they sell, the more they earn.

Just when the two of them were in the middle of their heads, a discordant voice suddenly sounded: "Hey, where are the people in the store? Don't you see such a big living person?"

The voice was rude and arrogant, so that everyone in the store couldn't help but frown secretly.

Mu Yunke and An Jinyao couldn't help but look in the direction where the voice came from, and saw a young woman with heavy makeup standing at the door of the store, holding a middle-aged man with a big belly with her arm.

The middle-aged man looked like a successful person, with a high belly, as if he was afraid that others would ignore this "boss belly" that symbolizes success. Although he didn't say a word, his face seemed to be full of the words "not easy to mess with".

Seeing this "combination", An Jinyao didn't feel anything. But Mu Yunke frowned slightly, and an ominous premonition arose.

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