Li Hao plans to use Xu Lingdang as a breakthrough point in the near future.

Last time, he completed the task of snatching Su Liluo, but he was rewarded with storage space and super SSS-level meteorite swordsmanship. I don’t know what kind of surprise the system will give him after conquering Xu Lingdang.

Su Liluo sat next to Li Hao, without saying a word, with a faint smile on her pretty face.

Of course, she wanted to stick to Brother Hao all the time.

But she also enjoyed the feeling of Brother Hao protecting her.

If Brother Hao asked her to go to the wild, she would follow Brother Hao to the wild.

And if Brother Hao asked him to stay with Sister Manshi, then she would stay with Sister Manshi obediently.

She was even quite moved by what Xiao Manshi said about her being the spokesperson.

She believed that as long as she received enough endorsements and made a lot of money, she would always be able to help Brother Hao.

Qin Yu had a puzzled look on his face, and only then did he ask, "Xiao Hao, who is after Li Luo?"

Although Su Li Luo had already become Li Hao's woman, he still cared about her.

Li Hao said, "I don't know the name of that bastard, I only know that he is the son of the Xingtan City Security Commander."

"Han Jingsheng!"

Xiao Manshi said.

Then she turned her head and said to Qin Yu, "Don't worry about Li Luo for now. The Gong family hasn't bothered you again, right?"

Qin Yu's face suddenly became a little embarrassed, "No."

Li Hao blinked when he heard it, "Gong family? What Gong family?"

But he knew in his heart that the Gong family Xiao Manshi was talking about should be the family of the child in the first district.

It was mentioned in the original novel.

However, he clearly remembered that there were only a few words about this Gong family in the original novel.

Because Xiao Manshi accepted Qin Yu as a student, and the child was not killed by Qin Yu himself, the Gong family did not take action against Qin Yu in the end.

It seems that the butterfly effect has occurred again.

"It was the child we killed in the hunting competition."

Qin Yu said angrily: "When I went to the wilderness area to hunt, I was found by their family. If I hadn't reported the name of the teacher, I would have been killed by them at that time."


Li Hao said: "It wasn't us, it was you who killed him!"

Qin Yu: (;¬_¬)

But he knew that Li Hao was just joking, so he didn't take it to heart.

Li Hao was a little surprised.

This guy didn't even contribute villain points to himself.

Could it be that he left a deep impression of "sharp tongue but soft heart" on Qin Yu?

This won't do!

If that's the case, it will be difficult for him to get the wool from him with his mouth in the future!

When Li Hao and Qin Yu left Xiao Manshi's house, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening.

Of course, Su Liluo followed.

Now that Brother Hao kept her at Sister Manshi's house, she must take advantage of Brother Hao's time in Xingtan City to stick to Brother Hao more.

"I have to go to the wilderness area with my teammates tomorrow morning, so I won't accompany you."

Qin Yu said to Li Hao as soon as he walked out of the building.

He just wanted to go back and improve his strength.

If this banquet was not at Xiao Manshi's house, he didn't even want to come, just wanted to stay in the room and meditate.

The pressure Li Hao put on him was really too great.

Seeing Li Hao's strength rising and crushing him so much, his heart was always filled with sour taste.

"Why are you in a hurry! Isn't it tomorrow morning?"

Li Hao smiled when he heard it: "I'll ask Ma Pijing and Li Ying to come out, let's go for a drink."

As he said, he was about to grab Qin Yu's hand.

Qin Yu dodged quickly and said, "Forget it, I want to conserve my energy."

Li Hao curled his lips, "It's useless to rely on hard work to improve strength. It still requires opportunity."

Qin Yu rolled his eyes.

[Ding! ]

[Villain System: Congratulations to the host for successfully influencing the protagonist's mentality and gaining villain points +10! ]

After all, it contributed some villain points to Li Hao.

This guy is just talking without any pain!

He got a treasure like bone ganoderma, and his cell activity reached the level of a fourth-level warrior. Of course, he felt that the cell activity increased by practice was useless.

But where can ordinary warriors get bone ganoderma?

Without hard work, strength cannot be improved.

Qin Yu didn't want to pay attention to Li Hao anymore, and turned away.

Li Hao didn't chase him, but just held Su Liluo's hand and said, "Luoluo, let's not learn from him. He has no human touch at all."

Qin Yu's steps staggered slightly.

But then he gritted his teeth.

Human touch?

He never thought that this kind of thing was useful.

He only believed in strength!Li Hao quietly watched Qin Yu leave, then took out his phone and sent a video call to Ma Pijing.

Ma Pijing's face soon appeared on the other end, "Brother Hao!"

"Where are you? Luoluo and I are planning to go to Mawei Street for a walk. Do you and Li Ying want to go?"

Li Hao asked with a smile.

Mawei Street is a very lively snack street in Xingtan City.

It was the street where Ma Pijing drooled when they first came to Xingtan City and there were children eating candied haws and French fries.


Ma Pijing agreed excitedly, "I'll go call Li Ying right away."

He and Li Ying were very grateful to Li Hao.

Not only because Li Hao led them through the hunting competition, but also because after the hunting competition, Li Hao did not part ways with them like Qin Yu did and never contacted them again.

Li Hao turned off the video and prepared to take Su Liluo to stop a car and go to Mawei Street.

But at this time, several figures walked in front of them.

The one walking in front was a young man with earrings.

His face was very fair, with a bit of evil charm.

Behind him were several people in black suits.

The one who followed the young man the most closely was the burly middle-aged man that Li Hao and his friends had met at the entrance of the gymnasium.

Seeing these people, Su Liluo tightened her grip on Li Hao's hand.

Li Hao's face also darkened slightly.

Han Jingsheng!

He would never believe that this guy didn't know that he was already a member of the Chasing Light Martial Arts Hall.

But he actually came up to him.


Han Jingsheng first looked at Su Liluo with a lecherous look, then looked at Li Hao, sneered, and his eyes were full of contempt, "I didn't expect that a stinky salted fish like you could turn over and become a member of the Chasing Light Martial Arts Hall."

Li Hao also looked at him coldly, "There are many things you can't imagine. I advise you not to bother me."

He had never seen this guy, but this guy was already on his must-kill list.

Whenever he has enough strength, he will kill this guy.

"Tsk tsk tsk, so awesome, I'm so scared."

Han Jingsheng pouted and said, his eyes suddenly became cold, "Do you think I won't dare to touch you just because you are a member of the Zhuiguang Martial Arts School? I have many ways to make you die quietly."

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