"Are you all hungry?"

He looked quite honest. After greeting Li Hao and Jiang Tong, he hurriedly took out some fast food from his ability space.

Xu Lingdang said: "Because Luo Zeyu has the ability of space, I asked him to purchase the supplies for our trip to the wilderness area. After the killer hunting competition is over, this money will be included in the cost and shared by everyone."

"No, no."

Luo Zeyu just waved his hand.

But Xu Lingdang didn't respond to him. She took the braised meat from Luo Zeyu and started eating.

More than ten minutes passed.

Ling Bing arrived.

"I'm Ling Bing!"

She stopped on her motorcycle next to Li Hao and the others and took off her helmet directly.

Her long hair was instantly scattered.

She was a melon-seed face, phoenix eyes, a very beautiful girl, but also looked very cold.

Ling Bing, Ling Bing, really looked like a piece of ice.

However, this did not affect the slightly bright eyes of Luo Zeyu and Jiang Tong, especially Jiang Tong's cockscomb.

There are a total of five people in the team. It is a pleasing thing to have two beautiful women, Xu Lingdang and Ling Bing.

"I am Xu Lingdang."

Xu Lingdang is the weakest, but as the initiator of the team, she is the team leader at this moment and introduced Ling Bing.

Ling Bing just nodded to Li Hao and the others with a somewhat cold face.

Jiang Tong wanted to go forward and shake hands with Ling Bing, but was ignored by Ling Bing.

This guy didn't care, just smiled awkwardly.

"Do we have a specific hunting plan?"

Ling Bing took the bag of bread from Luo Zeyu and asked.

When she ate the bread, she tore it off strips, not hurriedly or slowly, giving people a very elegant feeling. It seems that her family conditions should be very good.

"Before that, we'd better report our equipment. If we want to hunt a sixth-level beast, we must at least be able to break through its defense, otherwise there will be no chance."

Xu Lingdang said.

"My weapon is only D3 level, and my armor is an E9 level suit, which can't break through the defense of a sixth-level beast."

"My weapon is also only D3 level, and only the chest armor and helmet are D1 level armor now, and the rest are still E level."

Luo Zeyu seemed a little embarrassed.

Alloy equipment is too expensive. Even for geniuses like them, it is difficult to get high-level alloy equipment without a good family.

Among ordinary warriors, they are of course considered good, but if they want to hunt a sixth-level beast, they are still far from it.

Jiang Tong said: "My weapon is C1, and my armor is a D5 suit."

A little proud.

He grew up in the urban area. Although his parents are just ordinary citizens of Xingtan City, his family is still good.

Because of the appearance of his genius son, he was willing to invest all his assets in him.

"My weapon is C4 level, my armor set is C2, and I also have a set of C1 level flying knives. It should be no problem to break the sixth-level beast with the worst defense."

Li Hao continued to say to Jiang Tong.

This made Xu Lingdang, Jiang Tong and Luo Zeyu all look surprised.

Especially Xu Lingdang.

She knew that Li Hao was a dog slave a while ago, and she really couldn't figure out how this guy did it.

In a short period of time, not only did his strength improve by leaps and bounds, but even his equipment was so good.

Is there a big boss behind this guy who is fully supporting him?

Even Ling Bing couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Then she said: "My weapon is C5 level, and my armor set is also C2."

She had such equipment, so Xu Lingdang and others were not surprised.

Because everyone can see that she should not be short of money.

He is only a fourth-level warrior, but he is equipped with C-level weapons and armor, which is already a high-end configuration.

"With C4 and C5 level weapons, we can really try to hunt sixth-level beasts."

Xu Lingdang said with a hint of excitement in her eyes.

"According to the distribution of ferocious beasts in the Huaxia City-State Alliance, there are only thirteen sixth-level beasts surviving and breeding in Sanjiang City, namely three-eyed leopard cats, yellow-bellied weasels, two-headed nighthawks, golden-winged magpie, three-ringed red-necked snakes..."

Xu Lingdang knew them all, which made Li Hao look sideways.

"We don't need to consider those flying beasts. The three-eyed leopard cat is too strong and fast, and the three-ringed red-necked snake has too strong venom and too high defense..."

"What I mean is, if we are determined to hunt the sixth-level beast, it is best to target the yellow-bellied weasel. Although the yellow-bellied weasel often stays in the cave and is difficult to find, its defense is not as good as many fifth-level beasts with scales, and its supernatural power is only a range.The surrounding poisonous fog, if we can find its cave and make adequate preparations, it should be possible to hunt it. "

If their team were all fifth-level warriors, it would not be so difficult to hunt a sixth-level beast.

Thinking back to the time in that small town, it didn't take much effort to hunt the golden-horned pangolin with Xu Lingdang, a warrior close to the fourth level.

But they are all fourth-level warriors, so there are not many options.

Flying beasts, they can't reach them.

For example, the three-ringed red-necked snake and other scales, they can't break the defense even if they have C-level alloy weapons.

They can only pick soft persimmons like yellow-bellied weasels .

But even so, Ling Bing and the others still looked a little solemn.

Ling Bing said: "Although the poisonous fog of the yellow-bellied weasel does not spread too far, if you are touched by the poisonous fog..."

The poisonous fog of the yellow-bellied weasel is not like its distant cousin, the blue-eyed weasel, which can make people dizzy for a while. It is extremely corrosive and can corrode people into bones in minutes.

Wearing armor is useless.

Ordinary armor cannot prevent the penetration of poisonous fog.

"Can your superpower break the defense of the yellow-bellied weasel?"

Ling Bing turned his head and asked Jiang Tong.

Jiang Tong is the only one among the five who has taken the superpower route, and only his superpower may be able to break the defense of the yellow-bellied weasel.

But Jiang Tong shook his head and said: "With my current mental power, it's difficult. "

His ability combination, the attack power all relies on "living thorns".

But living thorns is only a fourth-level ability.

To put it bluntly, his attack power can't even deal with some fourth-level beasts with strong defense.

"Then we can only consider going somewhere else."

Ling Bing said.

She asked herself that she had the strongest attack power in this team, but she was a warrior.

Once the poisonous fog of the yellow-bellied weasel was opened, she could only stare blankly.

Li Hao, Xu Lingdang and Jiang Tong were even less reliable.

"Maybe, I have a way to deal with its poisonous fog."

At this time, Li Hao suddenly spoke.

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